Have You Ever Heard of UNIVERSITY NOT ICES
Right Style Street
%H ~Snio r engier I imitt.n il
y tv c7, it a steet a reat any wse in rt room 271, north w g f11 k
:In, la~etajg liatllitg witnithen coin
"-f I id iheir t a tit fro0m Ambitiono aceped. Wach hli hllci
I;e1 i i ed tright tto soceo piac
' t Style tret n u t, oo tars
t rlghI ith t his excepjt innA.ig l isisiontf o~tttifr "TheIt'hi -
i i 1)fd ytheiiholisa of Right tt ''" aiihcrirn iii-t c> t' ))r a
' hit I + which Inertshould ass oni lDAtNt offictlttt . at(1 i t .i n,
r r ) tgo st i t to Success Po Aati lIIstden twioslit r'ai o
1) tilount of themnany si In the ''.1'tlerite''staff ot a'ih~ I
i t iIorI'atddfalric alloy tt AN L in ofhce talat i .i
or to iic ule htieatein eirtismygeiniato.M
It r olwk t , A 1MAN IS KNN(OWN dayi10to1a'iin grautetiravit. ,- rr
It 'i tiit, and tatoi these ide ther hur aitt . Hl l ct i 5 r~ . p ci l ' n k i n n e r
re Takeinag the Right Course Lad meset at]McitllaIllati
n Ibuy of o'clocek tday. Traini leaent.' etot 1
t0 ~ ~ ~a t ii:4, ewer ntitilri
sed'nu it ial Istaff(th i le tiii r.
-18 East blerty Salsa n tat it l' r ii'l lg
;f1Wdeltr c titrg, ju ii J},t 4, 5.
°_______________________-___________ Mtngitwtill last 1uat l fiit ntill t -
GA \I ___________________________ hlI,El1 'I' LE IADJit
'I 1 AND) AGE THE i2'I'I ACC I II C T.CI pp e
(feuttedas o n 21 L.
i ~$rotitlWebsteand 1 iii'an.'Ill(,__________________________°--_________
Ufordl irlst t e. P~ittv Irrc t r
Cc aand Liberty
y xd mpa.Zly GLENROY -_______
Un leralIty A4,ve. The New Summer
AR ~sp~ia Pric Csi Post-Card Photos
~ re- COLLAR3 for 25c or 75c per dozen
g al N e r v e s W ec/,2 or250
tY I l(nurshedI body. Satisfaction guaanteed on all siting
aif kinid of nouirishmient made it evenings
-hole wxheat contains.--
b hX uid up and COM IE UP AND SEE THE WORK
lscICs, bone and .t
- Opei to12 A. M. I to 5:30 P. M.
{ t Hasampe cava slp sacenothea Evenings: Mon., Wed., r., .,v#79o 10
v iJ on in front, snaps on tn back
& A ClGtett, Pabdy & C-ITiaN. Y. -
'i i 4We have added several designs especially adapt.
" u ri1Jable to student trade to our
P t-ome Photographs
Serxior- Kates to All Ssiderds for the
Rem~kirider of College Yeir
A. \. EXCU SIONTel ephotne Bell 473.1 antiwe'l do the rest
Mihigan Central
-.C Sunday, June 1II1d
Retrnig tSameicDiy The -At Hone Photographer." Bell Phone 473 J
x\ - Detroit 60c
l *0V Tra_ water toweltit ortSaety. Allt
I3 JT gakes'c w inat hce ahr toittla t at si 1 e il at iii miRO iJV i 0 railt
r ," ." - t~~~~~hese tickets.11Q4uh rtarri A e
.- " /If iI In addition t above filet itkets Rir Boa[t { Livr
- lt will also le sold betiw iii all t tiosI f D tF
' / .' /.(where the onwamiy ftr.' !3 0u itt$1111nit cue fr selling BAILEY & EDMUNDS
les)a ihich thi tan kii 4 a Ii t til ii I t liiits
~ 'N.-.____ aaaa~a-~ stop, at onantioner half farefor thea" fdr 47 '17G.'a~stlier a aiiii'ii aA aiirudtiwt onnitao tntl
Ct fdve cents. t:CaiLbety S. AnAro. ici n
n Do Not Mi ss The Ciea Up Sale of Men's
OXFORDSat PIEL'S11«. lain St.
We will call styles we are going to discontinue and broken lines at the actual cost ot manutacturing anJ in some cases for less than
manufacturing cost
Sle Begins Tuesday, June 13th You Lose I You Miss This Sale