THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S50. STATE SlEET EASEUPON THE PROF"S Wrt1 orthn n t heses'. 101 to our macins a al pics,$25.00a tdop. The Studeats' Typewriter Supply Co. R oon 4 Press B uilding. Opposit Majestic 1 G1,1OOD S Fotball Pants, $1.5 0 $1.75 FOOTBALLS $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 FOOTBALL SHOES $2.00 up SHIN CGUARDS we are offering at 25c per pair. STOCKINGS 25c u,, HEAD GLARS from $2.00 up AT Sheehan's 320 S. State Street T IEI MICHIGAN DAILY. 1m ll t )( itIelor-Lop A W\Vrnr Noo s1 Iitor .. I.....larold Titus Assitt .......larry Z. Fole AtI hi Editor ...Walter K. Towers P S~stdolt... Arthur B. Moehiman Mic and oo tDrama...Earl V. Moore ,,ochangs ond Piles ... .lDion S. Birntey zrtltor J. Abbott. G. S. Lasher. PtauIlLeidly. NIGHT EITORS.0 A.. J. ioltlgoittth. 13larold McGee. Ilarr r G. \I cr. Miaurice tonI 1(1. trank~ Pennoll. tFred Lawton 00 In oi i oso. 1E1d yard Robie. John I, Pox. F. E. Show, Jr. lorwmi oca. Oscar lBcckmtan. oH 21s Iutoo 10. I,.\.hWakefield. BUSINESS STAFF P.. Boowsaon.o A. IR Dilley. Flye01 Robin. Kenoethi Osborn. .111111 oo hlIooIIo's tDAILY, tress Bldg., Offic -Ilors:lao giog Editor, 1-2 tr. m. nd 1:0 -II3.1 ). mo. Doily. 1a ~s o sManageri , -, 78 p. iii, lIdt- cpt Sunoday. Bothonloes 96o. REGENT'S' G.R, NTI Il t ES I N Y.7AGAIN PROVE$ CERPIE IIN ON IMOIM. ENT ICI NGTO JUNIOR LtT1S. 'The Percle ttraccco held a meetinEg flanst for a minostre lsow to be ive -esteriday afternoonoto dirscss bsioress later ion(te er woere begun asltnight and social blans for ttceteear. Ili-os ehly lytletr 112 lit glee cluib. Trouts swill meetings ofite club soil1 hr told at ho teld toottorekch lenta moreodefoiite sshieci geocral litrrarry ittdlsocial pro- progeram for thte year's work wilt htire gratintswill be gitettAtitumher of tnrwr1beentdeermlinted0111o11.At thte meet- members woerr voted itt. nig last tight, social plans for thr year This reair the Percle swill occutpysa sererrdiseusord. rooml oIf its liwo for te irst titherin 'The clubh was organized last May as its Ihistolry. Thte roomilltolhe vcatrdlthe11(u1sical ceub for te class throuighl- by thte Deutschier Verciteinslbeenlgrant1 oct1its (tite rsity crerr. ed to the lhrenc e pa(ellrtmetelbyotltc regenlts. ((ENTS ANtI PiAIIOICS OUT BY DEFAULT. A prcogramioIf stpeaklers, inludlingo No intc lass00ga1e was playetd Tues- tames famllos inFrentch anod.Amterican1d11 afternon1. Thlough the detnts anid uniiversities, wssubminitted 1byNI. TaIl-pharics(1we(re schtedtuled toodecidle the Ilcon, (directolrelf this yearrs activitties.lquestionl of suplremacily hetsweeuttheir 'The dates 111n11suhjects will beo iiolltc- rIspecottive depacrtmentIs, neithter team iptl e(1 later. in1 in1 ap1pearaceat Ferry fieId. By - lbths dfll01tte 1two ttmsare heclr-. JUNIORIILITS i GET DIE1EAT' 111o111 1f (le rc IN ('LOSECLA SS CO NT'l . (I'isa tnoon te senioroatd junior. 1111wll 0 tlefor te championshlipl Ina elosely coitestedelmetto nhIa111111 f1 111 departm111t1(1nd11for 1101'right afternoon, thle juiorilirtsa were 110 to play(5it the semti-finals. feated by the s1tllopomore teamllbyl a score of 6 tol 2. Thte soplhomotlres slcar-11 11 I"I'S I'llCPEEU P ed1 thteir touchdlown in the s.1ecndlIq1111-1SlIRITLE'SS TEAM. ter on a blocede punit. Ilowalrd te ott 1 of the last quatelr the1 juliorscr ed01(1 (Cfotinu~edIronspage it. iteir two 11011(110allci safety. ERolceyIllheVa(1s(ty lbackhieldlshould be a whirl- and Lnthicn oficiatd. wid whe it msters1he11re1inricat FOOTBALL TOGGERY FO00 Class Teams Anything under the sun from a Headgear worth $2.00, to a pair of shoes worth $35,or a J' 5 Foot Ball worth $5.00 Gym Clothing Complete Suit including shoes and hike supporter for only $2.50 WAH[R'S University Bookstore Billiairds io a fine game, ask Itose. who play. You need somoe'recreation and what is' helter than this? IlUSiON BROS. PLYnNDOrNnh Every class in the 111iver sitys r0p-l Al Ps expec111ted, l10 dblOs andlltells Nhi IA )N 1 1 h[ IA, Tl '1 R 26, reseitteod at ihe010(1kerct 1110 Unioo, appe ald1at 1(0e1111 lpositilons wihile give)) hy the execultive-ommi~ttee f 11(1ePColin and Co(10leworkedl at tackle. N51 (1(00' '~nifel Ttol' Plt Case S. lOslbo1rn)Re1) lloaoo 01111 of (lth e 11111(11ooolndQuiou laoye10-d oileithoer 011111ersity-. Isiof 1Co1(11(e011who en ot inalt center. Arthur J. Ahhott wos ,iobaotmous 'To ,tooroiedolfoorowardellomochs P N I I0 ,RS.IT't' CALEFNDAR. eleceoo preidlent toofill theloc ny' th ucsso;< ,ledI yesterdayip 10110blo ^^canoed by the resigboatiobo of I~e NA tto olotto I Noot omIt sowas thte reiiowed 0) -Id 'ooooooo Jilir, N wNhhite. Thoe executive commolittee wsgu; doafcor boilthe fifty addoeod N4hie 1(1111 he1tore. authorizeed to cronfer owith1 thelo ii-0 totofolbooef male itself felt. 'The 0 'trtol s- --Ms.GrtueSloc la r- senoolclub 1o effect a conosoliodationoo of tor(((((1110lololddcl i doooedlyo'imolprovseel tin. ooi'o aswel IAlgll 111atto orgaizaiectionos, if posbsibole'. 1f11 ooom and opee p tlhe holes thorough 4:0 P.ol NI icloo,oo .Syraocusel'at rothirp e lrK. 'Towers coolotadressedl lo e aoo whc h arSo aksmd hi Ol)co l~c 9 hgtV.SrItse. ectixog. briefly obblibibng to' lait of 'ITheFerty ielod glotswill 11011 itd41100 campaiogno. 0co' c Ibis cofte-rnoooon 101111 liooitoI'1( 0, .01.1 011AND 00(100s. ' - toe oil -eek Vaoosity -Reservse iaio'e '1c 1) rleo so ano -rorle sos Studenots' .1,0 M 000 o''oooo'reTO 1' A0,01 1 boo -1 ooil loe free. ()Irto r is5lb teooooocoloommnaloeaoobitiontt Victoor McLoooaswo too010 lappooinotool (ftill eltrs. Nh letheoror (tot it will lassistanit professor of coop lt theltot 0 lollaoize oldetonds as otchtpo1111te regeblts' moeting, andtool olowilo teachl ioleros taoken ll 10chioooiovidutal solo- ionthe practicecourt anod te depart- de s 1111(thlbcare otood 1igibrooce'of mbtoroof coonveyanocinogis oa graduatlle of' N bloe editors s i coree I of ooop~ilintg tloe thoc law departmtenft of bloc((((niversil0y. ofcrotro Mr. MeLticasaoatis c of Indtianatre-00 on the cfasp means quafity at leooooiver sity to read ther cei-ved his baochelor's odegree f roooitObe in the intutions in togardI too tbe odirectooryUoivrsity of Neboraska ill (SI6. i plisheoinTutosdbay'sU eitiootoof 'ioe1906. a year after or ioisheod te 110 GOVI ll1I:Nb :i,,o thosoe postedlaouttceotrse here, oreowas appooiooteod byo the the 0001 insandtoo lot 1100ordioogly. suotremte court of Nebsrashko to a bar _________________________ Itic ate fprsonacl imolranlce commoloissioneor, ltoexai applics sfor t o oa indioovooouoal to eor orreetly listed thte boor. Foor the lost floe Oeors Ito las lb nl-fo isonsatisfation(bout boeeoo practicioog lotOmahat. Foller & O'Cooonor, Tailors acod Clean- for or lo-netc o is acqua11intanoces. crs, 6o9 E. N~rillioios St. c-If. I heeior itcageoare woillintg to tDetroittLoauutdry- shoipostodayto(NNed- dio evrtigi hir 111110r lo 1011b-orseloot) .retturo Satordaoo. N1o0 (lot Iesioter's (roll. Charcoal grilled Ois ail erlsdreotoory11heyvcer- scoodthat bottodle ? RtterItoano tore, los toorterhtoouse steako.113NV. Huorcoot St.1 ta l aeetldtoounieroal ecomputs gcood as aoovoeore. Poll IHoff, 1247-J. till-stirs, opp.-lootruorbanotstbationo. supot. 1 t. -e~lt-tf. r i 1 i i r A I A 11VJLV;S1 I U.U to Michigan Students I lead, others imitate in Photos of College Life, Am- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. .1 offer the largest lines of Kodaks and Cameras, Pho- tographic ,Supplies, Films, ; Plates, Etc. «"1l""Sc ra p Books, Photo Albums, Col- lege 'Pennants, Banners, Pillow Tops, etc. Get my prices before buying. Alelin's Hand Tailored Clothes A AeFashlon-Clothes. Not merely good clothes but superlatively *g ~ood. Not only well-fitting and expertly tailored* * * y,.- but distinctive in every line.{ Sounds Good ? They are good.t Main Street Ale ' food Clothes Store Main Street StateSt. hoe toe302 s. Get your MICHIGAN Win. ARNOLD TYPEWRITERS Stt t he Slate St. R. E. Jolly's inFsanSpos 220 South Ma~n~ eno etOin St. Full Line of Ladies' Shoes Gan Oenn HALLER'S COLLEGE JEWELErR.Ove "Educators" oChilden" Grn Op in I 1I. SellsUdew d ' Sporting Goods E. .FROST. Prop LuheCgr Optical",i-rteJ-Dept. TEBGBN ____________ Cigarettes, Tobac . Alarm Clack pa. see Adertsed Typewrt ~Sppie Na.. Jstas, Cod. $2.50 Tygaowtttr ST. JAMES HOTEL BARtBER SOP an ie. - Fiar Watchad JewelerstRepairang OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $Sf00 UP upposie Eetrttewic ig ca I HALLIR'S JUWItEY STORE Michigan 100 Patterns Morrill and Grierson GE.V TLP'breoAgns31Pis 216 Sosuth Main St "I Pins 25e. to $5.00 709 N Uniesty Ae t13t0.1 G-.. TO L - 11 .1Aens -BPie IMesa____________ ,. 4 Doors From 11Freddie'" i 121 WashlsanE..R AL & PA CK Photo rappuers Phonea .9& i