The Michligan Ia ~y Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, A-ICIGAN, I.\V ISI6SAY OCTOBEIR 26, Tom0 No. 2. SHIFTS BRACE UP SPIRITLESS TEAM Radical Changes Effect Great Improvements in Regulars' Offense FAY CLARK RETURNS TO SQUAD Wolverine football stock is o the rise. Fay Clark, fullback 011 the 1909 eleven reported for work Ttesay af- ternoon and( watched the most en- couraging practice that the team has 1had1this season. The retr of the thtsky Californiau and the brilliant showing i scrimmuage drill brosght a reat smite to te face of the coach alo new boie to the teams suporters. Clark has beesn in school al fall bts decided to stay out of football that he might devote his entire attention to his scholastic work. When it becaue ap- patrent tat he was badly needed e chlanged his plans however and took his place 011 the Varsity suadl last evening. lie was giveln the sigals ad( wilt be usedi as soons as he maltsters them ad gets into shape. Altough lie will scarcely get int0 the gaue wills the Re- serves andi Freshimen this afternoon, he msay get a chance against Syracs Saturdcay. An eleven that seemed truly rejuven- ated romsped over the Reserves in scrimmluage Iractice on Ferry feld yes. terday afternsoo. The imlprovemletl was remarkable, the Varsity represen- tatives pllayinlg withl a snap- and dash that has been lackisg in tie pst. It was an elevenl that looked like a real teamn which Bebrook captained yes- terday. CARSITY DISP5LAYS o s'tlvfUs. oreNoc;. The offensive ability whichs.tie en combinationl displayeud was the especially pleasing feature of the afternoons work. Osly simple formsatios were used, but these worked. The interfer- ence which was aking last Saturday was present Tuesday ad it ealedt the Varsity backs to march through tie scrubs for steady gains. The Reserve line, wihich dsrisg the past weeks swith- stood the attack of tie regulars with conssiderabe success, was heliless ys- terdtay. The Varsity averaged a ficc yard gainl 01 every play asssl wis forced ts petit but three tines (luring tie after- 11001. Something ill the new lise-up lad worked marvels. Te men played togethler and tiey played hard, the coi- plete downfall of the Reserves beisg thle result. These results were accompised with- out thte aid of the regular backfield. Thomsonl got into the struggle, but evess he was sot used all of the tine, Lawoss takinlg his turnl at full. Siple, Borleske, asd Pattensgil worked at the halfback positions while Picard played quarter. tf yesterday's pace cass be maistaised, (Continued on page 3.) WOODSMEN TO HEAR ABOUT THE FORESTS OF MEXICO. Prof. John R. Aleil of tie Eigieer- ig departmest, will speak before the Forestry club in the Museusn lecture room at 7:30 this evening on "Mexico.' Durinlg tie susmmer of so, Prof. Allen spent a month iss the nmonssaiis of Ceslral Mexico looking over a tract of more than ioo,ooo acres, covered for the most part with pine forests. His talk wilt be illustrated by laiterl slides, The address will be of special iterest to foresters, but the general psbic is invited. The Forestry club will meet in a blusi- ness session, at 7:ooo o'clock. GEOLOCISTS \WILL. VISIT PFLEI1StLAND SATURDA'Y. The geological facuslts will corndc ass excursion to I'elee Island intbake Erie next Saturdasy. The excursontists will lease i-ta01pec ilcayovte1 tile MichIigan Centsril at6:57, a. tm., arriving at tLeamnigtont docki before noon. None of the regulsr steainers stopj at tl - islaisd, bsst a splecial boat tin been ch'r tered, which will cruise thy northlsorai of the islansd before lanoin" the pa-iye The return trill will begitn abouit33 aiid AnnilArbtor n-ill be reaclhedlat to:30- A rate of $2.75 Itir thte rountrip thsI bet secured. The retturni fromtDvetroitt may be mladie it aitv time before id-ttt iightt of lte 30111 All presntandilfor- mer stunsets it the departmeint of geology as wi-Il atinyttcotheo personsi who nay 1e intelrestedl are nted t1to take tile trip. OFFERS FUNDS TO WOMEN S. L. A. AGAIN TRIES TO GET ROOSEVELT Dr, Angell Has Agreed to Write Personal Letter to Former President LA FOLLETTE THOUGHT STRONG Th)0ere Iti ctla'ct) ce10)tatTodore1 Riioosevlt %oil6l apear on thnlctr 't'his .liillol itt) it insnmade lby the S. 1. 1. , as I st-ping, 11e1 asoc~iat (i rte11 ito CIol. ooevlt ina t fott lc him t helcuecus. A ifv te1 11as droppe.On'6Iimtd matte wit Dr.Allg lwh aeetolli \\ ie i- I ii- a te lio iii- h 1 i-i mc ti; N Wit l ro m 1110Fida, I bol 10v11 rgam wl b v1111 Iv II (11(11 I1 1-011 6111<66ie ir, arh nIc-IN Itti 1(1111 01 l llI xr St io{ 1(10 oo-0 .c 1 urren i ven ts....0('(tl-c i' -c holn - < 11111)11<11I) 9 61 11511;. iiospetaoininofhe II 10)10 11(111- 6n 'cross-ci 1 0 ' li 0( 1hi fll . Ti i lii s tsry surrsn ic h nh w( AIR GLIDERS MAY SAIL ON CAMPUS' Men Interested in Aeronautics Propose to Establish Aero Club Here MEETING SCHEDULED TO-NIGHT If youl should1)1biedqdietly walking .11011 te campus vsoilly'lay this witer, (1111 shioull sddeldoy seeati lg wite oec o'oilli at yoilu',ditry to take it Ihn 661(1'right brothers0idirc payig Asi had Iencounteli reid soime more 'vioent wind." iohe hnes ae that it is (1oiliiihe NO cli lib uhiiit frits daiy shin ardonl'the1 b lg nsolki- stack. For 6110hlgan1((is no1t to leiudioie I hoo )1 wil binueeinhg of all ti- detintere1(11sted fititie subjuet Idonight. Proessr adlrofl thiodevpartmnent of mine( (1 eninilee ii" will le preset tol ((111toth 1mn.It 1isdexpected that a et1 11 organ1 izaiiitowil sitle effect- NMembersIhi(1111 inithe rposedlAero 011111trill (1(11einesotriedto vengieers;1 all who are 'invyin'0 ltrestedin llthe subject(are(isnc( ied.Jdust swhat will le done by Litecu i vtii uieciieod. 611111l will polye beldt- imaids e aiiicoi- (11(c ulle iencaiiiliworeh wilt llso dubt 'hi)oe. roessoreS-tiler'alretdy hts :i 101smal modls onhan sit wichs -lepeints erei-adeissuItsum111- mer-1t0isconsierodliklyi'tat (ise ior mr gldr will liv viinstructei, s hi iuiioibeleaned fromsithese ce- "Ifiihlitudeto h1w Osuffciet 1n- terst htt I avit im te give two use three courses0(0in a.eronauiltics,0 sid 'rfSai- 661 sislrdy."W oul ike to ave i lar crow atthe 11111eetng,Whihs wlli boeteldponihll t o 'cck us 6(11 15 11 10)'t1CtC