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October 31, 1908 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-10-31

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Silt a ' 1>.\t INII \ tf +I S 1110[)\fh i -et .i1 o i teI>nrThrondhot school ays, col ee
ii -r'tr Ils si( cp:. - ;days, business or professional en cc'
Ctosnrs d fo.,1 St :c 1.>hag"ill ].g-e lsConklin Pensilt serve you faithfulliya d msk
Prescriptions and Physicians' oat h o a r Wr nnu hn .es;n ...I..bxfsswt tt e tt rt.1eas fisw n
Supisaeoubpcat rthtirr. Anhi cttl ifedectiil n Fahry. .L! ...1...Tett he olee first stroke and maintains n eve, steady Hwt
e an t ltdirer s ill IOt t hnfemw ,)c. -.- IS. ttnor Stndard the lat dot. Another great advantage of owinga
Yet we hauls not iforgotten NO lotser t.-I SEL)FelLA-
of re nte \eo h c~i raet]tc eI . R ,ICONILNMS FILLING PN
l l the 5. 55indc tin, ft oridctid l -......Q-.....R gr' -you're never without ik. No matter hr o use n. }'1
fooiti l stii or 5 t t A d rI -1 ~e ...... .. 1 .. i it I be-in your roomi, lettre ttatl, at tep tst o(ttcO e is Ii
Bath os, oria toryplieand .tttn oa d vii -tI it Itbl Scthr .l; d i.... . ..ef rd-iInos otttfi0cee Or Iote, tor on te trt-ott yost ttt ttsitiso S tten
Microscopical Supplies hetovi oudreacht.'i o'e o o ~nhcr.... ,L.....Iliyosr Cosklin Pen be gins to run dry is ts dip it itas putt-
lh dcnc se th o - 1e rte i Gi 1 tfot ncit - i i thicirrnrwetl, ress te Crescnt-Filler tstlysssrs -' ° .stnritiy fills
Q u a rry i inhtth ,cthtc n n tc t-i;t;~cn 1tntire--A t ilitsitsef tttttlis ready to orite. Thesssme simpletto cmen
yi.tintepstft dyI h gm as_-_iterrupttion tis yor trtin of toglt. lttndsom tasClogt
direct frsm the smanfatutrers, Te Cosllin Peo oCi. 31
tahc on addtioal iterst ilk it ,e tn fl',cc,, t I OM J ;~ynManhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on reqest.
orIae tha sie ed y- b el lit ue dr,ntis sNiti Sold in Ai Arbor by e. Walr's Twe Book Stoes and Sheeatt & Compaty
- rie itrs-S-is tI t te ~a~y'ti l- as rtifenierac.\1stcl icd
Money [Loanied rtiir teIox tilt mn th f
Os Watehes, Dissonds. pet o. tssts . .co ptn cop of I it n.tocr te te IIthlf ndn tih tatI
or other personsaltroertr. i i t-fsR l e -Collill-i ge Co
Watches sod Jewelry repaired. ttcnesina heclrlsti ov a cei naf r iipa tt. nd
Bargains in Watebes &Diamonds c~er, t tilh 'l'~ialMocnt aldt ikga. hti ntehl
Offiesat residence '33t . Liserty 51 ttt r iisi(ha ttficrwI 5 e al-ii t-ncrcr-c it h eod.n
Ann Arbor. tlti te tittit Ixit tu iitc ~~tltcdot ftetm.\1\ad
t30ar8tSte 1130 a. a..ltts:0 u islI U1T AI (
9p. m, .3lsires stttt1s t at rIOtitttstst e.t Cel(l od.Iint ,etI1 to _I i-2~r2 S U TH l1IlAINITREE
AL Bttrs'Oi N FIDCo EteNTIsAsL isl ie it ldstlttrsts- tse tt s ;nhini ore is. i 5 hump
JOSEPH C. WATTS -:est(tglI ..lcia enrl 'rbt.ft.
,e ,ie f o tD tci,1 a -a il i \i - . .. . - R I. lc vt
it t_ 4-s im~ I. .. :'.
-t L L Y 'S'sieS St t ikc il to 1c I nc .p.. .t> nlet
i a "vel t eIeit ii )i i 'la . 1T .. . nloc e miake a slecialty f c tring t tse sans"
0 reaf hs 'sne' i t t t i listedIII .. , ! (o( erOf college luets svlo dettarisi that Sotnttlttstgin
p erico cut0 ie"le. itt ....-.Q cloties aled style, it is for that featreth Iat I
Yor Saeii Adler & o. CttostTsilsred Suts and Os .c oIs
alt \,cl kli' t fit cllege f~th~il P,, 1\"aIts ...o t-.te.rep.. tatisatsha eofhftrputttgn tfebbestth ittst Atnimerica
Meerschaum tree)iflfl s\ilt 'tttri r. "lcd'i Plil (r IWe carry a cotmplete limt of Mahattat Sirits,
or Briars--~~. .UUSilv er Collars sitnd ttpto-date 'eker
PILL OWS and ht -s\ l,. r 1111,,4 1 I T\\
BANNERS '1 ie p in , lteP1eco i,. I I- 5t yi tr t p- Everything in Furnishings for College Men
itsf lc Ic r.se n ,I e , , rlnholc I. l l its- ,, l i
AT iitis i i te h V r ri inttniac.--l- -WA itNt tOOS
Darling &ts -i .st its tllti~ - tsitOi SSS S Malleaux issil Sti it isist \\t l l, tltti Snii tc eV N Cinee ]tlip-Suey estau. -r a
V sI s3i00i is sts East Waehntn t . lta sssie s -ss5 1 t..
hol o e c nm i i n oed i ul ,i (B- _,cdl[ght LunCheS UtnStairsoneiisieSltHustonisBrs,, 314 SState St.
V. tf R. $ AR BEK SHOP a I~al srom iii sittit o i r nrad \\eh r(0 ctttatch repair-o n d eistionallryon, 8,2
J. R. TROJANOW SI.Prop. "n I h ecn afIh(i h i (, I- mg s s-se. 1 a AStati tANCI-ore hmei. 5105 O
TOT 'AnISttls iiit"' 1u 1 tt' l~Ce Ceanit,.A. DOLIH &CO.
Sit-si n s LCiatl tta~, -. -slitsrl (,oorsto i.it siit i
ch22s.~ thtateme m51. Ahlthil Aeve" tsrvrirhfr al( chep. Phone8s t$ L t8 Blue Funeral iDirectors
Phoas 39-nell An~n Arbt 11than . [;iedi(0:1(1illy!_____rak__________________;tt_____________ ._71)20'S .-4th Ase.. :itn OitrSih.
j (e'e(lftc si [uos-i es ca 1(I ou 1 ( 1 u+C t i o ' r '
11n - tiris n v r tIy l. I(i.0.~ll tr et
ti( 1 (fJ. L.8 CHAPMANt 1 Jeweler.1 i b~t S. nnAr ~
Choral Union and Mcay etva ALARM CLOCKS $175O
10 Star Con~certs $3.00 Siai 1e Concert $1.00 tiisstyars i-ti
S t u d e n i t s ' L e c t u r e A s s o c i a t i o n A l n BAgLoAte eR Mfn s s i d o c l ' s I e t W i t oCt~ ,LO C S $ 1 7
Soissiaich, ItaslintBronstein, absilositosc, IThe losssaleyo. t1he W atch Rps l,-tog a 5paetna t
Thomnaesrcheotra (10 pieires), The Choral Union 310 voieeo, Perferosi
otheir star-s t be sannonced. IR1owes I uc

ITickets otn sale at THMSRWEIrp
Reserved seats and tickets on sale S C HOOL 01F M V S I C 326N.OM hAvOeP.
at S. L. A. Box Office U. I. Office Or s tudnt canassters. Liberal ommssision alowedt to ticket elers. New Prhone 457 Bel Pe 4s5si;li
hours: daily except Saturday 4:00 to ____________________ MAKERS AND~ DESIGNERS
5:30 p. mn., Saturday 10 to 12 a. m. mTHE UMD[RJ Of GRAND RAPIDS OF COLLEGE JEWELIRY
--For Arts anxd Crafts Furriture Haler's Jewelry Store
is well adapted to furnish studetnts' rooms as well as 21 SOUTH AIN S'UIEC
the den. We have a inice line of these, also carry
Spcia Reservej d Seat Sale everything u the lin of Rts arid Por- Large Collection Antiques i
a 1 Y ea a etiers, to make a room cozyatt d comfortable. Brass, Iron, Copper ad Chiaware
1111 A!y y For fraternity stdtsrrity lhtotses airi
9 .. six. Saturday, November 7a'V M ARTAAIN HA LLE.AdAd SA Sisii tdent diis
Fairnitrare, Car-pet and Drapery tore Miss Florence S. Babbitt
STU F~-319_ L.ast Huron Street

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