14 LMICHIGIAN DAlV, G. IIe WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 31SO. STATE STEET ^. 'AJUP ON THIEPROF'S r~l-.iia5 t at rics,$25.00 aid ttp. Tl:- Stud--tts' Typewriter Supply Co. !Ii-r4 Pr 3t i dt3dl. OP,SituM3.331: onts Gym Supplies of all kinds Stationery 1 pound Linen Fabric-2 fPackages of Envelopes 1 60e a Index's AT ' 320 S. State Street IT H MICHIGAN DAILY, :Iliioy'e hdI Ii i LiI ]A W\VTE.c Iei'cootii og_,111zcr----aORMAN11. ILLc. Newts Editor.....t.Iaord Titus Assistarlt..... . .. t. arry Z:__Felz Ailt tic Etditor...... NN titer K. Toiwers asitait.......Xrtl or 1t. Ol oebtinan ili antd tDrai...Earl V. Moore torhoaig -s 00(1t iles5,. , DiOeS. Krncy 'irtit:r J. Abbttt. (Jr.3S.Lbstier, 'tilt1rid3. A. JXv Wl-lt ii D arold Mc~ee. tory G. Xtyser. M. Macik Ryan 1. rankt PtnttillI Fredl Lawton Attoiricr '1Iiiitir. tLorenRttobtintson. J011l1 1,.Ciox. 1P . E. Shaw, Jr. 1?iiiii Koch1. Oscar Itectinait. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. 1tosruri A. R Ditlcy. 'i1e R tibiit. EceithOsborn. litr-i- ss:.\ltiriiGAs . ott, ttPrcss tttdg., li.1Lini .Street. (.)11c t l-lls c i , \t .oItgo1g Ettitor, t-2 p. ii, anditti :ro- i io30p. us. Dily. 1_ it Ialarir, I--a. 7-S P. in., Ex- celit Stliti iii B ti 'phiii tit ou. '3C; \'j3Y, XX l> ltl.t23, 1910. 'tX t Fs~tIX (Xt.t'NI)AR. ,1c3 aldt viii v3csirtera iiit al il as itdtir tout pttay in tlc a11e ag ins irth ttA1t'resh etc t-. 11 k f tle e IV,) "tt S ii i s dn fitt r titer1itthougtir i i. ., up)n ,tpr t ie tiie o ti i esr l af,]-thegam i5m c.,tiltict'sd ott nai u to t trte)etde gg nthectmt p :S whet~r 1w ad itsitirrc]lot-.i-t \ 'itit an l~' -itti til ac t1)s1 ados. '1S.5.ARt I t'E l" Dl,3OIC].lilt 1 fY AN AlFRICtAN EX PLORXER. Dr. W. $'. Raittsfitrtt, who addlressed ott enthusiastic attdiettccattULnirersitr tall Saturday evettitg, untder the auts- pious of the St. Andretw's churctt, on "Stifari Life in East Africa," htts btt recentty retuned from the crnttry ofi tos tlescriptttrt. "It is tdifficuilt to coticeive," saildIr. Rainsford, "a regioni lut six shit iwecks from te city of Lonidont, iii wehichi live ytetrs ago a ihite mnwas unable to advatnce a foot. t spettfiitr- teett tiotithis intBritisht EattAfrica, risiteid tribes whlo tad tie-r teftire seent t whlite face, atid idtrittg the greater patrt of thte titie wsa accotmtatitedily byi tty ilacko caravati, or 'safari,' whlicht last is te Soutth Africant eniame for b'ettttifttl ailintterrstintg ofimynt xr- ietice. Te trinp teastOotaken itaily itt ticcouttof toylhetaltht, atdtafter I.litti aidatiteid ttyself to the climttiandstiti ir- rounitntgs, it proveid to b hreI mosit s mtagniifcentt I lhot-c tier knotn. NMSYtt to-M I t Iticti tIN. t'rii.ic'c t-a. itt thtetractice coutrt wotrki for this yr IHeretofiore, thtis itorki has bteivitideid tiinto hat toostteettnl~uoiitiiatt t lttw tertttattdlthe j'artr m.ti Thte for- iterticcupitedteftrot semtttser antt hett latter the secotti. It hast tnowtbeintir- rtttged soithtatt the ltitsaaid jury ekiot otut the yeair. chtarge, tis experitmettisillht ichl Srccessfitl, to it extetidi the Juory dtyl tier te entire year, intsetiloittneise- metelr. HALL t.Or OsotO RE-ct~s 05i I-0)iitirr. Aftertoatty years of teiarot ef'ort lit tis admtirers, Etdgar Allett Pitt'asttin at last eleced toithteoHa1l oll ittmttitn New- Y'orkrCity. 'Thecelectiotis iro held eery i ve ist <.irs, nth et'i'a~riousi itittie of abtiutita.hundredcut iiincud itig ctllege' tresideitts anditIrilessoirs. pubitlicists, eitotrs, tutors,. tntd1jurists. At lie sttmte electioti HarrirtIBrechier Stswr receitved thteitost vttes, y. Bte- silt's Po,'iie therselecedeiwetre Riger Wisillitamts, Jittmts lFeniiittre Lootter, Fratires IE. Willard, Aindrewt Jacksotn, G'eorge' Btancrioft, atid Johntthlrotp. Jeswelry, Wtches tandt tClocs catee :ftitltrandilpromp~tly retpairedibylI, . AXX Ritchtie, it. Skainnter's. it. trI fit SS CflINI K' R RAN TO WHIITMORE YESTERDAY. Cold watither falled lt put a datmper ott te eth tusiastm of te small -cross coutntry sqiadai shich ratt to Whitmore Lithe, yesterrday afternoott. The dis- ttttce twas covered itt one tour atti thirty-eight mintttes, attd alt the meit fitnisttedin t good conadeitioit. Capt. 'vil- ltts, IHItinbaughi, Chapin, Withriow, Stienter antd Stirwaltt made the trip. SiECONDs) BUCKEEETEAM HOLDS YARSITY 3 TO 3. (Continued from page a0. astrioig hid for victory by using a itoirei'peitisyle of play. The etitire ltick of etfectire lblockittg ldthean to attemtith le fortwarid tass. Sometimes it isorkectillittntire frequently it diet tntt. 5.; tittter of tittes the ltlue clad eeitn itas tiell i tinttstrikittgidistatice,btt the fitriwardl pa -is salwatys atltted atnd fttilediittte critical mmiet;thtIe scoreItat twtittd hvewolatsrsit-ts ntiteo ctiredl. Ti~c litie-up. 1i ictitisN.0t10tTtt Aso-c. llurlesl....- I. .E. t itssPowll liitetits ......L.T..- ..- Barricklows Bleatlritit......L.G..tBoesil, Bltaine Boigle, Colec......C.....Olts Wel~ls... ..R.T....... Markoley Muagitloib. L...... Vt'., ells, 'Tomtsioni. 1 .1.Ve.... righit (ir;,e'it..... .11 .LeyboturttClair .iic:Millitit ... QI. Eglo... ert 'heusore: Michtigatt 3, 0...P. 3. Goaltts friiiitfieldl, Crotklitt,VWells;t refe- riee,I Hatiti('West Pit);'t tlmitre, ttiuagttattl I(Pritncetott) ;fheld jitige, Eslerliie (Puiridue.) lheaid linesmnt, Haitfietl (\Michligatt). Sift itotl, 40 cettts per dlozenttpieces. Starch itonek tame a s AtoisArbotr prices. Call IHuttf,1247-J. 18t. Donttlfatil toiset' otar litti'ofIscrati boos. SihmttttPhiotographer. as. You can pay the price of FOWNES G LOVES_. and not get Fownes siyle, I fit nor rervice. i' t Anything tinder ite ottitfrott a Headgear unritl $2.00, to a pair of sitoes wvortha $3.50, or a J 5 Foot Btall woi th $5.00 Complete Sutit includitng shoe's tattdlhike sttpporter for ottly University BOOkstore Aw ~lIilirils is a li c gnate, ask those ii to Itiny. You reeid " somie recreaittiio s htu is better tltet this' IIt-I o E tltsr Photo grapher to Michigan Studcu is I lend, others imitate in Photos of College Life, Amn- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. I offer the largcst lines of Kodaks and C nmeras, Pho- tographic Supliitu, Film-s, Plates, Etc. 11 " S cruap Books, Photo Albumnst, Col= lege Pennants, Banners, Pillowv rips, etc. Oct my prices before t1ani lof" Nighturiders ta specialty it the X~iitlr Houise hut I r Rememietiir iwhesever aniythtitg is ido- ing, Iet us knttiw,ise wsnt the pictuir.. Phonite hell 915-1Itir 461-L.Schiutt, Phiotogratpher. It'. Fuller & O'Contior, Tailors arid Cleati- ens, 61o E.OWiliatos Si. -tf. It you teeth your shoocs repaired biriti" thtemt over to 6i3 E. Williams. The Uiversity Shine Shop. I--tf. i e lln's Hand Tailored Clothos C550sttox5ot.t~ The c'othes that demonstrate the strength istsaa f nivdalt Allen' Good Clothes Store Main Street Main Street Cel your MICHIGAN Wn AN ID TYPEWRYITERS Pins, Fobs and Spoons 2WmSoth an StD Ne or earetllauhtStudents'Notice HALLER'S Ca ..OLLE E JWELEr O ivcr The White Vnderwood Optical ja. Dep. "THE IG CBENT" r' g D"[ ~~Alarm Clot you se Aduori'sad Typawritr Sopplesanwoe n eayfrbsn NoooSusIas uod.$2.8 TyawrliagChurch Street, just off S. University Ave. iteeWath anud Jeiery Reparig OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $.00 UP 11IAf'S J[W[LfRY STORE Michigan (104t Paterna Morrill and'Grierson Do nadseu 216 S$ouatM.in St is 25a to $5.00 tit09IN. Uuiverity Ae. 13hiolianleeu 121 W ISYn talm E. RANDALL & PA CIA Photographers Phone 593