Sam. Annf TIf 106 E. 1R °S tI,. I . if-11is N 0A tL P> Smp ce fly 'I hittl' , tilittisi hi77s7., ( Continuead frea-oars0. VMPi f .?' ill 's lt ii goal, .a passthat was igh,Sand a dill- served i, r5att'A'strtoo.late ito adlanicath --- balfrom t behiid the goal lise; stitch C0' WYANTED inshuat is. tsehistory cithaw, iwo FOR Iaista .A sliger T~l s to All in 'illalthe "ill-Ftresli showedlthat that cansinstg popular sng ali' rla ' . iilEnd ~i ~ ltt tl 11151111 ii IllorS silev ln h ~ol~ar fvrably withlithat af lasi sggsls tg st (2 raii grrs s n is isniir St. fOar that ecisiplay 11115 le icalt i C o. :: isstriitticit,atter than iiaiiii fors E - t.t csliittiiist,aal (site itiat Cal l i 1 5515t 2 . tr.e sririeee goasd light sos p 1 m i, ll~r...,T . .. Edgertoni [Va'isse-A bha- to idelisvar n iss1t odeI l .., ..Es.C.,..... Chaspet Arbor's Leadin1g -at the Whit Iloseiar. sass, lass tae~tr.....R 0. Andlersona Sig I OR RENT cAek... .....Ale iar that weare 0; 12nt Iesisi.t.sit. Rug, I lIl. rolL ge mer l'eit stisrriS ;ri, Ti't.Lssy..00iand upwar'ds 1,Ei cmi,..liets. ii. G'. 'sts jresitA, Vices-Prois. i11.. iiA.WILA, t.asise rF. T. STOWE. Asst. The Aurt Arbor Savings Bank Cat'sst sIt "Is i 555555 SitipiusQ,$5/t -t its+sourcs a :, 00,0ist iA.neac iiasiag Busneess Transached trsss-ts 7 ' F. iiis't'ii. i'res.; W. 0. srr; an sit is s'P'as. . T. Fritz..iatshiter STAF 6-AV!NGS BANK CJ \:t s, tCashsir Co r'.eriai a..'sd FIRST NATIONAL BANI" OFIt \ss'sAt , MICHi. i. . IN'S5. iiA ItISON SOULS Pres.Vice--ires. .1 .t;L 'itKSO 1st .ss ttiis. t.i/ Fo a - ,Psnr igteer's dai ti~ean stoosl, 345 S. DIsisisti. (- . LOST. Lsst-Pertso fininsg ntos'-asses camiputis abit a week sits nI'. phoss'e saon 'P. I tsllI, Itsl- I80 Iast---Satiray motsrning hbatiaeesn1Corn-i stall Plsice ssa andSoE . Anaist n atd 'e 'srald scasrf pits. F idrts C S call is95.:. MISCELLI. OUI XNE 22 .ls roi to chlias, I (sit' 2. Gol 0ncil : t0r \e T. J. 5prow, 1MP WeI ya a ;lsOis dI jI(udge, J. Ilsialtir LawsU.of1.;hed ies an tl THE WALK-OVER BOOT SHOPI 115 MAIN STREET, SOQUTHj C I ko pa;);- in 1S ''stilrts sut se - .ies Schui it Photiogap~her i8. llctIs r lrp 51 ytilnt i tt il"anet hts-ta 00is! 'is s"5'sii --rDtroslit Aenas 12.t47-J.8 I;,cr l~cl ctsa te Witei}haoti i's, i itmewe a vei tha last scrap I Cusstmitsmisetroutsars o' its isil-: noticea. 'Va'srsity lttttitlaas l'sal ii'331 it. State. 55tai- ., TUTr0RIN 0f A- t ~ It's always a satisfac- tion to look right and bi e sure about it. F~ ot canlook to this (N_____ store for right clothes. VI a j - /rY in, L'atini, Grelk, andalEnitishl, 63;C S.i. 505.,5 fira.1:15cassess. Ity u d lt.I> Thlai er, hell phon aista .sis'~--.t>.lis- .a ' l s sutser s. aM CIII 1l () IL1'. DO'T DEL 1Y. Ev.ery'ting asltlatisseptia. lCat N 'toss Fancy Wr O ;: MsISS 1'a. J. (t((, L Y. it '" i. i V tl)O5555. tuzshit's in titme. Iir- ti arrtir e nu Ctsinte %Vlsbach -Is 'eai' tsi a -arfpot skn5hivest aty 'sla lts re. -ttri1i . Ssa S asSaraet Iarslsare.ID. A. Killiss 5ti. HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED SHIRTS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL S'i U/K S HOLE PROOF ad INTERWOVEN HOSIERY .lttalli' & OConntor, Stesamtam11issic dry clesinsesRepsairintg. 61g ~I?.. Nil lisissSt. r-ti. -If aystatare lookhing (sir ltsa Issl t iiat sir AlsitaliIiisc ii' .\Mat'ins I ttle statis. -Netuvs'tassels jis!t aens a . Scallsa'e IlSont,.':Mslai"cl'i],1I S. Msiin St. 13-ti. it-ia iii liiGasindFleales Studetla :it lthe Stale St's-st IHardwlsara. I_). =v jllsill Fluff, I247-J. xtf. No . gal prisesa an election earls a iiai N I' a10hels "'.3r,) S. Sat,' St. i17 i1 "Always the right thing at the right time" W YAIDH M &COMPANY 121-123 South Main Street ' Flann el and cheviot shirts -- ___ _____---__dollar with nof "collar to match and with Nue tatt fo Ir a tie. Frenc tunbakcll.r t big nic shue. Tht patterns are the latest and Quite the proper thing and very qh ualities suberb. popular. T.. -hey arc quite "shrill. IV I L ui luc 'CORAL UNION MEN' EU NSIN S5 i~~a~e~fTShirts, Neckawear, GoeHsey Ulv si M i H U CNCONCERTS Underwear, Pajamas, etc. fta Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music1 YO---Star Plumbers---$3 1 We carry choice Lines of Men's twell lialir- - MM1AD ,Otbr2 dashery with prices low anal values such as n t MME. LDAOctobr 20characterize our entire estaltislnsent NEW1,11LN Nvme 14 FIRST MICHIGAN FIELD SONG Vilinist FLOOR &AC C4J. FLOOR IONCI, Dcembr 9 ____________________________ and FLONZALEY QUARTETTE OTHER COLLEGE, MUSIC January lS L ______ SAMAROFF, February 24 _______________ PIANOS_____FOR___RENT__ 41 t year' DICa'1A1tSIE 1tya PAOFO RETFESTIVAL of Five Concerts I-, Qplir. 11001(5 f EXCLUS$IVE AGENCY FOR. GIBSQN MANDOLINS MtAY it-2s ThosssOr'ht'stra-'hiiahi ttin Ana Arbor LEGAL MISCELLAN Anns Arbor' aud .,aolsis -_______________________ university Music Hos __________ity uCH , rt'istl.etr~ sst tati sais'uiips'h oftstMusii CICAGO7 y-or-r tu statdrnt carsassers Ana Arbor Brsanlk. State It,.eit, OppositleLaw Bldg. SPortrait' Studio- 319di East Huron Street