.. ff I Iet~xAINtDAILY~ 31iSO SFA1FSTREET Openng4dsplay of 'I r A Woolns of EcuveStyles OVERCOTS, and ft Ycrca± Tailors 31 is) ~sl TBSTEET :'i f18 Nate :St ENGAVds SpEIPie Qu~~r t ~tuCos + {l TI rIN THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-LieD A WHITE. Bunsiness Manager-NORMAN H. HILL. EDITORS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant............. Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawton Musir and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dion S. Birney EDITORIALS. Arthur J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth., Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robie Maurice Toulme REPORTERS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. Johns L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. John IH. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. Harold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. Lores Robinson Win. T. Daugherty Robert M. Gillett. BUSINESS STAFF C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Hyer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn. E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. 1-1. Klinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Officcc hours : Managing Editor, I-2 p. um. and I r:oo-rII :3o p. mn. Daily. Business Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. in., Exz- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o. 1'Ett)\Nl, JUNI' 9, 1911. Nigiht Efditor--MoUsier ToutLme. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Jose 9.--Band concert, 7:30 p. m. isune 12-22-tFxariniations. Jiiie 25---Bsccatsnreate Address. T~le26 .t8. Utolss day exercises in the variousttetpartmients. Jue27.--Scliio r reception, Basebour L inslu tn, 8:30 p. I1l. stine 28.--Atumnit Day. Jail '11'MA I-ilI ASSOCItOON. Betaics-n()«_ sandstCommenette nt, ee- t seirswilltbetiven ctnlltoppurtuniity t)jisntie tinni'Associatiotn if the ''ie"sity nsititeltecritic fe-ittie Attes- als ts fiit ilsiagaune. We catttot legs too -i stglythetttadisailtiity of tttts is -e itii iteititict sitt thelust mntitttiac- 'Itis .t nsists is ttie targest msagazitte (fits tkiilit]tpubtisheid at aty Asmerican univiersity, stid is i pntbticaitionsits siti It is thle Onty tngitbi le sses' 111.1111 imembiters of thie setior ctass Wsill with camsitais dlumnttiti af'ifaiits- itt eavinig tie tuniversity.- Ittnis'of te presiit msuit' to iv ' its ini the directiiinsOf st steuitIa lts ii orgaiztationlthlroutghtititt tiicomiti- it() seniosr callaffotrdl tio aduatei i-t biecointg a nmembiter iof tieAlumitis- sosciatinsiaitdtsiubscr'iing fis thttti tii hits. It is sit itvst''sit-s stie is s{ri i whilte. MITC - FL.I, CtttiStfN (-CotnueddfrmPage 1.1 W'sih thtenmaterit a ndi iteri'seais toet ti'otsreasont whysttv ~assets Ic ets shouttld.list builttuptiai il ims is ltem fo1 i191. Richey tas stonie it isefore, ands ivittiCaptutai Ntt'itchltt teensiis itt in' otfielers, goodit t tetyi sltatestal-amt ' his task text seasonsits outldtttheisstll is wih ittomoirrowi' s is-sle, fo-r this . ii - JUNIOR Icons N illlooSi i '"IC' ti Thse juitisirlus' si-icistilofts- Dcti-i-i ctier Vereint lt yests-riayhi t crnilts andi etectedtte foltloiwiig stieel- i- sext year:tiresistent, tarriet G(.'Thorn assia;sice-prersistent, Solishitti1.St\l i sit secretary-treasutrer, Eliets1'V. lStoisis SFNIOiiS HOis T=cINA'. si.so-set. A large crisi-ctgaithered IrounllIs it seiiorbetncthes last ntitohrtshe l'ii e sit sing of the 'i enginteers. S evetral Isis n-crcsuing bIt'bHuts ltes'. Tuesiday andit Erissis NI ietins Reseredt firLeaIisttOnlyI sitliii Anit Arts-tt'Swiming Pooi . 7l3 Sot. flt Nit 17011 i A PUBICtUNI'tSSITV 1 Oswinig to thefc fit thast titesesc" great msany lisis lust eacset es lr 'i ers goitig to I tItie-isis isis' ricradth - it alays appe s is-si lihereis 1it(;, aioitisto savlit-i'itms.it hisbis'omslto tie ai serioustprotblemitto te -'siralib- ic and to teciteyifficiast sia I s 't s' 5 steptioIntake. edt. Me. F. C. Weinbterg ta i-its d s usis a very ftne sw-iminlg iool this y-i-sr. 'tie pool is fedl biy'sprinig isater'anditheItr is chaing'iing coinstantly, thters is i-is it-it gcr of any toss if ife. Thte tills it cemetnt heons ands is so sireratsgedtt ii thtise who canisot swimi catsenijoysthem-si sets-es as sw-cl as thoisc whoiiciii. Te is a manitniichsareat all ti-gst-isin all eve slithtse inithe ti-t-il instwshoscais tie reltiedtuponitoiheltp ts-is-icthait g-it in troutile. o 179 &' tiso 7 list -ll i's' sIllt 55 jsi' b551' ilt-illof t 'h 5'ss . .rivl Of a isevenii rlmniuttsoniiat the isiean -iiK i C . I' still 'iof te meicali d(paii l t 'ti's Si e c-i tvicse-'pitsidt itoI thi- i stl I i l iii I list t its dian 'a , dVisil .isii-it' tu 5 ii it SsiIlsst is it Situisti !1C1iltiOIi ii-N,,i20 CIi i 51 Sale il 55 isri' At thei Si ins oust I i I,iris sits ilef1ts (if fitsl. E gra ved Nog e Card ('sitntsinieIin v isittins Plate and 100 lards $1,00--$3.00 LAN~E & FUELBER 310 S. State St., upstairs CHINESE RESTAURANT a'il a l i --s tA1i CS tFi9 Lii°S AN:-) G" %TLt I!t WAI KING 1-00 314 S. State UP STAINS lt's a FO WNES That's all you need to know Sabout a GLOVE 5 .1catshysl)Aightly ~st.iti 55,515i li )s:Is 5t-s 'itis sit caes ast istiotcs'ii prc.I his-jis j ustctils'edisssixty-fisi s m lti from i-ill iti c i's-i. ('l.ri1111d ;c tlts' i N., S is sialto , 32) fS. Ni'6i1 St. 70o 5 5 CALLING. CARDS You will need them very soon. It would be wise to see to it early. Hod better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $3.50 100 CARDSCFROM YaUR PLATE ?5c All Work Guaranteed W0VAHIIR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage is, neic oetfsop adrmpr uniOteintes sill' linoetocti $1.50. Rue 12'ciaeii $2.(}('5. F ,r -5act'Isisnktio orOfrom doosir, li-i pricerOP t-ie25 Crots.Ile arried tn ori fro u states, tie price will be 50 Cents. tiversairerquiiredtoolet scash toe earriagesinsdlsaggagerservic'r WALKiER'lS LIVtERtY tttsiiitssiN R&.Cii. W. iH. niAli 1101t.M: IVERs tSY WE French Dry Clean A Suit or Overcoat, 75c Sul's Pressed, 25c Trousers, h0c REPAIRING Fuller &O' Connor Tailors. 61l9 B. Wiliams St. Plate a too CARDS m. 10 GRD fomPl ate ROMP of 1"CRIE vtsad rokatox". } ' i CO. Of the righ' kind at the right price-anvd all other FIXINGS FOR MEN SAllen'"GoodClothes Store Mi t Pin, Fbs nd poonsI r PHI BETA KAPPA, We make charms and pins. Get your order in now for engraving Extsa Heavy Cibarms $5.00 Win. ARNOLD Jeweler 220 South Malts St. s I 5t. Sale en Pipes and all Smoking Artiomes Lunches, Ice Cream -ol as and all Summer Beverages R. X. JOLLY fQ1tlct Dept: i W'2;OTHLOSE Ifyosiusso't lits P ess yoursi1th(5 iitdo aii iusCleaniting and Rtepairtig. LET'S GET TOGEMTHER. Wi-oil, itsyou wrkchs e-is aper.,ibetnt-c, siid iioci-promsiptlythaias s evricedsnce befre. University Suit Pressing Co. 709 N. University As.. Both Ph.... 266 -' ° lieH tA astre sRparn l wash!rfiton St. 'MNDAL d~PACK, Photographers Phone 59