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October 28, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-28

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The Michigan Daily

Von, XIX.


No. 26.

feet.'el's Men Use Easterners'
Offense and Score Twice-In-
terclass Games Start.
tic lt IttNattt hd n ie oniC ah P s
ti (I e t h m I l) itoo't, do m te I
te 1cr itld pri ce IN mls INN IINN i' tilitt
Nia sit gl th :iy .a e ol
\ii il\t 's. NI.N NtN NI 11 i t cr bN so
t~oit line tat cr
Iutn teh st it ol Nlei m str
Nhyr INN Ndi NNNt t No I Te t ,tit tt
ili and M I~en Nite nte Il tefed
Nl thes e na e re fal i la exepI ta
f11 iNNr hafbc Nl th 88ta . He illNN
'i ll iNNe NNractttic Iettrd, Ot t
litt Its n t 'lisc tr g NN s IIoi thieIN 110 1
oNi t e11 ite tlt II t ~ sco itib t tt it iith
let ik ti tlt ill1 nitNIN itpe ten.Il NN
tieNNd NI INN, Il itr t tol in t e itil ex-
lent. Hmit Ithatt it. " t ttd Nto uset' lit1
fo m tin for11 thlt It Nla tNty. ii l
Yoi t N' i ttl toiiiie te takig
Poor wor in ti ltn Its lit'n retti
sp nil INr i t,t wu it inN t he last
N'Itr " Grt rudt"tt a h heengtt retiisurec
a n N' all NN t s tiNINIn n"tttt Ititg i" SN' it'
\nlN iNrt'iimmg e~~N prN't ii ae 7,'i'td'in
INe Itng ng IntlIe. 11III 11;

handing, by his splendid gtintiug and
rushes, made consistent gains foi- the
t t engineers. The freshmen could not
stop hin-I either in his line smashing or

ettti ns. rtt> ,im ,ttatbttother of lte >'ar-
gatinerIfor titt >opli> iDtaugiterty, tito
12 I 'ngti it N t t 1n iets
iDavis.......C.. i....Kavneor
I"or ......i ..R. .C .....Odi r
W alt ... ...... zll .....Kiiskort,
I~a g et ... ( .B ... ..i. Rodger"
Th its>wtIe tvnlytitmattchedi.Nhir
gtttNI I' Nsa >N 1 N t' t n ts shitttendtt
Itns ndN l iism shes.TtNt'hi et,'It>

12 i~tN
Sctt i.

iL ,T
R..Q ..i
R i. . . .

'it rbits.
.. Pout,,,,
... lter,

te Nhar ics' thope fortactntl in thetl
Pattt stdesig'inediatiwi ' o ly in-

roll chri

it... iKRT. ......e-farti
C.... .. ie tige>
,T' .. engesit
....L iicharson

Famous Soprano Opens Choral
Union Series with Varied and
Well Selected Progran.
thattlih iirme Nthe nclinc litig t N intNN
mett ,, ~ ri0Nt~' ,,,it, ateMacllatr groio
crs it n ins' itttne ilt lt LWou l tt
he dne, tiet' et'inIer rti onde
with INIa tt N liconns tn,,asl;N ready apit
ipr'ec tt'iat t'A it ressln t heINNIart'of110>
ing>ing'11111 attttt'ill) irrepocabl
N op el th Itl i~n .scool1the"be
Sotf > ttttrfl rang,t it>ma SN iargit er N ,
by1 the0 a t at sy paty wthIic tsh
u it. She rspotdeteqtally wetilt
t'el> ih t >1(1 i tt'airs 'land to t'greater
'I'lltartvSFshow(in the iGerma11n
Iryh. Rieyntoii two enc11 s,ti it, i
talc.irs" ty C,'rncLThr(i, 5viiencorei
"alk!HarN!'t'i'll I InSchdwl
consdee ort ir ttol it' "iateiece.t' f ,

active part.

Councillhs,,' ilcal fiolu c
Nefiniteiopinionsiof itt y r'' e
senatvv emersothe iiNtudnit tlt'
a d fc liyiaven ever t t it Nit ki vl. o
tos leas tben >ttitttet o representtil
ouso t it I i , an t Iti lt w llb
pu lited into morriN oti't Dil y. 'I t
itdha ,'r itrong?" Itwro, i s >it
so iF 11.1P' 11>5 SC X11iii

Presidential Race Is Still Further
Complicated-Kiernan Makes
the Fifth Nominee.

Thegal i)f t i}yll-leaders, for
anSo, hv benreeiedi
fil lunitisb M neK ea,«
The 'molhs prprae

f > : i 11 ,,

(1 .,

Il ha',

F.B. ........ i c~ratii

orlairipolitic,'>,thlich Ntoret'oi
w(, 'll kdtill lit niighit, are it

STht irtitsyill trt promtly at 4:it.
t''Ld byhiCata inIIDutll, itilentrn eml>eti
of i i' athe Cros Couti letookitel
eilevn-mritleItrip ' totWitmorafert Lk
Niturday'aftrnooln.NCntra aretadh
reor niL. iDtro it pp, t,, hr.menoolie
nohur ntonl tfoot Excepionattll lis
tierws mNiline itlhour aet'twentyo-ih
Nil~i thlle Creetetmnteiaher0taty
dlinner asttl thbae, ouseit terwardyslt
lieNurNi n Iit ytr i i h Mclg
Ntiest Stiut.ay orn',ingr fat"iharsiid
hotrods cset w,, ilb e o l bytiaecluobt
Piroef. liro.Rottril ak ott "or-e
tn Fciresatl\Vistryasitiony t'(ae h(oe
fortn hisiyga" oigt teMcia

II 'i'IC XiXS 111Ci71' (INS.LF
I\t 'Imetig l ast 1.1night' ofthe oI t or i N
c l assoiation 1 tiNti e cttpit IN
lit,' un.l~' lIlt tit,, tt m e X mlich oasicu ig te _liii titCii
Nand all i lthe p eli ina I- c ntets. I' i
pice wtttt tti> ti ibeth s tiaslat year.N IftY
Th eit,llte til iii ig t till i t'
Caw ll A liel u tall y l- rclw
1>1l\X .IN, ; tc,17"XI' n Iand JudaIlIlt
in ltl gr h a~t' N t th iIncniii ofi th
a int reciN>1ta l, n thut ld dr0t t l arge' i
audene fot thhi' i ver11, itiN\% iititl'
Loves otheti dratitatiNNitpilt i ed a
play iof. tmisal iterestg itheI pro, tee
pr cill i of'lttiN halttti pi ii .II,, i,,',

I Nl''tilt t " as lk11 in Nicklsti' tall
it Nligt'll'abit.,> oneiiILundred ando
''cit seio' tt, n rd riipossile
rnii''t' IThe unw elan pu1t111 Lorthis I
1., NKiiernn. It wa ex eced t atih
ii 'er >imIl 11111can idaes, TIhi
Ca . 1 , 1.' Halan tnIN.P C oula,i
liW whilt' «in favor ofit>iiernan
Xit oct Iit-red.tNt'
N'thisheule tne 1or n ig cadi
bii o lasit Lay an w s rteshttd
. 'h w s t N aou tl aw de-tii
prN ht esedy ht! ilt' it 17.uld
it mu m"1 th m0111>.Bu ille
as0 c las tight if I th iw t ruell.' iN'hsitd
tha he Si d no 1et wthdrawn. When
fuNh -' uci t> t ia ltoii thep Oxi itt,
h llnotlcarstoLtequo te(
th Nth r IthdraNitiig i i t favor"1". 17
Xhni i t,
( ', XIII NTsX\.A 11171N111,
I\I1">1"OC'I'C IGI, 10111) I

: m lwti l
cIlN,' Nil,' l
hi 2ct,,> fil

tlle setliNrhlit Olass twililIte
cit' hit' Il 'rilihi t l4 p.9IIt.
ill1 bei hld a ININ'kltatt',
11.1> o toNN zNi ltit theti~l

11471.1 tt fo eronsiish17' 1)1>1'S
pat illth wop ti ad teusoi'ree"
ti'cockSaturdayhilt rn~htiing it Satrah, Cat-
it'lll Xti<,lll. i
The, ltymtlt will ibe ill chartgtetof let-
lured iinit bie 1membeitrsofLthet'Cercet'
I liilt iiwho0111ani opeakFrench and has

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