THU MIC1mnhlA AIL r -.- rrs + V af V. v " s W\ is " iY n t j 'Y.A fy..! 6 LFeY'/:Ylx+ MI: eA'^6 wow wow i Just what you are looking tor- For Semi-Dress Wear Button or Lace. All sizes and widths and we will take pains to lit you 'w em : Wagner & Co. State Street Sign ot the big white shoe . Desks, Morris Study Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN IHALLERI We invite you to call and ge t a Souvenir '~for your, room Full m 'e of College Ilothes fo- young chaps that want style Men's Furnishings, fiats, Caps, Gym. Suits Laboratory Suits, Waiters Coats, and Bath Robes UNIVERSITY NOTICES All sophi lit football men must lbe ex- anoned today (Sunda) at the gnma - siami at 3 :oo p. m. Fischer, Mgr. Mrt. Tinker will ot meet his class in Comparative Religisus until Ssln1dla, (lt. 30, at 9:30 o'clock, Nessberr hall. Important metinig of the Comede clcib. All membsers of "Th Insector cast, andI all ofhcers of the last ear are requested to e lre sent. Mndasy, 5 :00 p. m., rooms 302 . hal, N. AV. All soph engineers out foe practice at 4:00 Monday at south Ferry field. Phiysical examinatiosn ansi election of captain will lbe heist at the gyona sia, Monsay night at 7:on o'clock. N]"W' ItletanAN 5051vN DNxxC vityAS New'uniersity women were guests at a dance givnsbiy the 'Women's Atsetic association i Barbostr gmnlasium last ight. H-arest timgesdecorations and1( favor (ances unce the affair unique. L~et uis print photographs from 3 sue ssumer negatives on Cyko pape1r asod get bst resslts. Schmitt, Photo grapher. is. tine Ann Arbriem an ais sent hisi -lanndry to Chicago-Why:' Call lDe- _r~tLaundry Ageny, 111ff, 1247J. G~et a lunch at tie AN ils' isuse 1111. Alnenwlot cf Salz fonnains peni.just receised. NWSillhe sld t sle rices's $;2.30 pess fsr 90 cents, $3.00peirists $1.;o, $5.00 lpenlfsr $2.50, $.ao spiniftr $3.95. Nl guranteed. Sissnes 1P SWERATERS cut over at "Te f'alais Rsyas," 29 I. Liery. i1a-s. \Vasth.(dckstassdiJs'selepiring st Sksiner's lbytL. W'. Rithie, forssrlyi withlNrnold1s's. I8. Gsosd sice tss eat. Come over anls re- our coffee. NWerier's Ilet, 33 Ma~ynarsdSreet. -. FRESHMEN!I IMPORTANT NOTICE! You speicitures, iefore asssi aster te rushl,swere takenl ly Lyndonl, phstolt- graphter, 7115 N. Universit Ave. 12tf. DENTAL CLINIC. 'rile Deltal Clilic i5s1n0o' esien tsr the treamlent of patients. Patintssc- sirinsg plates, crowns, hidges, an1d1 regl- latioln of tie teethl will e serves evey say from tell to tswelve o'clock; tos desirinlg fllings, treatm~ets sr extatc- tios ll inSd the Clinic opnl eery a- terinooni from half past ote ocock, en- cept Saturdays. 7-f. KOLI.ACFR Tailor ad Cutter ito F. Ituron. Poet8oJ 11-tf AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You ca find a fle lie f Cefectinery BAILEY & EDMUNDS 3 DALESS 11 fl KyfltgGuns. Fishing Tackle and Amnuitins E. Liberty St. Ate Arbr, Michign THE OLD PLACE ILEINGER. in Co. We have a fresh stock of Prinee Albert and Tuxedo in t pound and$ pound cans and jar.. I Wednesday, Oct. 26tb Frazee & Lederer's Crqtet, Musical Laugh Produciq y PRESENTING RICHARD CARLE (HIMSELF) Jumping Jupiter EDNA WALLACE HOPPER Cheridan Simpson, Dorothly Maynard Inn Claire, Will Philbrick, Burrell Barbaretto, and Some Girls Prices, 35c to $1.50 Saten ofSeats will upes Monday, Cit. t4 Thursday, Oct. 27th Charles Frohman Presents the Musical Comedy Success THE DOLLAR PRINCESS Book by Wiliner and Greenbaum Music by Leo Fall As Presenesd at the Knlckerbosker thsatre, New Verk City tsr One Year 21-BIG SONG HITS-21 Augmented Orchestra of Fourteen Pieces 33-80O-73-$T-$I.30 Seat Sale Tuesday Morning majestic Notice The shows this week will positively be the best in history of the Majestic Vaudeville oaod Freshman Caps at Sc Try us JE UuertkL. 211 S. Main St. Cook Hfouse The Blue Tea ROOM Opes alv tty frimo7:15 a. mll ts Cafe :0p tNsw spen for business Orders taken for special from parties 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. a. m,.+tod11 p. 11. Phon c 1696 New Whitney Theatre Curs.tatan 8.15 P. M. Late coesas-'not seated preseamptty. Bill For Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Robt. De-Mont Trio MarvIlus C medly ci ohats. Present the nmost startling sect Iii aglnable HARRY BACHELOR. PAUL BAUWENS Eccentric Musician Comedian Girls Fofr Qook GSisters From the Golden Cate an and Franks Singing Act Big Extra Feature-Coming Thursday Next Ellis No~wlanu Troupe 12Cun'Em 12 FesSsiuvenir Spoons to Ladies Wednesday Matinee Iheatorluill PiCtur. 1 14F ILY0100THEATREI Carriage and Baggage castsach'nuiple toacid from parties bsereiclck$1.50, after 12to'clock $2.00. - For eehTeunnistulleorueromdune, tihe prcewllb 25 Cents, It carried to sr frosssup-stales, Ike price xiii he 50 Cents. D~rivers are required In collectecashi for carriage and baggage service. WALKEER'SLI VERY ROItiiNSON & CO. W.1.1I. STAiRK HiOLMitE, LIVERY +TELI NDA !VISTA One-hall block north of Ike Campus 1216 S. Ingalls) Ciuftean lutll~s seived tilt 10:.30 a. mi. Board, - $4.00 per week C. J. SESSIONS D sAYSg Monday ,Oct. 24 The only Original and Authentic Moving Pictures of the leff ries-Johnson Contest as staged by Tex Rickard and Jack Gleason at Reno, Nevada, July 4th, 1910 6000 FEET OF FIGHT FILM---6000 FEET Inluding Preliminary Training Scenes at Reno and Introducing The Worids Most Famous Sporting Characters John L. Sullivan, Bob Fitzs1nmons, Abe Attell, Tom Sharkey, Jas. J. Corbett,,LqO Ronoman, Hugh D. McIntosh, Stanley Ketchelt, etc. CONTINUOUS DAILY, 2 P. M. TO 11 P. M. COMPLETE DESCRIPTIVE LECTURE 10c First Time Any where at. 10c .i i Ladies' Hair Dressing, $hamrooin, M A S G Manicuring, Face Massage WmenlndlitIldre i nriitd fornervous- * Rain-Water Shampoos"AaSecalty ns' pet tiisan nevosefecIssbykpecitl All 'olsnd islToelIa'teilzed beoe fisll, std iatsirgantSchooee~slia uarirdt. Mrs. J. IW. Troasasaskt IS HA T A MISSII ARTsA Rooms 5 35 Packard Phone 778-L (Bell Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin tenilent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines by officers of Varsity or ganizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of anygroup of students to or from A nn Arbor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. l t t :1 ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP O~lp'stOtei scW hm Eosi Under Htuston Billiard Parlors GAO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From " Freddie's" Charlie Weigand, Prop. COMING---THE MUSICAL CAMERONS m ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STLS MILWARD, THE TAILOR TiHE BEST OF EVERY TiHING IN TAILOR ING