THE MICHIGAN DAILY jTHiEMICHiIGANDAILY. m UNION OPERA RI iEARSA., CaST OFIC ,CI ,I;FE R:\NCAIS SOM1iWIIERE MONIIA"y NIGH T. N 1)1' 1 MINIII'?) TO 3IIMIIIIRs (:. H. WILD LU. 311 S0. STATE STREET I Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET EASE UP ON THE PROV'S Writ yr thms n hssad oyu mahiesatal pics,$2500au p. The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Roomi 4 Press Buildinig. Opposite Majestic co to IBARfl[LL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law acid Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Flour Tel. 761 SPECIAL SALE TIS1 WEEK ON GO0L F GODS Managing lEditor--tEE A WHITE. Business Manngcr-NosstxsN ii.HILL. News Editor ...... arold Titus Assistant ...l... arry N. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ....Arthur B. M~oehlman Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Ewxcianges and Files.... Mien S. Bdirney EDIiTOIALS. Arthur J. Abbtt. G. S. Lasher. Paul tLeidy. NIGHT EDITORS, A. J. Wohigenzuth. Harold McGee. larry (s. M\yser. Maurice Toulme. Fraink Pennell. Fred Lawton REP'ORTERS. Lorenlobinisoni. Edwardl Robie. John L,. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. Eirwin Kirk. Oscar Beckman. E'rnest LBurton. El. .M. \Vakefield. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. A. R Dilley. Mlyer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn. ,Iddresis: .MICIGAcNsDs LY.t~, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Ofiie I tones: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. in. aiid II:00-i11:30 P. in. Daily. Bunsiniess Maiiager, I-5, 7-8 p. in., Ex- cept Sunilay. Both 'phoiies 96o. SAI'L Il).1 ., OCIBI hR29. ix)o. NutS) E ldits, -lili}ix l,sssruNi. UNIVERSIT'Y CALEFNDAR. Otier 21)- Junior-li-e sliwai Girls' Octioblix21)-All1 Rrrsk svs. OhioNiirthi- ernat :\n Arbior. C11 F;illiu. sT MixCHIiGx. Illi spite sif the far) thatonily nil)fiof the chiiriis atiteareid for thie Uniinii opiea rehearsal at the Schooil of Mii iSie last iiight, siiiie gooid mork was done b those whoinwiouliiplay the pirts o ighli~l kicking chorus girls anid stage Johl iiiilis. The iext rehearsal ssill lie held Mox- day iiighit at 7:1i5, the tlaer to) le an- iiouiiceidin Sutitday's DILYsornon celts Ilacedxin comuspiciois places oliithe rim- piis. Plenty io) goiiid iieiiare trying1ou for pltaces ini the chorus, aid the won- agementt feels itlcaniiurutii yoiii) wo idoes inot aiiiear at rehearsals. If miein ido inii aiiiearpoily hieliyswillte o tifiedl that their services are no lo-c wanited. Genieral ChtairmaniBlock urgess all mueiinoitifiedt if their selectioniiforth choiriis, to lie resnt at MIndiyislri- hearsal. The opera misic camte fromi Chicaigo yesterdlay. It sias triedl out witthicr .t QUASRTERD)ECK CLUB HOLDS11 BANQUET ANt) INITIATIO N. Time Quarterdleck cru h eldl its bn- qttet andiniitiaition last eenuing. I,. C. l-fill actedi ai toastumaster. The 111111r sperakers were N. 11. Vamutul, DI. i).Gtr- icr,BE. Al. Porter, M.. 5 -Toirhxet, an Professours ii. C. Saidler anlI?.iiM. ltragg. JUTNIOR ENCI NEEIRS itEUC'I, TH-ER CLA.SS IUIEIW-ti. Tlhe juio~r eiiginirers havi elite the followinig officers for tihie coming tear: Presideiit, Stiimhanser s ire- tiresilluit, iBissell ;treasutre r, flarshilt Lawmsrenre;t track mianiager,Ciooimis, anilek rnc ill betaliwed toi is otll-en reued athe e akigi coalrse ii i nac.Hiutheroit hissbeeni rustomiiit orth cstio eiiiitell t l iii irs () thei Uerile. Tiryoxuiiisitwib eildli in SarahliiCasweli SAllstellt)a loll, lTfnt weels from 12a.M Al\\hoty ii aee xpecxted toi gil om e pili toem liand11a elholt para A51,11 1.1 NI'S SYI I, ELSTURF F'(}II Cl ES u Izt)U SEVFI.T. 'FOOTBALL TOGGERY FORl Class Teams Anything ttnder the stun from a Headgear worth $2.00, to a pair of shoes worth $3.50, or a j S Foot Ball worth $5.00 Gym Clothing Conmplete Suit tneluding shoes and btke supporter for only $2.50 W AHtR'S University Bookstore gra t wlli)ill Sitcle o.... Current vts it. Silt lloo htlt 11111 t U)ithe la1st 11191t. 11-1 a it il i frri Atthle 01111 atiiheriiiii. 01ll U Si B .. .. .. .. Ci 1).1 k ... ... tet .rlll. T i .....i ln . T .I tede thmet l mp t mimi aine I Billisirds is a ine gaume, ash E2- those wto play. Voil teed "" oioie recreationianid whtat is helter than this? and HUTOtlN Ilitos. hlerd y 1111 i< ti Iltell Ai C. sM \lictlvv \illi ii [()n mu I0Igs i liiprsidtent, SI rnl t th traiRon o h ._ . C. A. litn . h e willerel Monday Thceel is rloiiiifur great iiiijirli5 ;l it Iimaniager, Tarkle. n ilir xseil iof cheering a lt Iaiiils ilerI- iiitlixxiiitxesigx le xuxee n xl~i ~ Tie followinig seiixr eiigineri Iv xl t I: roiltersnd iluIitdier the lelidirslii ien iexleetedi to iieiiblershit ipi a1> lx ix ofm i lxii lhaix the isiilrfin tispiingx i : L. SI KellerNV h,. Iarowli I? . xii ii de xixlixiepaSIter ni Barry Bouchard,. C. I lPinexi p In yIearesMicheiigainihas Iheel' fir J. 1 xtxLo an, G. B. Treait, G. S. Jactis txiixaxtx-ill tIlssees: it hure iiiliix liiihlixJ 19.It zlee, C. 1.Iteeixct, \i 19 been ablxto ilgeit cxiisisteiit tliltiiix tu3lsh. t xriiig isliiowniiilixthxisiaistic leaing. Sucixlarshiti is ltxe iiaiii ei-r ixlixix h>ut tfoIri b i xxmre- thanx eiilxeixher of TanufBIta El, a fewstxidxentsixexig iiillneessary, andxinxl ftutre yerrxthe chtoseit froiinthe highuest iqtiarter if lime present ers iwill ipat lxxelon lhixix. seiixrclass. Less thaii a lxxzexnxwxrx + Oii xisix uiht xwxeixied is ia smaitCo-iichoiseti out xif 50 eligile candidtlues. tere ) ftrinmexi"chxer-plsters" whxoxSociability is also coiisidleredl lxonsomii xixax bxx depexxixed i uoxxixtimtakex tillthe exteixt inithe electioins. real heaerhip laui ter. _____________ 'Ibi i inleprimeinxt. Soimer rul- . PLAN eOR CeLAS xunions PcOiOSEDi. Ix roxWi thi sit xii iCe are iixin tmetloini at resntha1e sstmatc rotig pt It the eurreit iuimer if the Michigaxi - Salumnutus, a uunique plain for clsiss re- twineid ii- ix t h ulleecetedelteadeirs. The1su2sare 21ra ;edubya a t o nions :s . Undrer time unsw altyithsinwtthreuttasceueclswleereet otherytauat iti the bu triden. mWe1 ixmixxnii lu-i theseix lege wheruuit was the sophomtoreclass; ccxmli-tuinmu ifmi ii immmx-autufive years later it siill uinite with We tuti tat hs awaysbee ourp he three that were ini school whsen it tuuiixiilum ihs iu-~islue-u x urtiluc.was the juiior class. Thuu at thme endu -of niuneteenu years it will hairetuet wsithu CAX PAuIG ( Si; htI9 51)191ME-N all those that were ini thte unmiersity - IS STILtL ON ST UNtON. during its eareer. The umeximbmhiesxehimumpaignm xf)thme e ltis i euUuisrteYs eTrixtisi. SichetighunxUpxixxxxis stillbinc ar siriehd Wutxtry lSWuxtlrv lToqiues re xin in hs is-goroiusly as meve. Time deter- style. Thse first onme of the sasontmadeix mined efforts ofx thur coummtittees aim- its appearance on Stale street yester- TF pointedxl to cainvalss:amommg the faieulty day-, anmd waxsmwornm tic aifrshmumnx Inerxandthuetfhaterhxtie-ssre tbeginnuinugVWhile the mwearer nomo ubtuludisplayhnoml tox shims resultswsicmiliare highly- gratil-little tenerity inm"rutshinmgltmeisasonu," mulg lxo lie xxfficials. he showed aut eriual simotumth xi)gooid Ov esremilty-time- fsaculty mmenm havic sl- seunse, foermamueof those iwhoumsumiedl rehadyijuinedu, amothug ese Itcing ai large inwmsardly wishmed for thure courage ltx nxumbter if life mmbiiershitps. A isecial wear thueir owum. effort is incing mmatie ylime youunger fxciit tinues, wchoi hre conuclmtitug the atpIgum.tolintuerest theusoters is the ==14soilafrsfth UnnadinheP o e muituladlullnta~ges tox he deris-edlfrom Ti me sis hi)the State street fra- a ternities resultedel l the enmlistumenttof For a Coni nerl everymutembxer;and it is enxiect- Leaf 'lem4 eh tihatthmlecotiers uwill follow ntheir orCoa P exmle. requireme Every Ru tcixss an( S uuday thee will sagsinm be a soicial Cents, Etc aft-rxuuuu at thme Cuxiuxumclubhoiuuse fimr umembhers. Last Siundmay omver onte huuru- MAYER, SCHOET'TLE & direu sierec Iresenut, alull htis Ihopmedthat Stationers, Printers, Blnders hae mansy w- ill higainiltirni mit 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET .1 -I-tII xlii ins i mlh :1tc sc -i o c n hocolates Fresh Every Week 60c per pound deliver goods pee raptly to all parts of thoecity. Both Phones IE DRUG STORE OF QUALITY 117 South Main sso44s ude.-s enient Reference Loose to Book, or-I. P." Vest ocket Size, meets every tnt. sling - Quadrille, Mar. A Faint, Dollars and cEtc. SCHIAIRER CO. Students' Supplies. BELL PHONE 1404 Batter Than Ever The hrecad amid exclusive line of' FANCY SUITINGS we nrc show ing today. From it every nian can find a fabric to sutl his fancy, as both liglht and dark mixtures ini thin Seasonu's latest pattermus are shown. For a Fall Suit thiats right* in Pattern, iiu Quality, im Style and in Make-Visit Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street Saey ON APPROVAL We have arranged with the niakers of both Gillette amid Bier-Ready Safety Razors to put thmn out on approval. The puichiaser can return thme razor and get his mniey hack if he wants to. E. E. CALKINS) Drulggist 324 S. State St. $2.50 Drivers at---- $1,95 $2.5o Brassies __S1,95 at-- - - - _-- - $2.00 Irons at-- - - ---- -- 1,6 $50 Irons $12 atS12 We are also offering this week our M Scrap Cff Book at---I U AT Sheehan's 320 S. State Street r. I i ,Z1 Wa=shlnton E. RANDALL & P ACK, Photographers Phone 598