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October 29, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-29

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The Michigan Daily

Vor.. X IX.

A\NN ARBOR(, B11- ON ''lLSA.OC~I"Ci31R 29, 198

NQ. 27..

DEFENSIVE CLASS 21151111h ener ilt1fo log1gins
the jniors The liup
Husky Scrubs Unable to Score on of'o Snietscii
Regulars in Mid-Week Scrim- Z.a....-. . ...Falgn
mage-Two lass Games. \opt....I .L....... icrI I
- - ) icc ct. . . . . . . . ... . k
Siicciwigimarkei mprovit ement cl ii t intde 3 caniii .. .G ......i
able toi t ite hliiiacoss the scrulhc' hri c ix-... i \i cclxiilagsot
ti ln tre tmes ii thut's crim-t it lxx ...i . 41 1. .. Iintictxii
tilt e cr. ths wereiat lnoi timein i lan-ii 11111111111111I--L int i ccciii IReferee-Fld-ii
icat. w l ci e ii ii theiii i afi. nt
ciii icc tt i11111 i iccy cccI cii ct Fut ci t t ttccling t i u h t i i ciiix ciii cii
totiheticrubs.iDuriit thitBast itrtut
ab ut fityseen vaie ties ofcthc fai e ii i cccilt c it her i deit wast ablt to
hadi worked ' ii tiitileha l bo t hc- wa w th p orliii 2llfa t o klf
clown the ild Then -t et dci ccci. fatrdin l ong fo 'ard p is.iichc
tra liiDeer 1the iic ciii i icica l li- I tic Sulc
rialkas istngtit i s kilc cxcicclia
coupl of pc-tctcilutc cttticd oi adtici waiatwe o tt 1t t i
passes. cTciiiheri i tte h eua s ta .Ti e inup
put the hl overcii theiilast 1ck m r . * Icis r e is
'hit- Yostit t he opalc toiitx. iiut c us cniccciarn cin . f.h '. .tchci
al tdtic h orn cc cit ickeep it uti l ic ( fh r od1 . . I 1 . . . . .S t'cc ct i c rn . A t r t cm i} tcr -i - S li w . . .. In. . .. . . ]a h
and in the iii ii tic U ti)...-.. .. . ) G .- . R:i e
pis 11111' iwo hrk c cd tita IStii i cc ei ... ciidc .ii. cft icc(t' ...S mth
one of the s crtb bcki go(1p1s1 ii i it ciiltiss
illictuube ofshifs w re imde i thtic 11 dl.ccct", 1..... cc tB. . cc ccciii ctci
clin c-i duri ig-te cxc 111c During1Cccatch
ccciiiirst ipar clof ithe prac tic olii cliii
a couple of isore r ibs cis ing dcc ciii lii d1c-P i hcttii ctUi re icittic -i
iimu .ch cccixpossile. i ccii ctic firstla cci in. h t iesman---l ii ccii ccii
tou cii ci i ci icc c c ccchd w rc oiet o h lf i l t,o o g a . 's m t o n n t i cilc fol tslo i cit gamt st aredu c hedutt ledt
old osiion, Gam le, ho its urtin ifr tday: 'ol iccits 'il li it a
his ptiltnc in unifrm. Thouh tcrcic m . cc
wccca cin t ctlbrce ii cmccr n e f sict ciiit \\ 1,,PI l-A
anischopefuicl of ettigtitt hefict lii - tc cii itcttct i i ccI .11' Ncl
c ic a dil ocitedtic x ccci dur1 ing dhe 11 it -c (1)i c tutu leix ccii acmlxi ic i-
cccxc U.igameiii did not apearionicc ayc i h t . i itich c in ciflt iold iiati
th u id t alci ,cciibu ct clxihere ii isn d ub t hei f x~ - cics-pen ch tseI xcxl iii ints ic
acxii ft cci lit cxiiillibc ciii iiT he bcmclciib
scrubs w re, i s issedc- thei rcc gularsi c ~tci Tix t lieire cn t ititl metig, llxpea
cii rp rdt seily h ic-a c-it uiiti c niewcomeic it lt c tic
11ct icicTheueletil i t stic niii trung' ciii s Bliits cciii ai dly acni itst fei lix cccii
cccxcrxthce cid by ccc clce cas ilcc-ichave ccicicecia ll song ccis seicaco xi Tey tthati
cuiie ccciieipccctiiccto he l cithene prcticd fit llyi ad tirc renitioncc
it h n u r etd- lrslcio si xtill db ito hec
r xe c it fo i le ich li cci liihe cctr cciiin t tre t itfoits ca socbc ngxi madiitil o
1111e.cftertticdinn rte cioa c iccicc ci ci i chiiccri euc n o t ide ien cciia litr of cil-ii
cixx i c cc ii 11c cdayccii f nt i gihcc t cicaies nghtotce cae
cTte litn\ cid tl fxc tifioiirc c ,tii cheifnttin eric c e ctol i clse cicr it g m wa no as] ik as n f r- i ate e ch f t e t re r m i ig
ittroitlxixpleihave sked cior itcc fica llt ciretott ldisccc on til ititittcit
lionsfor his ame, nd i liiissibe c Sun ay f itsccasiicereiiofore. cii
tciii ctheccclcchiytil t ra ayc rnticathscirttc cccim fihtpro idc
speccit triii ic oxthe 11coundscic iiilit 1offtese ccc o cc ii ls. dcci x cii cc
tim towil, houh heyareno ovr- ccrereicof teciptionci.and itxieuievnintx g=i
canicen aoutit A fe lyalrotes orthe cii us c uii icccifitheici i ty.tt
wil ccy tixci dcthe scuthrcnctcacm ciomy T hcxiiicn1tito i tic tea n par
yw tr i c i x jccicc tct tcccc c xix _________________

fcilicig ticc howxip ic o icc aic thisc h cii- ANic1cuticl,;iJs ANIOitlit.
doled game. Icc tlixlist of noinciitatics for claTejnoiuieespttesnosofiecntefeh a lsten
of tihe smtactccxiritmnccitoth acxerof i. Bi. iFeldmancc, cndiitetxfor basie
hi, ihr crra of 6 1- o Tim icIn'imcnc halinail rec.wacomitted

/T'wo Plays, Eight Lectures and
Popular Party Scheduled by
Cercle Dramatique Francais.
1 telsveplli h ve1wcctt ifocmedilhic
tilt ('cIcic Dii tlittcicti it-uccci co11111
las ,i et t ig-tcxx t -tx Ianda p i-
tille, by he ll tel ual tict, [cauit
it ipo ula tbcse tof i tcttt\ cclerits,
1but aloccts f it btin c hoseii it
R(S m s tit SIii t fcis W llitt 'l
tutit liii of cclii icct h it1 ciandimicx fori
Se ille- ,ic it i prtotducd 1Ic th
"'cult iuitui Frlit usc In I cj; Thisticim-
ui rlac o Fi cci e i<- the.cci tr t ilt
Frnct itrtue Simleiit plotit inic
lx I ti ier c1 fie ste In tf-
lit Ititic. cci Te pi -i ft rsne
t inra c-i tdyit uci -(c o te m
lit lv n :a tin' Lt mde at
cclix tuwichL ill beccpresenutein Sarahc
C:i a1 11111 -t 111 I'cda ~ei
he iai ostil l itt tlt. itto1e
T h lilt ees iii lire o at Fearsii
hav cit115 1iiitufo ttittieC rl itt c ii- uicc ei
1 r cut s it ic tit r atit'1-11 1 lif
othe or tai tititutcil ilt.l('xampus. 'fii
hill i.tai laled su redtilt hriiIt I
moethnlie tt tthi hutar cfor isei-
ra c~tc ttio s fr te sic eeit hchcit iit ll ie
afte Chi tma vc tit. An t irl
_ i l ICW i. o -tilt i iiti litciticitt c i st
r rci t ob edn S-c tu dat y mornl-\
_ tl ia1 I 11 itt lltt iti n r lItv.t h r --

wciilb l da fciiil ty nt tic sMthe j
fore. liiise tittiiNt tic iii to c V U Jj1 IfLV IU
pu nsile t wi my-eur CRITICISE COIINCIL

cn cii i a tl t ne tittl5c-tic-s itt liii-
Iaulty. ITicsccwill givestdetsi t he1 ( I)-
iotntiiiu of seemingci thetutu tickeis it
once in thelilt lasstic
iiIFiTc )111 hi-S 1111-I SS.hi
A h ertt i I cppoccuc icuc t u hr MItlligluc
lentohd iti tui citheselesis oftered
by ccliiecw p icccssy comi itiont iii-
ittuli ti t olt ihi has Isdcibee
cccdentu a ntu ediicxi ty cullrsas
priz fori the hesld-c t esy i "lfc 1-
lt-ctl ,-arbitrion. Thi o tes i tope
cul tutu rcriucael liii. nI ci t itc iii iii-
cut; ori~ tl cultccc iccuuciainis underthe
ti tucxcu [i l. Johnict Witit st rti ex-
secretarycciftcttate, tr.t W O Wi It.f ilt..
UitedulStatesccircuit c~tcut uliembe
ortielturose o thiscontetlt
hel tilt iclu deuuc luci ut ciectucuu ctio
ini thedidl"Convent tion fthit tic ti eful
hcAdj ii ustent of ternti onalu c I If(,tI
ferenic l tticd tediamedmen ictsod i
citheesays u t it e cetedt tccithou-i
ccls betiii wryitten nK rll-i ye
ofor inarylut r siei (eig t ltn
icc-cc), hicamri fa es n
u cut , lis, I.ol ulege cand home xadrss
cinctd ilscen tt to 1 1,C cPhilisctict ary dii
11cac iA.hiY, tdot)rlitch ct h i nt t eri
than eb. 2, to~j. I;iay .d)Ocdcno
tic rolledhit ncd mailed.ii

'Should Consult Administration
More Freely," Says Wenley-
Has No Power, Say Students.
hhilihxlixiStudetici.Couci ha oftien
beenin il theucliimelight ofctxcixcc, lie
cut ccuu f oinionccasc heldtiby rpre-
tctaiefcutiiiiilttidcacd tuetsc
hlis cut-vi-c been -knownc-c. Jnc cccatempt
toi accrcli ti Ic cxtiixtt,.T itixDaily
ha icke aciii tidomcera in-ccieprlcesenta-
dent botdecail heretit itsdccixcciie cii
cil cin htchelidght ofccmtiecxicice
psdn ttu Ihe Scudcuk' RepresentaCuuuu-
ashrinavhutari y muecx cccx cc
hitiltry li it s iso ucucc uxiticciitcare-i
ccdli tutcit cgn~ccititand i cc-
par(Ofhe cii.ccixdiittion.iucc
Ha cukbenthtit cehre' Persont-
ally itct1ise c itorasnwythe ame x-
cul<smiuccoticheti.ttin ucabie in Mici-
gan Omdii thi cii has miittaediagaitc
suiccs, andthatciscctlii. amourihocucha-
ii11 di f ill liltnc ttt bit ycuci in ccahge
partitocc cuuiugccc ofciterecsts, andilaick
<,f cintuaci hut ccliitheliiiusd.d
dciii nctic Oilthis c coccuti1Ishucicd
say thtite ccisioi te ounicil chas
cceii i tutu lu lc t cc ticpoit.ccc Necx-
chl- I.ti ocitioncccucticatiit furncihccc
a ccc Ins tor ticer lsfuli cttnnitxce
13 tit did (,HiteI adid stil t hitch if iisctic
fili- dtciii it must ci lii'c liie whole-c
hcatcdsupo lilof teistudcntsdand
o ctiii1c c di.cicc. ntesc dlac, I think
imihtocontt-tlt more frecciely thaniin
it. n ighti dcc)tict iih tod5 keielx itsef in-
fnmd cschic andatcii rstcxchanducire-
gal-ingtlr atitue 1octh cuincicuita-
h ii itCm tilte lietc cdyprompctt
to itlten li stron cccdccxecviwcxhlcd
dli t c-cul h avex cinctervenscedis1111 sbtoc
tom o te latiint aitidxxx ''husc cbe-
i e asdcconicnfideniiixce,otuthie pat
ofte udcaduteis tica whole, acd
kmm ledgei xOf Hie pocitcfciecicofcithe
cc ucuccuc -ci ithti ccxc absolutlxy sential
(thcciccu Itcc-Pae 3.)
TlRFi WITRA I hiiiilhb N
cheeseiorc ccw psicdentiali cadi-
datesihavit pctica xilly c-wcithrcwnfron
tirtight.ic Hin Carty(ciacd Coula
=hareiletit be inownuc thatucticciley cxcnull
in th ce. As bituowuctanccii t1cc stcug-
dccclis ietween ccJ. cierd .At-
iiie .
icc. cnacccxcof. all fivecxcandidatescwill,
howeerappar. n te ofiial ibalot
oneiweek ccci Saturdayi as tlix facuty
woicuicid nolturtu can-iy ticnccorcseci of
rntotut wc ithrawcciccciirof aothe.
Btit is ndliiictedctht thelxtee
igina ccandcciidtchsccwill pcoii duy apipre-
tuh c i Iot luchy wcccl iitrowxtheir
influece toliccKic ccc's iii eccixcciccccac
cino Iinated iuccdaycciht atltemeeting
inckel Suhatiit.i
lTereccwas arumrintt ccthe law depat-
tilect yxcted cta tic ci ccxiihmac, an-
coth ccii. ictctht ctiwculdcIpyxobably al-
perdi <coml ict t hetitalready tac-
glxiiight ciliumorecxButE acc lie in-
ticndnt aret tc c nowix uitigcccione mac,
i cc s oluikelyuthiatthertcwill annoucce



chils tutu ice-sexcudfromt Iericcu cKcn-ct. hi{Il bsb iiI)II:i Ih
yuc dicrecct fthe1cc'ecci ___

hnimportitnt p11 t cl fcthi rora
fotebrcnit s In cthutlecturesc
whccicciie gtciie y members oflcthe il
faiciity i ~id yotideit lectcurers. Sicx (If
the cltuturis cwil x ct-icc icc-ccccccuiccc
cu th fai cultyc ocitheli at me ncdcct cut
it inc t iis hphannedu toi haveitrtic
il ui d cll f tie lt Ivdcccxc y iof Ciii-
ca , Yv a et e dcl t n ttucttt I ci.
Wbccill childn ccacc hcrcxtdcccl eariti acoiat
c h tid-iciae a tl, lutae
it s1 . ~ sr iihci tiitlinktttdi cnid
r1c xi-ccc c--speakeri nd he i icc assccredt
anl itten it liire ieitllitstic anx d it pp cxi-
ti icittiiea de c ccc tedlx cit c cuiic c1-
icicic himtutuyeascado
Accraucccuucccs hie ben ad cfo
cccccc i uc ciofibcilxicclxircof thet bll-
andcex 11 raccuisc can Internatiol c Frien cuch
01-c cci ttu c wchltitbrtils tltisco-
tiych yeul acrit tdciitxa promi xintFrenchma.
ci eti tieltciurer ciiicc he I.lPcete,
lirat a of cc c tlci ict IfcPari cc-hit holdsi
onei cuo iif 11c thho timpottc piiubic posi-
itinsill Iranciilib xichuse 1o1theigh oii 5-
tionc cccnd 1che ci uec e acxc ipotace-cx
ofth or ih h etadoi ci oii lx anici icc sctitu-
tiiclton ic ccis i i t y Irespexc titxegreci-
h-ct of tc tits id l i l te dworld.
Aisocite- memxcsh cip tuictsiadcit-
11ci cc ito call 1cc the ccnu cbeIc oflthu Ceclti

hWith tice approax ichoite imefo
thl bieiil v c cc isii be ccdrlx:iteamii
Ccteiv pd eparaiddtionsctarex- Ii lad
toc ilt i~e ticecmas sc meetingd tgivenc in thexir
lio liiitcxiesccxe yt.I Te masscc tiuxt-
ccc ciiiprcedethei am, brmhel
its tlucid cin ni ve11crsity ii ciiOxucu iiicc
tilthlt. liiiior hutch I ccixtdlec. i.i athe
madoiacub ccii ccaketic Ic rnr
at thicstime.
ThutVanccciii t cima-css mdci ddis al-
way theix cxcitui ocaso i i citrian iu ci llt
feas o f 11cc Yccl.cciii Sc Imttuin mc li
ofc txe ixe famciy. ctudiicntc cc cWccrc
h cciecctwo -ccclcxagoxremeicc-cthttilt
Van eiciclt enthi asmciic ii td.ii dccc itt-t toc
thticcc IfiPenncyvania ightcciii sctshec
mostl ent uistic ofhei eac.A thire
cccii cuthtil aiitial iorc itt-cc sonigs and
yelstheccccc 1cmiteanttuccciiicc thtlhey
cci ie lletolithriidcc scocccincccwdotis tut
th l de nit exct cFIricccniht. Ioth
team 11cwcihaetsi n cccfrot cccw
pc-cccitocittak.it iaccxtturdncecwiiihlthe
uscuacl ctistothel managercucicof ct hetVant-
derbiilt team w ciiil makex11checcpricialtlt<
t1cc Iprogramct hasicot ycitcxbe cincmpletec,
h ut sonic especially goodouhiiti-of-townc
alumncui sicaeracreiasicurccd.

t)y the scare ai a to (,). i urt reauitagat.

' Iht II I I 1 it A I, L L4 k'I T ylv W: kIt1i1 i 1Gt1.

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