Sam Burchfield's sFine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchffid & Co. EAST HURON ST. JOLLY'S ss30 i. S TAT T IGreat - T1B MICIGAN PAt V Pipe DR. COPELAND'S ACTION For glee club svork use Martin guitars M.YSTIFtES AU'THORIT IESt andImnodolins. There's a good reason.l 'T'rsy them out at Schaeberle & Son's, lDr. R. S. Copeland, secretary of the so0 S. Main St. rit cd homneopathic facuilty and professor of ophthalmology in that department, has just reived a nesv shipment of Clu- accepted the position of dean of the Nesv ett shirts. Henry & Co. I2-tf York College of Medicine. Dr. Cope- land has not resigned from the local Young's Itats, "college styles" on sale faculty and his actiott in going to Nesw is'by llen, Main street. 22-25 York places Michigan authorities in a peculiar anid embarrassing. positin. Thetinest caiidy miade, "Apsol's,' 'Techniically he is still als instructor Isere, botu5lcki sossnd, punori-in boxes, tirect vet ini reality he has nt heenin i Ann from Btoston factory. Alwrays fresh, at Arbor since August aind has not per- insising's pharmsacy. if formedl his duties as secretars' 'sice early ini the siiiiier. Th'le Palais Royal, 209 East Liberty, tDr. Copeland infosrined isnisoesof his alwvays has the best and most for your inteintion of remnaiiiig in the east, askesd money, iii U. of M. penntants, bannsers for ISo leave of absence, andc in fact heel andi pillowes. Try us and see. if several tprominente faculty miembhers to helievi' that tieswouiti returns Yet iitis 'p-lu-date shirts, collars aisd ties oni bseeni founds necessary isosmake other sale bsy Allenu, Main street. 22-5 arrangeentss for thse tispossal of Iis work. Dean Hinsdle andslDrs. Birdl WANTED) AT1 ONCE-One hundseredt anst Smsiths of the honmieopathsic faucltlssweaters to cut over, sit the Patais Rioyal, are noa' takinig care of ithtsbetsvee'n 2095 Fast Libserty St. 22-27 sthemi, Deaii Hinsdtalestoinsg souse if the - - wsork of the secretary. tC'sllegianu rainscsats for college moru, 'ThIe swhote msatter ws p liced berfore $s to $2j. Onsasuie sy Allen, Main' tic regentss st their Wedniesdaiy mseetinsg, street. 22-25 ibis nothsing swas donse exepht to dcter- muie to ensgage issi ute is Dr. Copse- 'WANTED-Vioslini and piasso pltayer, tasni's tplace so lte ini the seassons. eveinsgs frsoms 6 tis 10:30 oo'cleck. Cook 'Tle doctosr sailsmade seversal stis isoIfssuse. 20-If Ness York dusrinsg tse sprinig asisusss- user anid it seas probsably on on e of thsese Remsesmsber the nsesv creatiots in caps stsat Itse offer of the Ness Yorks dean-s is originsal wits, ansd solsd onstysy, Hesiry 'tils massisde to hims. Hr gasve its his & Co. r2-tf aplartmencsts ini the Custtinig fists hsere lsist Ausgsts. Dr. Copelaisd isas highly re- Youssng's sats, "college styles." ili sate garded isas linstrusctor sere, and it is is Atlens, Mains street. 22-25 tirohabth ~al esens if tsrescsn550oIsosger tie a regulair msemsbss' of tie fauilty, Isis Frenichsflsisiel shirts-just wvhat you services will be secured as a lecturer. save been lookinsg for. IHenry & Co. tf Ms'5tILLAN xHAts, NsETiNis. Cotlegians rainceoats for- college msess, William Warren Keller, whlo speaks $15 so $2j. Onsaluie liy Allens, tain tonsighst at McMillani Hail, is the' head street.5 22-2, residetit at the Franklins street settle- --__________ -_ mnit in Detroit. Besides Iis coiltege Free chili coss earne. Ask fisr trial experienee, Mr. Keller hissseen uchsse sdish tssCisllege '11sis tf of the woirld ansi has traveledt exten- sisely its Enrope, anse his keen obiserva- Flansnsel shirts ansd sweater svests oni isis of the social conitionsoisishItisa-lie lby Allisn, MIains street. 22-5 coistinsent give Isimisaclearer undes'sristn- -________________ isig of Itse problemss is Asmerica tshass Colegianicliothies fur cisllegemseus, $s13 msany 'mnen possess. is $3.ts On)saite to Altens, M\ains St. 22-,5 ROOM FOR RENT-A largi' fronit Gtlyousr bath stipplies anid toilet ar- single roosm. Desiratile. ,o8tI;. Js'f'sr- thcers at Cusslinsg's pharmacy. if s011. 2:;- --° ' ' Collegiasn raincoiats fist'cilleg'iesse, l5'se Olid Englishfloise swax. KLots $sisto$25 tOssstelie y llens, Main tissutes 237. C. It. Miajisr & Cii.roil-If street. 22-' Frenschscruishers-thse most popular of JOE LENHtARD cillege hats. The kind ross ean psut is 'MIERCIIANT TAILOR youir Ipocket.IHenry & COi., 70i0-71t N. RFPAIRING AND PRESSING tspiversity. it-ti 2o6E. FWashington St. WARRANTED FOR ONE QUARTER YEAR PHOENIX SOX Silk Finish 3 patr for $1.00 O urtalty College Soes for Cllege MenandWoe Sale Your Choice Meerschaum $20 I or Briars_____2.0 PILLOWS and BANNERS AT D~arling & Malleaux V. of M. B AKRE.SHoop J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. BTt.\'t'It ItsuS 5 t'iiti'E A IN TIJtS HOTii'ANtlCU'siltstiitRitBATHS 'sziSs' a d, ' hiiiiii i i's 'Hiair ('sttin ' 32 .State St.AnAro Mich. ISVe 54Bell An rbr WAI ICING 1.00 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant CinesicFrwylDshes, Ameiricans Lunchesaof al kns. Iiieeyttiinofiratstlas tor ladieissand iiu tn esiuu. Chinses ndJaptss e sssic-a-brac. tp Stairs, one donr S. Hluston Bross~ 314 S. State St. f TRADE MARK RN US PAi Off 6f0E WIRCOMPAw'1 SEE WINDOWS for Exclusive Styles inill and Winter Oxfords inttiFretitl Calf, Tan Moose, atie Ox- Blood Cordovan Letathiers. Prices, $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00. Our Water-Proof Catmps Boots unequaled at any price. WALK-OVER SHOE CO f 115 S. Main St. ___te________aes_____________ J. L CHAPMANre cuJewelerf 10otigTalrs Srt,. YarC s orateten$5.00rSwr eesaytoqi r osert$.0AAML C S $ 7 ttsekucilahientile tBrone n oa r ti itei theiFor ty,'h aa Rpile puat bt~t St. wnn A llmeenMrgu pwi ret K e*e,D ne obaHeddo, Herertinttsly nan A LSTOF ENSPAKES WRL-WDE AM: th tare Iftohecasannunerd d Rowe'sducloryaunury JUSTIE DAID J BREER Tcket on ale t TisASpOWtProp HOTCA HEA C E R SC H O L.OM U SIP3M6N.esh e le JOHN MITCHELLCorotdna ne.Lirconsion a oway totieaolle'. NwPoe45AetIoa4, W. BOURKE.00 COCKRANo Haile.00rs Storetee BAONFEROC OR 19TAKAH 9ThoRA trhestc (0ii eWes) hav ieCorl ion (3 theses, carry A ITO E P A ndS evOL-WD FM;t erthie ng ntlnc tRxs zd rLred.o lectioandtireyi DonadTRoErtoAD Co pay oBPayrsERes, Toketroscz dmo rtable.t THrAS, Ron, eProp.hiawr HON. HARAMARIETOWE NCHHALL ERV I A 326ress ifhouAs it TiktJ O rAITHELNL berOr$2.0tunlt vsers.,LiCarpal comis DrnaperytoeMssFlr45ePS.nBabbitt PRESIDENTYPSILANTIDE MIEELE ST UD IO- , Z 3.19 Last Huron Street