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October 05, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-05

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The Mi.chigan Daily

.Vol. NXl.

Herrington, Promising Candi-
date for Half, Injures Ankle
on Ferry Field
The 511inhllilili' imade its1appearantcee
on Fern11 hel I' ft11111 l afternonan
1e1111 boe a Iex''rrii l~111 X itx g it ii 5(
ply ,lfit ilal xin tie X/se't t i w et
111 tie. Ili a ec151teivediltthet kik-
11c wassgie)i) tiele laai n a1 n1dteuv111t
do n initie lis iixeeiititt i',e i
let doubled benieaxsth i r.jxiDr. lx','eiz
lei 1111a11e 11a 11imci it itt exai atioi n 111
sent I til'it iiito ithe 'Caisit hs italixi.
this nxolnini to dlxxxiii xiii i iii ii ii tile
comxte in X lxxii ixiooitbal i'it''iles, ihe
the151 eli ntxlx'si s it l groundiixgaxier's
Th liii igmae A te Xasityst
.q adiii c (sil i i sfaiiiii 1111w1' e r t hatli
lx ilokr fount] itl xuse lfor
fci blue. s'iThet othl i'-minute dril
bi lia t i))i idua1111 pisii.i lThompsongx
tar after u rix I tii t es ofxi ixlat i i ngxi)
a s lnid iiI ilitixixiof I lx ix e pa'
ast eekihx e)d tetmeid rng il(
\\ble the work of thei ndisixt us i
waxoox helan x'ws iiix'iii Ilx'
pli e's xisx 01x now i l :111(1 lor-
maitins.(i -sli it 'xpart iof ithe
VasilA goaxiil iii
Si fth o neeted ' spietxators
aii s C d (x o eof: ineot'sxmotl
xn lriii ticaluni.iix
''il iii ' c) lo s !"ierii'than
x.)x gnitx r r x theiqi Ieamiii
laix ii rs s~ ilitexiiiu bl
tl is l l iicedi." x ii isii
The reg la wll e i ven daily
scrimmage drilexthi evxlito1 xxpr ier
C.rwhn 1xe1 as fce heston
CXCII, 15 l'i I Vl; ' i'ii'IS
IUNC IN \iiC\IOhI. i~,
Sixucee lsst ii ixiex'e xxxix xltittle a
bronzestablet, reprei sexitg ii high rix
lie lithep ererait io i Jametts I. igedillist
been placed'x'inii Mem'orsx'it hlsliatxilex
right xl tie frexut etrancte. It xiste
giltothxl l asts' Rgent 't huCe I ilIlii,
ordered efo xesre issdith. Iitisix xi-
sigliteandxi ixli sli lcexi be:Me. Esar
Litter xOi Nexw Yoxrel

Sexeexaltmemxbies xof lthe xx xix xrix
facultyixwilliinoitreturnxxix lix l iii xxi xxi
tliis elai. S '1. 71 xx lxxidg , int sctor- ih
mechanstisicalexgincxxiiig, lhas if Iosak
xlix xsupeinttxiendeyxofiaipaprillxinii x
the eastx adi , xil. XX. lxixmlexxi nstruc-xi
tor ini elerlxeninering a c
cepitedia simxtilart'tpositionxxiiiOhio tasteii
I. xiexsite. lour itrucorx indo
xcripltiee oxxes lisix I liiit I'xx iberi
fildxs. Mri. lFishltiigit has lakenxa lpo-
sitix x'il t xlix'Pack r Mtesi I io Co.x of
D~etoit, sandi Mr.IxPinerI is lcated1 xiii
tlhe Edlxit ixisonslu inaig Co, of thlisam
cxity. IG. 7M . B leiett, xxx lxxxiiofithei
xxaie tdepartmitent, is nowii i'nnet'ed ith x
lTe ptions lx vat 9t hexixii.11 iri e-i
p rulxxix lis en i lledl. xiii th i' ititt
xl thx'e i intutorsix xil iiitIhemade pi'
ie tunti l tr lithe ii iti 1.. of till lhoard
ol Iescnxtts xon lFriay
Director Bartelme Claims Price is
Comparatively Moderate
"Asi priesent'1 the i t l ll tillaxsocitio
Ilas 1about ia thousand Mcliirs ; Ini bis
iiihc xxxiii csanlincrasng" ai
yesterday. ii'
"xIn i t of tel fcti hat1ihaliii ~
ihtw nt ,ii e the mliaiv0 j'lxl
full'Sit'x xi xfor iiihIir t -, hxiiiiw
;hipxcomparesi ost xxii lx 1 y ills lthat
six xxxexcorr lispo 'ding dte ofi lasti year
xliiit rep lxx' tlxxixl ai D
cas and'x gi'x s w s'i,i'id I I s 'i' ''
is"ant 'ii I c co ldI ii' o t wh
xhipi'asiweitdoiherexiai lliti t~n
"By esfar ,lii thegraernubr ,fsho
'ies'thrulsit xxi i mp he riht
whichsgivx it tickt toani' e sii ai
feei of fsill tl to twoCii :y' citx' ixxii xxi l x
amis iichaixgedfo i hee se fxxhxai
soiaion xxi tnis xliiiouts xIt liiai sun
lxx er snsxxixitixxx lt 'xii rtn
iols per te'arlixx ox ix'lii' txiinis' coirtsxat
xigttyxHed xx xxx. x\' cx t il xxi xth nis.
"iixti ixI worthsal liii' [Ci xtxxxes
Txx, clxsitiiox isiti earxxi offer i . itsli
meibersjthelse oftil,'xse'x it enns
ndtoe XX'lxxthe AlFeitilti gamesi xi
ld in e lste i Ar ixx'xixix'nd se r Nght '-,'vol
i te anualeletiies211. tie Caexs~oii-
liti x ll xaxdi sliion txh its c 'memeri
is'etied'oi weaU r teiE'lisl' ~ i i ol ne''.
hg u Jixtsis'2, xii xxi s ts- '
tx'exx L \%t'IU, Bo x Iii ii' x. xi I'Is'X

New Fraternity and Sorority Houses
A'most Ready for Occupancy
(tireing thlix' mmxixtx t he nulmbxxxxler xl
frteniy n esooiety' dwiellinigs, aini
ies'oes'ey vill lbe rxaxivbite lxxxi
xxiii'onliii ld lsit'esix Sit' xxxid 71 xxi-
xxxi, 111(1 xthe Kapa Katixis iGammaxs
at lxosto oer$4,00las.aue
xxxiiiseix tosexestponsibleiiIisnte:il-
astsix sxhxix Piire ati. ''lxxxeelxxx'filist
bulxingxsfxmoreClx haI)xxhlee stie, ane
stliiofslarcitectulre's, tlx wichxi thl ngii
is ofi s;it. Theidonsxtirtis accommoxxla-
lxix s'sumx se lx ia 'iln trane hasll, 'xxxix
ilt roomxx, suxil silartgei'(lintitig x'room, ;i
well sktcenxi, sxervaxints' ioo . t c.'

Me xosssdoxheaiiy omk tmVrtnis'ibrsilhave allx RUSH CRAM PIONED
op ux nitys l lto ilait xtlhxisill. C'sxu-
faill tld-uxexuxxxxxthat helimayususrte' Student Council Will Advocate
tesami. If iiithexten h l b xii1xe 'cxhxtx e Recall of Old-Time Fresh-
lxt spri'g i sptxxlay i i ntthtxlx i ss -ill
atitivie sched'le xxilue earranged Soph Contest
estsxern silgreg"tisxi ix
'Ixis tockwx s 'OvCnaxinxostLEAGER FOR ONE-POLE FEATURE
neitheroux e rx itxx ie'e xiiicxxii. siCf
'stil, who pslayiexd xxnithe sxiii lfoui' A xstrong 'e'ffortxxwi lxbe m rl(.iis fl
list seasoniii hasx returnedi to sandl aw. I or a rex'turt o Iss oni -pxx dc ni ghtiixi stl -
litii 1auxlx , iiack t tle 'Soit u s xxxhiby tlist udnt i t fllk'x i l he
gr aesx work'xxi t. IPri, a xx xxxi of i siln at atyars ti o ler1
threex'x' e x pe rieceis'''u s'u H I scholi, 1)[11i fie'ld was xso goodi that i thex hopis u orlx
probabiily xxiilioibeabletoshu te'il. nighCitush i xiiis '' t g re s toiit
'Thex'exitlxx list lfor'the s' 1 uxuxiu t ha'x Ii. uxistic..A 55 rte .lst 11rs hr
bee lpotedat x-son's. CAlithose' xxii' plexrush xwill proibabu Ilyino t e reeated
'I'ittxsilis ''yt1tC l i xs lii'firti Itls beent regarded as 'y fa iiithe most iii
xxii lxtl isbep layed an Iria. x'iliiu' is t petcIi tt hexi liii i nbliili of
SUCCESS ASSURED LEAGUE Cxicetht itlter it ft
________ ii lxihas xinceaelx ittissli i n
and t hss auth ty ofu ts o x ix il b

ittlie it'lxexioxltile Niixix'siavl ue gitixeSiAll Houses Under Management of ellie xxt e recogized.utteex I I arx
hoswri ngt'tl i ll bigiven C byxii h l' casll Woman's Organization Filled xxuih xx sx ld i thoxlxsut asxingl isnjusex
i , ;ilsui t ionxtl sx fxlthis xtttti's xxii XXills theu t' : hos iuixes tutlic r this.tmil- 'xs tl tl hsi xx txll i'5 sls i
and 'xx'x stthe ' 'ihilit) andsicare's ofs the officilsi.
Cx susisl. 'Tsht'evet u u sx's tob'hi tit(, liii' ' of this' CC u sxi teaSguel-'si
iead sspracticalthslxys xiu xx' uti tx litlediithiiiieariAs xx'p'ctacle, hush ra'x tri epol
at\ ihg n n ilftig y sg a ize tit tixstituI lii thsx xxi u Wi x x xiiith te ox taxux (liddidix liii'
the o ix xliii Iofsxones ofstex ints cl-ls e axiizaio liul ofthetui stu tu' hitorsuit zxiita itIx- s x's I i
tion. t preent, nly tree pac(° tee ipolixtills a o hlic
xx sits chatis xl liio us in hexx iex'xucsihxiiin lxx's xixx' lx'I ''stof tlxlla s ll i i s i
iodatilx toverta hundradew2.1 s'ix'se''rash'i'tiltll tooxStrom-,ii xhitlt I will
CisC lii ICoI lxmCl C'ISC t581'S Iox'he 'xxi' I liiixx litt I seiii Ithica l xino t ille Is'ld p i lw
Xe b ick u Cn (Joi all cololli l I Is lili ltxt it inesix clip hs, it tiil ehl x ussu ti is sit
'i)] i a e n lw m s tr c ie h lxtes.;x liii ii thsititxtt itf te lti I till e lli xxi x it iu li* xiuxiss 5 Il
ie ve xsxtxssi 'ut six ittxtt it uix ihl ll e ltti 1sarlyi. xii ist'h tsun tnttsihlSit its xx (,f theStiti( Iesi)t ' sn(
xx Ix''xthus"' estisIss'suO US'FS't'h'l lea'gue 1 hiss sets'tx . 'xi. 'Iltheixsh wilbe Oicui
sis1A llx' list xl. Ixufrom ssie isubaliii'mi ofititt lxx thi xis hftcii oos ilt'tisis ~ il wil ta d oiisixeths Ii xxx,I i(]5St.
1 Ci ix' t'xisxxu'uh uii t e x' ha beenxix iull i frxoxxxxxsi} it'ul(icstr lt i ts ii' io d n t ith iii t'''t''i l"bu ''e'V -
amd iih ctlgu ft he itit' it this, I vatt .u it. Thixwil4. f ll- tat atrxxiiilen ho il l~
>>>>:o ivy it d''ximax tte'th'xnwusi r X' m ia eeto o fehnn ng rs l''eceive.C, FCCC ( Ui iliux xi1
lxxii tilI taut ile's ixth sir oitiss xx'x'eo d idrsx l tisuoCll.i' ' i
htstilts a disxxpxint'eldxhI>il lsbt' ute sit lixe ux'suA'numbesxrClofIIprominesnt six listi ' le
ofp pewh n i thise lxii I xisto hr' li 1' x
this shut 1utixoftitseivariious Co1 u's ''tfitig ITixiS UALthis L DO[ittixi' it, x's'se'ralsmal tititt o
tilstx xii sitx. iuius, ti'xtlits 'tush CCd alsoieveral xx t noe u tngt s xii 'illhis till
cuts lxxusisis Ihe c opei' ofxx the' wort:. ue Thii' exx ig xxxx penihs e"xlxs''ihts ar on the ''st xt Ineii's. : st is lthexi I Ill-
xih ch ver is hul s pe iallyxx'uxlikeu''a'yxg ofs' tue prg ramx',siahts'xxulc tl sxh ll for theii iwre tkenxtoi t I ofli heix is ill pis x
tilt oitherx bulliiiiesillx'xxssn' Ixetview of c mi''k.(ittxx tusis ls threex'' s ilill andh i ven ttxttthe xsulx is iths"r i r!i h
'lu ' i isix' Ixxiha Sltll x on i ll' eiti- Molnlix ayxsxIsxtisxu lx ii. 'dliii' lxxx hei' tex e let to i nsd's the'ss''s t i n
.The l bst kthus givex' s morextt n texithefsxil newixx x i hhxlin xxthxse xxu'suives is xiw i lust x;iiia xxii it s h ingols x ii l ( tshs S i i
ordinary xbxlestxin x' te cxxxii'x'sx I n e-ns euxu e stsx' f te thusocxiat its'peaig wih u Ip y~c nolse
xl t xx' xiisaidProfessor'Lorch.'"ItttAxii"Roommaltt'fit' iureuisi lxii' hesphmeshvent ll~
,end av xs'isut 'xgive ax ilea lxxixf t xxtri- lxfxihe s oc xiatutionsthsiiustus a.''il prxeecin s' x's x oxx x' x ' sx l- ill~ rnsl
m ttttils (xlxx, lxl'ui x lx vari'ussxurses xax'rd xand xpse of ' t'ixsudxx's atm enlut ssi 'l x" h' ss to ecuesbu onswilxbe caled isi l a sfew
th is a frsu I ltux',is h ats mentx tx' Ansh t' h exi. ei t ure 'ithaiii''t stt hus be p xela exdlust hortix jogi aroundxi townxii sstus ' four
of ar h it 'e. CA l ix't xxxahn, 'saxle- lxxixs Iearhltui thelsxxiisxxsxsususlxxx ireaux' miles inx al, waxtexuxet.l of t
and''ux ixt'ti t- sif esithx.ilxl ixi listsd'ivenixx'src' anceilito e gtt istex frx e ply-The xx xx w s thu xtsmall'it's'n
beeni tud e 'i h te h a''xxx', xilx x stlslbe ffeed T xesay'ixght 'haxxiss en ale ti' sit' oughenxdx to'e w ort:,xi xxsits i x ea l xxir
tox lusshigxhs suehool e'g xradu 'xte xix'xhasa'x hexxgxixxx lx'le'ht ofthe ektitus. Ciiniorxthlx anil xeuxeasterncss C tiux-
tutu n talentx i n h ainx x'xsgandxw'oxs te ilxxiii h lxx'xl ''', ux xiI ''xuxlxxx xii(a s a p ro r m h s ty ine xtuill s ta rt.ii lx ' xiii ' i Ci tis
stulixu g h atrchitecturexxii and toiix a xxx aftxs- e n aa gde spxsxx'xllxforxthet'o'-iwa'tsteIelust'allxhoicatilxli utorstsams


Sehietor Dolllver, of Iowa,
SemseLtor Gore, of Okla.homa.
Rep. Muzrdock, of Karnsas

Sossa and his 8a d
Don~ald Robertson Players (Z numbers)
and others

Season Tickets, $2.50

.r~r. S. L. A. Offle i.; old Al~umni Room, Unilversity If e.1, 4 to 6 p. ma.


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