- -,. - MICHGAN id This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifield Ann Arbor's Leading TAIL ORS 106 1E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Ctocks 79e Atarm Clocks $1.0, Atarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch Rapailsd aSpeatalty The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $0,000 Rtesources $2,800000 A General Banking Businesn Transacted OrrCEReS: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. U.. Ha~rrimnan, Vice Free.; H. J. Fritz. Cashier MEl FARMEWRS AND MECIIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,0 General Banking Business. 3 perctent paid on Tifme and Savings Depoits. Safety D~e- posit Bones to pent at.02.00 and upwards R. (Essrr. Pres. IT. G. PRsETTYMANz, Vice-Pres. Hs. A. WssIsLsAMS. Cashier F. T. SOWSe, Asi Casr. eM.anasad Uthar'tv Stsraa~ta FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AuBOR, MICHi. E. D. KINNES, lHARItSO)NSOCULE Fren. Vice-Fres. S. W. CLARK~SON, Cashier. Capital, 0100,000 Surplus andProfis, $65.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital 050,000 Surplus 75,000 Rslcourses $1,25500 Win..1. Bootlle, lies. Wsu. Arnold, Vice Fres. C. J. Walte. Cashier CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All matter usetlis columnsmzut be ;paid for in advnre. Off ice hours: 1-2:30; 7-8:30 p. Mi. WANTED loo17ted.--Men room ers t tI i is; AvXeeoue. One suile' lili re*lidl Phii1ie 1463. 177-787.9-)8 l~aided~-Positioii Is hosekeleper' or matronssilill rtrllll'l lub:11, orinstitu1 tionl. Best referencis. Addsi;s ..t)) C. MIeHN;; oI.s;i.sr lilsill' 1164 J. . (I oaited--Fir te sllnlllee1a ll i'iis'st souse, private or sorority. re feresnces if slesireid. Addrless "XV"i\ 5'' D.51isilsI Is' t}s -a 3 ! £1'i I :ils isn his isis u555 :'sS ii Spring Shirts Bats Caps Trunks Bags Suit Cases and Spring Pants ( t2 .. . - . Y. h F r vt. } FR.1 tr f AW -7 t 4h rth Le 3 A ild tha Pcke Detroit United Lines Oisintisrmastiou to Division Superin soils si l Alen;, Yptsilanti, of the Detent stilesi Lines by officero of Varsity or- .s'sizations, tbe movement, beyond ie capuasity of the regulas ervieeof uisy o-euu of students to or from Ana Xi useo extra curs and extra service weill be promptly supplied. is 5 , . ~ifl 1Aexican : Indian : Blankets 11- $2511$0.1,A100' E, fr ou for~ tom e i ii is'v il.t rr s ;, lsilDeortis LET : '13 'i~aSin.x ate. 5111cc. ...............$5.00 ;t,.Nin.x 31. U ........ ., 4.00 N M lia x 21. 8u............ 3.00 f±r f t : tvree one ofeach size) 10.00 DF Si j l T.1 F55' ( 0iro isI ii, sin recipt 12 . ia7,1.ii Sie aciok if yoiu ant it ' MEICANBLANKET CO. Aguasralieners. Mexico CHARLIE'SSAPL T HP' AT TIUTTLE & CO. i r vlltisl iy, Irks ILNCHRBOOM You___ anfinda__finelineof_______________ Charlie W ei,:.d- Prp i uuaefiS Perl1e f snetleer I I CRASH SUITIINGS WAGNER & CO., State Street tili lse sIiil're' ot isis ise l th ii . -1 l' r« i't .5 I p r ... P'hoto Shop Corner ot State and Liberty LOOK FOR THE I BRIGHTEST LIGHT Special Price on Post-Card Photos 3 for 25c or 75c per dozen Satistaotion guaranteed on all sittings made in evenings COME UP AND SEE THE WORK Open 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:30; P. M. Evenings: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 10 EDGEWOOD Brand 2 for 25c Best Made--Merit in every Thread WACNER +& CO. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Oppiosites Electris Wuaitino Ilsisiss GEO. V. S TOLL. Proprietor 4 Doors frs;m.liseddi ' Premo Flm Pac Cameras, Hakee amra I ; LYN O01 1 11 71111l1'ou F (;;s0iisiss 110111. Inlvitations Pine and 100 cards $1.00--$3.00 LAV~E &FUELBER 310 S. Stete St., upstairs BHINE'SE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chop Suey' and American Dishes, Chops and. Steaks at all Hours TABLES5FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WAI KING LOO 34 Se Sat UP STAIRS t Portrait Studi- -L 319 Eat Ilurron Street