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October 23, 1910 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1910-10-23

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Twice as Many Men Make Use
of It's Facilities as Did
Last Year
There sescc ct be noiilckiiiof pr-
ciion i ciliii h i t of te Lniii ii icci-
hers in rgard toiitie opportunicitisfo
enoyen ofeedthiri hirciclb-
houcs. iAs a sci cia ctr, its tpo lriy
i ccitiii alliexpe tto lis.
-'hlic lb-hotise is heingic isd mor
thntices uc tisye rs list,"
saidihMaiager Iome r ifetccli. "Nt onl'
is ilis cuictoithetinicrase i iii e l c-
shil, buti th men o the iwhle ihii
be ii t reli ze itslot s asc e
where they cn mae hi e i - cint *ii
tors. Porimanyc}ieas a ap'ise-miictoti
ha c e isteit htviiiiii tii tiiintciiiaiii
tic faculy. Thsth U in lhum cigt
toremove:amt is utucess ths teenex-
ciacc earm nti rc i is ccit ctitc
shae o paronge.\ewfitsiut.ha\"
beenit c ed iiii iist he gillticicct occ-
ficrc igtxt hi rtinot c air i
andiutio-dti acittito iiiiiid. -
Th c-cusoay seky"trahie"ciftr
iccom ctetofivei tiiiiii i 1ii it iiit
iitc illri sh mu ic. It iitend-i
ld, ihowtic- ,tic act teslsi hli iln
%\ ic-i rericc i the sti cs i t, icci
the comittsc-- isi- ic iticit ndetrsc tooidi that
all imembers of iitiiacity cciii t tc cmcc
vsincof ta isteci at comitccte.-Monfthlyit
ditt er c r- o to e i-ic for Lnioini
ofitcialt, f-ic tie ciiirpos- if iisminaitit
icng iacinitc' hemt deinitiicttnoiititns as toi
tec iiitas ccidtworkct ofct ic- Li cii
icc-i- a s t llt so be icu ssd it
As ttie increaseccii cciciin ebesi cci-
tini neiii cii mcimitteeics aetc tcetcflrmedici
andic t ccilt c i llcitt iefft-itice cmcdeitot
itt temii wittimencwhose aci-ititites ire
alrccdytc tciii bu t a toiccgicc eat c
cttei ii t'ile iformiioncci c tiitt cii
iw-ic i sted[ d ar cingic the c ent c- ccici-
ticiicc-citvectice veryceffectie, pir-
frigits cwotik inc acmcciti stisfac
Plccns care i rparctinccfor 1ctie ac-
itc, cchich ipromiss ticceicc uiqueccii
affith ci yccar,aciiic-itt eresctclecccry

icicciuiuti -ait'icnat rorgancisioniii
is tcackccing placerlatiieict11ecioitol cc
mcciri iucint ibacking fr 11cc iotirac cc
Thiereiwas i a c marckidicesicci ich1c
csc madciiofc 11c c ub-hous ciidurig11cc
scicic cr sessin. iTwo open hcs
andiiiticoc Viccrca cniicrs cttrcicecd
cla cicciws;c accdiatc aiiicother ticeci tii
cbhos' piopucliacricciity iiiiimuchincc
incforimationcceninicccg wichcimicy icc
foundiciicc 11ccprcspctucs cccrihand-ook.
I is parcilarlcctdescircithttualt icc-c
besccciciccill 11chiscdlecocicic
11cc gnralicieccticis.Imcporcitachusi
nssilii he cctransaict claticchcsecmcct-
ing and anii ccci iiiiiiiiliiiif giice i a iii ic
voteianitace iartccnidiscasionsci.
di \IIIMN iti.Si11 Ic sQL' X)
teamiarenowin iiJapanit, meeitig Jcic-
nes cuiveity sinet's. 1T1cc lctist clii
cceivcciniCh iccgoc ccncnouncsthatcinic
ai gcamec oi Thursdaicy Citicu cIcag eetdi
\\af d cis-it i cci -citt tiy acsccieo f .5i2
workianiloose ie ilinig. T[hii cacs liii
fiiih straightlict hinfici thecCciacgc
tea cii c rivediiJapiaii.
rowmgt t.th Mjsticteatilii
itsued tacsitic i ctciiic tciii iii iific c- it
tiec-i- d i i nic theii isiitoryi of cl y
Motl riiii aroas. This is gpureiy
ac fumnakctii ii ing cccihic-ad h cii-Iis one
of-ice besii:mclerIfetuew ic isi
sureiito ccmmandilisic liciiitio ilist
HorCooi Sistrsccracbcvy 1ccf tliiie
won fccim i in ui c calcmedy. liii rstic
t[i howi ill cei11) ii theii aciclc
liiId-ccciii (liii cccii hesfciastcuci
actc i ll e te ifmou tElis -i I ccii c
ccniieffectiiiareiusedtincth is ct cyncci
R~icadCartec ccliii appearcccat 1cc
Ncew A\ ccliii theatreiiocciiedneiiaiiiin i
"Jcicii-g Jitercic-cis ciiitccifor hisei
grmi-cc ae fwc crisicic
S oud'tfow coracrowfun. cc
ISmiicci iieei i icu ccciyur fac;
arouncciiitll ic-cbiink cccii-
No oneii ccecver ic a icuse lcaterCiiid
WnI ic ou ilcctok e icc11e facecracd
sciilec, 1 knowi youi havecn'i coii a giii cii
cc-iir sccic,



Little Chance for Varsity
Roll Up Large Score
on Methodists


cc i"' t ccii, t ci:
lieii c' cii aiidicit whois coci ccclhe
Vars itcteci Ic ii ii iiilYestif-
icci dcoc iiiiiilem th dsw i will
be ucciid tzic ilt he iii n s. 1 c
wiill dill tceResii e wihctese -
Xi'lll tipari'll is isks
A trilCoucrt hsit ccitinopr-
tll a i ciii foihiptp s )
'Vsi'ii'c tti iii i c-cmet i btt
lasi yearc fir the' cccirs iei cllihe 'itory
ccl 11cc twoiii tistitiiitic .
thithfice studencts if t1cc L' cicsit of
iiii~aiccci i clti i n i athleiitic's cist
PIiiTICi'[iL f. IcfilliS CAIII.
tiltNiFTfON'S PI'iliSI diN't'.
ticesiciIidet\ot ticwc Wlsonii )
ecig ysc-ic-i f c riiii tonUm c c-
sitei ritgnedii il Itrm iio ecm
ctishemocrat cic csfid ieIfor lesioc-
1::::3 lii cii i i c t co m cciii withI'ii cc-
ilyii suceliiisuit JohniiA.ciitccartc, ic
M.Stir wliirct hiibena cni ccl o
liii oiii ofi trui stessituce 'sits:caii
in .spte fccltis ae ehsntmse
ac trcustccs'mcccindg 'iirccyacrs. tic
caci'formeirly 11cc presideccil cclthic'-Cci-
lcd Stcatcs 'Trust Cccpcnyiiiif clNcew

on1c Ferr''clil tis ccei k.cl 11Victh
Oio :et c o tetuc ut iiii-i t he wayi
it icc-i tiiigidirn ar iorsc illtic-cns
liudy' o tst cciii 11c.cMfthotdists.
liii c sc icicec chave a pccmverfulii ti
tilt 1 o nctis ial;an thecrc iccecc
lt leiposlit ci hliiitiei' Vccsituy ccil ic-ti
If anyif such s cres iis it irolled ciiilaii
gis iiicc ccti clo c-iw cla t M cigal ccii
exetic Tihe fcttht- -e -N i t ciii
be in itile' ityracuse stad iu itmakec it
ie tciicipted.
rooters c caiiecciiit adas itdwill
tir cIiThiCaholcs ametoldun1r
hoi a earagu o th ev ofthecritical
strug'Ics ith Ienlislvan an l -
while the iolverines ciiiceiii dtic i
sir u nh, c>I, 1 to . It s ctis iimuric
whih M chian' elven is oo isngiiiir-
clcI.cnet weki ili I, e tic c-- th
hardet of rill that t hi tic o
r~udi~g hetem ito buih uric ai
for cciiche ii yr cseiand cc icc I m
winesmay e hatene. Th (k' ii'p
luen tu s fa ha ben slw.cid crii
Vat s frfo i sfied and, ei de i
lit bc i oit fi iien c wh seip cam illaes - I
Iward o th Vasit roterarelikelyc
Ico m1 r c i fatand abiity;and som
, scrus who ave'mae hgood will b
"se ls" ini tiei 'i siti Ia hed
wci i irbati b elt ust ti toii cc- NI tl
tilt exclliii rk t -cquasricci Lter cci
dccc cccani
prmeiatn fulll cime
you ace u foirii a ufrown.ccii

"Is tccc--ecanyhcinidoing inilie egi-
neringldiiatcIeciintuciat icwoul teini-
terestintoIclie recades ccl ihe Mcix-ic
dGAN I lxiii1' caseduiac repcrer of Deani
Colevic teotier cafternoon.uc
"iTere is cc lotiif I coule tinkiicic cc
i," retpliediricf. Coleiucy. "Ta is thi-
tremblehi. dlheni yoiucmeto e ic or li
,sewsi i1 c iii't h ci ccf ii ciiit ciiscso ci as
youi ice gone i recmcembher sccmehincg
thcat is ew. T ccci-aeso iimifytigsi
go agi etic ha ltchI cni no Itic-c-ictu ic
clt icc umindc.
"Yoii ucnow" heconi tiuedu, "i have
beenithiinkingthtitit Wculdiu ie ¢a liii
ticg, cciii for yocii aciiifurrius, itheure
cc ccc-a cuitccccccuhiccciisistig ccl thec
or touu cc mbersi cccitcciflclccty cclthis
deprten toc keepi ti circicutflie affair,
cud thus enabiilie ircurrersicc et fuh
detis. -Tis cm itctee wo uldii liii
knew ucjust cciiicc acsubjctwasciiirecdipfr
pubulicaut ciandco uld iseec'irf tioci
ai loi t cIter.
"Whyti donciitIyouicarrainge fr suchc a
ctmuitiiiiiii sugesicteduithe I)Aciii ceii
resenittati. "I camiiiuiii tat weiciwould
te veif% grateul ciorcanyf ic-ti.'
fluipe s1, shall; bu I ccii t cccl havei'tco c
mch o teioutthe prcii ci c c iesent- imhue."
N tti A iiH c ii I,,C.u l
Theliristi cieitigocuthlie ic'csia
club s htheldFritufeveing t ciic
Iiro sctrc- et c. A1numbeu cr ofcldithmeni
tecccpresenticciucu I liiitistudents5 were
rceie aci- s ic-cuw ucci i s. Xliiir 11h c
init itictioncshmnccitiii- suh whucythei
scileictitelce iciui-ituco cuttihccig.
Thei proguimcccs folowcdithi liilight
re tccsicciiccts.
Camera Owners
Maiii uss six exposuirea cuuy sniuc thu
anch-- ----- __35
a trim expucusure, coly sta, and----- 57
ori a twalve exposurie, aicy sie, acd 03
Wdea uilturnii'sin 48 hours yaurfhlms
and wh itebrcher' printsIncalhh a-cnn
3ic tiniotass refundehd for eacah expos
arent printahble.
ANY SIZE 6 exposure film, devel-
oped ---------- ---------------l5c
ANY SIZE 10 or 12 exposure film,
developed -------------------- 25
While Border prints from your film
each ------------- - ---3
While Border prints, Sepia, from
your films, each----------4c
Enlargemeuts from your fiims on
Sxio paper, each -------------- 25
Eslargements from your films o
8xi0 paper, Sepia, each ----35c
Pos Cards from your films, each. c
61 1 {/ 1 <<Sepia each 6c
[h reasto add Ic fr each film re-
turn posiltt i theoe priaes, with your
Ncuuuc and Addresms plainly wr iten on
431 lHurlbut Anues

niversity i use
Press Building, Maynard St. Nex Door 00 Univrsiy School o Music
Exclusive Agency for Gibson Mandolins and Guitars
Call and See Them
- . T.



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