The ichigan Daily _ ANN ARBOR.I }l (1 lOAN, T It'RSDA\Y, OC'f( )}I R r,1 t0)8. N(?. 3. "cal,. NIX. VARSITY DEFEATS TEETZEL'S SCRUBS Yost Men Roll Up Score of 24 to 11l in First Scrimmage of Sea- son, Douglas Starring. Skillfil jugglinegofI lctySic or thrt ci uk i telirs ci mg zcl o ia thecg 1iil1rm oil'ot',l prof m r agrgo n. fur t i i'. teoriie a certai tragge n u n t tireil t [hrnughom te lifiy m itt if griiii ihe ii i''iiii~a, ableiiiii i infaiii its dignity. itii l 2 it tie icuii i t. DitgliiiiVarsit let hlferaite in-ki gouiligaier "ifiii'lietl, fiiiandi intesd fthe. vars i ll carr ig thie hal.h o tel inii611 ut firt t'' l ne i tistutaitiig~r lb nsa t tn o Pa G mle nity eted h teno an dil eou f Cieig'miii fio few (Layi's. iT his t aci tisc c ii Now t ttio iiheiteacjus ikw, uicGmbe tic i i n q o eb itac n utn il i ' I' iii . I iltt i c' p io'ib tie, lii notpobable itiathci an iifs'til'getlback iI spefrtition htitiii lie i m \t 25i 'Xiat r u ieri g li tcet ca rliee~ b C pt i ti'uni' lzi i It' ll an tiwatlf'equenly dip linltii \ie 6 th in l iii. S t'ii' prccies titet' at hto agttii got his'clutches iii the bll, angigliarinlitienl.rnegiatebtd Pteiterson ftilleid toi icktgtoal. 'Score, 12 toi 5. llsitil ' lian layiniwtic' ctiti. 1 Iitiltt puntieg tell tlttiler it le s ckbs itiouglais goii t ctIi itthebl noeo isicks, ftt mle', ed aftler cr'u iuti abittiut nyardsl or Ile goti the cull 't"'iiiiithelie' t lalt it ug ci li te tic hI 'ill rilice old 1u in ht t t ielii ur fe' ttiduto eritti it lii' iswic ttoktr pattinetededl for vasit plyer ndrunit g lik a litecrlicit ib lite;ticklers'tm ci rediii tHitspityi.drew iap liuef m titi galif- Th ilaft furh it' a hg gtic'ver for te lstuthdownl''o'the 111lle 1Hetlt wit it I S' ti eld sru "li bl . . . . . I." tLiigl i . . . . I,.II C tillV...... ..... IA .I Suillivan h'l nnIl c- .. . . ' ret MANAGER RO'WELL itt telit olloiiereie 0g ',',er nd rcf ~ iifro if mli e eticngi' RESIGNS OFFICE "t I (5aiiili'ltiilititio tl~epresew az egsii. Tty ae Football Manager Is Prevented ts V t teUtuon officere they wotlti From 7Returning to University t pitfut nithgt it dir iay.'rhlo ayt by Serious Illness, lcv e no idteire t e ili'the firsl 1o varity c'iil lc' ut 't'Ituct'ahs i'tlt e n o m__ln__hengh _fth istm s DietrIar hth illn t t hc 'ming1.1 S'tkl f)' to tcoll 'an. haItendut redii' lie eittes i ' t io frot i I'tb c uto gitthbo dic' nt roi' tueuu'tuuc uul'''t'. uulllc os Sel ili' fntoutub le crosistl ieand tit iis I iedoubt-ul kutut..... lue.f.e..t..e fil uf e ill e inti hes. aT leto' te'- Premiautue t ut a ieottilitestttloeg tslledhislucollegia telwork. i cll a t igleuh tltin ', ite lt 'effots~ :Aie li'rutum lt pr'iel as"e't',if thl e ot hii Stic ud'i ent Counctili). lTt ' utetfoe - ne slRwllsrein tii lt's t ii ehzl r t heuntmc ostugpearfti thlei the camp eus 5 tii ttlttti tl tu htitt 'liiihe Vacncy uuu'ho 'oe 't Iatyt, b mtuguik clttileig casd tu tb ic' tt lled immdiai ii tly i ul ipo little' tp'ain ~ti, and A p r 'sa d ore ta temaee'iiii'' fatllgth- t pi sig wole n. Thu e Mici ganly'Itt kee leic e otdstred T erueso 'w t he ceniuI. teroftu li' t' eliut'e tal el Ithetyittiti 8i'tiiiz 'lit 'provtde tha t .in -' lituluu w s daed fromelu ies suc Iamoui'u tull i ill heca ti fthelle ats bed :md b lu c i i ttiin t ' ,an' , ldi n uti he n111w t Itmanager ttl llltsha ll b cc y as lt rushit o c urdlae tedor 1s riibordin cht ol.'i No'th'' i ng htuu' s de luertrug iied unuccesfullyltot kee'ptt themaageia toaan Catan filtz h rema lkedi"iti, tutlit la ht mtolcii isn tc m itie~e c'ittaSl.gllhav1 eteme l act ' tik e ' h is 'tte e o luirl twll hos ie hoteis iuLuisv itlleit t t o ptluteasItIe 'pit, the . uoe ere lti t yi tn~nhro h Pi et h ta lt e l om' 'it' j l u l am'ou ngcll tilhe', tuft- fraer i t l itilii teui ortu' nuthcw arefhi som1' awfu>111'a s' glchr u t' tis c'las tbasebll sel'. m n In rgt heirt caStlrsktodiperNs Sh o rw i'h wll meetStoit tuIIiiithughtie tut rok'eu'uuuup ih util i lii-of or to orrow nigh, wil proaify 'tillll cowds tem oail Al i11 le tuioug i upon Rowellllrfit'nation.ucitug tulaghue I i i \ I t Lh. 'il1:A1i,1tiTOlIGHlllcT 1111utu thetieart ly ha i oftei gl ii 1f e h W r e n,1 t het lullr al'i'e iti tniib ei ng'tt h a t r lThetauail me'ug cepliiiir'i I I tiittontccrift teun r l e'ht nti flitu' Causte n o ltellc u . 1T is l ven tt' tesociauuluu't th IS tuet Couil hadutauc s'pei iae ltt < w r ot hettuu Li if tith'isYuun 'glea's tu 1111 5ii laslt',niguht land uckwted t l Chrtie inluas ciignauu m'ttuis tic ein wne solt'ion:t' Resoulvthute, ta etl c rin of Iaut seiesi of meti ngst'l 1 tt' led y ide1luts hotil it'ie u'shaliuh, Iiillii rIhescil c iteeuor hue rlst-ii fltt i mtutu ti i ltutti' Secoitut c oblercelec - lt inti11" col'lue lem elniithcull hue t I iut it a111'ities h es~trdtay itex i I terad eier f h et' faul t it se d uu l shit itt'thl ryl'stonlytiii'hrt-: Istluen i t uihsu. g'uugardtil'ui lutly I t thttu e'at tirud hitedI atusverte'. l ittl' esi 1hit ide P eiden'tlt Ang' ll. m tutu itmc e edistli iCSb iltt ih ho t- '1th 'il wlu ulileden cc'ros et-'''g' eutI e't le' otthowuusere, ho mcigiandu r ominte nt mh e mlitch ' f th e t he cu ion of hut ettu mnute iul tiller thei I uaulyesu e nI cht 'I'lh he uprogram u f i tutu' it frehut gtt. 'flu'o utr tuxa witc tut'i i tut epentto 1t su thte o see ~il lt iulhelclS heecee cu'cuu aniu giv t he ichi nIt'd lut. utu' tutuit I liiCANOEING MICHIGAN ASSURED BASKETBALL TEAM Board of Directors Establishes a New Varsity Sport and Auth- orizes Scheduling of Games. Vareity bhsetbilall itassured. A a mtu itg f lie botardt uf directuretf atuhleteic liii, ight resolutihotns were adtuued etblihigthlie itdtorsgamue its Siichigant'e lst f intercollegiae pos tatiu tuthiinghtDircetr ateddhuepro- ceediniiithe secctoit of coachue andtle airerangemtentofitseao's chedle. itis almtiot cerainthta'M. Cortial, assistanth o Director Fitzpatrick, till he tile coachliforthe tlt. liii expeieneice itn tic wtork iftlie Utilers iy of Peti- sylv'antiaeminitentlyqulifiehlimlittfor tie 111ac. Ieuofficitedth lrouug'outlthe ltae intierclaisiserie. Mtichigan'sscelehcictilltrtbay in- clucecreeral tel the atentteams which will tourtorlie west. Atiotg tee arc C'iotluia, 'tale, tBrownu, lPensylv'atiau, tutd Syrtacuse. Of coutre cntferette gamtestre itmpuosible, but ii the wet Noire Damte O . 8UC, CiieO etli, attci tntiy oher fthe cllege tf Ohio tutu Michigatn tre uoiucitohuecniierationt. lMtst of Te Dauily'e ,illuiveirty selecitintof playtsre atck atd, with tte riceluclent mtaeriat ht soeluur utu conieriedthut-irospectsdlefute afail heam tie'hight Mr. Battithaleenu-itco'urrepunding tutu cottieritigwitvariutute cullege manautgers of Ibtcstketaltutu haccutie ouii oiistiectllhls'. 'I oftti he topiti iontt thle gtaite-till hut'a itayitg lieu pitionit ad Iciigani, andin itvier'of the intieret inthe serie atelwitterspcial prepaurai u sicte utmnade fuse the tc- commi at~ionl ofiutufhe ctuewus.'The play- ers il be iinucai cge inethe cetter uf he gymt. I dutue t hitktht buastketall till udetc inl atty way fromithelistnuterest in othter hrtnchuetelwitter spolrs." uThle comiftteerliu'ninigneltiuchatthie mutie conieruultati. Ma'tntger Birdil has otie tyet dcidcued utderlwhat utl etelie cwill play, btn is atulms oeitive it will hut'the' inter Collgatte rulie. DOlC'TORlf DOCK .IcSVtSS FORT''UI ANII UNiIVERSITY G'eorge Duc,5.1D., ScD., pofeetor oI icicdicitucanticl itictlintedicite, hoc ldft the uivieriy o take theisamchi-iair ill 'Ttiuc iuieriy. Tliie san who i itotke the plce if tD. Dock i Prof.A Walter he- wlilt, eho hcts held lie profesuorhip it meicine iti the Cuoier Medical collegi al SatnFranccisco. Ilie i a graduate of ts he U iverity of Califoriia adfthtfie tCOIIflS fGIRtS INVITEDI TIO A "FREISHMAN FROLIC" A "freshmttian fruolic," o wichcltl cl- lege girls arecorutdittlyinitcied, wilthe giv'etc by the Young Wo~umetis Chritiati aseoctationThu'sdeuay evenuing at ,8 o'clock, at Newherry :I tall. 'Thccecter- laitunitisiigivenc lutethe purose.ofte givitng thte reishmetianopportuiyt usmet thiieclasstmatecsc the olter cci- lege girts.It will beItr licly iuformal.t IAttutmnsdecoratioeicowill e tsedu. 15Mi RhcodattStirr atnd thee Charlotte Poyor will are chargctel the iceeig. mIIatleft tutu1 afe Gamle'shtinjub ry, Schiulz at cetelr. Se'uli'iu'iugu will ugul 'ii' hu lelul abutuu'u ocoktistleron lh oadit cotroii'ul ofi atlticus tutu thecomiteeuoni ellgibility ofiatihlectes Nvill ietch 'i ithc utllic' 'ofthue'ahei a s ia ion totnightl 'ir Iuuu''iuui'u'uue i'gill Besdesthereglarbuinlles'ofthe or ganizat iit so acure ta teI p u'u'iuulu'ofil he'hi t' capsloi assstan CA.I PU1P08 iT~lICS SOON0 Sviilitheuetuginintg utf classec tidunitt- if poitil mattersiiuu'. Hops ad1asicc tionthaIutltee htult tdormuanut dutintu mraeaai lv n negmori thgtoitiia isabut thcaputtu.t'inccecu classc tickeets hatveibeIntatu ihed notllailt tartiuua ttempututoeas benut iadie tevauturfrttlasioe a ppae toughlintseeral if thue- classesthtere tue mtcu lihiseect-t o uehe wiltling tutu anx~ius cto hoetltoffice'. Soufar motofu thue futuire canduiuates lute ctotutidledthi intienuiui'utionslett thir-t'friends~, buut it is tirtlythaut inlavecry shorttitmsethue senuior lit suoliical fbgtwtill hbeginT.hIte atltic ticktet heslargtely mtuttlu. SRalp~huSayte' lutr ltackcimanatgeertatiutArt Scully fIt botsebatlutttiuageertire te candtidatles lion anunucedu. I ORDE THEMICHIGAN DAILY Q$2.50 Per Year Phone Business Manager 960 TODAY DELIVERY STARTS IMMEDIATELY. NO BACK NUMBERS FURNISHED-y