t'XMICHIGAN 'DAILY iSchaft IDEAL OXFORD, Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6,00) and $7.00 shoes. WA GNER & CO. Stale Street Sign of the big white shoe Ir r AN BLANKETS AND CURIOS Artfs al~d Crafta Shop lie f E asntern Shops Car. William and Maynard ._ _ _ :.- __ . _. _. .e,._ :, . . I I I MUIC N 1.AN) ltf: MA1 Orville Whiite, liarilotic, woill givehiS gradtuation recital on Fridayeveing, June 9g at eight o'clock iathe ScSiolof Mtesic. Air. Whito ill< to 1'1 l uate fronthtie liter'aryv departmt.it of the i university this Junte, hasten ccii a tot the vocal dletpar tmentit of tsho, for fotir years atnd tas oittree t oc-i casiaonts alppearedl in puttllic puils ect als. Ifle' will b'etisottl lb\- iss a. liv Ttiller, tianist aodtiss l. liii i I WX trster, piantist. 'The itlbli clisicord alt' ittviteh Tetnnis Rackoets oite-fiithtotif' at DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jacksosn betroit Llmited-3:1t a. m.,. :t3a. im., 1l:t. psm.. 2:t3 p. m.4:13 p .., 6:t3).v21., 8:1tpti.a Kalamaoo Limited - 7:4i a. in t9:46 a. n.. 11.46t a. m 1:46t p. m., 3: I46 t). ma, a5t4t11. tansing 7t46 p. ta Loees Cars East Bound-ito itetti t, 5:45 a m.,-6:45 a. nm..ad every two hoarstoto tt, pam. Ta Ypsitantt, 5045 ia. a.ad hal hour Iy taoa15p. m., atsait2:15ta. m., 12:30 a.m. 120a. ma. Ta Saline, change at Ypsitanti- Lacal Cars West Bound-5:4t0 a. m., 7:t5 a. maand every two haustoa1:1iin. Prosperous Manufacturing Concern Opp eaingitwospanits as poon of Assistant Manager 'a aoie yang sme n wthbnbsints.abilitypoi tim ptytgood salary;party must t.akeoverall or ptei'aintaerstaaontingto ao itt .0c oldpresentiAAsitant amotnager, wo irotir'. Carrespaodenceionifideniitl adtdtess. tox Ii For Sale Rier Boat Livery ll lh cause for selling Adress P. G. Tessnoer Batey N. Miauato5t. A ititA roa1iti Hiotel 60 Cents TC. Capen, Manager Trunks for a Thousand[ Trips Meanlin >-'F r ha nt will stand the strain of consfant traveling- the kindt hat are built right from - _' - lheinside. outward-thec [kind you find liere atMack's. l Dress Trainks _--- 4510' toi $4i0.00i ' Si sine i ra I_ $. 5 0 til$s 0.Q5 51151 iNiiD1-PA iTMitNT MACK CO.t BAILEY & EDMUNDS Ladies ' Ba' irDessing, Shiaminig U~ a t.em e n ianicaring, 'ane 'lassage. IRains Tacl~lan Am untio ; Water Shanmpos 'a Specialiy. All ass l ttii a pec~iia tlt a toolsanditoe lscitetrilizedlbefireauing Liberty St. Ann Acher, ricihigan 11itoiai Unn i lsiy Aie. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP AT TUTTLE & CO. it i ','ii ii' MVaitin" ibin LUNCH ROOM GEO. . STOLL, Proprietor YOa van find a line line at tamlecllanery 4 110 1) liiilti s n)_.._____________ f . ._._ . . e _. : r to Trunks ii i l riJ implies all thtat you can expect of the 'ir ii itrulvilTiruitk onithe market. ciir i p itfittctt of these trunks to Aispose it; sutchpt ' (jtt'iits liave beeit able to secure for fat liat-etnver licen vttoted before, on this line of ti iv totidace ill 5izes front 36 to 40 iniches le o its tot tell youi of their many good I i}aci. li if yociei ltc to travel alnd wish .I titat istiat'aiiteed for five years, ti1.lall otid let us tell you more of the 2022S. Main St. TURKISHi BLEND ' "CIGRE LYTT" ga;Victory. Big B~onfire. Everyv- l~f)Cy. appy. Swelling hearts. GIlad-you're-alive feeling. Contentmlent--and Fatima Cigarettes. IL I JTestmoke that suits the occasion. A pvrfv'ct blend of 'Turkish tobacco Nita distinictively ch.'tacteristic flavor :Mild and nt-.ilow-smooth and satisfying. THE AMERICA_. i TOBACCO CO. 'I4t 1 300 300 Wanted Three Hundred eachers We need three hundred teachers to fill the vacancies now on. our books. Grade and high school teachers, principals, superintendants anti college instructors watnted. Positions pay $700 to $2,500 per year. If you have been well trained the great stouthwest needs you and will pay you twenty=five per cent more for your service than you can get if you renmamin in the older states. And it offers twsice the opportunities for advancement. It wtants the best We have positions for 1t00 inexpeimenced teachers to take assistant principalships and high school positions at salaries of $81) to $95 per month. We need seventy-five executives to take charge of ward and high schools at salaries of $900 to $2n500. Average position pays from $1,100 to $1,400 per year. We could place a dozen well qualified men in touch with college positions paying $ 1,200 to $1,600 the first year. In small but rapidly growing colleges. If you can't find the right position register wsith us. We may have twice as many calls as we have candidates DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH A SMALLER SALARY THAN YOU DESERVE Come down into the southwest where you are needed and employers are willing to pay for good service. THE TEACHER'S PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU gives each candidate individual attention. We have NOT)I'AILING LIST. We recommend but one canditate for each position, but WE RECOMMEND THE CANDITATE FOR MORE THAN ONE POSITION We find the right man for the place, then place the man in that position. Let us tell you about our methods, and let us know your wants. Write today for the best. positions are open now Address Teacher's Personal Service Bu.reau Tulsa.., O kiahons,. _ . E 4r ,_.s j'.4 :' ice.'" ! = ' _ s _ .:rz : . i IO A HAIAI IN 3'YLES IWRTETIO THlE BEST. OF EVERY TiIING IN TAILORINU