m* HE MICHIGAN YDAL s In choosing your Str8aw Hat Pick a Winner The Mallory cravenetted straws will stand showers and dampness, fog, etc. and can be sponged clean without harm F. W. GROSS 123 E. Liberty St. E{xclusive Agency A.U. SPA I DING & BR~OS. T ss~w c he I '' reeargrst maou- the Saturrs nuteiwrl o DN ports and past Imes Q ( 1D {1 If you are ttcrroted V\'.~-~J A G thletic Sport yo MARK Mouldtave acopy of INUP the Spald~ing (ott- taiu ~t. lou.Itos a coptet enroriop isoof known throughaot What's New In Sport the world as a as-a.st.,Gso of and istosent free on re- Qva~.t~ty queot. A. 0. SPAL6DING CA. BROS, 254 WoodwardAve. DerittMih~t The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital1 Stock 300000 Sr ls $0000 A General Banking Business Transacted OFFICERS' Chas. E. Hiscock, Pros.; W. U. Harriman, Vice Pres.: M. J. Fritz, Cashier f ARlMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND H1URON STREEBTS Copitlt$30,000 Sorplos snd Proft $00,0t Geonerat Banking Bosiness. 3 percent paid on Tme and Savings Dopositsa. Safety iDn- posit Boxes to root a01.900 and upwardso R. Knpr Pres. H. G5. Poorc COAN. Vice-Pres. H. A. WILIAMS. Cashier it. T. SOiWS, As; Coessme- rolaavl in sd Canr. Mekbm .wd Libasrty Sts-ssda FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN Anp3on, MICHo. E. D. KINN E, iHA RISN05SOUCLE Pros. Vice-Pros. S. XW. CLAHESON, Cashier Capital,.$00000 iSurplus oodiroiits, t$05.000O STATE SAVINGS BANK (apiota 5,a00 Surpluos 5,0a iRoourccs $1,250.000 Win . B ioth. Pres. Wio. Arnotl, Vice Pres. C. J. Waltz, Cahie r l!i AOClClrn AnIIE*D'rlOl&lP AJI SSIrl AUVtK I ISlru' All mattier in this caotin most be paid for in advaoce. Office hours: 1-2:30; 7-8:30 p. ott. WANTED [Fartetd. -Metn roometrs at calso rs Avcnuet. Onressuite sitd three sintgte roomts . All mcodertt conveicets. C Phtontc0463. t177-78-70-80O WaVidetd-Posiiiona s tsittstlict cior mtatront-ini fraiternity,. clb, or icttit tion. trst rcfcrrnceis. :\ddlress A. 11. C. M tc1Iio o i).tt,s, itr phontio64 J. It siltedFour tic sctttmr:frnI ihe liotior. irivaltr or sorority. l-tfe rciiecs if tdcsiretd. Adduress "XN"' Aicti Iw"\ Dtii v. t73-179 FOR SAL. /tit Sate-Wc ttairctrce tyrt iters whtichi larcetbccntstightt uset.t Pice-,: tow to clotselit right tim" ll 51 it :itil Masoit, 3112 Soittt;ate, Ph11e -No. 1244 J. I177-7-798 ' f-ill Stilt-ititgittccr's tr1aillsit, full ip tic for att ctlsses itfitoik. \\ill sell it ta:sacrifice. Writetorlinqireti A.k caireMSI CI t tIAtoxII)Atilt,. i78-8t hoir Yale-Tttatslaer ik huea 1129 SWasttttw: venuciitti Sttl ilett for a lFratcrnityt. Loiso11. t all, F"-' eccitor, 1t LOST. /it-t Ilti-fast iiiicit 11l11 chaiii at it tlicket onitItttuiiistrect, wt of-I te Itt strect or Statec strictst hof Ilt~ Rceraril. ReIturnt to Mrs. II tli , 112 ittdllttt iiCc. 147 J. 1711 Ple-ase- tilte 6,2 1,or re trn ii to 90 Oaln. kiltwartd.1791 MISCEL.LANEOUS I UNIVERSITY NOTICES -iris- tilititlistll ii Ielec it iers t lii lt t t: It:conc:rtil. i i ci -- i I'ltv mel ii lust i lakei applicai on11:1: board a Hie U i fr t ill:: s tilt: is :1:1 r l it:: It :1ii iftolti ll. Hi i n- in; sitom is tcilt: l be 1 d5ici 1 ailiii :1ln 1111a :12i t:30 l If 111 i- «ii~oi 1 11ectto behack lext ear tl :ittdb 1(s Coml ittee at 5:11111il c till ip -t- 71.1 Ih si S ti. il . coid tii tc~. C ira ttit ; : ilic~ at th 71.3 St..;III5-AVC 17:1: IS: orOxfords Spring styles in low shoes are now ready for your inspection. Tauiand lack, Button and Lace, for Men and Womnn $3.50 to 5.00 (yet fitted. O our ruile systenm and notice the saitisfacion of perfec-t length arnd width. vH A TF. , > H A T S ieltf11oioor11 tte pints ofli::: I i \ ii he I ti il l .5 NI),t)\'S. i itb Chooslatels aillCislitt . 175 t rcedi:- froim ii 5. ,5for:),tcc tis :19 is: ITHxTNfCT SuT S Air 55 5"i f 17:t) 17() TCC SN tGt)VI7s Stamuel Jitlili I"aIIIIcl-s alld rcmilarlts (me--t while dicY last. t, >>dcii 's, 711) "ca' tt\'. bird HA] _al 2t13Sct CAPS HAT HT Spring Suit COMPANY Vicin steet lf;Iv tt) l at(,I atd f tIuIliitAll SHIRTS FO LH TWEATHER With soft collars and soft cuff's Exclusive Patterns WAGIR 3cCO. MffAGNfER At Col. fITh T'{U lSTREET1 _ The University Music House Has the Latest in Operatic C-ollege will soon close and we find that we have ahioc ther too msany $4.50 and $5.00 oxfords. For two weeks we offer them at a big cut as followo Any$5.00 Oxf r utt 4.48 Any $4.50 Oxt or;,Cut to $3.98 215 SouthAManSt. and Popular Music Exclusive Agency for Gibson Mandolins and Guitars Portrait Studio-- .319 -st !: iir on Street