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June 09, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-06-09

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The Michiga W - y

Vol. XXI.


No. 179.

Thirteen Men Receive Varsity
Letter as Reward For Work
On Diamond
Elnmer . 'Mitchell, '12, twill cptail
liehigan's 1912 baseball tem. The e1c-
ion of captain occurred ater the taking
of te11nnuta ipictr Iyesera at noon,
wiile jus1t preiusthe 11lit f 11e11Xwho)
wlere t) receive tie Varit wa"sn
announced, Th1 ireen player 1were Iaml-
ced as folow:n Cptanli1lli.H1ays, Nfar-
Mu~nson, tilllet e I'Tisher, Smih,
Camll and 1111'0erils 111
third)1year foiMcigan' next sesin.
Frte last two1sasins he s 1 11hiel
sf till'tileeiyiir rueit1, tete eems011 ver11
prospect ti't a wining))1ninehbclb,
built iip\next sing sallnucleus
M icign haitwo 11gooiiiiioutfielers ill
1liiis iiiand Belli.i Caplit1-elect 01 itch
a possiiiiti thaiheiill c111 aerist nx
siltsn) as 1t 1)1)initialostini is har~dr'
to il l that an otl 111 vacancy)0. Iil'1'11-
cleu s i nch1111 hit1t1er ii 151, sill
is pible lie 1ma11y1 brek intte9110-
i till'infiel, 'Shoti"Iris 000i111 an i
teiilii rgullr151ho Iwil ibe ack, 1111
there seem Ils'))o11111 a t elthll). o liible
mtril111r1m ll ichlnestiltillail)s11111nn100
10 ihrs furayitbetbacku'oiifa rd~lsl
which)wldS shif1'111t :cinla iif srest-IS
sopXwhle i t 1i111a11solu t iiIfursiett r)
tbadeir,1115o, tliiwillbeohad, nil
springilandeligibeo tile r ae ubillbel
i eptedin 0tomaexpects to r erstal
adr l'glthiisiyear's.uMi'i'yennwill)
liot'e d1111ly i ibe inteitacefur 1 infi1eld
sonorlIsil slrexe' of 1 rei 1turnl, a11)1
aglar ttepositon.1111 rslp will asor
FiberIhand 11111gt iroutfors If larnit
1110,team.kIn addsitionstrevtceer l feshte
wlak s11rttolg lcoaenfur1s frife d
jos.eAmong remlris ati'Pontis, Tb.
'manianr'IHowsa1110sotrsito i
Therieiving0d1111atgm e1will of
wll taken cre of tet ilstrkgfurnlOX
irite athd aplirit ittiwlhaveyt
Ficr has ll twotilmotre yaV vaits' itye
balftnd0thsulgi leo seis istorki
theill esagaetoplay1)agVain arsilyeakilet
aCoorstint. g atonalr Tticher. s a
vteran re5 ternsttSir" Sith. fra Tte
silm t r 11ill tt t l b rl t le i nsp i g of [o a d t rygh h w s o i
nextrm a nl itt e t i f yres htt e cl ss x ctillta e ca e of tillsyw rk f r

fttrttisht pitching naaterial in Lanigai
and Nelsonl if thte fresh laws,
(Continued on Page 2.)

M C I C A E l ' o, s F L B y setttittg o t sc ou~ t , t h uie o11 r Ti s T O L E A D C O U N I L T
taataged to scare ttp eoughit,,me11mbeIrs LA UIU
froml the ca pstoll carryI 15 on 1a11const i-
tttutinliclstss mleetintg yeste'rday alfter
n101111 Thae treasurer repteld that tiii New Constitution Was Adopted
lass fnance's 1were'i spli ndi
tioll, Malsrv W00'iilll, F1a1k iit I .ll i By Student Council Last
fl( Jh ox 11011 elsctediiassoc5ite
editos of tille1tgT2Mieliii,'llil11Evening
Thte ire of tile-Massachusts ti 0es TO CURB "STREET RATS" TONIGHT
has 11001 aroustedl byi'the young won1)___
thts farmllers n d1 theiii stii'nts if lthe' nigtl ct ed11 pri'esiden'ti of the Si iii,
beiom tolli 11wn) Iernlasl'r, and) the l ie n_ I < rI-t) 2. 00 S l I.' rilic C, Er,'

lii 111]"PS il01 18 1 ~ 10 C i
O.1t'12 I'l "'P il lI AI).IN 85 RECEPTION
it iiitcl11))) '.; Yl11,0. ii){ h I I t~l WAS HE~LD ITENT
1ci l n, I t i ' ) 1 )1) . \i-lu .i l1 )11-A
11 ,c o h' ~wdc~1 I (IeuI till Postmaster Prettyman Recalls
hvwl 1)ll l i (i 9 Ii ,i. i it OtISs Final Senior Dance of 25
J)"r~lwll wil ":' l'pi110 111i'llli.Years Ago
k1C11 1 1 , '0li" iiE" r. BUT FEW ITSPORTED FULL DRESS


11- I1 l

clitcc u a S' ' ii , at
C i i0ll ' 'it'' 1fi 11 . t
1 . ill }C' jC , T '
1'.1 A ll-

Officiala Start Annual Canvass of
Seniors For Subscriptions
ITe iffciasi of thii' 01)1)1111 . ssoi-
lasenfill'nmttsctiptiwis I)t illhe N Ii-
ao tesentioirs lii'he lsscriptlionrait' fill
reglatr price.',Senior's ma,%- itso ubcrb
1 for IthreelNears illi 11'1)in d a c ti,'he 1)olar
01111'. u sriefo he \tm11
111)151' till) I thesili li t i 1111' 011)11)
tindmebes, nd1member1shliptill it11)11)1
sile oet prt iciaei O)cllualu
hi1formeriyes 111ab1ou111t orte iii icent
i f tilhe 1t1111 .011Alum i iAo iin. i1 11 11ew o
th'. I1.ceas0g l15 actOiitiis
Of hin a'sl1 'l'raduii'siiriItoi t1.C.m-
5 sels ith thei asoi li 'llul ilgl. s
t .1)11C.l.ISi1hI' 1111 Ii II
r fr Tl I:Isi 1 1' hi' x IliI:ItI 11111
is pla 111,101 ldte Illlii Ifesh
1 lilofficrs adormutrlas pst outtill
saiIn' tl'olgitetillormttlllSt1.<"LId Nb,u
1 5s11111 shreeorifiurIls' earliune'tfam,
el -IreelilaeyIforSilthei 101reishren. iie
mtetielwreltcte: gnrar'cha11macr
e miteril, J19. M, 0'ltt; ey pti11 lio hon
hi glttetli~h llso 15 ll n hiiman 11191
)- oadiil st tighmmteeII'stllrTa~lathes
o charan arangemenBasocomleftefar lan'.
It Tlieliaw c~lommittee5'metiysterday1
dIoeraised fromtheil.RItoisa'xpl(lel
r.sholls1 ngt0Iewl return today

the h iie tiableiatiiI th'Uion andi ds I
curen \ea. reiden't I''red Slater
wildngth gv l for te lasttime,'i 1l
e(I I) I Il hp ei 1)1 - 1,c11 r a fI\
wii 11and 1110I capt ini l.Is 19111111
heil) of til igh
W11. S 1~rik\ scctc r
'[_ 1"ndiappedM tanspreinstSurpris
ternall l
t iii inew lii I 1111)1) Ii forutCeitt I -
tnC 11tho 5d rs ' ht ier pat f I i
11Irhllicart juitt 1 iii w s a Iet
ii Iho l l ieti ngis e. If p sseiit
Ie ll f J iliolt ill i V it
t s sifl l. iTher i if ll cassi''i't l i 0 t
11)11'alhousgh iins fili) ii 11 -
ililswas Nid ,1 it t 111 'l'
\c nt 1 Ito %\a 101035 rlil es

Sfate 'Cotmisst(ion uts In.structer
in Charge of Statistical Dta
0a. 1r1 I' tlt, f ,r'' '' i

Withll h
wiit 'ii
%i ill cam'

Oh, l:rut,

f? f 0 3'

1, lON
nll, (
itl )
' C'tlii

, i

t Elf 1'. I7 !
II C'. AOatii
,T 00TIs

t it ,'r ' '1 1 ' v i ll

P 11s1m1s1'r H.It,.1Pretmn'hh, who
~fte iii 1' siNlt n155.11 1rcent ill
i'llhsatal.rca illedt'crnIf a
z'cag r11irsttsman11, wholitwas
chairan ofthe 'ni 1'recetinlta-
lriteu 111111 1)dance Iwhih15'wagien
"01 in Ithn ill,) 0-iii years ago,
u-t siMr. Pre)tyman, )"te seir rcp-
11 p laimuiisI ,ere II11b1uitseuancsetu
, ,1 )1)11hteld annually ~i i ttett
myilinwithiluasistche'idiricily all
,ft' ieit h l. Otw s oftni te-
cdcapsill 11111)) 1hich 11, hwilever,
il cddtoI lbs attr11111e1)1ss uf the
01 191 ici IInT8, 'e ru'rtesila
tits1fRatl11ce, hih ffore
.c'o t2)) 1suae et f flor sac,
'utud ~'astalisti uliiiash larg''as Illy le-
~fnithe Imhc1)i Ivi aua1511ontractor,
1it dspilc5 sskept iism, proved111excell
11' ''''n 1 htraion athuhghil1d11
ll I ' rs and Ifolige' iahutedi muchsitoiithe
'in~it ofth sen. sfaras I am111
i-I 'i'iit ld, lo r class wa s Ills'fis toi 0111
mllo ocal msiils Tihe l'rogramhll1a11
furnsh 1111 he(loeu hllhl'l9)hh treies-
- i 1u ii i ihtI s then k1111111 as1romh
A, ofC Ulisity ihaill
"The rceptin i 1slf 1)% s ltrictly' san
'in autiO ffi, ndti esticteid 1o
;',, lmbs oille sio r luitrry class
_di i ets, h 'yfor tie frst
- Iera I )umberstlltill h'slheleart-
Admuisionperil 11111on w sithotl
: '; olasfo a h hl'cn ier. Butt
m, ,embe of ur cassfailid tI pa
is due s, hh 1m)yie of itnest il
c ieclion1ithth 1fiancaltrubleis
of1more recenticlsss.
''11 1 fortunat illsmembers15of 1110 class
,,erel Ill 11es, 11r te.afamr ws
;alt. 110 - enor ndeav11 oredu t'ilie 1
presit 'llhe Ihtidancediuito15not11111nb
ti tc u'aiuly hut this snate 'rceptionluoil
1,1 humly fllowlsin' teda'nce.''
iThe I Iill) sInito00Wisosin w lil aves
'0 lufllItheionlhi octgnriat cia-ci
1 inte word., Mrs, 0, 1). Wisip,
eight1yeas olItof11011, Wiscuansin,
will enteur lbe1insi11utilllatrsnding11111
r twosear'in te hio'(311Stats'Uuiuesity -
31110,asina11personaul Ifrino f :A rham
1"i. ir, )Ii, '4 ls AxxABOR
1 rut, 'salttr 0liler, '1, 1105111of tho
i l ars'parment111at utleuniv1)1'ersity, is
4iiiginiOiiiiArbuor. Nsxt y'e'ar Pof
Mittlr wIill occupy1the liiir o~ll'uf 1,L11ill
te Uniiersituof OissouhlnlHliewas
'iorelyia t mluhmber of thefu'lss'tty of
- 11th1t uniers1' 11 ityadasointaugtseveral
years a11 LelaundiStanlfhrdUnUliesity

i 1


rcil t11
'hisxtl c

,r t ltt ttc 4

The I c seiAa I
(1,11111"t PhiPw 1
I 1) Et d ill 1, liic
s rn, tiltl Ii Ills \utl 1
it, i'ut' , 11?
I tR!M ,i it F. 1,7,1 ) ,
1iii) thu ,u', is1a ,; , I 'c1
his h)1)1)') 111 s-Pi) miiizt
11t <t ,, e , ,i ' t h'1 1 i s tin
I.tt1,1 ' 1)11 i he'1 will ; s ll
11;. ) itt i ciaI's expe c hi t
vil\lw t lush1I.I

I I I I m 1';

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