The NMichiga ai VOL'. XIX. .\,NN ARBOR, 1IICJJICrV\, SII-Nf VARSITY WAGES w utuu GL R O S li-( 5':tiesf'o BATTLE WIT1ICO1Y1ODORES 55'.'llslke Wolverines Pile Up Biggest Score of Year in Splendid Battle With ts a'. (](- Southerners; Allerdice Scores 19 Out of 24, Against g14.11 1111drOpnns ;RoesAeHlros I-1111illI t 111 .11h lll 1 11 'it'll. u w re t 11111ka i 'tr(I Allc i 1d11c lwl hich 11cotes11 l'l'l'tNlmt'thei 1.1 ltl 1(1 t c h'Iw i ikt i ') I' ttil, h a pited h}t h itl illl 1 1 eI S ilwil or tras re , 11(1a ec un tnt l1te cr >\th ic etsllr an1 0 tik t;li'er lc I Pri 111111 r W tl in n i(Id ifhe sl ilal ti11111 ii 1111 usc. I 1111 i ;t i lisie t '.A" \itc 'lt- l r il fr tt- ''i ll fr s l nsa lt, 11lint -1 Ita lyhl:t 1111try li, lI 1'. it is z (r~aisl_, Ill E~yder it .i llth 11111 it il( to k ha it n t c ( n II l{)' () ; ir ilci c p nt 10 a su1 , it lvt Ii s at i t iIlls a lttl , 1(;s~ h l n nt c ,.Is I ii;tet(ttl ~a~r o\ l i 1 illas ai rc (1'-t' litol1ihn I('( ()(es e or I t ll (llllc tti tkc. Pistt ill he1t S\ 1 til kct: rc nl~t'r ta lekics.(}I1t11w utbt t Ik iadrsthe h it ooht t1n; r ~l e tro tilt of the1ac1th t 1n ittll hsta Syrcus1 ga esitttha(thre s1 till te soth.1111 111 111 it i iie t o nit rect resut o fIll ,r~ 1111111 liorthe i lt g1 1'' o" tilt l' tt'itt'.ti c 111111 onitt ill ,-y< o l 'I'"'ineb lae laced11i tehl wtesc ond 11111 t assf l ~vtt Kickdgalanl ~ sfll.dbyabs aIne",tonelon tthe 1111SU itig 1tliil IlI l' 11111"sire ,- 'anti itfo 1s1111e gat11 Rah! I lal hil hitt t he it ito- and'.\\ as ltl''lttd1Se1vr\\tiltisto itt 1'. I'll o~. ~ C~tl-e h l am.AlSi 1 plunts and.Il punt11to1'. 1.111 i ill'.'. rIlt lit1 1 l\ d i t i e aie o i ff-i . I tt - kla Ill i\- t . Itmtl t.'M e iyn g ti the hallI (,n1th 1 51 ad1 lne. Dou la carie \IO~ 1 1111rl'. 1111 I ine Lar Re Aler i lpitto1tt4 tttti - ite I. d ll 1t i t i d . (1 a fk at l 4aer it ultkticks it \( 4 ,h t11)u 1c 510 hillitar a. lu lIo\. t ' ; I p i ., I t " ldt' I ' i i Sc it \it i all 11.I M k irtlll )al t tW f T r >lu c:l'. C 11. "trills, l:. 1). Al C=rallalll T'rtrkrr; h{ r>fl,;tl S t~ rit (1 r a' t '.i~ e Ii , itt Il1' t' Sitrdi lists 11IS'fll tea ur 1 tii t I 110 V 11 AI()IS1, tl V F R'I iaintcr. ). , h lrc 1 11al ll n11 It -- ve . . ;'11r. r ; 113k f 55 1na ag~ The try n ntif thttcrl3 M maIl '.1x): partcula 11111ccu I i' bow tti '.&1theIclit, ~ I Cller~n W peidt111' Illi tt1 1't i1 ill ti''ltti ii ii' b ll i11 1 ''..I. ie: track . i f i- iii ti o tl~it ' 11 It i'. l~ t I'' .111 ;'11.1 . It 1 retal nsia r 'lttt' t11411 ;clc~t 'ruc itvs i.Qt.sll asun ie f i" ucc°sul;crc~t ihet end ci 1te S Stmdic (tic waslnund was anothe.l. star of the game. WHOM gnastit ll he played the hest game of his carver at :Michigan. Catching punts "ith unerring accuracy and rtn Ang them hack in a Inaluwr that was truly phenomenal. On quarterback runs, which he assayed a few timm lie proved to he a worthy backfield mate for Douglas, and his passing was wall nigh faultless. Douglas carried the ball nlora than any other man in the Wune, and he too played a better gaine than he llas be- fore, though that i somewhat hard to collceive. Time and again lie was sent through the Vanderbilt We Or gains of from five to twenty yards. There isn't a Ulan on the line from FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH CornrnSatead Huron Sts. IHENRY WIt 1)1 F114 0 Mis~tert 111:10 a. im, Servict't' l it pething' nousatiotn.'' in IBelief antiCondta.ISV. 111Didte unio. A.ddress byhtMr. 14. A. Hotdgn an 1I deals." 7:311 p. itt. Snrvic'e wiht an addresso 11 Dr. V. C. V5'ttthan onaThe Cam11 tttp- lt1 'Taft RcIt i fO I io 1-Olt t I \() 'c 1.111 llap laito 11.3 tr1)5 IM11111.; "ittcacit 1 11c11t c tl h t: i td ° 1 1 1h ir r ' 11 ' citt I It ii wt *MI lv at Sititt ii C' I itt ill loot(1( 't til111111 ' 111111) 1 3 15IT, i. cl 15]. Chils ; [Itt irti (1 . 5'. sc.'t' footall ii n ((' c o il 1114 1 1115 i Itr [ THE COLLEGE MAN IN POLITICS I CARL S. PATTON, D. D., of CongregabtoneU Churwch To-'Night, 6:30 McMillan Hall