TH I 'OHIGAN DAILY$ 7.1 I -.-l-.- - 11 . 11 1 . , I I I I - iQol;AAt";- q 14004"'. 'W.",-qm m G. H ILDA CO. 311. SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE STEET T*Ailors EASE UP ON THE PROF'S inchiis t llprce,$2500an up Lo etPieln"ypewie sple The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room, 4 Press Buiding. Opposite Majestic GOODS Football Pants, $1.5 0, $tii 1.75 FOOTBALLS $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 FOOTBALL SHOES $2.00 up SHIN GUARDS we are otfering at 25c per pair. STOCKINGS 25c up HEAD GEARS from $2.00 up AT 320 S. State Street THfE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mannaging lditos I-tu A WHI~T Liassico icManagr-NORMAcN It. HIL. Ncw sEditor ... ...... Harold Titus Assistantnc...[...-tarry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ....Arthur B. Moehlman Music and Dramra.. Earl V. Moore Exctcasges and Piles.... .Dion S. Birsney A~rthur J. Abbott. G. S. Lasher. Pautl Leidy. NtGHSTEItTOtRS. A. J. Wohigesnuth. H-arold McGee. ItarcyI. .\'ly scr Maurice Tosslmse. Frankc Penntell. Fred Lawton REPtORTERtS. torenRtobt ins. Edward Robuic. JonLI. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. nctis n K sc. Oscar Beckmanc. Use < st ssrtccc. I'. M. Waketictd. " BUSINESS STAFF C. A. tBossman. A. R Dilley. Msycr Rubin. Kensnelts Osbornt. Adss: coo McttGAN DAIt,Press Bldg., Mlay sard Street. Office 1 ILours : Managing Editor, 1-2 p. us. ,and It1:o0-t11:30 p. m. Daily. Itusinsses Massager, 1-3, 7-8 p. mn., Ex- cept Sunsday. Both 'phsosses 960. t OlCAY ITiIkER 28, 910. 11 dtor lists issi IA. Roisse UNIVERSITY CALFNDAR. Ocber'?o-)Junsiosr-Freshmssans Girls' tortv at tBarboussr Its sssa sicsss. C ccco ti-t'r- ICSts ss. OhtosNssrths- esn it .\m1ss-\rssr. 11'c wier Is tscr Presidcent But- cis, whieinchestalddrsssdthe assembledcs tces oftheisc.taste at OBayCity ys c russ yeis thes ''Iack of Itserest icc Sctholarsipt A sscssg tUndergradatets,'' wasi.nct temtediscito 'as somsetthinsgcc- <;risn tghesi 15 non-rossaneof 'Mictsc- alt ien a the exacincaticons fcor tthe I'c(bds cesi s-mtitas thes recipent )II ,socal sctelciathiss tsisic tr e ite cninren t durincg thsein- triss 'iis. Ccrtasincly the esmoltumsessts aI-^ nt t becosicteredt tigthty eel if the chcncr actstcat tupon winnsinsg ileto ofcsidteraioss. Wh at is \iicii t ctat tisucncvcersity, swtose stus- den boy eary euss thacctcif ottltse colc s Ii hesttecobinediscc, [sits to presnt cadid tccfr tice honoscr? siedn' r t cccocceaide tco as- swer ourii cciqestionscs btc we issicgisse thr cr siis a c crW(. .\t acc rarte it is is 1 rahcica cutlsy sregrettablse sit- mt S. f" I' A S GJU'RDI~US I tFIW tIEY CUhKtI Et) ON 1 INt .. lIENTS TO STUDEINT lS. IN U. tIALL CLASS ROOIM. A c, sze of $to is tthe latest in- Theft ccitt silcstiocsn ocbokcs snit ducesuss 'rest byt the S. U. A. tboacrcd magacceshaveinotiibeen entirely ross-I tic stsc , sswho are setlinsg seasonc tics- ficed tictthc lii rciry. tDrinig the past ets. arnsotintwsiltlibe guvessicct11ccweektshttseUcrmancccroomsi, No. 303, U1s-i- stsde t-fiing she greatest snumboler if sersits-hlsl, thasccieen tered astisoon,l ticket ectsecen sow assetNovressber t6, dturingsu theitisencce cif the instruscts., tthe it,,- if the sextntumbssler, issilii- canidliiboos ttkencfroms the desks. iontiss). the regultar commsssissions osit Tthis opcerationc seeissI tobe s restsvit twensty ccnts scsieachti icket, proviedstof ssilacrtiefts of last rear fromss the he set's astleast twensty-fivse tickcets. samse room. bouciit the cnd of toss se- Fromsi iows on thse lsoarsdcuill gisve a siestec thsreetiroifessores sadsoks tasken comssionssof forty censts issn etscth duringtheir acbscnce froststhe class ticket tic thsose whis setl tessorore oo. seey sit sot isnvesigate ltce msatershowever;btnthlissyearwhsest SENIOR LITS FUMBLE AND theusrcctice wcas resusised, Prof. Die- S~OPHlS TIE UP TIHIE, GAtE, terte e cidedtc to ccokiinito tinigs. Uponc - ssss cinvstigasstsicn e foundscthe booswcitic Eleesirepresenstinsg the sensiosisand csll1 appaicentlsmcsks cit idtentifications cc- ssclhnscrcres of the literary (leptsmtss issss st a locciciccalo:store ssherer the sattle(: to a 6 so 6 tie inc their constessticsor usdis sd cdispocsedl (fctsems. HBrcca thse sic;ccrtssestal chsampsionsssipsThusrs-goodildescriptioncccofsloe smiseceastwso clay oiternsoons. Thsesesiors hId he. ltasitdascdiProf. titerle noss in-j setter cut the contesct at lthe start, .scsig tnsttatcheli maciter ip critic the bsy attack on thse sopshomossre lnt'isc leivesscrsity authoccritis. 13 moess evessed smatters ucsts n-l the 1cc --__ ---_ sesiors fumbcllecd anditthey fell isis.tss pl H11111 'INIl CUI it i tDS call behindclthe 'goscl linec'fur ca tichIs I itt cc',,111,111 Nit OP YE IR. dlowns. - Thse junsior and lsophotsstre mdccs The Aciii cpii sss;scsc a ii c litits will meet l ts afternoonss. first mcceting of teryrst nsi tgih t a sh tir iciof lii. iH. N. UColc. Member-s TUIIERCULOSIS PREVENTION suipits ure'stied t ccthcsc ccliii re WIL 11lE DIISUUSSEDISIt I, 1' .sitsed i the IPhitlipie Islandsisisd1tic ill___suc a erstir iniaionciciiis cx. The foursth anniuascl mesetingsofsthI stir ndeciidc. FOOTBALL TOGGERY Fun Class Teams Anything under the sun fronm a Headgear worth $2.00, to a pair of shoes worth $3.50, or a J 5 Foot Ball worth' $5.00 Gym Clothing Cotts plete Suit including shoes anid hike supporter for only $2.50 W AHtR'S University Bookstore *Stcate A0ssosciactionstfor ltce IPrescive iint cialis wccci c haveialready-ccc tieen ccnds Relief of Tubcloisis will icc'heiiilocac~ted. If isis sitlers.possescuing isce serer oni Deeerc- .ccThes-plogramt isccccc s 5sa,5-i'5 cifit ci cciare'siniterted,~s noct yet ecimplete, buct .a cnumb lesr ofltieysaiii's ked csltcccmmuitcaicte ccitis psromsinenct specakers have'' alrecadys prowls- sit5 ci tic. UsC'lecifthcisccheicccstr ifc- si sctobe presenst. Sympocssiumcc discucs- tlts, tic-ts iii 5 5 oftiecslubi, ior tih sionss cittltic' heldI uponssthic'filloinsicg cciii ce -Air. J -. 'I'sscis. scslsjeets c "Ansti-Spsittisg lhcaws ccciii - their Enforceent," and l"A Staste'Mis ch~' ~l cii .55 r 5ii c '55 s scumisof Prevenstis's'Mediiec." lProf . 'The cscxui c commcsitctice'of cihc I tessry M. IBates will least intseor ericics' Itccis cc cc clu sstlist cniht at New- sisssou, while UCsase S. listbsuns wier icchall'andiioitlinthse cii arc's isk. cocndu~ct the stter. Nexst I'lI ce-sc c-cc ciiiat ii ro cgcccccitcccctic cliiibscittl holdits tlust cc-llrmctn' ic-\ic cciie1 followuedc 'T'he Stuenst Conncil htas rcecisvedt ac- pcetiion nsoinatinsg Miss litacrpcccrisc MVets-ic fior vice-toresidlentlosithle 914 its. '[here are osver focrtt igscccsecs. isncludsl~g mnsandswmsens. 'hesconcssil commISitItees Ito take cha~rpc If you like to wear your ccf thse electionss of the varicous classes gloves tong, wear hase bueen cappoinitsed ssilthsa ltthe s104 fits will Ise personatlly suptervsedcly10 O'W NEs "I lap" Haskiso.G O E The fonr contlestansts fncrte Rhodcc They wear longer. schonlarships cmspleted their examssinac- tionSs yesterday andclhsaie re'tsucedstoti thseir homsSes. Thsree of thse sicncwere fromsnl1opeCcoUllege ansd the nthser mwcc frostSAlbionS College. Thse examscinatcionc [-estmer'scrN Ciii. ('hacrcoal grilled papers has-veseensentIcus icn st scsdo, tocrterhos ccstccs. ttIra W. Huron tSt., Entgland~, aSSd it milltoe a smossths befosretup-stcirs, oppi. 1 ctcccselc'stsatists. thse results eatS ie asooSSeei. 7-cod-tf. Billsirds in a fise game, ash thos~e who play. You seed sosie recreation anid what is better than ths IILSION Bicos. LYNDON Phiot o graplie to Michigan Students I lead, others imitate in Photos of College Life, Am- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. I offer the largest lines of Kodaks and Cameras, Pho- tographic Supplies, Films, Plates, Etc. -"11 " Scrap Books, Photo Albums, Col- lege Pennants, Banners, Pillow Tops, etc. Get my prices before buying. AAlien's Hand Tailored Ilothes r- Are Fashion-Clothes. Not merely good clothes but superlatively good. Not only well-fitting and expertly tailorede but distinctive in every line. Sounds Good ? They are good. Main Street Ale ' o d Cothes Store Main Street I Get your MICHIGAN VWin. ARNOLD TYPEWRITERS StatefSt. Shoesore ate' Pins, Fobs and SpoonIs 220 South Main S.Nw oreondS HandcIFll Line of Ladies' Shoes JAL S"dctr" o hlrn GadOpeny ng HALRSCOLLEGE JEWELErR Oliver So "Eg oduas"E.FROTPr Gadpnn dOS S el nderwood SpotincGodss, RCFRST.Pro "THE BIG BEN"LnceCgr ptical' wtry R Dept. Alarm Cock you se Advertised Tytewiter stnenttee8 ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Cigarettes, Tobacco lirwthed tptig OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $100 UP Oppositgicuseso Wautin Resnsadoip s IIALIR'S JEW[ELED STOREI Michigan 100 Patterns MrlladGero GEO. V. STOLL, Prope-etor Agents 3-B Pipes I Pins I 25C. to $5.00 70 N. University Ave. 1310) 216 Sonth Mates St______________ 4 Doors From 11Freddie's' 121 Washlugtem RANDALL & PACLK, Photographers Phone 598