THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ' r ,., - . - , Have You Ever Heard of Right Style Street \Vy its a street a great many wise men iixx.i T'leads sratght torsuccess place o I t tt.ylIe street is an out-doors .ie v;l t nwth this exception. 1)i-ecte y the house of Right e .truhwhich men should pass if ix wel d go stracight to Success Placa W tiettr-lOil into one of te many side rilded k.iot ixoutevard tr Fadetifabrie alley tI , to i t the greal tiouse of mis- 1-.e xi-at i-e tesor to iicliule titextre,in xi irti ketch, A MAN IS KNOWN 5 1 y lii II a eat -dto avoldtti It Ade ofi i txtitttxiitraversing thtem. SMnare Takeing the Right Course and< buy of _,_ astLiberty St. .1 ~lI ! SEE THE ry nd Copail ny r - (IS Gven by Appointment tar~~~~ f; i aet1-offielursloito 12 a. sm., 2 to 4 p. m W Laduies' HirDressing, Shampooing1 Pluantcering, Face tiannage. Rain- 3water Shampoosu a Specialty. All3 tx;colsancd toxwels ter-iizesdbefore using MRS. J. R.TROJANIiOWSKI 1110tieSiouthivnersity Ave. j UNIVERSITY NOTICES Canidtaes itrllacs ix li,:ibusines stff of ter913ta licligtrix nme ati tfiller in Pruss iiilxiix; xiixic l Sxph engineer cxixclas itig Tlxxi. tire t gp.Iti. All xxut. Senior ixgixeer slng atsiorxbtixch Thuirsdayxt xi7 ip. , l ot Lairy senioir egineeciot ton ightaxnd ivery onie lbrig xaclxxi tixc. Ii; c x it-i-l sng legixs t 7 xxii ENGINI-hI;JS i ll. i Ci tIIlR The senioixr etpigicaepunn Iigges slng oxxei xlii oigtitheo; foi hi l piripli er- T oi tht ,mli lx Gsage axdx"Gybe" Tir a wl b (ihn is-it thei- intstuentsndfulxaixn dredl capiadiz- brige gulxxx The slg uill le hi',i arounthe i seioir bheos inithe t -iiuiiri g ouria willlstar ax 7:ti. Prof. . I . iixitisfaelx ix- ontx-xthxe Ixesitie Cmiiitxree (xxiisi xx xxa- cel-ebriate-xby a inneiixr cgivn bythelix- hies of liee omisixsin xxt\-xlsixxton D. C, Tuiesdy iig . speecxesx - gia-eniextollin g- lrof. Adamxs xxir axnd forgiixng xhinIor islxxs xix to the oier su iseteIx ixsti xx lin- ix- Blesides ixex-rixe inixi t s of - xi i xlx ev-rey-pitre tethis scimx l %xxxiipa liatit-a nwx Soxiewsiof iie xll xxii sity builings lxhxi all g folxxx e-half reguarixi e. I71 1.5NM\tN'S. A\ lets tixix xscxapibookis t, lxiuli resducedxiflxiii$.35 toxq55cens 7 iii I VNttt\'S GLENROY The New Summer 5ec!,2 p254 Has ample cravat sl ip space, notches on in front, snaps on in back Cluet, Pebdy & C. Try, N. Y. EIXCURS ION Michigan Central Sunday, June 11 Returning Sanie iay TO Detroit 60c Trainsleavet6:7 .Xis ciand 9.30 a.x in,110ia Tickets accepted in coaches only. Baggage will not he checked on these tickets. In addition to above fares, tickets will also be sold between all stations (where the -one-way fare is $300 or less) at which this train is scheduled to stop, at one and one-half fare for the round trip, with minimum of twenty- live tents. Sipeial1 Sundelmy Dinner 60Ceftts T.C. Capen, Manager Hotel Cumberland S.W.Cxr. lie xlxx7}", at 54th S., NEW YORK .. L s'ba y and i53dH,. iieae 1i l F BY A COLLEGE MAN 1~~~~ ' - ilege Men Always Welcome 5 ~jrxiii - x -coal terms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Thares, Shops w. -.; and Central Park TNew, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof Transient Rates, $250, with Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send tor Booklet VNDEI THE MANAGEMENt O' F IHI wry P. Sttarxanon, formerly wititlel Impeit R. J Bjxghe~a, formelwiht Idntel XWodward For Sale Prosperous The . ofM, nd Hron Manufacturing Concern TppofM nd Huon ii '.pii t aras oii f River Boat Livery Assistant Manager II healh cause fr selling fi, af at n g;wrnxii ti -' ablt oi A de P.G. Tesiter opi oia te, i uutiiytoaoaet-,m ]3~flx hi N :\t!\ xixi i x Xix Xii rlor1 i h Cxxx orii ix ,tlwhrsloat3 74 Degrees Cool Ihosl o rx off tacklers, the to -Kl seet)5 an opening and, i cstamina to run "the I eId for a touchdown" be- 1 i g o t ma wilo trains on WHEAT Wixoic_ °_. __t._r -ii-iiogall the elements which 31 '111dI banie.In the prepara- thu al 1 -i t (tnose 01 tnese clc-tst xi- IIs liost palatable, ~- d~c ib i i~ hil Xhe'at is Shred- r9~ t t_ I t I iSit li de --1F~citk. I id rea derto serve.," 7?Te hede Wheat Company NaaaFls .Y ~ g ar<- VFals, . Y $~ rdcrs1 ! Thursday Friday Saturday iMlatinee Saturday The Bijoxx Road Show- All Girls SINGING Jjgj1Ie aDANCING COMEDIENNE LJor1Utiy VvIS V1. SOU BRETTE THE FOREVER FAVORITE'S Tot QUALTERS S!ISTIERS New Songs = Dances = Wardrobe Fritz TIIEFAMILYSCO PE Teoily Theatere in tl it y showintgtEenBigraph, Viatraph and PatePhoto Plays Coming Monday Ma..rie McNeil-World's Greteul Lady Cennel Sulisu Chas.-Cr-oss arid Gertie Masy-Some Siuging and lancing and others. MATINEE SATURDAY - Beautiful Souvenirs to Ladies and Children I ._.......- $"A TY -LES i INMILWARID, THE i-4L z THE BEIST OF EVERY THIING IN FA10RIING