THE MICHIGAN DAILY C. H. MAJ0Ra Co THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THlE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHONES 257 203 E. Washlz~gton St. Men's Furnishings For the Particular Discriminating Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO. GRANGER'S SCHOOL D)A NC IN GI (;roun ccloiiconiaiaard tree-t. 'IOiec-ociyoin i TurdayiFeiitoi . to so ,ch.$i, tier te-rmofc l~essons. New Whitney Theatre1 BOTH PHONES 480I Tuesday, Nov.3 Election MNight OTHIE 4 Special telegraph service has leen secured to receive the elect- ion returns, which will he read from the stage during the action of the play. PRICES: 35-50-75$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Saturday led., Nov.4 MATINEE AND NIGHT THE PLAY BEAUTIFUL A MESSAGE FROM MARS 1000 TIMES IN LONDON 500 TIMES IN NEW YORK Good Caslt Arrangenments have been muade to play a special mnatinee for the henifit of Ncrthern Michigan fire suffers. Matinee Prices: 25c and 50c Night Prices: 25-35-50-75-$1 Seat Sale Monday Morning UNIVERSITY NOTICES toal lmeets. toay at 1:5 in Scltit lani liat. 'Where wilt be a reguar Sobart Gid dtance at 8 tis eveing. Fresh law footbatt team meet at Sthti Feruy fied i10:30 ttoa. fSaw. Imtnt meting of gee clot at 7:1 :tonigtht i Rom G, Unircty H at. Reecit.Leader. sopi egineeer ea-- eeteicn. lr doe. 9 to 12. new egineerig tbuiligi Alt unopaid lat tyear-s (te-mast 1wpto at teiiietoot ptacte of oting.Oln lap Fes. There siltte a meetig of fresh t it-. in University till thisiaftenooon at ocltoctk.foi- ticeipurpoiteeof imaigoi iwatios for lass- officere. Tte eetin wittltethett oeweet foteo atiy Thte oitictiit \ttttiiterStttdttof tic- 7 'clc ttttctNewt-tereeyHat. Atttwho tie -intereested iin siteptttttif if i- ry , otktre- ivitedt to te pet AlltUioncommeittititt-emte-ntacieure W\edniesdaiyf et weektadreptt itt filt] at te SUniont -wit oe n eceiptihtooksc, tbefore- tat titie. ()he fionttitit off tatirite ittit get toil etoti. (Str thosese-te itie dtit'sit plteasure- ticridetetinde. tHoltmte'l- t ery, 52~8 V. JeffesonitSt. tett 522.tHSme PSSRIZRNT-Bdeautifultt-furisi-tedt suite i twofireplatces,trge widiowitset net e tc citop idek. Rettreeasonablte. S ec, tightt.ptoe itttcte-i. I otjIt cci roc. 289 Satin-tg tittucsedcthte etire egeitt- iteit of Wattles livery, ctcw e ecgccini sthaite to gite ccuii patronsifirst-ca eriic- i-itheicline f igtitlicr- ce crriage titit cti cls. trin ibiaggage. trasfe r itorik. Ve itscitocrdtpticate torses. ell phtoe 52]tocmie tahcciii 183. Hocitmes Livery,.528 EaP ci- fcr -cii St. 2tf Rtetmember the neit-creatiotin i c- ioriginatl with.caiid sold olt a, enrltu & Co i-if Jucct receiveed, at te tPaltais Roalit.a fineicne of geninite S Sitiiered ratcs- fr tiolidacy gifts. thu earty anttge- f tr ticice. 25-30 Preicht flanniel sits-jest what yoct havte beetn loiig for. IHeiry & Cr- ifi JOE LENISARD MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 206 Ti. Washingoti S. tust reeit-eud a ietwsipiimteit of Cli- ett shirts. IHenry & Co. I2-f Tie Palas Royal 20oGast Liberty. aways has the et aid most for your mnotey in U. of M. penants aoers aiud pillows. Try us and see. f WANTED-Violio anti piaio payer eveniings froio 6 to io :30ocok. Cook Houiise. 20-tf Hot sandichesdieiered. Cotege Iiti. Roth ptones-I078-t. atidt1078 bttti Fall aind winter Regal just recevedi. .teitry & Co., sole agents. 2f KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER 110 E. Hiroi S. f- iAsk foi a pivote lockei foi your bowlinig hilt, shoesaitd sweater. BILLIARDS. BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. -'12 S. State - 311 Meynard ,®. IINDENSOHMIDT, APFEL & CO. -THE CGRAND Billiard Parlors 220-222 Soteth- State Street ARE YOU- CLO0THES WISIE? If -volt are, this wilil make you prick iup your ears. REA D: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the labcl in them. They fit; they are stylish; the Yate well inadle. Tttcy-twittlltrobatbly suit yotto toit attera'ion, for von are itot thced to fit,-aitthough yotur taitor tells -toutsit. A single try- on is worth white. ColltDress .Suits. otte of cur specialties. .v1 MMA Opaeed uitder tiew' manageitent, entirety remodeled atidtip-ta-d .e Billiards, Pool, Bowlihwg A cotmttlete tine of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy amd Smroking Tobaccos Also all Easterrk arnd Western Football Returns by Special Wire Howell &Johnston Props. Phone 459 M, E. KYAN Mgr. S HEATORI U PROGRAM CHANGES Monday, Wednesday,_Friday and Saturday GILLARD BROS., Props. Joe £{. '05 Lit.,'07 Law Jimt H. '11Law TO= NIGHT Football Night MA J EST IC EXTRA ATTRACTIONS BIG DOIN GS W hitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LUNG, Director Seas., 1908-1909 Can be secured, for Dances, Receptions and all Engagenments, on dates other than regular Show Bookings. Any combination from two pieces up. For open dates and particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47L 113 W. Liberty St. BAKS THlE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital 5$5.000 Surplus and Profits $90,000 Geineral Bankitng Binest. 3 per cest paid pit Time and Savings iDiposits. Safety Dr- posit Boases to rout cci.$'200 and upwarda R. dasEr. Pros. 5W. G. SErENS.Vicep-Pres The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tCapitalt Stock.$50'0i00iO titptiti at50itio A General Banking Basiness Transacted OrriCEns Chats.dE. iscock, Pres.; W. 1) Harriman, Vice1Pros.:it..I.Fritz. Cashiet STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V'. Sheeharn Wm. Arnotd iDr. Vi. 0. Vaughan lis.tH. Wade E. P. illsi John Hasarer Jo. Koch Prof. ii. S. Carhtart Heniry W. Dougtas Christian Martin Dan P. Zimmormant FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ott ANN ARnOR, MICR. E. I). RINSE. tIAil 11101 7 Lii.. ires. Viceii s S.t1V . AtIieCSt. Cher.i tCapital, $10a,000.Sutrpies aititPritl sS60,00 (jelamericn ngS an Comm~rnerciasl e.etd S 2% wins Cor-. Mati. n aiLiberty Streets S Ye'..Car.. Get i. Hot Lunch At T'..ttie'e, 338 S. State THE MARK OF THE LEST S H IRT CLUETT, PEAEODY &CO. CLUETT sA ARROW COLLARS SANITARY PIPE OF SOLID COMPORT 1h Condiratid so sinplyrnn gracefl ines, et sil, tacit ingrnaityrthat each and carye snirablerfeat- at ue ofnorpesoking is oner- OR come.No"alugs",noasaliea, FREE so nicotine roaches thre OFFER sokersouth, nsu ___ _ sraokie salyte imokeah. Fasahiond frots the Udponcrceirptof ilnrt Frrnch briar $5d5 n-cwii or- ircot, in twa wardnpenpaidonerof ahapra, traight these pipea for ftan andaurved, daysattia, andifsamenist wihivulcan- not alliweclaimait tobe, ized rabber pipenayeretrd and moath- mionymillberefunded. pieir. The "NO-NICt PIPE CO., .Oi 418 PradeantiBdg. BifailoN.Y. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O: A. MOE. LAW BOOKS 36th yea.r DICTIONARIES 3J Sain y.s Ira QUIZ BOOKS 11% Ann Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY JAran Arbor Callaghan (.Co. CHICAGO Area Arboer Braeseh.$ State Street. Opposite Law Bldgf. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING. IN 'TAILORING