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October 29, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-29

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Vol. XXI.


EXPECTS VICTORY "lecu rset aenvrbe
er thait11has been intyears.'
n of-Jones Believe They Can Leader Hlowardsithof the oa
venge Past Drubbings On his chtarges. Nearlyl111ift mn gv
Track and Field mdete lb n, s ol tetY l 't
A.CH YOST NOT PREDICTING01a111tile getterlerati 11001 d
_________ Plants fto 11an 0x1tniye th'e rn11, tr1p11
are n w urcnier1at011100 11 o1n1 1 .11 1 15110-

(Special t Te .ichitgnitp )11
Ssrase, . N., Oct. ad.-If te _Wols
ceeies list01lettve tie stdiumtattttt-
ent eleventomtttorro alternoon hiere
will Ite disappo111'51'ttintetadsrprits it
thtetorattge 01111 blc arl1111St0acu(s
is out11tIstrim t e iign agtregaion,'tst
atttiaventge te drbtbitgs irtcei'etilIt
yeaonl 011te tacko adl ottn tthegiiro.
Thle visitorshdio Ino t 0ress ltottt
selves twithi stchcltoidenceobut thetioart
ott edge It11to p t p aslendittcontetst
and teir I baces belioe tsati they sill
gtve0a gtoodtiatcoutntt ofth11011selves. 'The
elevett arttvtd1ill Syrac1usetis mtonig,
atttiis radytoi1r tc lt Ish ithsuls"Tad
soes' men.11 YNst 11111Ithe ploes
thrtuglttsotsi sgtta lill ithue st-
titttt, IotaIkeo te 1111ks otl, ttdoikeep
tetttin1satpe or t gtellitg cottes.
Aftcr tthetri l h isitrs eretett
hocktol 1the 10iotl, 1whetrth~e toa t
55 it s ,yr is oxtt'0'it 9''.
Thle Mehodists '100' 01011g tt wiltoit
mtorrto-te sty ss totthsevltaos
areailtng o Ittokack t blittfs wit
tttttcin)11ftltherati.Tis heItr0e5ist
Thttttlt l tha 1t 't te c 'tultil ois 1att
005dto ill111tgly y itttIndithet
'migshto 'olv ti I listing. 01111the
shat' a goodretk itt hit lok, te otto
tertneroswl ethutoagtinst a 111000 it
metrry inllig bsolre to e troos it
tt' sltaiutttthaovehootscollid otiaOthat.
"'I hatve sospedsiecult1 ingontt tho
tis toasts sill swork,' 01s olits the olvr
ie cotatch. '"ftdosnst't py If toy
tghti together lhey williwi. I tly
tottt', teyre ilely' Is 1 tosttt o
totutghthIle backtltleys."
The lol gritiois00111sogtgy 'tter te
000100s the teamtitsystat e tol ater 10
110lo itor rowt. Wh'lil toSr0cott
sadiutmtiis lhe prttelof thetttottn,11111
tittupolt eotfl 0110 eii lso ittstathlsict
ptlatthe0100conttoiitis itoon110 ito
Meoitotists 1m1ay 111llra about 0ter
slendoidtadsi bu ttwshttit rithe sy
hatte t ti ott 11111 10p1o111110 and19 lott -ti
itg 1pape0r is ge te groundtil'tbot'
waoter. They expetdedto ney11 wi~stotot
failetd to proideails riter dtin'age9
for tefItolditslf.hAstatrsltt ot
every toasionthalt tto 'tlerises have
come10 here tey itatoobeett fored ou I
Tue eters man141 promttises Ircig
weathter ftr ltsttoorro',ottntthe iter-
es t tato bingtsImantiifeseti gives
promtise of a reord rowd ttei. Tie Syra-
ease rots retopilatnntot ttenidltt1
fte expetedot massacre itt frce.tattd are
hacking ghlitt rrsetalties tthe
unmt. The 111i17 tatd blue twilil ave is
supporers itttwver 'bTe Syotuse
aumtntti of the wstelrnitutiversiy have
beeinaing grea ipreiarafiott oftr te
event, atd ith tu the assisantce of the
thier alumnti owho are expected, adth ie
studueitssolt will smake the rip from
Antn Arhor, will ireventi the 'Mihigat
players front feeligg themselves sra-.
gers itt a sratige landc.
The mnt of the Syrause uiversiy
are coming Yorkts eaoin chmdu h
are commtting the rioes of musaches.

aoulis Clncittnti, iLouiisviil', Nshvtill'.
andtto me.11111wesernty wl Iill btpooltlyle
Senior Favors Playing of "Victors"
Before Football (ames
ITe lo'ing'c11 in01111111111 111011frstmta
seniits tsoifelanaii tory:st
TistriterMisoaseno11.00 e 0ier
sthas00a1tt151de 11almosltov 1111110t'
.tI rtsietote, tand itthreei prevos 1
10rsha ittenedotti tttnoissittlitfcloittg
'of growing tro us ia 11 s ias t heto'ha0'nit
first t ~ic-fflaing1111th1esirringtsong
tstemf to11hiteit lapsed.tItntilt clt it the
tionsusttiting111 s o 011111e 11m11i11as a
l oos"til thepisodltotrlaxotn5'.-
osorli itheofaitos.T he 1 isofth
1 oiiontha~t tt ottit the t o sitti 'Llliot lo4,
o lit th l 11011 iit tsoi ilo sol
111011 ltheOqustio11n totelstlost i1lIto
ttg'itteluitets11111f nisess so opitnion
ilt r a t1ot.tt 1 i Sooo ist itt
111ittRssETtttiI sO i ;s I SS
\ithne y wohnde stiltdeotots
Gsrssfssststtt oietyt'oo s recep ot ols'
lifh ws n Rthe Msitt esfl i
ottlue'clo tehe 11111 'iltotstl t, a b'-
Aft11 e elcoingsaof rsosolsCar
he solietyiso verai l coliottys.' ofSr
dtheiifgaculotiwete cisnoil tas.o
stCanlshits n ihie Pr e ottsp oildedt. ot
"Ktep y 11 ori Ifibo ioioksa t uleusfossloit
ifi Ptro.sRich's bt of.dProf. Prof
osatig seitin 0110of gtsoietyig saoid,'
This 0110r iigeyoutilltoo , m rei i
~~~a-trlis e ss h anls o u wls ti l tc a lc ul u s" Itt si es
sconts;attle Prof.RChmphelltigittoe-
sig dthe soasl11111sfinitidulttherkvit
all '0advanc1e 05'c110ses. 10Prof . ig c'
Xisrtias"oinfornegineering tolest'
lsthoewhi e ou arpetin colle.ge, Itland'
you psetculer oniatiionlionyeshnsostiu
Aoirusheforahe'idisettd oughnu5tsoin
mh oist tyeshaoomifolliwed;s"gmokes"

Existence of This Organization
Is a Question Because of
Lack of Interest
"1\heisistoluost clu'"I
ITis is toe gi.sio poplea10001 in
toilh oithr abotis s~te'Mihigan 'st Cii'c
,lull, which existed on t an ts w<
911100isieo n hsoil ibi-tosidan
51da tilt e(oetoxtis Ii tence it osi, 111111
tsoil is ito Io b 'ussoo' O T10' erei'5 arc01s
buhasts st sso eh dot ..si 1'_C-1t i vl sil
,he1chair inthe eart ment500 oltica
oilene lihsth s o me pt't''iii iI
10110 100 o o tisnaue an rogy ad
'itt asilos f h m vmet a
111000lltesios tt otlargesoilsl
90e andiii e: t sitn0001 lud' it g 0 l et
!aw rd tbow,, or1n000l,0 10111 ia.o
7artouth amlSeveal ilhers sBac
ool th ses lo calottchao pteriso 110t 100l iso'-
mlist) lit vto i itt lbs olltitlist tYok C
-trilt excrst i on r to 0000stitto , I).C.
0101111 illy ill, rsd n na no mi
.Th mana'glt e1 melo t 1o0f0s each lst or
lai'o't0. Iio its' arr iied i is soi'i'oio
mst it r st i isiiiun t. h
t il ltosenralc onsidere101010 eio civic
mii ho iii sto u t ilt el, iera s iIonce ii'ac i
"I am itho os i lo'itereisdin oril'
llf s . iitti is h a d , o adisoe aI toil o
Se niorLaw lew tuPens ilencyeAfter
Ces y it holditsposotsib let ite'trst
00011r 0111roup inthesii lsusoil f ur
iettis. l 15 th silohs1ibeliethit' h
lt orlt siof ra izto ho l l
viiteo 01100 studonis illo seltsIriv
"'ilall h 10g '"dito ido iiiliii e I cot tol10'
1111 iii soh o siib'i' sei ioi i o
peidnt '11110coh111l11ofte ssioritawcoss,
to di de riithe ftissiteofts alst eel: si o .h
The 115cait i'i o theiibalilot ttest'ra
camp haiissefr h1din'h lw sep ft
bif oastiweekiihttt othe sportyers of011111
menst wo roott eb elimitsssed in lthelirs1t01
olcionCtes01 s illtoteir soteloto .
Itt[t soe issois sf) CNTITION 1~4'Cotib
hit f ts~ / t ittisng lf sill s io it lsbisC

sisb ef oresext11 'erisay'. whensiiitowill
Come turntsp-foradtcii'on.

Rev. Abbot ifParker bith.bi i si j FLOURISH TODAY
odenti oaf te Ands~soer '1Thebolo~clS_
taoo' f s A . tldo' r, IMaoss., hst' eenl s c-
e srt iisieti '101iitetli'iiSlBilotsKeen 'Competition Is Epce
tal ext iloto' inighit. .baosi tta sicos E pe te
Mrl. i'iitcbisokboeeforeste Suns in Elections to be Held in
Ill adrss ha nc~ :;thre aot All departments

lateto' slto'nisgiht,
Reyo. lFitc'h rens os 15 .0of
ttoish cotiit'te' preachbitts oil ibi
tittiig' lo it osoirof ieas's, li 1,a
Strong Ohio Northern Eieve
for Freshmen
h.15 ho' \11 luhclinsquad,
giv is the 11 rsit thibitl
yourito litseslitis aft1 (mn
wit thelli V.rsity lisst
ordthiii'seasonl shoul. ldtu
tight. Theo' litoos'so o'o'e s l
ise ove'rlsoooed, ioh'oeer. -N1io
bils'tes smst adtmitb thoat ibis
oil -round.ii
bhits soasonitoutstNotheist01I
Il isllsis .411 to o wisleo te
110otoal 9andkeei thirob
511 oss .In thti o i i i ii t
gisn 'souiter aei1I1oe
Aii spIt cial sil r11101 ll bolie"il
00 lh eguarisisonar
Th It wto to 1110sowil lossneup1
It is solok
sirbt . .hi ..lts. , .. .
sate boots.. o.... R. i s......
Bod e 00'i ..... ..... . t'ioi'000'
Potiss .'.......i use 91 to'iso
W i te..........l.t. ofIIs 01000'
sTselint trls slls bet
juitboosad oilhmdiswa
fro lii i da fc I i o

issolboolpit Classoo lctidyits11 h111 ert110. Nearly
'tar, 'ossole'ter class it the ottiversily will choose
isloers this tmorntitig, under the
rolil lgos f te Stud~etlCouncil. The
FIGHT elstionsowil ibe' seldvariously from p
tos ii :30, 'sodlfromioi:0112 , withthe
on Ready exos Ii orotsfi the 11w11letnt elections in
17 oteo(. .911 Allbteo'elechtinresults willbhe awaited
00 lb 111010thimore tlt osul interet, since the
to her('rt iiosihits ibeotenecptionally keen,
Wtiir irl f te laeohsses Ihave scattered
so sllloiatostubilsuters are runitng
1111010e1l00 gui r icktohets.
I Il i' to i lcshavebits nttishoed nost of their
ohei 01010010c-o isetios, tidtjuior0enginueers chose
lpaFl icero s yostoroday. Soimeof the medic
11,)soils Th rules governing11 the eleetions are
to sit7 ibWer s 11anoliectlion board ap-
pitoh lbsthe dolitsntaidlsecrebary of
hss soste 0.100 deparitmetooat111011theedayshb-
911Frsl 1 o 1 the eltosison.ltsiisoard shall cn
con oiletoo sist otflt01ee01judgessndtwo clerks, to-
"(oi iy, clier so ilt ishofficeross as the judges
helil-'ca apoit.
d oi ltl. ocleokksir isidgteshahli e a candi-
01010 b(lt ose anyvoslie
o 010 to 1",eh cksitallIt oa' lost of eligible
o ra(010 000 0.101 fusihed1t imituibiy the secretary
Amstout votbOtto with the class in
0 bsto{bw v i li e tots tesit.joity'of his work.
TheAusstltioan bloit shalliibe used.
Intiordtleio voile, stitiobers of' classes
I sll haveopidlthseir class cuies through
tio ooOiobooreset year01. Class treasurers will
ho andoal tse polio ho 0000100 de-
.01 ti t diues.
ti oho '10membors osf astyhbit the fresit-
is l til ha(din yml cla~oOss titlist obtain a certificate,
810100100 herogisotrar of their departusneit
Sohlolirs I ig with what elast they are en-
Thuplls for oaoh ohltot will lie foundu
ueer s follows: Soeniour its, rooum lot U.
tl.;1jniorbut s of tIappan ball; soph
weo booe Tits,1 lappitaithill;frosh its, Iuob ioth
000001 00000 win 5051100o0 engineers5, 243-245 New
hsurl l;lgncoest usiilisng'; soph engineers,
15 iii lI - 1rI N 1'.' fresh5engieers, 411 N. B.;I
oilhb tims soilpha'rrniso303LCtetoistry building.;
bibfr s pharoics,300 Chetmisury building;I
10 lot: soeni1 o iensI io n.,anmphitheater;I
010001 0 ii stnoutdeit sbs 2I p. in, amphitheater;I
lot itre frsh sidsltss1-2pt.sin. itiuiosr Tee. room.
- sooiuith t heriio eolec tonssisibeItoatinounced in
',an t1 the is iessbtissedopsrtintts.
tudn11of 11RESTf1 Ii5 1Rhf AND FEED.

1IiiV. fo'II C H bO .hNDI SVhf B''()
SI-f-hK 'hATSIcNibb,.l:\N 1191.1.


c outiesor havetspent a hiooiole iDes itt ecool weather, nearby ioo
0110011 100of 110 th i lises ol oreIou '0511 0fretesgatherediat Cascaude Gletibash
liie osces fore th~is y00ra0001119in four their attissal clump fire aiii
0 'eiet-J M. 91 II luts 5'12 I isnb. oliiaouios. 'The tbles built abiout tlb
Vicoo Prsidn-C l rvros b ilsidoefurnsishedl totwarmuth and a
ltes ii. ttootts for broiinig steaks, roasting po-
Reooi bsg secretaury--'Atoises1Isol ii. 1 011101 and tasting ]tread. 'Cider-="-and
't2 busenin Rueipubiciapleso 00r00alsiotsn the menu.
Courespingi 505secretar-Gr ciooloing11 suipper, Professors Roth,
11011tlNisMufosrdandtidl111spoke briefly, and
Treoistsree'--A. J. Frrchsci 'it1,soeve00t of the studeists who were nub on
Ptolandis. sorestiwork douisritig tine past summer,
________________________rel110111soctimpifire ainecdotes.
- IProf. Rot in his remarks dwelt upon
WAeIo cosuscus ,h. V',OLEG011 10,1 hssn11111e0of ihe fforesters work aitd of
th'rade OSlver, '12,of Cic itisti boss liii opptiuities lofferedbinutIhe field.
beetsforecedlisto lee sobcush ioo eas if o IleCgave ome1000practieal suggeslions to
ill heal~ths. Oliver toos fosrtmerio'ousthietothcosoe aouot too guo itto the service, ad-
CI.xmysy tf, us contributoritoetheoAto-sirs sinog hiimself . otiuul ristIstlbse
goyle, and a mseissber of Spthinx, conuemphating western work,

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