THE HFIGAN tio I _. .....s Just what you are looking for- For Semi-Dress Wear Button or Lace. All sizes and widths and we will take pains to fit you W an er & o. f heStatetre W agne Co. Sign o h big white shoe I S """""^ II Desks, Morris Study Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN HALLER ; . s nt I We invite you to ca f nd get a ;souvenir 4-: for your room A11 Full4 Inn. of College lothes fo young chaps that want style Men's Furnishirngs, -lats, Caps, Gym. Suits Laboratory Suits, Waiters Coats, and Bath Robes -food Freshman Caps at 50c., Try us JFWr AhC 211 S. Main St. r 1 U! . . STY NOTICES The jtla r-freshmoait gin'rliton 1 Satrdi , ctober 29, wiut be hed at 2:o i d of 4 as tannhouncd. Am iii lof Ithe juioir lit class willi hehl :s afterooiin 'apshl lectureir1 001 at 4 ('ctock to01011sier the reviliou of te-css coiltititi. 1 c-i n cgineer cection11Q30 to0t12 Sattircl t Iroomlt41. Sophit re IEgiie erelctsion 9 t 1t r30 liii loi, reoom31. Juntioisiinginer eleictioiii3 :4 to 6:1, E ricah,. roomo 411. Senioir egieer eect 11ion otI 1 :0 Sattuiir, roomit2435 Aol hll opihomre lit', ouit for foobaill Senlior litifootbal tr'actice at 33 to-day, soth FIrycield.ut 71 tsic I rc'ier'rs'al f'r till'coruso(f "'iie Crimson111Chest"cast Shool11 of Mtusic, to-nightiii ii / iThe foresters campi f irc is to b hec ini Ca: :aiie Gen Ott Fiday oi ii Ofctobler 2ff. Briii"25 cents kif, fork, lit conlstituitio1111111ll belposedlit neo anid the Wouiiai's 1cagiicromi. ittililr lits si'iii lre ii arrears for class ciiues siiouldise Treasurer C'krk leforectheesl'l, . 'isiwiiiiiliis of tile riass m11 ust lt:iiila crilicii)'frll Riegsrar iHailt 1ieiifyiii thi iiscl0' be forecr11tiug.s Scuiorili'ets ciss elctioiuin 01111111 ItleIreriiomiiStiiruttiu IIIt0 12. iDe'riiiitiiiiiury i-raic iffice. Cll huff, 1247-4 1f "M" SCRAP B4OiKS!!! tile ]sie ia ts, ,'iiil tles'e tll w rii at tile eiid of fiicr retrs you 1 110111111 tike t'll times ihti it hats col for it T siill lease it to you if ienw "1 1y cmiptiitors' LYNIION, 17-eodut 3. ihioloralll r tLsiiier's Grill. Carcotlgille ooteriio'te setlit.113 VI. lrliliS., 7-oi-f.M Coiiie to the "tIelttBiarber Shell' forI ouir bitrber is-ik. '11o1u 51ill 101111 "Eves rytiiig right,' 717 N. U'iiiuersii 1931. CLIFTON, 21 in. high BEDFORD, Z in. high The?~izot 7"(tch COLLARS Sit snugly to the neck the tops meet in front and there is ample spaceI for the cravat. i5c.25or25c. Cluett.Pruhody& CoMaker CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP r Under Hiuston Billiard Parlor. Charlie Weigand, Prop. A fNew Whitney Theatre Csue-tairs8.15 P. M. Late coern.ot sested npromptly. All week commencing Monday, Oct. 31 Matinees -Wed, and Sat. John A.- Himmelein's Associate I uigBesse Dainty Moday Nutit-"Princess ot Patches" Tuesday Nigllt-"Anita, The Singing Girl" W~eil. Matintee--"The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" Wedinesfday Night-"In Arizona" PRICES NIGHT-- l0c, 20c, 30e Boxes 50e PRICES MA'TINEE--ilk and 20c Boxes 25e Lady free Monday night with one paid 30c ticket. Seats now selling. With each package of Falimao you get a popu- lar actreis' photograph. -ao aenntanot ou-o pon, 25 of whichl secure a handioiiiiflt college pennant ( 2x32)-se- lection of 10)0. j r L t e i Dj0~ o Es re4pi, p wS I oe d e Thej? generate a current of favor, powerful in its at- trct of college students Some day, some word will be coined to describe them. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. i i i i "I hcatoriuin P'laa ys ROIuiO, Coilill, Piegel Coffpally Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. Knox Hats Stetson Hats Beacon Hats Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin and IDent's Gloves and all the latest styles in. Neckwear I Ladi1s' Hair Dressing, Shampooing, AT UTL & C., Face Massage Rain-Water Shampoos A Specialty L nh Q Ol All s 1110 X.c 1c1,rcrovaYou cnrfid afinefine of Cenfectionery [HE OLD rLACE. BAILEY & EDMUJNDS R.EiNGER. tl . Co. DEAst S I i:/i 7Rc/ uns Fihin TakleandlAmmunition We lasve a fre-lisiocki o1 Prine iey flittga specialty 1k ert and'Tuxedo ini I pound andf f E. Letaty St. Ann Arbor. Mistioon Sood cansoa1110jaro._________________ pt II - I -1 - Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin- tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Linto by officers of Varsity or. ganizations, the mnovtment, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of any group of student's to or from Ann Arbor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. "Fun in a Fire House" And a Great Show matinee Sat. 3 p. m. i. r a i i Carriage and Baggage For 0e0ch Couple to and from parties before Oio'cock $0.50, after 12io'ciock $2.00. For each Trunk to sr from dssr, tho price witl be 25Cete, If carried Io or from isp-stairs, the price will he 50 Cete. Drivers are required ta collect cash for carriage and baggage service. WALKER'S LIVERY ROBINSON & CO. W. H. STARK HOLMES LIVERY ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THETA L 0R TlE BEST OF EVERY THIlNG IN TAILORINQ