THE MICHIGAN. DAILYt Come -in! Mr. Good Dresser And inspect the biggest and nmost exclusive selection of imported and dlonmestic woolens in town. This season more than ever Before we are able to show you the choicest in fashions and fabrics which will be worn in the recognised style centers by men who know how to dress well. High Class Tailored Garments niade to your individnal measnre at remarkable reasonable prices. To look means yon buy, B sure and look today. J. KARL MALCOLM, _ 118 E. Liberty UNIv IsITY NoTIcEs Opening dance t~iiecai Socialdclb at Granger's tonight tunier lit class miecting, lecture rooim. Tapitan hcall, Friday 4:00 p. in.. for re- isioofcoinstiitutioii. The toresters' caimitifire is ctolbc held in Cascade Glen on Fridla vening, Octobier 28. tBring s; cents, knife, lick, cut) aiiilspoors. i1t lit footbiall teani repoert at S. Ferry fietitat 3:en t'clockethis afterc Buckeycecubmectiigtgoiday at 4:tie o'cloick. Coiimmiitccs tue the year wiill lie appiteiti. Every iimeicr iiit. Jas. ti'lDwyner nishics to :aiiiiiiiicchis iwithitrawal friot the notitiuti iiifoir tiresidleititt the fresh tilaritics. Soph lit lcctionis wil li e lin 'Tatp- pnhiattletiSaturiday iiiiriinig, gi itoii i1 :30. Sentior eiiginecer electiiiiiof ioftices I'riilay afteriieiii, 3 :45 toi 6:f.5.,last year's tdnes itmtstlie tiaiiliniorierlir xew Whitney- Theatre Csc,-tals-s 8.15 IP. 1 . Late corres anot seated promeptly. C ALESFROH MAN Presents The Musical Comedy DL RLAR PRINCESS Book by WILLNER aed OGREENBAUM Music by LEO FALL As Presented one Year at the Knickerbocker Theatre, New York City TWENTY-ONE BIG MUSICAL ACTS Hear--'" A Boat Sails on Wednesday " PRICES: 35, 50, 75, $1.00, $1.50 3 Days Only i a n Startintg Ellis owlan Troupe Acrobats It the sensational senic display "Fun in a Fire House" OTHER BIG ACTS IN ADDITION ., .ao::: 1 dIvoec I Granger's School. of Dancing Jon iecasasnatytitite. Tieiterm et io l youitadii. Glasssn or iLadies andOGetlemenesday tedThusday Evenings, 7:00 sti:0 l)cka. For Particulars tall at Academy or Phone 2461 I sHentry and Comp any Ta.,or's andi Furnishers to Men ANNUMA,'T7RItPFROVESBIGt INCI,,NTIVIt FtOR ?tltSICIAINS. tion if C. lE. ill ac eti i-, Ile e, hl-itits seceondrecguilar ireicarsail i nitiersitv llt, Wedeisdayevcettitig. Tepe iiaytrot aebe losei an thec clii, at precsent conitsists itt thirtsv iii miitetmbers. This dumertilticil lbeI ctitoithg twentititdd ienttwti ill make the annuaittteipin il ncio actoini ttg tueopet iieilitace a edicirsiation of cciiele itderi e-i-t ifothe iatethinrttwo men whoitr liiimgi-ti-egiforlti sit onsth e i it tt-t ii tmantdoilistelcgiti t wo f li sici l- resetthetlomptetitign frelaces iilletei 711 N. Unxiversity Ave. Ann Arbor. Mich. 7e invite yo,. to call and get a S7ouvenir, for your room F i eof Colirge } } Ilothes fo . young chaps r } tha t ewant style Ments Furnishings, C 5 Hats, Caps, Gym. Suits -- Laboratory Suits, Waiters Coats, and h : zBath Robes mjood Freshman Caps at Soc. Try us JE wgouertk Cl 211 S. Main St. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and+ Carriage and Baggage Jackson i-ne eactoupaileti n ~d froiiiparties becfnre 12cline $1.50, otter 12 o'clock Limited Cars East B nued-i20 a. iii., ti::t $2.00. -.i. 22 p n,2,' 1).-in. :0p . :0 FrechiTrunk to or fromtdeer, the pitti. prliceti be 25 Cents, tfeareied to Linmtted Cars West Bound-ts5i a. in.. 11i1o r ni-rtnt utp-stis, te price wilt be 1:21ii.ic,::.d. ii'iOp. ii Iid i- i Drierestire requireditoincollectecsh Local Cars East Bouned--CaDtiroit, 5:45 a, mr carriage titd ibaggage service. ii., 0:4-i.7.. antd evey hofutsto n10:53et.i'S LIVERY p.- ini. ioi Ypsilantti, ':i5 a. ci. atidithlinacu- WAtA[tNRS&CIVE&RY ty in11:.p iii ., l so tii12:15 a. i.,12:301a.m.W.RIn.STARiK 1;.:511 a. n1i. ii ottalinie, citainge at Ypsitltaiti.-W.tOL tESLPVERIY Local Cars West Boued-5;45 asot., 7:15 a. mt., anideverey twsnto11:15t.Iin. Ali" Bartlow, tetV oir s it iatll 'c1,«a illite CitoItewtiie-ly.ie1"(it Il cletitI t he ite his ttheriti - - dewt' a opti e at it- n-ik hi inaloti-i. ittital s eal tootbaitll seiitita-get at P,,I-I. Camie to the "IdalBarbtee Slitp"'foi -- itt-en ititig right,' 7y N. hUtit esIte CLIFTON, 2jtin. high BEDFORD, 2j in. high TheY'e ARROW 7(b'"tch COLLARS Sit snugly to the neck, the tops meet in front and there is ample space for the cravat. 15., 2 for 25e.CluettPeabody & Co,Makers CHARLIES' BARBER SHOPi Under Huston Billiard Parlor. Charlie Weigand, Prop.!, KUIy ~ aL N:~ BRUCE SMITH CLILLEN I3RO LHERS Dancing Wonder a StgtgGrformerlywith MIiss Jueiamcs Tempest sand Srunshine GREATEST SHOW OF THE YEAR <