THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. HI. Wild Comfpally The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemlen's Wear Esvrything required for Sit, Oivercoats, ancy Vetinga, and Trousoringos. and of high elass fabrics and special Styile. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Companly 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HIEADQU ART ERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits antd all kinds of Athletic and Sporting Goods Tennis Golf Baseball Sweaters and Swetaer Vests Elegant new here, special low prices. Students' Bookstire Sheehan & Co. A. G. Spalding & Bros. P'he iarge'st Maufcers iineitc Woldlei tlet i c'Siplieso Foot Bat, Basket Bal, Iet Skate,. Htokey. tGolf, Gynasum Apparatus. Hpaidicic c Handoimey Itiacirsed Gstaiogiiisofiai sp 'os citais nism- erous sucagetiosciatic'S ree Onis where.- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Nws YorckS Cicago ierii Managing Ieditor-Acccncs F. lRITCsscE. Buiniess MManager--joust F. Wusa. News......... .......Lee A White Athletics............ .C. H,. Eldridge Exchange........Robert Mountsier sic .................Itollis S. Baker D~ramna............Raymniid Vissce Women's Editor.... ILouise Van Voorhis Chiauiccey Bouicher LeoncardlC. tRcid tliclisel 1B. McHugh Fred E. Gooding D~onald L. Kinney ]Naina 1. Jones Walter K. Tlowers Louis Kraft REi'aOiTES Pail Greer Sanuiel H. Morris 1;. G. C. Williamis Panl Leidy Loiwell J. Car 1. A. IHicekli'y IHowarid l{al BUSINESS STAFF Carl It. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 P. in., 7-8 p. Mn. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 'TESDAY, O(CTOBlER 27.19084. To itoscwotowere sticietsheree-i fore dieecay of flet' ion cluhose andii are yet iere, noi proofi is iicevooro fiat te Uniioii fis assucmei la tce acid filed ai tac nihic cathing vise ciuld li iedoe Fur iticoesewo indtutu iciient eijoy- menin istandling oct tee crners aiii a'tchiing the "erowdso" go by. or whioi caii while awray iiiiiumierablesifiterncoons anial nights wc ittierfeet satisfaetion icc less citoecccacittseimeints. te Ucto never siill mean ai'cnthincg, iieeause it aftersinothcig iliac they' desire. . Bitt fur those iwhoiiwnsit omietincg iifferent I thanisiwho iwiisch to mceet men of iki ti tesc.tictalk:car readtaidci Iongeiasuroiniicgs tic 'droaltn" at trill tic a real elubhousecino hiccchvthliii ciini feel a ptersnal interist, tlhe Unioni ex\tendti hei' ilopotuiiic. Fice thocse iwho iaveii' en tiii cl bhouisiiecc ccii' y froit -11 idec o a ralt . wt iatiedtheiiistr'enuoiiicsccivcgni tot lciidsc.acid tics' iinmg efliotrtso flie meniwhocittiteerec iriieevicecsite reutcontaicic tiore tntheiioriaryi modciiccitmiOlofciaisfctincc. lTeteicotto t iiiIiiomre' fsc'Michiigan tec ms doi someing for theii iii nion.c TheIistcx te candisto ticicciiheir iname ctoi.tte membrshp iri.Teycerttinly re-s cieicmorce tha Iii proprtionate returni liiihei dccii' e titcIf they haveithiei' iterest ofueiciganct theirtn ru mentiiiisc ccii' foco s hciU11i11ad- cicees. .\ieiiig'itadvceiccs. Twvememberii ccs if tliv' 190istliterate 'classc cave'ptiitiocnediorianamendmen toi tiecselacions'titittionipccifincg tut thy'elcii'tut ion fo tec las sh l tk pc on thirstccccSaturc'dayc cc Novem-i beir." Ilavill~g purchased Ole ntrv' cni) ie t f \\'sciic' 'liveyc ae'' cc ic'cgcicc inc saeto ivec our' patrons lust-class se- ic in th i ne of l' c ightc i v eryc(iI t i caraeadcabcals ri agag' trlccwork. cii 1so cardiivacc'ste' hoss elphoe > ;l iicphn I83. I icciccec I dii S' '' Fattjefe- son S. , iccety SNticiganiccdclvisioldcichavce acMicigan 0Scrapi tKookccticprscee cii veiselippcigsotosic.i'tigstha j iwould iotherisevbeils orcdestivoed. Ncoc 0 i cs'e iitics cc~tiii c cccic x ite plc $i1.75 o icles'.he iceeincudincg ci 8' to ihtoofcl Prs'esiet Aigell. Ificici puti it ofti'; ccyou']] regret it if 'coni do. c18.22.2 IDtecora s5te ttour utuois ccciii. Scet cctt' c'Wtllihancginigs tfrccmiouiii'1000cipcai- tens il t thoni 2.17. C. i 11cajor & lii.. 20.1 I". N\\ NWe tate sione expert ccatec repair- ing' sincee t858. Hailer's Jewcelry Stare, 216 S. MaiSc. eosd-if Schelil cii&. cSitu aresointg tihs cele'bra'ted'cMaSt incccmcacndolins a'ccii -m- tic.. Pe 'sc' '' icci-f'e'.resona c i iauti f s ti'e. easy ocily. C2 t ROOMifFOR1011.1 NT-'A.aIeof ronit sige ro . I )tic ]ecs. ,I.3 l;. J slier soni. ,3-; 'cive sit glass incaiii rtsci f if tis. ]lot]] phonciec 2.17. (C. 11. :Majocr & Ii' ceodi c freccreshciers----'t icmoitppular' of cllegehtst. 'lie hlodut ocan ipitt in your telket. l sitis'& Coc., 709-; 'cc N. iliceroito'.cc-ti Sicihc-Pre'mcie'rtyewcrier forr entcc or saiii. 40i2 J". \\'ciiigii i St. 23-5 Up'i-to-datie churt, collartis cciiitie's cii salii icy Alenlvi Mstreetcv. 22-5 NOT ICE '1T0 F'RATIERNITI ES. Deois ytici'ccic rcmcc cscfre tePus se~Pen gmce. 'ccecicia otyor rork atioace. C.. 1-1. 'cicjit & Ccc., 203 IR. Wioliitg'tcsi Si. fistic ihotics 237. rail SENtiIOR LAWS. Practccuttixis. IHIsis y'uritype-cv -ccc lng one cit Jailiffe & Zeiwaciski's. (I iexpecsriec'e lhas tught iosteicicicec' formi. .10 touthcil Stats' Sc. 25-cud (cc Iii 'iccircincoatsfoc' collegeicieci. $ itos $2;. liiOcsle isv:'lieu, cciii street. 22-2; 'iotncigslhats, "collegi' styles',ccii sale fbc .Alndla'inti reei'5t. 2-2 '1liinst cvtcactus icace, "Apoo's," cciii. so vii cent tiounior ict hixes, idirect fro cc>siscccfactocry..'cAlw'sfri-halti (Cccincgo piha'icciacey. if 'cciii shrt, indswetei'i' 00s.oni itlelw'Aliii, Maciii ciii. 22-5 l.Cmpite Rus'hccii liccicix(inccliig 9 ofi titv'iciestes), 6c cfor tic set. lyc'c- (11,7cc) ciiiercity ' 'Cc. i8, 22,.2 Justl riceivec e wcc'sipmnctcicficclui- etc shirts. Hienrv & Co. ia-if Nest l.'ancy'Nvstuksfor Christmaics gifts 'tt tice 'almsioyalec. 2039 cccsi I~iiivrir street.25=30 1V A \N'I'EI I ATl)NCE Ouie hindredi swe'ctestcnt oi cci.i lver' hePlisiiRoal, 200 castLiberty' Sc. 2-2 F0f2 RENT-Sicigle roomsic.gocas viit. ellitritlivil 434 Nim icriac315, F'OWNES I GLOVES mean right gloves- so buy Fohmves and save trouble. Modicerni secvcii-rcoccihousce an Kicigs- leN' sires.eticmpletely fucrnishied, icc best if conitiioct. Bach Agenicy, It0IN. 4h Avrc'.tf ('ii-to-sdates'shirts.,eclcarso accciii es cii salei by .Aen, l intiisreet. 2- 'c-liecigati ccciic acid lair operatic mu- sic ati (oat's fMiusic 1House. ici-ib-st-sni Flan cliiirs ad 'eaietevs to stile its AllieciMincistreet. 22-5 I . l - i 1 FOOTBALL SUPPLIES Anything younemied, front a $5.00 Football to a pair of Shin Giuards or Shoulder Pads. Our stock is complete anti ct-cry article guaranteed. Ask to see our nen' styles of Sweaters and Jersey Vests. docbiithictheIUioni dieacascprovci ai great succcess. It hatscmaice Miecigani Itnd foer cc littles'c rthrancc it eve''cr ciii beforei's. It haiccounacd salcmcuccici unegaut.It chas givenc ns, cabovei all ccac'e'ticng paceoaccciii ihasc affordcedi tic ani op~portunity to iii's. I cciioui' l'ic' in ac systemiai'tticwa. Buidthiii rt:ii of the ilc' ioncisi cncii ciiipieii'ii. cic it'. is scacelyi becguci. cccIca ciiciii i i il o i'he fiuture' restsxccalonei w ithitheimeni iow ini cllege anditheir suci'e'sors. Ifithey' wantiicco cisieh WAH R'SI University Bookstore C. E. BART HELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock ins Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law svid Medical Dictioniaries ~Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New amid Sec- ond-hand. Old books takecn in exchmange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Testing Eyes 0O1' system is built on advamiced mptical nmethomds, io-r woir-kis backed by 19 yearsc experiemice, We 'rose Eyes We (trind Lease. We Ftl assei Prices Right _ Gymnasium Suppliecs Sanitary Cotton Shirts--------------------------------50c Rununing Pants_.--------------------------5C Jock Straps-------- ------ --- ------- ----- ------ ---- ----250 Jock Straps elastic sides------------ -----------------50c Jock Straps all elastic...------------------------------7$c Canvas Shoes------ ---- ------ ---- -- ------ 75c and $1.00 Leather Shoes --------------- $1.00, $2.00 and $2.50 Every article guaranteed by V -THE - UPPLY VNIVERSITY STORE Are You Short, Tall, Lean, Fat? Whatever your shape, it no doubt has its peculiarities compared with the ideal form of Apollo Belvidere. That is why you should Have Your Clothes Made to Order. We are uusually well qualified to build for your* form the kind of clothe that satisfy, feel comfort- and commandunvr sal admiration. Your choice of hundreds j of artistic fabrics made ex- pressly for you, embody- Four Sutaon Novelty Sick, Na. 19 ing all the up-to-date ideas at virtually "ready-made" prices. Ask to see cloth Nos. 4755, 4758, 4840, 4844 and fashion ideas 516, 517, 522 and 540. Order your Fall suit and overcoat now. Will deliver it in 10 days, or less time, if needed. II AR OD'S Jewelry store WAI KINGI LOO Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Chinese iFancy Disthes, Americai uces ocu all kinds. Everything first-class for ladies and gentleen. Chinese ad Japanese Birie-a-biraie. Uip Stairs, one door S. taston Bros, 314 S. State It. AMBULANCE Bll Phone, 98, 2R Hoame Phone, 98 R. A. DOLPH & CO. Succesors o tim. A1. itarimi Funeral Directors 209 S. 4th Ae. AnnaArbor, Mich. VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Waalh lsgta.s St. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L T8 Blue Fred W. Gross LIBERTY STREET Cor. 4th Ave. r, 121 Washington E.-Thne Randall Studio, Randall & Pa ck, Props.' Phone 598