tfIk MtCI4IGAN .1)AIIA ____________________ A Sudden Fall- in temperature wil leave you shivering in a summer suit. Its tiiuc now to choose an Autumn fabric that will raise you ini the esteem of your friends. WAe hit the high places in the, art of clever tailoring. Our y imeiitatireathie the priceless a'r of refined exclusiveness. Youi ieced it ini your business as well as your social life. Our fabrics are correct iii shade and patterni. Our styles are the csswuce o1 good firam. Our lirices less thcan you woiuhld think possible. Let us prove these three claims today by showing you. 'JilZi.K C k; C tARKN J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5SEMENTS, ewWW.hitneyTheatre THURSAY,30TH PHONES 480 MUSAOCT. 1 FRIDAY, OCT. 2h etNwhigai UNIVERSITY NOTICESf Iimpiorlait eiiiniig of alltodi inii- lini clubii i i \NVcihiccilcivafteiiiiniatc o'clocin UniiC iionicomiiiiccroomi. I-icc. Icculder. tedig h to tike ccccre;ill Scaniii inc today at 3 P. iMi.,il ROOn ;, 'cii'craiiy Phys~ical exaiai oniiioi f a ll irst-yea Incn ill he:iii today5iiiid iill he con-i iriac 7 ito 9 p. mi., i the oiiice. of1tle phyil ireiictor a \ii iciuil nil. 1,11 5high sclloo fiteiityilipin, Tli;(ciulliLeiirn tctis offiiic ci3-f Reibecanvsies i ntdto e2 Chra Uniiiincliccic. Call atitheiicicec i thie Schl of iiMIusic, awih refeceuc. WA NT>51F I>--Solicitiics oii casli cc ticetco misio b si t l cli Siiiienit licccasciaioniilitict. Apiply ai box oiiiicc.Uivrityc Hala. 1-C Newly f aunihed roolma for iriii at rci.i uiic ilc iiiiccs, at 539Forccavciiiii, 1,5 -i iciii il ids i mportantiic ' frcisidii I' - iciiil S ih Staiti. t1j3 \1Si 111),l1:S AIf CRAN,F'lS. (ranige'scademcyc'iucwill open foiir the seasioIn ''iiclcix iinighit, Septeer '311, i. aniii icciuuldll. a. sebi es willtcon- liii,'hrugou tecollege yeicc, everyc We iiiil andSciiiudayilght.i.-I2 SIR: IF YOU WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have [been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN. BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool -andl the Sbest ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. IINOENSCHMIDT, APFEL & Co. The MUMMY and the Hming Bird cITH W. A.WHITECAR I~t; S ' 5c55c 5 0c Sit 7 . 00 ( ca a -1Io oda Siory Ever Told Quincy Adams Sawyer PRICES 5 Jc,35c, 50c, 75, $1,0t Sa:1at\Nlii All It HISSc Ilucl"., 3,12 S.'Sicic it. 2-7 Ir~ralcaps c1'caiic' c Co.. Sicate RetsTau Mark~ -BRIGHTON . Flat Clasp Garters . , for solid comfort. The newest shades r and designs of one piece, pure silk FLAT ALL web. All metal parts heavy nickel- CLASP SILK( plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASPall dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUtSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Miaker-s cf Picner Suspenders GAS STUDY LAMPS Ir asze a steady. soft glow. Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. Get the best from the largest assortment. The ANN ARBOR GAS COMPANY SATURDAY, MATINEE and _NIGHT OCTOBER 3 HENRY MILLER Presents The Great Divide As p15rcsentedl iiiNew Vork over bicuitiiiits lailie Pri cs:25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $Si (1'iii iicc als I. ciii Night Prices: 25c, 5OC, 75c, $I, 51.50) ti tdl lirclac. REMEMBER ! FELLOWS!I Our motto is Fair Treatment to All, Therefore-no riots hi T Ti. "HEATORIUMI" GILLARD BROS., Props. Men's Furnishings For te Partcular Dfscriminaaaing Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY' MACK & CO* LAW'B3OOKS 36th year ItJ'SONARIES 36th yea tn QVIZ BOOKS i AtvAnr~ bor LEG AL MISCELLAN&Y A"ArAbor' Callaghan %4ECoo CICAGO Anr Aror ranh, tae Sree, OposteLaw 1Btdd. i'icilc'diciiiclotheic.. hiicocllegeimeiiicii ,,deby llen,'Min sitcretc'. t4) lCit iiicribath cisuplies and to iilietcii II e at C crsi ci'i iiila ii Si. t f 133 .1 Ma.tcicstreet. 2-7 U p-to-elate hacbrcdasheryiciforiii lid , ciii lixby.Alcii, Maiiiistreei. 1-6 Nat iionlccic'ciigar a lccwhrce ieds curls canicplesicare soldl for 1the-least mone iy-1201 lcs l lilicoc stcclt i-6 Qiiciri's. for lborcary cacldimicro- scopiiiccal suplies. 1-3 Gvnniiiicciiiishocs, d.hirs owcs, etc. 1 Ine 8viic Cii., ;Matesice.icc.Sign ccf th lid Wiiteiichoec. i-4 Ciille iaci cliiihesliii-cillcgc cici. on salie by Alcii, Ntin streetc. 1-6 Fenwacc hcl tels, lie liestmacde, 6c cciiis. piccpiiiiii, ai tBrown's idrig store, i2il, s cibertiycstreect. i-6 Yov cav.x clt . Hot Lunch At Tvttlo'e. 338 S. Stato BANKS_ THE F'ARMERS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus ad Prsfi's $85,50 General Banking Business. 3 percent paid on 'time and SavinseDeposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent at 1$2.00 and upwards it. Caster, Pres. W. 0. STacano. Vice-Preis If. A. NViLiAiIii. (!,Scc0' P. T. Sm ice. Asst. IYH lT A R Kl CLUE TT,P AtIDY &C" CLUETT ANDARRaOW COLLARO:; henr & Cii., nocurth oftclciibitliiig. if The Ann Arbor Savings Bankf"NO6 .N tC ---- Caital Stoiica0s00Surpifluil5.000NthNI A (Gen.eralI Banktng Bustness Transacted Sal. y Alenc, Hciaisreed, u-6 thea hs E toocPe. .0 OFIER:ChsE_____,Pes;W.D Ad- Harriman, Vice Pres.:u IM. J. >iritz. Cashier SANITARY PIPE OF SOLID COMFORT U -y-ahu a berd 1claheri foru inec, ociii cii c c~c i, lcui dcci IS SATESAVIGS ANK ~aCondtrscted so aimply en graceful salelay:Ale, ,ain tret. =6 SATE AVIGS BNKtines. cet with such ingenuity that _______________________DIRECTORSc :ehndeverysndesirable feat- c W. Anoldh Jo. V.0.SVahan OUR ure opipe smohing isovr JY W. ABoh Dn. V. Sheeauhan come. No-siugs,', nosaivca, __V Vj Tas. H. Wade E. . M 5iiis FREE no nicotine reacheasth . . John Haarer Ins, Kochsmkrsouhyu .'dhis rof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Dougias OFFER sheamuhyo 0-c Christian Martin Dan P. Zimmerman s_____ moke enly the amohe. Gi~oil tobacco-keipt clue," ocir cacto. -- -- pnnpai Fahioned from t Briokcin gioods cud keplt "rigtht" ill show FIRST NATIONAL BAND' Sl t,swe wili for, root, is two cissand iull:cii. guucs arceptcini itwo Or ANN AnseR, MacH. 'eacd prepaieioneof nhnne, saight lare sor roms spcialy esgne E.D.KINEthese' pipes fur five nndcurved, Iugiliccolcaciccuhy eigid O.KNN, HARRISON SOULE, days aarindjifusmenis sithesicue. ard arne.Pres. Vice-Pres. nst nil secliss it to he, ized rubhr cicicdS. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. . . pipe maynehareturned and , asuth- Capital, $=0000t. Surplus and Profits;,0. mt. o sney will he refunded. piece. f The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., . German American Savings,.801k ._418 Prudnatal dg. Bultaia,N.Y. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHESr Comm2t~ro>Erl ..atxd CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. . 8V~n E MOE'S BARBER SHOP 312 . Stte 31 Ms~tl;705 North Untreisty A. t~ . * . 31MyadCor. MmAxtasand Llhorty Streets.O. A. MOE., ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THlINU IN TAILORING