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October 30, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-30

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The Michigan Dal..,y.



Yost's Men Roll Up Big Score
Against Husky Reserves; In-
terclass Football Results.
Terngtroughilitesrttb, for tol
1 tchios', tofetld goals- ad ia safey
th ast giniota-ras-dfits offe-
sivtaility inthetibelst scrimtmtages-befotre
th Vandeirbtil t gme.tti' t olts'oi
thir of fense of tielest tatt odefeitte
the rgulas shwed uc ls tat all
th vartied atta cs of tie srbs failed
to mak anymprosionaontle varsity
line andonlyonceiona forwartpasat.
ttere Coach i, 'isi's menittal t aie
ltsing th t fig injuisthut g(sll
slgt ihieagrvtd CahYs
tilsed ttoti clz ftnitit outt asii from
g 1d.1One of iistiti'rt sita unsf sixt
Ii if cads oatouchdwnl %ass aste
becuse P1 i l i si' s iios ieratel
enough toibeicitshtho i. oftill
m~m he lilto lit with
Tha th rgtdrs er abe t gin ll
with tshcos istelushwas sider d
still 1more stillacoryi n facei15 itu fiithe
wl- oddsitley had tot fact its adits ioni
't lth iltlos f ti r le]) and thes is
famillsrii} of others wth til heii s~inals
forthicaces see sillto isistit ti
fa igtiniditig peatiei5sisthn
xeeigrg lait i son sith a its,'tiili
fsitos lforthe ilscruisiiiwaiisiai'i toties
o ii liii' 'of tetivarit s al s o l iii s151
I'lW ls' isuaswhsilts 10 ahit' ssli hsaui
bit si sstll ilNor icttstensi . a-U
tra' c i s hiss ayst th e si e b retial'
well agii st 11f10lsit rueistigtr tahskftht o
wssnagsut i. Au'' for'sardsutpoath
threuggtugcr iittedyiuu lit tug' yerds
andtilhists ith'eanltinOuthlit te se-
,n'y is op ionen ts.e 'f'aleto makel t i till
ne iesart istanciis. tisig' ut er e heist
gng es'tsisntitegid ti'thtismn
shmasiisot sit is certaingy ttewtolt
and rs fileiiitfeasm t' iiiit e ig asto-
liiithinglth sifat s itmediateitssaout
abin tit th s imageh rt;i ist'esf.a.nC
ln thestill wit shotetoll tosfPeitig"
si s t the iite Damie anrd o.coSiced
amsit there is awaisom itee iihat
t a sttiise ts fatn inr t ohttis fett o resi
draghtiiittiitim ttifg. rtetetdy e ofsay 'te
drisits halntcarryin'th btiti nut

thng foost rates isithi Ranntey andEbss
MuttlefGambltse tiraticedt kicinig the mlot
If te rarsity tplas'againist Vansder-

ilt witha titsameitdashiad ato as ae
tcaracterizeil its sworks sitring te tpast
irei, Mitiigaut soad ot ae aty
great idiffculty ini sowsinttg tic Commo-t
lires, ut to tresit a vitory' Undier
fth tcodsitions f footaliasitthey oss
existawoutlsi tsrthe height of foly.Mihtl-
iganut sill seitdi ter est temin tto the
fray' it hoiss of victory; if they lsie
gfrtater efforini future gmetts.
Th unsiior itfailes ts mesuitsi
yetsttrsitiI' thereby forfeitig le gamei
to fthesetiors sf the atteideiartmtet.
Tue setnititmedfs also forfeitedi agae
Theis fresh sitss ad the den'tts ptla sit
atit gmte s'steidas' The gsmettss
stll playasitfromstar(.slt f initish.Th1it
Isislhii i sadusthits.bls tof tegas
Audited Accounts Reveal $75
Residue to be Devoted to Nw
ilshessitti s sf tuseimanaigemtetttif
tsetpresentaitionsuitf "TtSeainstheii s
IHouts"' hateb's'niadtti y Drt. Cser
adsits naithits f sout sseniy-ii's dl-ii
fat'r ss eslsi. This iha s ell diverstetd
to tsits', it sthliedi stimittcli'futtid.
Thetitlexsese o f poductigtlist
play nte 'irtaiiig i sthelipan, sitdspur-
caigasitlefislil' tis'tii's ltts to
$rit.7. 'Te'committiee' ii eharg- f t
retasll isft its-sts-i'ands ftes's of
liiesensationstof ts lay. aistMi. \Mit
le' ionifootigtheilolsb ills, a
wasi' hsIis itwsti f1si esiuetsffiitt
toi fiiti sigrstif-inginulesisitit wichti-
toi s-sitntilts- tewrsussttultssedsbt irfl.
Miller's generosity.
Po.Rshsc, is-hoi issi miembuter f thei
non1-stleti boaird o fsuiont, isit ii
ills'utilts 'ity tisa ysartn is abssncee
frvsithei' iaiiiiteeogitionitof
th in ess'ortgnizaetiont iby ts fssuityi.
tlhis irtiisatin annt taepsi e untiss l
Pro f. iRs-toe's steessor is nabubedu, wicht
sill titotisulil te eryst eatsek.
Anyot sessrinig tis staihi t sitnce
htot te sdrsmati fitticimaysupruset the
tssriptionto iPlrof. Srutss of flit
r Englishtdepiat'mtent.
'iTe folowitig is a genersl sttemtet
f til etxpendiitre5sintailsd ity'te lit-
ducttisoit sf the plasy, asdhuuthif amounstttit
of stttciatitiottareceistil
Suibsscriptions .......... $8i .10
h tLiery iaslireys sinis
hacktis) - --.v.....$ 2.00
Uniotitaft ....... 2.5
Cioios iHsitse ........... 4.55
L. L.lBrysotn.......... o
trintintg ......... . foo
Postal TieegraphitCi..... I11.o7
Postsage, satltiotery aitd
inoidentas ....... 4.05 81.37
1 iBlniceeosit hand ....... ...$100.53
1Resevedi for miemoorial....... 25.00
_ slancie fist fund...i ....... $ 7553
v At te tieetitg of the Jiiior Detsh-
,er Verci yeterdasy tfternoon it was
sdeisded to ieete agaiti this afternooti for
thetsisoptiotn of a estconsttution. Nest
titembiers si-lhle taketoit, ad officers
for the ensuinig yeari elected. Thflitie-

in towsill toe held at 4 o'clock ini Roonm
-F, Utiversity flail.
1 Mieeting of proptaganoda commiuottee of
Csmiopolitaintlus immnetdiately sfter the
mas tilsmeeting tonight. Raps.

New Songs will be Sung In Wel-
come to Vanderbilt; Sullivan
Appointed Leader.t
ifsn-suit tbuihal miastueetilg.
Plasce-IUniviersity' I fsit.
'ltte-7 sharpttionuigit.
Leadettr-johnTi I.Sulivasit.
As fooutbasll fmass mtetting si-ictilas i
11 uno utly frilve ts-suie uof this imos
ineetn f ftheearsiltle his-hitoi-
ngtiniversuis-tys'Hat. Xiii'm11111
feaureiss of tile 5prograsuit.Sosan
yels witl he prascticd fist'thus'footfal
gmsstill toicomeutsnsitlasisusfist'thus
rhoofting siill bes-isisotitleti.
ust'wo shutd-titus \tueigsu i ssus sill
iteak. LC1111s Reddensuo, a'suit sioshll
himllcapifn of itthis fooutaslli t ti-itt
adssu 55this- meeitigas iNi]t Sils'
'02, uh s tt sh he nyi i \iiguuatheite'
it"al hshwisishreei"sin uosuts-y-s-r. XXV.
A.tisuiututuit itatiushoswus litu ti-ir
fit'ssillenti ofihis tlass siittlietheiiutider-
graditui tses'u'aJkter I. ,Slittiasn,
cati fthi s'ebsalluteisami, ilt leds
th meting.
t.dmscis asisri-utas bohlkfle
Iad ndthis - oissu cl uibiiitit betillris-'
suit. ft siitt hethie -mandolhuinusis,s
aperneo ituSearu. .;Aiiuuutii'of
snshisses'beesnssufmitted.uTh. est
isillhiseaseletedandsuit soit slide.ii hs
that-if tutapproval'u ilusbethisenissiifuss
his' a ithies-gamses. ot handedtill iifit'
his atthis-Vandisisilutigmra-dlls s i
''lucoutit ltilft' 1 ho sutesoy
V'hutsriltit iihte iss e o1111eaiten'
Vanderhtsuilt, 'sushi in'ii halut you'llthehs
\'tel we go a i pltingiii'f it lsh111down5
theits d
fll XVsnderil'.it
Antd fshlstatif siuldcm' 15-to lockiuis.it
YOU-hill it1ndshifidocsn' aili ilk'huhk tu.
Vis a-tirsift
'i's ae i ti ,w itnustig
Fosr c'stu Xandserbit.
Psres-itMeititiof theUntiionhsi
sills ce iutu tf ills'appini~liitille lt ofi l'Ufit
Siss utls an f stltKetna s membsuu o'f
thes tushs meetuing c omittefea.
The smeethug tonight usilbei
promptustl tu7fo'clskanduwlltsiftiihuts's
fiat'rs f situhosur. N'ildrent us-swi-tt
he suitwdisns tihe hali.
rh,iVIKN .'ME'N TO ISfII'fth'i
Thusfolloins-tg senuior' stuts ii thus'
engineering sdeartmtent hahettbittntse
tlstdfist'us-tmberusipin iithis'T'usi tats
Pi asssoiationtby its- irfues-quatrsrvotls
of this- acivestuf-thmters f the Micihignt
fGammatischapster.Th'ie seectios wei'sre
maduue fromui aulist f eligibles's subsis
qualsuifitiostiers' ertfiehie ac
t isttee sof facuty tmetuifers.
{F. XW. Appleton, 1H. F. Baxiter X. A.
tfBurntham, t.A. H. Lovueli, R. L. Wieren
iiL A. Shupuitrine L. .. Stonte G. I,
I hsggsus, P. V. Seymofisur, I. hU. Nrth,
W. R~. Keplear.
'hue eesition romttulee umats thus
followsntg saseentuhrega-rsig fist se
lectios: 5"These menut sre represetastie.
of t set h escotintuinsuuou fibrinis satnd
attrictie personaity wichicanieshefouiuus
i fle enginueeringclfsses. 'They havue
fulilied-sithe ight sosrshisitireuire-
; metts prescribuedtfr eigiles by- fle

-conustituthions ofuhfle ntfionsal society;tash,
iouthfle basis osfflue ipersonsal iimpressionu
filet-hoot-c adeoshe irouughout thieir college
casreers uponuthtsose sahoaare utuusubers
f of flue souciety-, tsey hatt e tet chouseni
-fromut s list of eligibles seversal tiimes
larger than th le umembuersipi of the chasp-

teIt is hospedshatastheex ste
of thu sosititslf issh ansiusestive for
of this'purpoihs tsesadieifs it i lusiciisl
educastionu, tso ilittthi spnsibius lisut-
lullstomebstiip beiif lto easilshuhf
thitss 111th a sdiret' charetio'ss m uhiti
ands uissetuimtte heiits f1the 5 if hi
fuisi tisymspaittshyfisin ehillsifosht' 5i
this srioustsisusints s of ithes ililarsits.
AkND It NNER T fXlfNiifN
T e if4r-sts'u'u'iS-usouenedsu Ithei- isti' hi --
hag f this'year latnighth uwitadn
israi' t fi' t'tui th anin tiiiifiSits. Thiew -hail
as thetuft ellssts iDsanuu I hiuuius. Prf.
utli si 'udtPof. Drake o' f tiel- hItfs
satm i tu itd 'itt. ifsss mtl ili .specflu
uturonsit siss Inus it, from s K si-
In a Book of Thirty-I wo Chap-
ters, Mrs. Keyes' "The Road to
Damascus" is Refuted.
Among ithig flue l hiuusiiiuh tmuushillu
'Ann Arborsiiis nusual suits sill
filth thiessarythuaifthresholdibehi'a
geniius I ls.tMjoseior1115 ii ii luls
ha; done uust heis ists ll tilts, orlii
year stlldh hsswrites ia hoostl. i'ihea
itromh I Dmsillstis ftsetilts fithissw'.l1
Itis inlst teedtohuresfuehu titack ni u
attac onii ftse fhislsopfhy department his ld. i
usn i fra tr iyi fe ls s usiis, n hyo issin,. Ill
sift fr sousuum-' usuusstllolos i us1i
hi ptarets 1 isueti"
whic liharsiasipe'aking ikene~susofhim
sefit hlt-;asutile degeeslit.Psit'adusul
pi at sit sss t sin 5 1 1ad hc isr
to al'l whoiiwistofiiuf M. aois i
miusiattemp tinsiutosituritu' thu rkoi
hsissithheaevird fetim -ll
woki -hsia lu'.Ituisis1111 uh
Thisprshrill wort igs f iss momentI
till.er sir- dus'Mr.llsfMasorills ii 11 r -
hitse-ilsuffreestifts itswhom he hls
sshoi ia t husfr to as.iTieithreadi ilf
"Th Rofad1ligfrom s slush is ls is hedifIi
Thu Scene intsthisbarbesltI hphu b teen
Alist 'kitul]1Prof.Xrensithe hislsher
cenutser'ofi'thus novelfits wicsush Ii Susi-
g isusbrand f hilohy ish xone
his this'satisfactitunsit uhf pressent, its,
etudfitug fil, thu sr iasitfltist it Is
ini thus caerups-thut Maliiesitihits i,
i'sortlist-hfuhle philouuisp~her li ii~ '
'Shavuuinug theus'ardsisui nis as lmlw "
Slsauitssyt"-'is- see-s's tau "uia i
lulls'is his-getssiosder," sillseuponlfiussci
barubeirs lsaught itsartiy tush tush thi as'ss'
if tei-r re-stutisveatustomlutst.
S aysin-tg stritutedilto sushiraite
diuuhut ean uuuJonai tunit alsst us us I
able fo r isfrceuT hils persona g ss
speainittg ofaufc1tafituclasi o sa i hu hts.
autu decares, '''ifssi f themuuuneed an
fintellectual u h-dhtho isngstu hiss-t ii
their classes."
Mri. Nhlajor feelssthit i iih ilws gret
prere stefitwork for this press. hutnshuts
of fi. Xtsjors ra IthusrIisaiy tknowledtgs
iii uthetics sandshfrteifritt lifeNeit le-
fpotfion. %V.I)D its ftuy1150islookigs

it-crrflue mutsuscrips 0 lth'eureiotihdox
socsiolosgicalhsand pstycholofigitsalsi-
-pintiu s.

Regents Not Responsible for Re-
fusal of Dramatic Enterprises
in New Building.
srf ),~ll ushi'rrect s terrsit Itfat
thes-oa--satr' cutsi-s-sposibuie fort
th iii isl of h lStmu rlasu hallIfuor fist
vcril ura tc 'enterpfriases. fthe re
ctiest2o th hal as adetf t h h ti -
nl{ ia1cus mitccand its Ili ls ilt atet-
is imii'if ter 'Rgenti hs -si s
fere , s t o the repenis, fluh o i le:fi


H, mcstd toscvr uuhembrs of
c iii illste, Iiiofiusinig fpartif
1u ubulding Ifor thetricasi. Not
hiyi for lys of (11e Kn ihtdeparut-
ii uiilsi is s hh i or utchfplys
humhth udrt h ai~sutpicetsaof
% iiIts s-silten mercosidts-
usi by sllhe ususioil ssuuuuuufts's' iind
e usi mlic f the arcitecii-it sask~ed. lie
nnii iii l l Ii 1 ull ull s hill iii' ifsss il
o sch a plastt inhfg thast the us aihl-
g 11is not5suieifr hrisf tpurpsessn11r
is 111it aes uithle
""T er .hti u'ii is yo l' siairge sitnit l hts
iii'g, shic~h coi uhd possibly- hut'ca-
ircin a Inay mo1onhu i an tuhttis t
th u!ts -ill-i'} Is twilt seau b ou
All uus ~' h uh' d people, contaisa1Inoha-
e illi i pltt ii admolchairhss'and uhis
hi used for iccus. ~' If lthi'suo
,ru-u '.Illart gl ulycudntb
ll'' nit's's -softhe slustnfulorsfhs
'sushm~l i u-sshut- siluflreirfed.
so e ~ dcc i boths-isnuhsudre
-Is h i tl larger 5 suhaI 55 ,dso'iti s tuir-ufI

11 C'
to i

55c:1ora h ( hr listva appoacedfil
huh. I c I hall.but t %'sdi dedths
us's fichua psh wsf nos t fisible.sufst11
og, ia i dic115lloi l ists d'inga
-us I sfr itarefuni tfisif, b tor
iiitil ie'i hi I 55hutslthis flbhiisilOfthe'
pfl s<°t b5h ubidis--itsrus'binsi' uiscs''s'
usl ctsideuruI. Thehu'boasrof regetuus
a $'fiiiissi usu.sru fitsl e taew fuiliig,
1rit it tuuis hs hite ol ubtitse thus-ant
g leyin iit. 'Seki- c-spts'f itth ulpropssaus
this gsuffu u. Thssrish if this-ibuilding
tus suffltwills stpueil refe-re'ncethisthus
hlmi andt St tu dentbsus. 11t'e atill hue
us-' lits sanus I h is isufius 1-0011is. a gen~eral
hi -sls uartus-uwherss'tuts, u'uii' i n
hed t eveu'tingi t' N ikelsf'5bahll,n
ti Cmiresa itenl'sedis tiloute
'obhpidIe sswithisetrtuspart haion
feass hires'tu-1uo'clocksstuoil Iillishay aftaer-
hills lulsd thss i-s-fn-car will leavee S-
tlus:,t 51o50o1csock otnI lisly a'svsninug.
It is111 antciatedslht anssu ituets uwill
usvaub ths-i lve s uhf this oppuoruitfy.
Ji N' -us fwifths addsressed te fltttu'-
in: Ill the sss f the camiihlgn.
i. r i I I \%',,OUT 55 ' I ii hAch].
J. 11. siuAndrews--huditsefsi-fist'senliors
Isuss up'resisent, annunusuuces hIs formaisl
uishsui ussss si In us i i'he siaie situ lst 'h'III'-
if it.

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