THE MICHIGAN DAILY WALL PAPEIR Window :shades, Plate and Stein Shelves, Burlaps, Qils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Etc., Etc.= - Ourispecialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) NV.a1-tinting, Kalsomining. Fresco- ing, etc.,Icetc. eimploy; only skilled workmen and gnarantee onr Nvork, We cam. do your work at oimce C. H. MAJOR rCO. 203 E. Washir gtorn St. BOTH PHONES 237 GRANGER'S SCHOOL D ANCING Grond r on11, Mrt sitvi. riscly ii O~ms(,a vnlo s towoclc, ; e i o f'lesos New Whitney Theatre 13OTH PHONES 480 vI ILI, Ali UNIVERSITY NOTICES ces o m I, U.IL. at t a. in Soph)11li footlbal pracic t soth Ferry hltoday'ieel atill sharp. i A\igttillyI.oitsdemocraliiiiilitheiiheld to ig in N1 icke l'hlIti l. Good sipeakeri. liid ht([ibetw en Sti no pii Iill.tng ti 1511 frili, ingier e ee t itin ptvi i.- leiure roomiiato'clicklti atrnoonlut. .a iaio. o laskfic ertuts till e nomnatonswil t ke plal c t lihuat tie. .151 u-hg of 'iietginerin 0 las, ltRoomi 24-11d e1ginr ing titi loin ii todlayiat -I i'clck.Nminat'io~n of ficers Gt \\ott ilgo 1lcidakl hue l otri Monayatlilit. 'IletuIu reromi'Cap 'lut alie. Importut beusinesleiaSoid-a sccita l ix llheii lci ted. 2 kll Maitegrt'asoni tinnic tiewithIthea c l ly 1 11t lIiu 1 atn a rce to Oltc k24,ulagt pManictma e duel .to rorcuilur,to l it, alisselRovaol, Soolier.21( .'halott. 222 Fo lee s clubwou sete Mdtin gci.kuulege inimndlisiheeii oo easiSo iii nySt. T-v it itillut attis lettier 19119on al- 11 ki.,M203 It. W r[-icgioii di Flairl siterad Reasjireceiveo. ter&o, iati kVotingisats, ..colltee icrleit-logesen$5 t,% $ole it: salenb-srlet. lai S22- ARE YOU CLO0THES WISE? If you are, this will make. you prick up your ears. RMEAD: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the label in them. They fit; they are stylish; they ate well .made. They will probably suit yon without alteration, for you are not hard to fit, although your tailor tells you so. A single try- on is worth while. Full Dress Suils, one of or specialties. te Satu~rday, Oct. 31 The Mlodramatic Musical Hit The15ldIiSNi(it * * With SUE MARSHALL I _____ * ~GYP- Company of Dramatic Players--Chorus of Show Girls Scenic Production Throughout-If you don't see it, you lose Prices:2c-ec- - 5 0w c-7 J5C Seat Sale Thursday, Oct.29 I INDENSCHMIDTAPFEL & CO. THE GRAND iladParlors 220-222 Souxth- State Street Openeid uniter new management, entirely reimdeleit and up-to-date. Billiards, Pool, Bowlifto A complete tine of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy and Snmoking Tobaccos Also all Eastern anid Western Football Returns by Special Wire Ho w1ell & Johllston Props. Phone 459 M. E. RYAN Mgr. FANiS! WATCH! For the "°MARATHON RACE" and other feature films of real live sports at the THI ATORIVM Soon! EVERY SATURDAY MATINEE 2:30 FOOTBALL RETURNS READ FROM STAGE All Sats l0c--Chidrenl 6c, Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Senson 1908-1909 Can he secured, for Dances, Receptions and all Engagements, on dates other than regular Show Bookings. Any combination from two pieces up. For open dates and particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47'L 113 W. Liberty St. ti t KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER iis E. Huron St. tf LAW BOOKS 36th year DICTIONARIES j 36t~s year In QUIZ BOOKS lin Art Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY JAnna Arbor Cllag han F(04.Coo CHICAGO ApamArbor Brarsria.. tatc ,Street, Opposite Law 1Bif. «rceniake a specially of duplicating leinses in our optical- depariiment. Hal- le's jeweltry Store, 216 S. Main Si. eod Riett a Kodaki, toe per iday. Lyndon. 18-24 Collegiacothiles fur etollege men, $t5 to $3o. h1t scule be Alleit,lMain Si. 22-5 " Contiinous" alleys are Ibsill right in the bowling ioom; tie solid and last- ingi adl level as a billiard table.'lWe line no "sec- tin1121alley. CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. .X32 S. Sta 311 Maynar BANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HiURON STREETS Capitai $10,000 Surpius and Profits $90,000 General Banking Easiness. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Oeposits. Safety Or- pos Eases to rent at $2.00 sod upwards R. Kester. Pros. W. C. SsnVEnnn. Vice-Pros 11. A. WILL~IAMiS, Cashier 1. T. STOWE, Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 5i0,000 Soc plos $t5,000 W Resources $26,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OFFICEnRS: Chas. E. Hiscock, Prost W. 0. Harriman, Vice Pros.:t M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRETOnS W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnoid Or. V. C. Vaughan 15. H0. Wade E. P. Mills John Haareor Jno. Koch Prof. .5S. Carhart Henry W. Dougias Christian Martine DOneF. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or. ABE ARBOR, MICH. 1.0D. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE, Pros. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital, $100,000. Surpius anod Profis, $00,000. Geman mwian u*Iugank Cormimeroloa.l im.ld Savlngs Cor. Maim and Liberty Streets Yots C&M Get ft Hot Lunch At Tsttla's. 338 S. State THE MARK OF THE BEST SHIRT CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. CLUETT ANs ARROW COLLARS 'Uhe SANITARY PIPE OP SOLID COMFORZT "nCeoesciuded so simpiy on graefl linesyet wilk euch ingenuity ikot enck nd eeryudeirakble fai- OUR ure of pipe smokingis oero- come. No"nlus-, no salivao FREE no nicotine reaches ike OFFER etmokerouthik yoa smoke oly the smoke. ______ Fasioed from ihe Uportrceipi of finesi Frenchkbrior $1.00, emiwilfor- coot, is twoe weadprepais,one of skapes, straigkt these pipen for ice anod curved, days trial, and ifsameis milk vulcan- notialiwe claim it tobe. izeod rukker pipe mny eeturnednd mootk- moneemwiliklbereuded. piece. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., .1 di8SPrudentinlidg. Bnffni,N.Y. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 701 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. . ALWAYS AHEAD IN S'TYSI1OES MILWARD., THE TSAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY 'TIiNG IN TAILORING