TH-E MICHIGAN 'DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifiekl & C.EAST HURON ST. 4JOLLY'S r 3 .50 '.'TAT T Great Pipe Sale Your Choice Meerschiaum or Briars....- $ v0 PILLOWS and BANNERS AT liarlinig & Malleaux V. af M. BARBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKB, Prop. BATH' ).S I 1 5('O LA IN '15555 10)T AND 0(01,1) "21(105 12 T11,1li 322 S. State St.AnAroil. WAI KINGLtOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant ChineseFanyishe. American tLunoches'of all isd"Cs. 11.2 0ory'th~linrisot '0a ifo ladies and genotleenl. Chinoese and d .lallee Brie-.(-brae. Up Stairs, ate Ijor S. Button Bros~, 314 S. State St. CILASS FOOTBIALL RESULT.'S. lIf)ST-Ladv's gold 0chat1eline vv111021. (C'otined froms Page 1.) 'eturn o t 48 11evwouldill111ve2have scoredl if tim~e had1 n1ot1 beeno ealleod. Titeryload sloe 11a11 tOS'S tlose'op swealterrvest, on osn lieslent r;1-yard line whoen timie twa.s SoootlhFerry- fel, \\'eoloe'dax snightl. callesS at thoe 'sd of thle first Ihaif. W~eeks, ReOtrn to p1519 Tomslion. 28 a trotlher of the famous "Ross" Weeks, ------ ---___. wvas te star of the game. Knisley at FOR REN'S' Beatifully furtoislo 1 fuilS also layesi a goosl game. T'flo e, 02 two0 lreplacsee .large oviso loo' seat, linleupl): ne0w atto dsk. 1R(n10 reasonab01le. FreshLo ass'Desnt. W~soosry...L.ti ... ..Warod Nash........ L.T .....Moenges Nebl...... ..G. f111115 Prescott......C. ... ierhoots' Gregg...R.G. ....aters Scroggie.. R.,r'.......Frma Seresoa....R.T.... Richa~rdlson Voeeks....w. .........yon lool toer.. LI.H. ..ose Bennettel......R. ..Ross tKoiste....F.E. ....efGrail Officials : Referee. Joyce ;2u01110 Cox2 head liose'smiano.'Ss'ue. 'fle 10l slolup er'classmlens alsbo 11110edco ie gamle yesterdlay. 'Sle gbamoeseas re- lete 10101hlwran5glingfandoen eoalizisng. 'Shle senisol''oaye[ olod-style fboobll rio- lirel'., 01111'l i e ju001101".111a)de freqoet a100010111'. at)0on-siode kick'. asoolforo'wa's' lass.'.' Mc1Casty. left ed for' 1102'j01- iors. 1120. 20 ')01( lto xoosou d gainer; li e hepeotrialyin0 mat okinsg 010e'fooswar' 1pas3s021sucesosfuol l Unlger, thle big sessiors cen01r was' 12' in00ev1ry02py1.0T'e'lonup: 013 Law.0' 50o Vase. 1Duoorhamo......[,F5 . ...efMc.arthy .1o s......L'S'. .. ... ..G tes Anooro'r. .. LG.e Ungoo........ C. .......... rowes 1T0yl1rr0......E.G. ..Gordoon Lenrd... 'S'.T.....Spalodisog 'Mc~ee ....R.T.....Josses Rogec...... Q.......Green Pfoffor. .11. H .....nre 11)01002... R.1I1.s...Lthler 1iltinter....E.......... 101o Offiocials : Referee, ,\lelooroey ;ooso- pire'. Goold2.loeaod linte'.soman. Richao'dsosn. Thoe lie score 11'gamlie swhicho was0.plasyed boetweecnothe frecsoanoolsoplo omedic eam2Ots \ill 0b'e01 p lad off'Tuesday oafterososs. IOliver 1 typewts'lerfors'aslo' c1eap1. Iicign)aois'offico'. 27-01 1102at1.ligot.,lphone02'inluded0)1'. foo lMon ro3e. 28- FOR R5.1 (N'S'-11ne'sinogle roomooan000 1large 1fr1110tsmite,.appote ngineer 0 in''lg E'. Uni111ver'sity. 28 lleso-Oliel .a1 oer stuio 10State str)eet (over20 Co-op store. 281) Spciltpictuestte' Cas.02ing. Of00e0 aftenoon andevenngs. 28 We hoave sold to youor grando)father aod to yo0ur2fothoer, so let 005 sell to y001. Estalishoed s838., Haller's Jesselry Store, 2r6 S. 'oit St. eod-tf Us'e Olod 1Eng'l'ish floor'o"-ax, 1111t1 pltoots 23. C. 'II11 s)))jr . C. '11-tf contotf00 1Wa111113 10ve1, 0)1. 2112' Igiol) in shape gl)1. 111r0200tron'.first-class serv101 ll.".' lin) oflb 110211 il1ivery), or carria202ge' and cabI cal)s12 or1'.. baggag) 1)1)se 13(fel 0p'ne522, l ome poe '018. 5l)I101'3 1,1)113. 328 11220 JOler- S.on So. 2;) & El. t1-t1f us 200ivd a he Palais Roya'l0, l fioe liseof 11ge. sioone 1lmmeoosobrassll fr 02 hooSlay gift. too) 'early2an0)1get 1l1'.l e hoie. 2 -3)0 ec02orat'e1)1your ))roos 10ow1'. Select your1' wall Ihaoogisngs foosoo11002 )1))a)t0 rno'. lothon0)11252.17 . 1. 8101)1 & CO.. 203 1.,"o.loasilogtoo 021) WAR RNTED F OR ('NE'.( 1'. I.R YE'AF Silkiniash 3 p ait for $.0 WAL-OERSHOE and OFORDS AL VRNEW FALL ST0CK 50W .OMPLETE Our Spe'ialty' College Shoes for College Men and Women = SEE WINDOWS -1fo0 - ,c 10.30. Stysles itsi S'Fall and0 inte xOlI '2 11025its Erenoch Clf11I'n210 seandOx. I'r $350,$4.00 $,5.00C and $6.00. ()'- W't1r' l'2oboILCasospis WALK-OVE SHOE CO, 11 .Main St. Nie set laI's' so inll 102121'.of .i0y. lballtoh1haveceenlookinog fort'.111.0 o'.&k'C'I). I Ill ne 110'.237. C.. 11.'Saloor & Co. 0co0d-If_ Nfl'S'IC' F'I'l F.\'i'.GSN I'S'S 1(8. De2orat1e youor roosblefore thoeoenn '.5 g'ame0(. Wcadoyuwktone 021 51'11 1121 0 000. C.. II. Moajor & Coo.. 203 SR. \\a'.lnoissoos St. Bothls edose2,37. cod 521.0..1..hili 02o11 ('arne. Ask o r tfll rial 2)0'4atCollegec ll) JOE, I ENlARV) (oIFEICIANS''SAILOF IEP'.'IRlNE.AND'IPRESSING" 24)1. CWashoingtoon St. . II I Whsen stylish young 'Limaothsy Claipp Nostsylishs young'issmothoylatpp, Sat dowan witha his hat in his iap. Sitting' otil withis hoatitn his lsp, is sweetheart, May Browns, Said, "Y ous cannsot mssanage Playfully sat on its crown Tso ito any damasge, Justtlos see what was going to hsap. 'Toat is a IHawes von Uial Hat. wM;NFR &AC. 'oll:XAWS''"Mats 1 1 .___ - - Studeilts' Lecture Associatioll Reserved seats and tickets on sale at S. L. A. Boxt Office U. H. Office hours: daily except Saturday 4:00 to 5:30 p. in., Saturday 10 to 12 a. m. Special Reserved Seat Sale 9 e... m. Saturday, November 7 i Chorai Union iand May [estlvai 10 Star. Concerts $3.00 S;i$1e Conceert $1.00 Semhaicht, Hamlin, Bronntein, (Ishsilowitseh,. The Flonzaleys, ItOh Thoms Orchestra (110 pieces), The Choral Union (300 voiceso, Ll'r)' 02 t Alien, Morg ret K~eyes, SDanieSlSioddoe, Hlerhert Withenrspoon, 2a00) other Stars to he announced. Tickets ott sale at SCHOOL OF MUSIC Or stodent canvassets. Littoral comssmission allowesd to ticket 'er.11). If l IMD[RI O[ 6RAND RAPIDS For Arts anad Crafts Funirture is well adapted to furnish studets' rooms as well as the den.:-'We have a nicre line of these, also carry everything in the line of R..jis arnd Por- tiers, to make a room cozy anad comfortable. MARTIN HALLESR'S Furnitnre, Carpet and Drapery Store ,. LCAMAN, Jeweler ALARMI CLOCKS $1.00 AAMCLOCKS $1.50 ALAR CLOCKS $1.75 Vi210l1. 01 0 l!ll A Wias AhRasr ira¢ a Spoi..ttw IwesLaundry " HOM AS BOHB, Prop. 026 N. Fifth Aven. 'ow ' hon I'l 571 ,Belt Phsone 457"S VAKEI(S AND DjESIGNERS OF1 COLLEGE JEWELRY Hailr's Jewelry Store 216 SOI21 fAIN STREIET Large Collection Antiques in Ir;;'-, Srons, Copper and Chinaware 1102r i'.t 02)1)101 ncil soty hoosnen ans. 1).l31 100. A 0d Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTIn MICHI. I STUDIO-- as 319 lEast lhuron Street