'1 f I I ;jItL ItIGAN CIAIL , .,; ., G. H. Wild Comfpaly 'Thu Largest Stok in th e its of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfe's Wear Fv5ery thing reuired miorSit, Overcoats, 1 ny Vesting and Trouserings, and of high clas fabrics and speilstyles Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street "w STUDENTS' HEADQU ART ERS fo Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits anti all kinds of Athletic and Sportintg Godis Tennis Golf Baseball Sweaters and Swetaer Vests legaitiew liere, special low prices. Students' Bookstore Sheehan & Co. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 'rie La'rs Manfatrite i WordofII iiiifil Ath ll Siti lls Foot Ball Basket Ball, e Skates, Hockey, Golf, Gymnaslium Apparatus. Spalini's Hadsomely Ilistratd ('iini-1ofia lspoirtsetiiitaiiisiiiii- iront sgestionis naiei fre ony- wher A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chiciago Detroit fTHE MICIGAN DAILY. Malnaging Edior-AsCciR sk. Rrcmi. BuinessM'a Mnger-Jois F. \Vus. Newss........Lee A White8 Athletics ......... C. E. Odridge Exchange .....Robert Montsier Msc. _...... lolis S. [aker D ramta........Raymnotd Vischer Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis C'hautn' cyfBocere Leonard C.'.Reid NtIGHT VDITOS Michael B. McHugh red . Gooding IDontaldiL.I Kiniey Dana E. Joes Walter K. Towers Louis Krat RrORTveis Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris E.G. ,C\Williams Paul Leidy Lowtell . tCarr 1). A Hin~cldey BUSINESS STAFF Carl i. Adamti IHarold P. Goult SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 190. ed tlti snto teiwiring etitiy itheiiistilet mattttertofa communtiiiiicaitiniofeeini aohrcoli utn. Thr eritet'r ecgii'i the n iecssitiy iof ascertiigthleetn soiluttti, suggcss'.ta t tutu i tie of "its Gregry VII its lHamiltn, its brinigs. 06tnoswheir. AWe ree toi i- stiudectisiitssedl iiy'te aclt . lTis tact is idisptablilt. Still ui tioes init fotitat ibeilca us te re tic 111- poetiniverts' ilycaffaiis, tie'cniiiot ict rea sitntblifanfiegi tateiiand'cit The st t Clii usncsi cnstitrutitle whi ic waillteiidibytteuiveritysen-t aly silteits silts tt i tto e at quatelC actltl tllniesaryifuntionstof ci ittgttn it ill. Artilei f SctioIiitteo theiCouncil shll Cei"toaffosrdla eecise nzdmasllercomiuicastin betwin ie,s 'tdetsiand rer iersilleitathit-si tices, trugthei presiliet ofthe unver it." Te sesectiton gusher to siayli lierter ttlt xte liucittil tisrilii geneli1 supision over'tuet acr''tii t ii itieanaaresent1atiivteriof t ici- tuntbodyutyo10promoteCisthe sntai- spiet ofspirteof antejstic ant."sInt l theiiiortheyti iro aled tohatoeand not alwastys ibecause ofincotilltenciy. For tiepuse itofiilsttiinletius turni ibaci toithle Stu'rtheater trtacts. Ciouni- 11a11 p ricuretril iie. This wstatigolden tin fstideiti gioveirnmient, but ihese citss r'fepesenittivesc (fli tiftitig. In- stetadicitf pititit liti fur guilty leo' atit rcutin hireixpuflion tit thelii'hatnds ofitt faty, th.elii)satisiletlysbiy'atut fitttti, tias uwfispread d iisreputte iitlte tile C'c(iiidi'fefr doiithis'iitilt I Ciknew lt'e ibtilt'anteiil uthoisitetieswolid haie itigilldstfleng11'tutndithlenctuto l teCuclfimthliseartetth. pere- filsmn til' htoi satci'stwithtgCuiltirf- ifl fits sesiosiiil'siiiiciig, dirllowinei the 11111aterii trule sayiftiitemerseid c lies ittmcit of 'l 1ti tt ober litncil"n wrnft ll preilt sume (ithatcifheftatorxiy ofte tlstudentsliare of11teillusrutlyeleA iet it d wou c'leetuudiciisaproveldflie feld posureof a elss slititiltseeothat of ts uds tiet Cituiicl rtheeiCouci'' siit o f airness. i liil jite iietteifl toe tis sdtO iptthe Csustil icitsetoiexer-l'i ieiJt RoiN'ittitigl poweris, w goodar sacitnildttuyitei 414silt)ienatef. 3-9 th iewilctions, Iwicht is'hut'ciiie fit lects rtheCounc itic'.peseaivesi', tneirleitudeii'ten t iesnt.ecythis proes ofi r''ceisusci tatt tion t'eltcotrCl- of' sudt ffit, illfecomitch's, tiltie oft ralityi.\ltiui. 22) F OiRR ts' Syurople oosork dn ight, f el frn ili ishd.43 caistle . fa- fsae.ss02E.s