THE, MICHIGAN IUAL' Come In! Mr. Good Dresser And inspect the biggest 9 anti most exclnsive selection of imported and domestic woolens in town. This season more than ever btefore we are able to show you the choicest in fashions and fabrics which will be worn in the recognised style centers by men who know how to dress well. High Class Tailored Garments made to your individual measure at remarkable reasonable prices. To look means you boy, B sure and look today. J. KARL MALCOLM, 118 E. Liberty 9 1 Granger's School of Dancing Jonthe 01las(es any time. 'Thei'termegins tlititlciiyouido. Classstfortadie sad Gentlemen Tuesday and Thursday Evenngs, 7:00 to 8:00 o'clock, For Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246 I Henrya*%nd Comipany. Te.lors narvd Furnishers to Men 711 N. Unlversity Ave. Amnis Arbor, Micha. PA I i1 I Iheatoriun i4P0y I UNIVERSITY NOTICES All junior fits whose home is either in Ohio, Indiana or Michigan, and who are eligible Repbhican eters, see Pen- iel or Moehlmni at oice. All junior engineers meet at erie helil for game with sophomores. tGnic called at i:3. Soph lit election today, 9-il1:3 a. m. ini lectre rooii, Tappait tall lIportant piactice seiioilits Moo' ay at 3 :30 p. m,Ferry fit Seiior law ieni report IFerr fiehi 9:30 i sits. Prictice. Iinkritoil. Freshmnailit cls let ioniioimi o North Winig, tocay 9 to 11:30 a1 ll. Senioitrlits, whose dties atee paid tillto this year, are eigible to vott toia. Those ini arrears may pay a t election MANY CANDIDATES RUNNNE FOR FREISH ILANV Oll II CS. Anundliicaice of ecodidae' iithe fieltd ias the miiii fetrieC(f tie fresh iliw meeting which ws hell Iet oerdie aft'rnioon.There weie i ftwrimn noinai ting seechtles which broulgt firth applause froim the frt~is of tie nineli es. Secretary Goddiartt had1 chiarge of the imeeting11111 eplinie the fo rimial'ldotedtbylie lalss Oie fortynoiiiitioin111ssirt iiade, and1 ite s follows: IPresiietiii late tic kett "AWaretniSteiiartTi111111 ltiikiis Roblert Gilociitii.tI-i.Neer, JIL Viii Atkeii fo iclil-preiet Rillert McCrerG .Ii ilar CirtissNhEl.liPeiri, M5T.)Diis; fiii secretarus JR.Coley: fr reas- ureci D M.Thiomsoin011Clia1. Nila11111r, I. .reeii H CPyutVt.NW. c- 1)11nal S Gisk, S. Do11111 tol sereancot -arsos IL Ttchttr1(1.ItF. Nchiiisriiii S .11r sI, Jamesleary, G. 5 hiilleiit itlerC fole ioratia 1.11 gate t. IB.0Davi, S IDoleit e Silloyeri Mi Otii fiiifiothll miiigr~ ,.P DaiI IIf. iLintmaii1111 baseball mainagr, Ni I. MelWllac Thiomiipson; for ibasetl llmanage111 A C. Stit, Clias aner, iiC.. ight:1 fiii track manaiigee, I. N 1'Etisehower, R. WHoiiyes IIHNI2Mel iiish, iG irtistier fl.CEiiiie J1'K1Brown. 'Thicelecton111will lit litlitStudtie A. TICKE'T 1105'Ml101R5YNE Neublian loiio -in thei' iseta: r~ rc urn hmtiiiiovmee ie Reiiihicaiinhb h11cce ]lan iiiam e Ann Artor aiddress o tlate coutiy'iil Alito t n(I -r f the cli or dr) a postal io J. Nelson, 7i0 Catherine ous. _3. Detroit Laundry Brancha office. Calli Huff, t247-J. -f. Come to the "Ideal arer So" for vor barer work. on wiindiii "Everything right" 717 N. Uniersit avenue. Johii Trojainowski, protrieitlr. 19-31. CLIFTON, 2ia. high BEDFORD, 2in. high Ah~f6w ! 4Z"Ctch COLLARS Sitasnugly to the neck,Ithe tops meet in front and there is ample space for the cravat. t5c. 2for 2c. Cluett,.Peabody & CoMakers CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors Charlie Weigand, Prop. HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS .! 7 {; ( , , I,: 1 iii ' i, it I ' ,i t ii l . 5 PLEATED SHIRTS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY Students It's always a satisfac- tion to look right and be sure about it. You can look to this store for right clothes. New Whitney Theatre Cu~rtasr..8.15 P, M. Late cornes sn eot mseted promptly. All week commencing Monday, Oct. 31 Matinees-Wed. and Sat. John A. Himmelein 's Asociate Players Including layersBesse Dainty Mtoday Ngt-"Prncess oi Patches" Tuesday Night-"Anita, The Singing Girl" Wed. Matiniee--"The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" Weudnesday Night-"In Arizona" PRICES NIGHT-l0c, 20c, 30c Boxes 50c PRICES MATINEE- l0c and 20c Boxes 25c Lady free Monday night with one paid 30c ticket. Seats now selling. ,;o" fir/ ,' , m/ f , . ' ll ji l , 2 I .l 1' r;ji q Reule li, Fiegeloni Company Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. Knox Hats Stetson Hats Beacon Hats Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin and lDent's Gloves and all the latest styles in Neckwear "Always the right thing at the right time" WADHAMS & COMPANY t21-123 Sooth Main Street - THREE THINGS TO DO- Join the Union Belong to the Athletic Association and SUBSCRIBE TO The Mc --hian Daily $3.00 A YEAR $2.50 IN ADVANCE DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars East mouad-s:to a. im, t0:to Limited Cars Weat Bound-9:5t a. m..11:5 loa4 . n., :154 p.m.554 p.i., 7:54 p.i. Locat Cars East Boad-2o tDctroit, 5ant a, n1.,0:45a. i., and cvery two hourstn to 0: P. Di. Tn Ypsilanti, 5:45 a. nad halflhour- 1v to011:5p. .. alson 12:15 a.i., 12:30a. in.. 12X50 a. - 'Ino Satine chance at Ypilanti. Locat Cars West Bound-5;45 am., 7:1l a. inandecerytwohiours to 11:115 p. an. 4 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLOES Carriage and Baggage .Por each Cnuple to and from parties biefore1Ito'clock $1.50, after 12 o'clock $2.00. For each Trunk tuner from donr, the price wilt he 25 Cents. If carried tn or from up-stairs, the price will be 50 Cents. Drivers arnecquired to collect cash for carriage and bagage sertice. WA GKER'S LIVERY ROIIINSON & C0. W. H. STARK HOLMF*S LIVERY aBIC Matinee Today Spicial Fiaturis-liotilllRt urns astFun in a Fire House" 4 OTHER 1BIG ACTS Tihe Blue Tea Room tOpen daily friim 7:30 a. mi. 10 7;30p. im. Orders taken for speciat parties 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1696 ---_ MILWARD, TUET IL R. THE BEST QF EVERY THIN'G IN TAILORING