Vol. XXI.
SYlIAC USE ' FALLS BEFO E Il\1R i\I 1=9K\ itR9T\ li;220Zpass >a ildv iis nd CLASSES SELECT
W OLVERINES' ONSLAUGH T cd fa11h,1111 id dater1ofthe l'ia- a'line c hnssaf l h aafmrhoo h nt~ ltr orl~eored 13tO 11111arc1,11111
( 111 111~ a , g~a~alT he11111111ram111nd1the1 ot11 er1<,n1,1p11 lsifr' n1 Proxy Dispute Causes Doubt as
Reconstructed Michigan Team Conquers Orange lances,
and Black Souad~r on a Slinnerv Field{ ALL-FRESH WIN, 34 TO 9
afe h ;1' ' it:W,11 ' 1.1 t?:
Lo Bowman's Being Presi-
dctnt o-f Senior Lits
by a Scoret
Syracset1, N. Y3., OCt. 21).--NlichItiI
stadliu1111 Sa1turda Ltleldiii 111111 1111h1at
mielll Ml1e111 ctorious oil eman1111rid-1t
ironsl, 1 111hi1h119iletire more tro-
phies1 if 1 11 Ie l11 Iled . (11 ie ell
1ron I10111101 lle tter tetill. ,Its <Ieot
1011e1ndi test to1 01watch.1 l The 1blue
111111er11 mome11t11f1t1e1t115ime, an'lit
fotthichelwas 11111hotterI 111amtilluc11111
tesre withg thetcte ill tie Iastheorag
Notsuerittiy lulltill' mare'
cettetly weii, 1i11was111101 rk iefI thee
menl woltmosllttted11,11e filorw111rdltwtll'
hieldte lallioillsaf111)00 101, imes0
911111s.'T0hey1showed themselves0(1as)ac-
rieiasle lhtlTl 111110 o01111it themll
a1111npver11llowoe llN ting tlget1111)
frotheonly in11 a11 rtim'leefeitl sf tled~
stated.oTttespuntsttile aidtfiteyockI'l
forw adbi)1factor1I1I11he1011tory11.11
aNaottonlltdithe fali,1011011) (CO OX
cwnaklof10advanclf ingthe101bal. 'llts
gadin, i ltutgts boingst0110 i~iyll-
stlo otr0Il '11111 otkit' itr
1 1r 1 '11101, i) 11 11 s iilil
of 3 to 0 Ohio Northern Team Falls to Stop IIll 1111111
First Year Men b l l .he(,,o01d1o te
v ~ i h b k w i d e in g n l l~ i e O ifo - l' el l,l. . I
S 2 TOUCHDOWNS \%ll ~~l a~stI 01e1ler Iol fo:... ,...I
()11111 1It, KC II l. . I, . . ..
10'1f: ztl')ie'S11 91itil':1'1t-tOI' bets111111 111)11a 1 ll ' 011 (11 I'3r~tl l ,t . . .
11110111 e-!- 101111a1 11111t e ())hat', till')' . .;+11:111
tcrcay fter o(). ]loin the b~o illg ( trtl 0. ttl11p
otI(f1aigi jo11)1 till \It 1'11111Sp1 1
901' t()[l',11 )) !' 1 1 1'.Jlil l91111. 11 1 } ( 1t((I11a l I11111 if
I 11111 11',,,an r st te thin'1%-'l ,;,talc~a1,)ltr1111111114 IVIFIN ENTER P1i
991 M k 1it_1 a th11ticd to 11 1e 'I
a ruh a th 1 h1)e0 11 lins patIt).1)111 1, 11hc 1I. 1 . .
illli ccaionl h wevr,1he11aid0 11101 \ Ole111111> 1 1ua 11111sO11dd1111t 11111'y... .1
1ll111,11111)11 o1111a)11111, 1111 111 010111 ,o-lll aoI'll te e ls be ''' 0rcc
Ill]1fe1 1))0 It ll, a ll1 .1 3,tt,o1v; 1r1S () 111111 r Nce0or t; t() o11rs. ()r Nft, S ti e ,tlt.
)t x)1'-C)110S1). 1111)op1111e j' k11,-C0- 1111 Itt I -I
th orange)11oal.1111 a111' 11)0 1111)1011' 1 t t t.tai t''t''C(~ ,1O11;ts W Yl
ed 11 si 1)1yards 'a )] 1111 t l h v l h r ils i h rI ,_' "le'' 991111 1.1 , II)" \ \V (1 I 1 c 1 0n ) u1111till rc f (lee1 Ri0 . ,
oti(tl'I frlt tle '11)10 Il tte od 1 1381' N~h9191\ 1 BC ,111 111,'i 110 111 111
to 501the one-vatdeline(m11 ,1111 ent idf1011 l~t II 991111 11 11 '01110 I (1)) 11111
til -1 1 I1Illtll10 Ilit'fud1110'ge111:t 1 11 1 0e1 lco11r11 10t1>111I0 l \\t 1, (11'
plunges.tlt herfeb teltt oi t'd fe T i ne, l ha be s',,tOtl'd bt1l I toh ie' IlIiIl'1m11 l11111
wot) in It riht glsrh 11)1 bil~e1)1'ot~ti01t0, 011)1 1(01 011 11(91I111 tI 'l(1 I
det vtc'ritl
l lllit r o fI
11cl~11 let'
wI l1~11 il
ed 0' 1'tlt 1
; Ir 't e ()II
I ox ic ,t' l
X111111in rbby wofavr
a 0nor i I I If t o be 11e1 t
d dill the voteIt to ist il -f
.' 1 illecn tI~wlil
l )c: 011111 Isto alrwt h
'N IAN )A110
ti+. to1 h t er te1,-c
di l cl
e B3iggest
N Thel () 1 (911
(111W01f c if~ra
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ut 'er, ila ()xy
'I' t I :.
'e' . I' I MY the 'Arstti e n may ers th
to111i '1 ciil id11 no t tv', lgst hei r 1 o wntlt)
grl~ill{', to 11un 1heir tiket tTle i summer
I uc(A cmp alwih1 ra ic 13l1y1no 1m1 .1)1(
oppsiio , hattike hs lways1111 ett n
1 ne th Ir 10 1t. he Rep(II n aI C
tike, . it ,,,tt Canl, na rly dou le
McilanPresident Al rt P.Fitch,1 D.,DTonight
HalSubject: " Lile at its Best--What" 63
McMilan Hall was packed to the doors when he spoke last year. Come Early