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October 27, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-27

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The Michigan Daily

- of,. XIX.

ANN AI.R, 11k \IICI-iG,N. TUES.DAY, OCr1TOBER 271908.

Clash With Mc~ugin's Men Is
Expected to Attrack Mammoth
Crowd-Baird Returns.
'11escaltsoil for the -Michigan-Vsin-
Isel-it ganlie beg)ins tliis mirning, a pr
tion f th lily rient sOats going on stile
at 8 o'clk ithte oftie if thle athletic
4' iationOni hlt stuentiimembiers of
a1 ttiletie ss-ociaitioni will lie aecotti
stiotlteil todayi the geiieral stile icing
deferr iititil IWednesday miorini~g.

ilisli the '-tuntoft'scis ng oite sir t ice
oni eacehtof iteist te' ,IIC e s stulii
Penaiiltieisins tick playedail ititortant
rile ini OhioiiStaites st-un t o i din
Micheliganitoitassingle t teissdotwnt Ild
fielst goasl. '1'11(star siteygo'ajned wsith ciim
sieal osstes-e, iut inii is
either a penalIty or aslitsi ekcko
strsiglht intotle arms of a isingiStat
tlater cot a psssible caetttoisire.
D~ir'etr ,sitrdl returititi cii da
fromti a1 shilrtIlbuisiess tril t l :aIs s
sattd tiill havie situ s iisits' irion i ofsi
lie satrrsatgemientts sirt'hle ]en~v
tail 'Vandetrtilt gsimls.

lil h iti- istsi eisriit tieiiler 1i L LVJU1 V Li V V iii
theathetc aSO~auil re iy5. a sigt A / *SE AT SALE
siats-, i t iltn entir's' lfthfle sa
si i tiorthiblleltche liss eeli set iasiude
io tbe sioldl itostuent is lfastiltynen Special Means Adopted to Secure
uses at ity renlts,,stsod's-salsowill list Purchasers for Unreserved
baliut l]neaps idi'spuseorf allllshestudenit Seats-Canvassers Wanted.
sea*.ilwe r ' he slits tht itar 11e__on_
sale toilet irs-foer lieeecseerisigsectii ' tio T i s]sit olal'rslsips Oiii$lio isdI"10u
and t tu ral asssi ss l m' ny ti st udenttsts is1pos's i - uspe i-I'liae es- (ridbyth tu ns
btle wiill 11a1111to le inithat sectlion. Issctti'l i sssss'atiss1tt he wosr IIi
\'itli te,at oco t h le Vanitisir(ilt sellinig thle M stsasllS Io.A tckt
galls', Msichig''nu's soiiih ill itlist ilil liiit C 1111 o ilan November 7,i the ist
ia isitv t s 'in r mt hetlis Itstry sousthees of- itthes flrst addriess,wh is <- elib
fure sts fouriith stilessive time is ls I Jiit Iats Iltssss
errsitng. Id-si-Isintthei' s-aol i ttthe lmiitiil Is i studentsis its) th irv11111 itii s
loessllokedtIhe leatifiii'sii'il llsfitlilt sligilileito enttits lecotetioieir
li te aggregationls that hia'-vetepssenitedeslsilsof thes'e two1scoshlis 110 cIt i
iii ori il ie- cGsgiis br'oiughttit toi s o heasosciation n ie- h
the1 foit' ll the sorststing swold. Se t-- itesestI iiliiels stu tis s'i i s tls s i
crlof ills Veteranss iwiese gone:,and i ensiI ill sellig ticsic ha
ike stich Make, Csistiis, iSitin, Sto eIsith t ws io scholarshsip i ll but1 l0
oanI howiii' veri's still is lurryi-sU tp puif llission lwhichs ils -il is incel dwiSu t i-
m d l best if thl vi' \lale ma i terial dens'i Lere s ssoii tosn i i sforthe-III-
an eetdvlp i s show tIatsVn -is deitst tiis llgdImtflit , stiudenil ,
dc-itis a5s silstig as in fo'm511 yers .:s' is -l t'essatiiiiiofiti ' st e i xrs is i
-si' ali't' 'l}' hatill h ouhrssirm Inupo's hod es usr( rtlil'''''
aix isal iiire tiasdys c151ts t- inc e .d n s i iino Itiketi fon tsue i
1 s couplIts' l Ill itact that illh- I tor s l t srclt i lt f r Iii li
i-n s foitg;1againsti o ta10 srss tts 1 ;hip s.t ii ut is
led 1to 1h lifar ith t isit w ig ors11111 li ed IIstcho lrsips i, ut 01ha s <. i c it r
havr'ise ii-roand. filtswhei t h ys butt kiot eshu ts's e ' - c~t cunnl r
i dls islilo i ue isi silsd' ti ll11 ai li ol s .1th' iiis l -il ssls tl os i ollsi p
-st sssis snd ol vtsto tste fu Il- tis t i ts' eIs s'lso ts 1sions i l c m .cc; t i(
adlanc ordlegrts fset sit111is ilstimate otest tiesecr n fteshlr
ha n ari 2,oIts' .pe op l e will shi ss Isul tir'plistllis af rn o bc
dayiof testi l i ' , s'oItfhatii- i usulite pati tdar ]a hbes ecuresfro il
Sutnday' ight,somehtts'' dstsisecoutageds l oor,11 1 iess m ylist seredliii
binlg 11111able i to r'ie: ills mori' 15ve'r- slurinsg ts he ficehius o e ii i cr
is lieli siig re'sgsisst (OhioSi state, bitt ehiehl c fr m}s:3 ,11atr
destetrmtineteo do1 whIs i-s oofetmittently non se ilrserved1SatoIstl ill
iilI's'1:1 eotlserjlelle-tsii frosiltVandler'- b l d -h Saiturday1mis in g, Novembeli 7.

First Concert of Choral Unionl
Series Offers Rare Treat to
Lovers of Music.
W ills tirapaiss's''r's'Of Iii ,\ 1s, si llt -it
brih nsoig rcitisI 5'tonglht scrsssils
of the iss mo s itsiss'l'ssia t its sil i't'i'ilis
of th year. 'c is-i i sel5 o ba l h
sills si-11t sit 15art i ssstt\10 apss',i'o it
IM Aro'ti stsonsandell leos'~s'
is otc o the fc lts li great sit g r
iril a n S - s fil ' oi;tl ls 11 11 I
Cicat- a d wl s i in Iletrosit lhis r
'-S st1 st is i r Ipea stllil 11.ini ;ill inter
in iucl i a illsr f i tisi5' ol iii' li 55'
\111 h iiec i a e S~ l -,isi s ofilt-'
hst knol n on f-oftheGermn cass
ic period ansit,,o ias in whiits tis
I i--is p im ts ti-i-isath rb t ln g
isis Is isis compositios is silts so Isiidor
Iulso e c i s isaccom1paluist.
ofi n s '-spa o n i e . l s il
it} ts ll cco pan stiredlt fuits herii i
sic~ll l lsidti o tat he ac th t hli
sith stillkaswtutlilis's'
such;tsMad me Snlbicits ill ra-k
sciie. Theconce t i tll fito ltcM

)ea N Jcr lif 1) \''t i.tirdA' I'lItI
ju io Is cJ la'sssF ill'. ii- I s uit ittlii'
siete t hei'' gr1i ef m' its' m it1;
to 1 wriiit s the juior l ay, clis iosiss of
i'-05- . I,nlsiii-iiti ,1, i g ,J. Ia-is
kits, R.de roni sialnd I, stilllt. 'Ic
<ocal ommtte is col Ipo it
Ta-lor 'lsss', It, 1. Wh i s ,F'
testsfords, 1~, C ltos nlc C=si, It. l s', I",.
Wleitz, J. llslssets J. I ll s-il l ,i A . Clie
ps r 1s, I Il1)a\701, I,. , li 1 ?. I i tisi
NI. S -cilseet

Athletic Board of Control IDrafts
New Eligibility Rules Which
Are Ratified by Regents.
b ilty r le- o t s i l c1t cr I Ii, itl
tlc had il s ll r11it m
tlos wh1 liicto rl'5 'sit -!114) lllvr~l c tc)1d lcti~ n
)f 11 51 t c )I 11'-I ii ' 1 to
ci l il ll) t l ii 15 l 11a 1
(1c k li g {f ti r 1 .i lli r-

Snappy Toasts and Live Enter-"
i~ntt tainment Promised for Annual s i i
Banquet; Seats to be Reserved, itsa-i~

drit It l
I '1tINl
(0 1111'

ii(>l t( ;' I II(tI )I~ I t(
pat (lai itste o ec laissls
Is th - 1 - Iidll oflthe 5151'' ii
(cid "it IIaI(,lisit is I sfushe
< il isut ilsoillsdIfiniwl
its1c~ ti 5 I wait unt1il lsh lists
Isctc anis atd-llth
1(11 iiii l(' iire to beii ississitsis
i,eI ;l 'ses'ssi slcns- 'tl is
(t i's'rc', is lsthe n ieers to 51
sill' the- (issts' ) Il, an1 the
lu'i d 'nts each sills-
Ws l ee byii's 111('iis '1.-lis

lVthtir' 1isstitit ity o haigjosli1
II,(ssidn, and's Anre w i I). Whsisis e ll
(Alls sirls it entssssl - n alm silo
ple11t sssssOrugan ssssizto ye. ii u suusus, the
'is-s an Un'' i on'ttusss o c 111, 1 eli' hes-ld i
Ills 1111laitli Nosvsmbier 1,i rmie
t be 1W fth is' gue- o '-ii sit uIH
511 ti1 susuui All mi 5 a1 iis Sy 111
uf plaiso usill h h "iea n fr e
its ii siellslar each ti iitUn ti s'~11-
still, andssaldol l ind l f tos othersI
Uno si Wal NMert
appsint1111d the fllissli l" ls 1155,Coln
mIst s lIasitsevi ng: lc~ h iman
Gl~rd . Mcdoald trasncrI oIv
act l x - rrn m o o lit-sc'
Joseh K lly ch i tnI so 1 dlir
isstussW. '1 ocrne usHrnr
1111lii cl in I e, o i \u /, ticl
manot r' sil I o .I t c ,(lii u
CoC it Aclelu d It R.s-iususn
C l Po isuos I,, W.silo stll i puiis hsty

]till tr1

kr ;lt sil

ch ll- l 1lil
ot1il it cd ( I
('d us i llfi r rI

il- ei i
s 1clf' 1

tas nit stisfied withi the sworks of thus
teamt, sit twsss tsae furom hutintg dios-
''hei sattsack' 1was lsackiung,"' saiud thus
coasch, ''snds wsiuthouut sttasck a lug secore
is imtposus~tible, naitually IHoss-ss-c, it wst
us sighul for sore eyes t see thast dlefes'-es.
p ile- tptlBatr-s aittempts1 ait grunutd gain-
tufg ) sir opponens usts ontly nusade but
a igle Iis dow - e lonug' rsu if
Gbo' fo thir touuchdolswn-butt I
urass indleedh sehldsou thaI they- gaitued even
as mtuuch us au ysard. The remaiinug lime
(infuser the Pennt gaume trill lie devotedl
salmuost entiriely ts te dlevelopmenut uf ati
efficienit attasck. I sui confirdet thatu
nither Vsandserbilt ussr Penntsyls-sntia
cans gauts agatiust us sttl anuy dlegree of
sushisistenuce, antdi if we-cati tutu succsun-

CiASoS ls ue s tBI, SASo TiO''sllsV.
Alt ti f5 stosaythus-fresshand1s1 p
fits, .this-denuts andsl pharmuis, sandsussl
freshlantus 55151enginseers still claushs III
ths hitst uof theis'nteclasss fooutblul gusais's.
No linups fo(sr shil' sitthus-icassusso
liesetigiven ut 1, buh prspetsusare5'-'us
fsavosrslelsfur us surntg terss ast
yeaur, tdue ver-s-lasrgslytou n-'thesrsit
this mseti for foostbasll 'I0' R 'usuldhe s s u
Siqui n titudess-rutuii fromsclass o sites i
Ol t;, S IGE S F?[,l C] I2uii;us 1,];1Dsilts
At asmeutue-ing if ths uoldlmsnitoitthis
gleeCltublssht unight, J. 'ITuuhe uss' Ree
waus electedh leader-u'fou r's-sescomings a-
tuto l',rl es-ilIs-hh siptutu ans'isut psi-
titun inthus'lcbilttuy1a11,atho.,

1t'sIll ,NI II1, l'\N'lhII'hiMS
Thesmuithrsenineeuls's-oalt amtinug
n ii ais i oflosit css u sssil nIts-st ''-hutts-'
ih ts ; 'Isck. Th seli'e htit-i'll he
heli tuslsi r ut s p -siusoly ititiittrush.
No so us'shav asv t sh'ltitrlo sill-
us huBnkeetio e yaroas
isth" etofte irs o nsits hue nurwsbill
Nvdc slur-erd a th stis-thuts
%vmk 1_wisamlCha iin asintuginug
l llingsactpllseusdthu rgss audi-
(me tha 1ws e snulst ngt
allager lae ha eistsaged t rus
foobal rieIsturstill rItmusthus-Masjtestic hSage'
sinuySaitsutsdsll ils-nulsusdlarfig thus
hitld Itson O this' susung sitf
loh a h Ieut s will aso'- be an-us
Iounce frsm he stage.-

i iuil~IWIi s 5511
li'll fro ~ -tl t hea 5itil
111151lilx alih i
i" and is 1', sills I -
i t( ic {1 hi" us
11 cht 0 ho hu t
in;h m ilt h ills-
ta tr sshi lci llp'
the s h 5 ty: 'SIul ,
"No m hiu - lll, '-igO
Psi ' dsap''' tssssslt

} sulls s-i'iti' still 'hils, silto
15150 isI-, v ilt i's-slu, o
its- Misu Itothus- (ttu s-hfor
Annss Isluss elhirs usisth i

us', tip G45( Irs

wl 1

''s-ti nll dus, hieasl, Sau sill s 1 ' hi~ gh
hiss Sonr, Rygs iitushnd Its i u
NexsidayertSaurdylth anual
'lubts clts'iit onthti to urnllt men111111 isilllibe
s-ilncd n1 te.1-in5 A borgr uns.
baeb llisanag1r,1istlls ofli llo tli
,I S tihiyti'Sundiay'is Dil yus u1ssIssrl-'
man tis can idte Miotu i I -st lln'
iseI slslselsys'ss't si uu

last: s( sit u's-us t l, C
Ilualisis('slls, T'1)(It t
(tl-'s - I, I- wi, na
isle s osuu theu vtr
('ttitautiin. I it -il
th iiii n .



The Opportunity S[ IUBRICI To-Night
is yours to. hear 10 CONCERTS $3.00 SINGLE CONCERT $1.00

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