-j~f{H )MICHIGAN 0DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfield &Co.l. Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.0. Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fally Guaranteed Wate" Rsp.lroeng mSpeelwty The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 0300,000 Surplus $50,000 Resources 02,400,000 A General Banking Busine~ss Tranmacted OrrICEnS Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres.: M. J. Fet.. Cashier THEFt ARMEURS AND MELCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREIETS Captal $50,000 Surpus ood Profits $100,000 General Banking Business. 3 percent paid on 'limse and Savings Dieposits. Safety tDe- posit Hoesn to rent at $2.00 and upwards it. Knicmv resss. 11. Gi. I'nnRa'YaIAN, Vice-Pres. B. A. Wjistiono, Cu7shier Fe. T.STOWn, As; Germlan- mriaR ailsfBann Coromorarla.l u.okd Sa.vligas Car. Me,.tanad Llben-to Sts-eata FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOR, MICHe. E. D. KINNE, HlARRItSON SOtULE Fees. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARIKSON, Cashier. Capital, $100,00 0 eSlus sdirolits.0$65.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Caipital $50,000 aSurpls7500 iResources $1,25,00 Wam.,[.0.Booths, Prcs. Was. Arnold, Vice Fren. C. J. Waltz, Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All matier in thsis coliiiim nesi be paid foe in advanice. Off icc hours : i-2:30; 7-8:30 p. Mi. WANTED :,vsisus's forsness t allrn. O31il( ut Inca the5 igeros l oiii coviIIclIs.llsrssss'1463,. 1Ua'ssisd-Rooss usitalls'ornsclusbroomsl pulrpos,forlise nt' xti'st aie ster. Ai- t~eat 'soince 1 51. 1' 5..alSl ,\ld to\\-- I)AI isi. P'neiss'"ts8.1. FOR SA~LS, wh' il i have ien s'lihl is Sn l-it' s lossto loCnn'se outrightli '1t"-. Mxcylr a1111Malniil, 302 I Slli Stalie, I[1101ei Ni. 1244 J. 177-78 -75 8.1 Pni .Sils' 'Sigu i'l'r'asi,illy1111 211111 pecl fo all casses f s'lr. 5511lsell O 'Sale- 'ha'lsa srgs' lbrickl houlsea is129s ssilsssha' 'sisislis 5, iis'11:lt for' sa1Frater'inity. IsisP. lan,1;1 et151 r, it MISCELLANEOUS Finas sipment ol sifGillirt'sidsi 's>s- Iso( Cisocslate'ssIt.'ssnhissg''.. 17511 Ctsassin. 17 >11 'sssss Nrbsir Os 1mig 't 71 'So. 75111 ve 17o11& 1n 1111,' o e 1' il'1110115 ])tintsI ofii l Ba11li sssl sfs'ws8 x 1o11 s o fa theIl s' iver- 1 i',s'stis' pice.'s'17 8 ,) I,YNII) N'S. 'ls s ' 'isl Iilsr;s por 1 ' lit , 7131 hSo.5011Aveis 17010ss havsss youattendes'sl ,1 sisn lss sssssal (Is.'I-half ifsilS 178-toso Sldis>. J t11ne' it, 1911.1 isom Ptrsss sincsset. Cic itics 5. C I i s.. Broile I [IlisisStak, ArmittSiss Spsrig-. Sm.i Vanssilla I ' ('s''eams, ltrenchti Sir;s1lwrt sse Apls Pis. 'ilssss 14 Dei ssTas. i en 1 lellh'So t eI )ci5 5 5 thehvl mn'ssecios iclledllfor5 p ~ ii Wrs. ,1AP iiin 'liprst a tss th is times:. ..Shirts Hats Caps Trunms Bags Suit Cass and Sprin pants I, F." Al r} 1 1,. (' j ISpring Shirts Hats Caps Trunks Bags Suit Cases and Spring Pants S t '. j The!eMaster Suit c~s~t mna lothes I I s i' is' l's's's iyi .;,ts i'1 ti s' pysass # I a11' ' u zt1i 'd s i itt' 1." iI~c )tst i 5s! 5 1r,1- ..... .. a i f :, is ,_- isltels : '11' s:iswt Z wl w '1:1 oi's'ail sil'ali ss'il ass'He lia I Theoi shcu.ftennvriytrl d in l 1,' :1 id wsi i ll ,'give t alks.1 Of "'a.sfrth o in ar wl I4IF.I rv jet i'.51 11.555's''.v ld r'slllllals' s'l-Ii' d tii i~s a7o)\N.' $25,00, $20,00 m512and 00 LET US nHOW YOU551 324'.l ss'1 11'.I.a Charlie Wei ad, --fop.! etroit United Lines ran11infsssrsmstion to Division Superin- t, sls'ss a's lit', Yisilansti, of the Oetroi sfiItc Lisss'a by oficisers oil Varsity or- i''111,ths'nioemsnt, beyond .I_ iItitiCofIths' i-erslas ser'vice,of v -j111 sfslitudts Tnto ssr'from Ann ssrentra cars and entra service 1;:1t be promptly supplied. ' lexican : Indian : Blankets 11trSille aiC rloul,ssssllseiassio'm, iluss f < ' i C a ,;1'orCIICl's 'ansi ula -'llertios I iliOtI COiLiR EFFECTS BEAUTIFUL DESIGNSOI l 1as 1-aia1s tysativs;a~iiswo, ~ifasti'ssloes Tse Most Acti ablote Hliiday Gif1! s : ~ ol+ss Iss'ss 1);wsss'isessssCosii. 'I aa-o ns. lu.N irsi tiII Wlisite, Blasck .0 5a. x 31t0, lin.'''''.. 5.00 ?o± .in. x 3 t., ............ 4.00 40. x a210, Sin .. . 3.00 .i ts iee(onenofearh size) 00.00 X. 1;itlls'1, aiasge's Pr'epasli,sonrc'elipt tt '-/Ill. 'Hloss'slsssssi. if yosssn,'it MEXICAN BLANKET C:,. Agua'scaintets. Mexiro AT TUJTTLE & CO. L UNCH ROOM Y on fild a inor line ofCnafectionery 170ia& 180 A f(,«- iioc sra o st l earII),'1'.lllilfro $ .25t . cents .8l 8 SULTV .1 1ING S All th3is I'l'r i s I : CRA H 'iNii iii i1t1l WANER & CO., Stale Street $2". _._ . . i 1 Yoiu don't need to wear hose with holes in them or bother to heave them darned, for you cans buy hosiery cheap At 'PURFIELD'S" HOSIERY SALE We are cleaaing sup MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HOSE at less than cost of manufacture If you cone in and see the prices-you will buy enootgh hose to last several years. SALE BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 10th PURFIED'S SHOE S'TORE 119 S. MAIN STREET Brand 2 for 25c Beat Made-Merit in every Thread WAGNER & C0. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP (ipposite' Electric lWaitinoslsos GEO. V. STOLL, Propr-ietor 45Doors fron,,tFredsdie's" Came Ko as sis _t~ ._ ale is' S is ,5I F'Iilm5a s oo 'e's'tI } I eV i h i ' clii 1 1 ' t byI lisods:' I' 1 1 I 511 'ti' ll, , i ll 7las-4Ar"I LYN4 Prosperous Manufacturing Concern Fpcrtn tw pans5 a otnof Assistant Manager 1'ofe y "a irtsn wihbuiss a b lit~iy snsi .n pa,,oo aslari';iparty'tusakeisosereall c ar arto ttst aamount'sin o ab~e ou i 5.oiri of ,,r sr t A ssiantManil rs l io r'e trens o CHNE2SE RESTAURANT FFancy "Chop Suey" and Amerrican Dishes, Chops and Steaks at all Hours TABLES FOR LADIEl AND GENTLEMEN n WAI KING LOO 314 S. Stair UP STAIRS Eortrait Studio- 319 Pwst !'uron Street