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October 27, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-27

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The Michigan Daly


If it is, then you hare not filled oat Brady, Robt. F., Lit. 'E2.
your registrations slip completely at the Bresvster, Elmer Stewart, Law '09.
'T'reasetrer's offiee, aind tmless the infor- Briggs, Lucite K., Lit. '12.
niation, is given imtnediately, tdata wit Briggs, Luscile K., School tof Mttsie.
respect to yott will he itneonmplete whetn Brothterton, Lawretnee L., Eang. '12.
te directory eomes otut. Broadbooks, Leon E., Bent 'to.
,Ntic.-If youtr name is ott this list Brong, Karl Stattler, Law 'it.
Car, t UPTHE, Y. M. C. A. (MeMillan Bstrkhtardl, Wilson J., Law 'to.
tall) (Phone Bell 823 or Hotmr 281) Butts Lesthu H., Lt. ' t2.
ands give thems youtr (t) fudl tame, (2) Bts ar . i.'2
departmetnt and class, (3) Ainn Arbsor Larlsosn, Caec ., a to.
adcdress, (4)ihotne city, attd (5) pres- Carpsell, Otto C.,Litt'12.
enst phtottetnttmber. Carpentier, Gco. S.,Pi.'so.
These statistics cocer thte extettof Catry, Ha rrs R.,Pit o9
itformtation witht respect to every sts- Chtatan, HiramIsT , 1Litt tt
tent intshie directory, atnttiyout catt ie Cheek, 1LoganoMILtsvif
atssured thsat if youtrtatter is onsth iis Citristoipher, HartyIawti.
tist, we dos't know all we shsould aittttt Clark, Wsttin.sEgenteLitt '2.
yost. Call upttthie Y. M. C. A., or tpo' Clark, X'silltattsJ. Lass'tt.
thts mtattager a persottal.sisit titetre etit Cl'aty, Aubtrey R., Lass'o0.
er Tttesdiay or Wedntesdlay hetweensthttClisfottd, Geraldi Frattces, L~it. '12.
ttsturs of 8 a. tit. antd 6 p. ime(ait Mr- Cos, Isatehenlst, Law 'to.
ttiilatt Hall). 'Te errctr can thenbesllins, Carl Hlickmsant, Dettt. 'to.
rettesdied. Ctstocttk, Ia Grace, Lit. 'to. L
tookIFredi K., Ettg. 'is.
sas'stsssn I NTs'su'aTA'N OTICE! Cleyts Randall isL, M~edic 'to.
I/ ysstihavt'cchattgcd y'nur asftsdr ess Cveast 'Walter Jassmes, Dete'to.
stnce registerintgsit thte 'Treasttrer's of- Cssnt, RatlttitXVlsdsisLass'i't.
'see at else first osf thte Setttster rtensm- Crstastal Joseph Ntchls l
ter tisat we have to es ants sf ktnowing Crissey, Rssy IHenrysMedics.'1s.
tisis fasct. Anty ststsenst who hass chsastge ronCese, lBesrt s~thaLuseSs.sofsMssic.
Iis asstdress siste rergistcrintg ssoutls ltiCrssss, Xiasiet Losutseits 'so.
te V.Xl. C. A. (Mkci~iillast IHsll) sstndlCrsssm st ats1 ymsonstsslXtsogsr, Ilats.'if.
gice' te mtanager enrreset dstas. If yssssCesser, V stet is Sc.o f-issie.
dio sot yosrsron'ssg stddsfsassill asisiear Csslts's (tettis.1'itt '12.
its tihe diretry. Remtembsier tisis csan Cusrrs, Rssbssrt Ja,ss Li 1t. 12. '
ssnly hr lonse csntTsuessdiy sr XWesdses- CriAtu uee i.'i
slay of tissweek : After tihat, is is ion otoJh retMdc'o
lste!. Dssis, iissssLtouisseiDentt 'it.
Thie itncsstmpleelist is as fsllsows : Derfsts, Sutivs"Ftrankitt. 'f
Diosn,George I lr'syerr Lan 09<.
Aiexasndser, LeosnsBairtsss, Etsg'09. Dssonathuse Eugenes. I.Gersald,sa' '1s.
Alls's, Jsserph Shseithersi, Jr.. lasw l 't sso. iJete Ltb
Ams, Chas. G., Lie '12. t Dunnetr,dI' ic'rd Fr'sster Lawa iss.
Andstersosn, Albsert Raitey, ,Mesdisitc 11s2L.ss05
AsndersssssFredsiliamissLaw to. { ~ ~
Asnsersont, Bess.P., Ettg. '10. jI fsistsss WXilliamss Ithiip, Xedsic 'Is.
Aveery, CassissBI., Sisecial.( IlsHar Lenr it'.
Biassietiin, Roland Hestry, Lit '1 Ils2.rr ~tssrIi oj
isWXtm. IH. J., Lit '12.
Baiker, SMirk Loeswll, Dt s to. Isas1tsr.Es.'s
Ballasrd, Joshnt Leswis, Dett'to. i as, Msichasetl s ts', Dents. 'ss.
Baleder J. dso, Mdic.Fak, Gorge Netott, Lass 'so.
itallensger, Howard Chsarles, Meict'itf. rse ds.Ctsttri ~w't
itsstti, Chass. A., Law 't0. p isid Hetets Lyssester, Lit. '12.
Barber, Wmis. J., Law '09. Fishes, Arthusr XWilliamt, Medtic 't2.
Bartht, Johnt Josepht Medic 'to., FeeieJo ,sX., Ensg. 'so.
Basssssssk, Ross Hesriert, Lit. t. Flsrther, Jh Fas ,Rusths Mae, Schsosol ss Music.
Basyor, Faity B.,Lasw '10 Foster, Argo Monstasguer, Medic '12.
Bessssss, Sipeer Shusi, Est.'12. Foweler, Chsarles Eserett, ILit '12.
Besasex,, isbesst J.,Meditc 12. Fae,(aesr at''i
Beyer, Wain. Ftresdesrirk, icrI 712. rsr anr a tt
Freettey, Chasrles C., Lasse'is.
Biggs, lMosrgan S.,Etsg. if.FrisbsyFrassk SI., Lawv '09.
Birnsey, KasthesrincLit.
Btacta, M~argasret B ,Litt.sti. .Es.'s
Bissiestry, Lucsy M. Schosol of Muassic. Fstllertosn, Lusra Almtas, Sets, of 'Xustie.
throne, Attie aI 'sw t. Bashbri, ita V., Seihsol sof Musii.
Bossnd, Asdat, Seitooli of Msi.e Basllasghser, Chsarles Clinstn, Lit. 'so.
Boost,sssurass B12 asins, Jsstn Asloisas awHate'o.
Bososs X'tt. Jr., it Gasrmsa'n, Jasy'Steiphens ,'sLa' 'ts.
Bosynttnt, Liliast F.,Lit. '12.sG'rner', J. Flosi, Lit.'52.

Gastss, Chtairles Edw. Sets. if aisic.f
Gelstoss, ClasissFansnsisng, it12.
Gcodyear, Dasvid Spesncer, Lit.12.
Gssrsdon, Nathass Beryl, Law sio.
Gostld, Harold C., Lit.'2
Griffith, Dorosthea, Schsool of Msic.e
Brsastickle, Bess VW., Medic 'og
Brove, Williait XiaritsLass'if.
Hackett,'Thioss. I,.,Med.l'is.
Hssrstass, Attta Antise, Sels.ssf Mic.s
Hasffordi,AlphsisnT., asedci12.
Hail, Claresse F., Lit.
Hassmimer, LesssarsiWXV Lit'It.
Hssskel, larry J., M~edise'12.
Haistsa, Antdrew, Lawtali
IHainso,sJiots Dwight Js.,La iso.
iHansas, Victsor R.,ha.'ss I.
Harssa, XX'ss. 1-., Lit.'2
I as".isstsssierbest If.itLst'to.
Hiarvey, Clessras, Scttosos of Xuic.s
isset, Cisassies iDesnissott Law 'Isi
Eletssr, Fresd J. Jr., in'sg.0
BHeasel, Waslter Losslis, Lswsi10
iislser, Cisas. 11. Lit. '2
ii'gsse, 1-111XW. 1st.2
BHully,1 Grant SieranssLass'ist
Hose GuytsWXV Iit.'.
atuse], itsritm, SeiooofstXissse
Howsse, JsststsJr.,1La 'og
Hunst, Nssra, Setosass f sstisss
JasckssnS sstll S . Ii12
Joceltyns I' lSethossssofist isate
Josst XsthursWt Ph. it .
Kls , Cis ar s ee is.,Lass'set
iKedict FlssdFL st g. ii
Kitty, JosaephtI'., 1st'io
KempisI'sinGI, it.12
IKing" JoshsstC. Jr .sssw 'ss
t\r ati' sa sB,t aw 1 itt i.
Krh isl ts I i aw stii.
Kuh]St p~encersG.,ILit.'2
Las Rue, JoiisD.,Iit 12
Lee. Clasra Dessntsn,1st. t2
Le Saesse. . Lw ss
Lessess Betnsets, Dentss ii
Litker AtbXrahsiate, Isg '2
I,sobssass, J. iH., Issg. 'i
Lo,ssgRouyasl K., Essg- s o.
Lissstst, t tissgs K.,Lawss'I.
Litc felI -la"issel B, it..' .
Loeffler, Jsshss I., Law'g
Loce, Jasises ID.,DenitBGrad.
Nhc'setsrt Fred's Itsf.,Lass'so.
isiagee. Ftlsrente Jensi eLit.'it.
Ntastesjant, Ii . XI., iLit. 'f
MasrtinsilsoydtX'sinitgtniDent. i .
Minss, Rsshsrt _Iilsasel, 'Xeies'eio.
Masrtindsale, Casrews F., Lit. 'it
Masthlews.,IKasrl It., Lit. '12.
M'attlsrss,'Thomussass A., Mestic 'so.
MeCollumi, Annia May, Sets, of :Music.
McCassley', XVte. J., :Medic '12.
Icteee, Chsarotte, Sechool osf Mussic.
1Missssnis, E'asel P., tasw 'to.
Minn~isis, J. RK., Esslg. '12.
\IstetsittIasstissc Jasimes, Mesdic'1I.
XIe, a'stIsy sideIDasy, Lit. '12.
N ndl lsstItaire'.,Law s'fl

Mercer, La FayetteILaw 'o
Me'yrs, EdlwarsW., Lisv'o
Mtick, JoistsDogls Lit ttI
Miilemsssre, Bes. ,Lw'9
inisi', Lawretce H., Medic '2
aMorceosss, Rathlt.,ILt 2
Miorriis, ArthurtsM.i Lass'to
MXocrrisssn,Bostaldl ossotsLEg12.
Msseey, Ediths IL,'iris of Muisi.
Moiaer, Carl ID., Lit.
Mstans, . B., lest o09
iMsla'rss ts, Chsas. J Lasv'it.
l~unisssstry, Helei, Sets, of Music.
M~yrrasteul A., Lan 'o'0.
Msyrr, Orel Jateist,'Lait 'to.
Nashi, Willis J., eit. '0.
Nixosi, Alta Elisef, Lit. 'r2.
Nosble, Joistsaisersier, ILit 't.
Nsible, Lyle Masuds, Lit. '2.
Olakss Avery i., Law 'oco.
Otriein, FranksiklXt., lang. '2.
O'Coten, lDanuiel I., Lawss''11.
iParks, Joist iM. Lawse'is._
Fitnkertt, X. Paistl,aws'i.
itisl, Waltes' A.,Ei.ts'o
Powssel, Jerry If. Iais'to
Psiwell, JohtntS..I sva s
Prehis, EdwardlJ,L a
Prscoett, JothntS,Lw't
Qsilii, PsFsalint U.,Lit(Grsit
iRastsse, Hertert C.,Lits'to
Rasesitit, aCl,FLug t
Reader, JosetphtT.,Lg 12
Robbstins, Carl XW., Meie'12
Rtegers, FlirencerM.,XitI'2
ItRostfeldi, Leila, Lit 12
Ross, Frederick R.KWXX Lit 12
Rsowe,. Glennti I. Deitt 0,9
Russell, Arthur J.,IL555 0)
Sabiis, Chas. IE.,Iais'to
Sastoss.Jas. C., XMedic is
Sargent, EnEsi . Slt f Xi tte
Sceerrtense, Shoiol Iof music
Schcrcer Norsans sitsXX it.isto
Ss'ssslsirstGerege WaistL.,lit '1C
Segar,tritest S .,JPh1.5'1C
Serr, XW'sst. ..,List bo.~
Sescell, IHasrry I,. J.'2
Sht actr RudlphtsisViogeILIt.i'0o.
Sitw= itsisnk TI Eg'ts.5
Sltn, tu , i is o
ShephtrdinittfresitB., Mseictosi
ShiseldsRussell Ais is.. 059
SmsitCly its.,XLit
Sith.slsOliiie SchoolssIositsic.a
Soy tis tls Iac,Lit. '12.
Spr'agute,'Ir C.,I a o
StirrsRiotdaSchotoil f Muisic.
Stintse'isn udtC., Shtistl ofMictss.
Stevent s, rt ellelit '2
Stvs, atstArthurss.XXLit.i'is
StewartrsAt igutstiaBILis. to
StiltsiAlesrItClydits' Lit I1C
StttC.eRIysositeit. i12
StoeLcilseG., Lit '1C
Stiael litWtti. aitIDent.'o
St utile, MaintsSholsiso(fMsict..
'ayor i itirBiry B, ~25f'1C
Teerna essr'trueieLIit 'ii
Thomatiss, RayID., Lit 2
Toddi, lRsit Wi.,Litt '12
'T'oms, Rolandst ,Li. B 2
Titise, Jas. C., Laso'is.
Towtattleo. L ., ILit 2
'Teaubl, Irese R. ShootoitsiM'aiti.
'reast, IoraeeAlastonEits ' o
'Tiost, T'ises.. Schlttiof XMusc.
'Tisli, Roblt . I'Jr.,Laisoo09
''istttiy. Kateie G it'2
'ltre, Burtoni, La o

'ler, lDorothsyLit 12
T'ler, ErntestLIHLiw s
VansiWinkile Chester lHstrsons
Vausghni, Wm.is Ctrts Lw'0.
Verhusfen, Alfred Juliusaw a'it.
Vidrio, Bsa. F1 Eng o
Villas Coral, atliseSets. f Mstic.
Votarst,SMinniat raisesLit 12.
Walchs.JohnissJ,Medic 'is
Walker, NEgeseIHlimi Iass't1.
Walters, IHatrry WXV Law 'is.
Wards, Buy I',EEng to
Warner, Fred, Medic 'it
Wasikins, JameisK Ittit.
Waty, Donaisld LIsis Lw'9
Wieathieford, MIark V,Law 'to.
Webbter, IHelcin I Lsuise Lt.12.
Writer, Wm.isW.XVEFgis"12
Weee, lennisWVatterILaw 'it.
XWeise, Clarence EuLgeneis. '12.
Welsh, Clarke 'T., Law 't.
Xersael, Clarene Esgene, Li. '1.
Whitaiker, Jay A., Mleic '12.
White, Williamseniiry, SMedic '12.
XXisisssias, Ernsa Paulise, Lit. '12.
Waiey, Railh E., Meds. 'i.
Wolctt, Wit. Udnesy, e~di 'to.
Wososlosck, Lawrence A., ilomtceop. 'it.
Xoorinlg, IHiarry E., Pi. 'to.
Woosi, Jesse Xaye, Law 'g.
The S. L. A. programt offered this
year is one which is pefely stra to
sotls the perople of Annt Arbor adtees
uivnesity ibuody. W~it the ecepions of
tile Hoenorable X. Borke Cockras, ot
stir of this year's unsiversity spakles
has eer sisokest rout the S. L. A. pat-
form. Inthie case of SMr. Cockras,tes
repetitiion is esstirely' justifiabl, foethree
is so sorator in consgress who is ss pow-
erfulesi ihle.
Bite of tir objectiosns that liss beets
madto ttformisecusres is that seerl
of the atractionss wouil ot be new o
ele studcest bodystd the people of An
Arbior, sintetty often appeares twice
inthtersastme geseration of college st-
sents. Origitiality, va riety asd rest-
nssark this year's pogramst ad it
is hopedithat all will avail teselesa
set the exelleit sopportniiies offered
tlhis year.
Sir iHenry' Irvig ass as prlshel ws'
nat as great as Sir IHessry leavlg, tir
asetor, litste cetainlyexhibitet altlt'
traits of as soothisayer taheen he presictedi
lie arsyawhrelesdramsawoesli ee sit
esducastionalsifactor andaleasel mutiu ciailty
awtisldlhae ast endsoawediteater eastd
to tesebest i10tesdsramsa.
tDonealsd Robiertssltsonh saticthis less
phiey cottertrite itspart. Ilistas tpredss
that goost srama sswiltsrie at tes
hatds of tier Amiericsassteotle as retre
sented itsChicago, a city' generalliy'set-
pose to lee'tea slisticsitovatalsltls.
Thefirse et theater its Amesricasbuiltusoni
munssicital grossusdl adelfree t elanots
its theoiries swithotessiregarsto boex toffe
reciptss5es'tabltishedethitssi st, e ti'55
then Nt Institute' Of Chicagos Donsal
Robertsoni ssoat playig asthirty'aweks'
engagemetisusitsrepetoesire theteaned ii
presentaston of lays litss ec tsiaicut
lary sueessfis.

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all the Bookstores in Several Days. Complete Intormation

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