A Blue Serge /t ''' r,,,,toootoI1-01Hoa p,. ooo 0 tootootS W (or Broadway, at 54th St. NEW YORK Snii t7od ,tattedw u ev soehue n rth ISt . u0111 ad ,,1 5.1100ie coxnes in mtoghty lhat 1) for au 3WANTED d(d af ter it had1chott occasonnal chatnge 'l ieu un h is affl of attire. autI 3- bo, to delive r oight odrnovs ' KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN Excllttvauetotor triunn.L1"0(n1t 'zCollege Men Always Welcome Fxoarietotr3altt(o011, ph oa33 r2.2 3 . I Iot.o..l.ol.o Special ferms for College Teams i ~cnbloo. .... .I. 1,.1....It _________z Found C ii s biu 1 l, ier)oc'kt ho 1 CoIc..el . 1 C ....... h tfLroi ItittdealNeartin Theatrestre Shopsp F .t t.®00M1't1101a1nd0 Central Park lit I 1 , it 201 U uiloh . I I.... l m [oberto Strtot fourt Ace. I h__ , ... I I;.... .. [ ontn__ r 'oooood- 3, St ooro''s o I elooto -to oo I/ItO 1000 ltO to.fl.tt.t ..I\3 0ttoN ewv, M odern, Absolutely Fireproof 11510-Sh eit. Spligfcucsiltevo~ -yi.t1 i a i +< Tranient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. Tof OFFfo't. I CI '~AtEQUIP'- Clso m-0011111100to use'oooorso 0m1 eigh~tholls 33 tl~sl(t I llOutside Rooms. Send for Booklet. Tr d -9~rc MtNT,ftorootathletic "O"t ce- 'VoTn it' at oon0100 11010 l , .1 C'(1 fin 0001 to .1 IT Sh 0111'' ,0 o ptta patts. S.Stat. 1( 21 .ooooo ootoot U...N ,. t... nt T5IIM PB.G E4 a}t NAGIPEE T OF 0 ros -- - -0000000.. C .... ... Ois Harry P St~i son. foooeoly l lt0iolototl mperial. .P Q o InfI g 11100000i00 s011000-10CHIRtOPOD(Y)3.. to;ool t.. J Hi i o~t0'rtoo l withtHote Wooowaro 311 67oo toorttldtto's, too/tO 0000/,f 01001! o tt~ol- a e.3 J. oftI It ervthi11('C Ihoo'l Wall tleo'ctt'ot trot A G.S . rti rG I jt . ,f 10tt ' !.h n .. Alt rlif o i e <~ityo A tu Ei)in or 0Cn o s, l ugs~ltt't, 254 an~t uir ,'rt Wha 1)i 5 ott rtb 100t o' 1 Crov-d11i rid 1PSand ll D oats. ibont till',oso d a[ta GAa rtr.te Ittst'0uaducatos"tbe hildre Ce,'. tln..,o.ill Lboxt' Stataa 1(311hhtpl' . '110 001,lll00 ooto> 01'io o Stelt25oosc. FR ST Po _________________________________ Ioto toot(/1lB ItoToIb1l/coc/ FIA-R ST AVIONAL BANK I /-1/ t/ O I O A RI '- 1 toi W .fl /, . ~ /31101)5,} to i" t n oooo: r uto t. 3 'os o t'". to[1) ol313 totrye . too-I I ,oooooootS () R' Oooltto otEnitr.em et ro ITyour11GB.Con& 0. A g.n tT O 3 -, P o p e t o S o oa. 11 1,.'1. 0 0I 0 00 10 l' ooj<, to'(Il /.ot O't't D tO N T. 1)./Io . 20 J o t. 8x 10__ ___paper, __ __ ___eaDrcF o m Fr d d e' OFALL WOOLENS WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors, call your attention to their collecti ;n of seasonable woolens for men's wear. Carelul attention to details and prompt execution of orders merit your patronage. 303-305 South State Street MEOW rs t ,y iy Y J f ... 4 3 . ', dand'olins, Banjos ' The World's Standard. Tone clear, mellow and r ti f very powerful. Absolutely perfect in scale. 3 r Finest workrnanship. Prices from $15 upward Send for illustrated Catalog to the makers r for :-alc by ail leading music dealers. ". Desk D802 l Lyon & Healy, Chicago Violins Mzhndolim Quit di1)o$ CHORAL UNION CONCERTS 10---Star Numbers---$3 MME. ALDA, October 20 Sopeaotto MeMIL.LAN, November 14 ? loiolitnist BONCI, December 9 T'entor FLONZALEY QUJARTETTE January 18 SAMAROFF, February 24 tPiait FESTIVAL of Five Concerts Thlomoas Orettooora-Choolunont anod Soloitst Ial'ots "Jtudaso tooatoeuo" Psl's/ai/.ooosy's "1.u oo' O e/in" T'icktsntrI on sale t SoooftoMusic ote fromtlstudet c anovasser's Ladies' Hair Dressing, $hattpoointg, Manicur'ingFace Massage Rain-Water Shamepoot A Specialty Alt 'fools and0/T01111100 . 1,0, 0 0lotr ME-. J. IW. 'Tnr~sgab~xosnsts 1110S.Univsity REINGERC C. We aeafehoko l'w Alhet si Cwtd n1pudat und ol adjasI IAT TUTTLE & CO. ILunch Room You cnfittd a tineline ofIConfetionery 3iLEY & EDMUNDS 0 G leoy ittioog'a otpciaty I I. LAW K S 41sit year DITIONANRlES 41st year, Ira QUI Z toOK bS 1in. Arot..Aribor LEGAL MISCELLIANiY Aran. Arbor CHf ICAGO0 Ara. Arbor Hvracooh B Sots RtA, tOpposite Law,,' Bt. Portrait Studio- 319 IEast Huron Street