SiENTel-IlGA.N DAILY Quarry's Prescriptions and Physicians' Supplies are our specialty Yet we have not forgotteti to add ai choice tine of sudresc Bath floods, Laboratory and Microscopical Supplies Quarry's Money Loaned Oni WatchesiDiamoends, a ioi I, oreother persnal property. Watches asnd Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office atiresidence 33i E.Liberty Si Ann Arber. Hous:O8t 13t a. ..1to 430tansd"it ALL BUSINESS COsFIEiNTIAL JOSEIPHiC. WATTS JOLLY'S 30 S. 'TAcTEnSt Gr-eat Pipe Sale Your Choice Meerschaum $ or Briars-------UU2,.0 PILLOW.S and BANNERS AT D~arling & Malicaux V. of M. BARBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKO. Prop. 110T 'ANDC G(ii 1) 11(a1Y1:11Alitil- LiestandCild renil' 'ttin. 322 S. State Phone 359 Bel Ann Arbor, icn. FAl'LT'Y N\ Cli '1CfIS N\ ClaCI \ I>( 't 1IC K N)'I A1 ,lilt[1ll1, if lt ' tiiii i iti theCo nrl stottosik int o t (Ihec f en e stai: ifor th tiil. IItigtti nt e ra l asn li fttsSae1icet da bcI ihinik, isthatthei hli nt i venig 1i1a1h02 ii ofthle Sai- h iiithe co ragei of ti r convictii i iiion- ac rnh fteLi' tji i 'y f NI iW "'lif i twee ntti rIt mt l tittl o n.l te ii N ttb ihai'ti( Cuil ha't i in itliilas", -- -- si J.Ial(g% col d offerIn'1 till 1IM 'treeo-ltdet go d rasn fr i oextit.tI iii' ha1ve l , 11111ant lttry rn a (e r"=IdI-t i ngli' done siti hi- in cntro lilt it te wner ll es ok Ho s.ti cls c i i ttii-iiti i o tltiIi NW 19i "Itink hestdetsdontttaeihetW Ina,1,11ki gm . indr r tr Co il seio sy tu , si ll II o _ l i iin a d o ti e ad Throufilout. school days, college days, business or professional career tietConklinPet ccitt serve gilt faithifully atid make wcriting a llcstireYouttidncit have to coax it or fucsstvithi it toi get it lt write. Because of its won- deetutl d piiciplteiiit responds instantly at -the The Cillege first stroke antiMantoaicstin. even, steady flaw to, r Standlard the last doi. Ancitcer great advantage of owning a CONKLIN'S FG E --you're never without ink.No matter where you may he-n yur oom h,,tae hllat hepitt office, telegraph office o ol r ona it-ran-a tiouhive tos do when your Contu Pn n toerudyislt dip it in anyfnk- cuwell, licessteCcit-hler ndyoticpea instantly fills itsel and s redy toN~rit. ile ~esimiple miovement also cteansot.No sy doprno spilliiig of ink-no interupionto yur r~d of houht.llattisne catalog F direct frethathe Inf: ueTe Concltin Pen Co., 310 ManhattanBlg.,Tk I o ito on cequest. Sold in Ann Arber by Gee. Watr's Tw Io Fk Stares and Sheehsan & Company. Reule-Coilh11i -Fiegel Co. 200-202 SOUTH MAIN STREET We niake a specialty if bat 'ciuii o the Ivzt-ls t of college metn who deiiicii tit N -aitittg in clothes called ettyIe, it is ii lii liii c flinire tat . Adler & Co. CutstomitTaiii citd Sit. is tindl Ge 'coats r have flit repntatioiiofiigt t g ii ii 5-it, Aticea, We cairry a b Cittilete ur ic ofi N itithatt Shirts, Silver Collars aniditill to-dticI N( ckck ib 2 Everything in Furnishinigs for College men: filt t I vI'll . l'Iii Couci l is.1 hefireth i-it of ac iviis itoppled. hat 11liltrettitilli ith the i students. ct Cot r h 11w1ellll 11 Caiii ciii' - iii Sold itili la,-, I 11111 12-tf S kIN 11,A \\ S. 'rc-ti-ill (. I ii ii' i tc - i it ,31 "i t itI stitie Sfit. u, iii I I I Nt[ : S AI. I t{ IN Siiici S Sii c' tl it~ i 11 -iiho ii -(, ito 11or Ilc rtiltl. IIw ii i li t r s. T -ie t c ca-a litt 'roi I Ni ii i iat t h t i , lilC- day th r tir lt I ill ] hediaith iii i'ttt f tllti rit i o'-it i 'II--- ut I- i t)1 'i-,C 1t'11111 iii loni, " ?-2 t'iii lnu sii and late opertic:i' 11111 N1 tri.t' ii iii i i - iii ii 51 i-ti '111ne ' tlitilctti o f iC iii 1ut eci -lii l il ii '' i -r iici i t t, t 'litti'tti ai a ii itt- b( I loo kitty for. ii -ti & Co. p Nil TF ill O'l's ii t C.SS 0I G 'llt'. clctmICad i liftci & Fi c hii tet-it tiiii'-'. heyii \\ itii ttte' I it l l(,ti tiC ti h ttli los Si.-c IN I O'-i N NNI-' mlii i ld litk-athu - tociii iii i-. iiatithetnt tic tfRoyal, 20 ;i i berii tl t . Si- i i1 C t1. i111 k t c< r Inz?. VAN KLEEK'S 300 East WashindneL *.t Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice Cream Phones 18 L 18 Blue AlII I.ANCI llelliPhonie, 9Sit'R RI. A. DOLPH & Co.. scatil I t. Ni tisitisn I tneral lDirectors 2155, S l. 40'SAnArbon, Mich. WAI KING LOO C hine se Chop-Suey Restaurant y D iishestl.t int it ii Lunce fc 'iit.irctittltlicrut- classier aies tiir.ic-andiiititilec Ehica-brae. ft) Stirstone'do1111 I. lutstn5Br1s~314 S. Stale St. Ni ,'RtCc'HtANN't' 'I'ANt OIR kif I IRNG 51 NDt)PRESSING 2(c)iTi-> INsi ititinit. I sieo heihyinSti nin r o -im et. l alil- W AG(NER & O thtirr'clthel'ts tatiliottitrly it:lst e s hapei of 0 t1ei weli er i npri- Talr tieasa c 'ur ttate l'e till m y hw r ncsariy. Tltis the Merchan 'T'ailor'sI~msi wss t see thedefe iilli ii - tt Ve h r> I I ® __ ii-- Studellts' Lecture Association Reserved seats and tickets on sale at S. L. A. Box Office U. H. Office hours: daily except Saturday 4:00 to 5:30 p. in., Saturday 1O to 12 a. m., Special. Reserved Seat Sal.Strdy o'vr~ e Choral Union and NMay [estivai 10 Star Conerts $3.00 Slnsgle Corncert $1.00 Senibtaich, [Gaiotiu. IBrosteini, 6-ahriioiitreii, T'eIlc'oticateys, 't'he 'foniaetOrchestra (I'llpicccsf -TheC horal Uin (3'0CCvoice),P icc-i AllcnNMotg, ect Seyus,[SanilIT ddicc iHrcbhrt NNithcrspolon, ant oilher Star- to he announceit Tickets on sale at SCHOOL OF MUSIC Orl studcnt cauvs ss.A ihet it coiiiisciou atowedl to tickeN ci ticic IfEl[ IMiD[RI 01f(RAND) RAPIDS For Arts azxd Crafts Fuzrnituire is swell adapted to furnish stu'denits' rooms as well as the dell. We have a nice line of these, also carry everything i the line of anal. Pov- tiers, toittake a coonm cozy said comfortable. MARTIN HALL ER'S Frriltn re, Carpet and Drapery Store 0. L. CAP MAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Iuliy Ciam I td Watch RcpeAr-i"11 faSp"aIaltv Rowe's Laundry. THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Ncw thoil cc7 Bell Phone A5Ij MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Hailer's Jewelry Store 21t651SOU1THTAlN STIREET Large Collection Antiques in [crass, Iro Copper and Chinaware F or fraternli t tad uorority fhouses 501 studeint dolts. 11ililcis Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHI. ----, _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _C STUDIO0- 319 EastJ'Iuronl Street