rr UIMCUT 4W OAt1M .._ , . G. gfWILDCO 3SO. STATE STREET Oeigdisplay of Spigad Sum- mer oolens of Excl.usve:.Styles Fo ITS, OECATS, and TROUSERS h M c :an Tailors 31'5 TVTESTEEl ' i 302 S. State St. ENGRVED ailig C rds Spe I PIces Qute o tdents . Plat and100 ARDS 10iCRD fomPlate Std 0xt' ooktor. Law Mera Denta SeodLn aw Bok Law ant e dical Dictionaries Ciz B ioks, etc. C aalt a e and Sec- ocad-ha nd. Old boot.-,takenl tn Exchange 32 .STATE STREET Secon Fk~rTel. 761 TH-E MICHIGOANDAIL.Y. Managing Editor-LEE A WHITE Buines Manager--NORMANe H. HL.i. EDITORS. News Editor.. -........ Harold Titus Assistant ............. Harry Z. Fol Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant. ..... ..... J. Fred Lawon Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files... Dion S. Birney EDITORIALS. Arthur J. Abbott. Paul Leidy NIGHCT EITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robie Maurice Toulme REPORTERS. Ernes Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John L. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. John H. Townley. Wallace Weer. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. Harold ippler. J. Selig Yellen. Loren Robinson Wi. T. Daugherty Robert M. Gillett. BUSINESS STAF C. A Bowman. A. R Dille. Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. H. Klinstuck. Joseph N. Fouhard. Addresa: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bld., Maynard Street. Office Hlours: Managing Editor, 1-2 p. m. and 1:0-11:30 p. m. Daily. Busiess Manager, 1-5, 7-8 p. i., Exz- cept Sunday. Both 'phones 96o. 'l'I1tRSl)AY, JUNE 8, 911 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Jullie8,-Public Recital of "As You Like It" by Prof. Trueblood's Shakespeare Recading cas, Sarah Caswetl Angel I1 a11l, 8 :oo p. m. Rune S. Seiior R.igiieer sig, Engi- eel iig court, 7 pimt Juni 9c. -Blaud coicert, 7:30 p. am. Ilini 12-22 -txaainiatiois. Jinec 25-Baccalaureate Address. Jiiii 262S -Class day exercises ha the sarious dartients. Juie' 27.--Senior reception, Babour gminasiu, 8:30 p. m. Jiiie 28.-.Almnii Day. WHnEN YOic'AERICs. Pehpin theii ii'views'of the iuineil~ece o iiicomme'nicemneit, when iiary a tlos- :111 and iicligao 111111ad wome lave AiiiiArior, it.is1n1t aiiss to speak of 'le clmentin ithle reation of alsinus anuiesitay haitis liii often eitiha- sized. We refer te tie beneflcions, ;cdaiiiisiia, tat occasioialc drift mto. the cffers f 111a11instttio. _lIcny of tle griiuiaies of 1911 wilt ittain wealt. Some are already for- t ell e iisitated.To bohlasses swe rieliii' reminidier tatulii gift is to light to te appreciatei;io gift is too ii-.ilsi'ietil to a tidticlsomeway il the ealiatiiitof thc uivisersity 's ideals. Prtibably here are few frieds of tie univers'iteswhose iiiflueice is felt more itiaii the little groi who teider from tulle scholarships, bhtests lto the obser- atory, tie muisemln, te art gaery, el cetera. Ofi ciitrse tils is funny;tbut wleii y01 haie thelimoney, wsby, just remlenber it. tii'l'ROIT PAPER COMMENTS ON MINNESOTA SCANDAL. The arrest if Josepih D. Bren, treas- irer of thie Uniiiersity of Minniesota, subsequieiit to ihis alleged robibery on tile uiie rsity campiis, was a ideciided sur- prise to the friecuds of tie unfoirtun- ate oiffiicil ini tue Twini City Institution. Nir. Brett las tiees regarded in tue cir- ce' of htis inttimlate acqutaintansce as a man11 of sounti integrity ansd worthly of highl respoiisibiily. Tue inicident, aiiclMr. Bren's expla- ntioitn of the tdisappearance of the utsi- versity fuitds, were the occasion of edi- torial ost ci i It t~1n 1911, ).'clt i 1 .if f 71111 tii h i largest eart~illli i e ti1. yesterday, ttli ntmetwolvii ters ;lei. '1 lr. Bhen," says te Neics,"'if lii ht it iiiilwiooregisteredi theronglgottt chiarges are privetd:agaoi.listhm is lthe ile ad as ithe severest stude base proved tilat ie is ph5 o -alit-, menthSaFrciodsse. an officer of a grealt univiersity . . 1cstad 1et opotticiireliettedily left "Secretary tBrein isalso liccued o i f potilt se 1"'sadrof. W. J. Hu se.'"The sessilig attafintity, altninlgeiice o'ty itslitillcti-itlln1 2.50 111111.. permuissibile to ipieef irtistic eper-l siide the edutcationael tale. But lith .'r si itm IIitt-al iirecevedll iift of an featttre of all was thc extreme lui. ~ nit. tilt frolitielsi or class 'tf tess of his methodti. .Apupil of tiie'pri- h lcpth 11 ic depart11111e1111 yestuerdayi mny graides coulid hase pu1111t) liii ornngat hlilt. t te enircx- plausibilestoiry ant sltck lt it blter 'iato 't'gift, li tli I a ittl Fhtducationi certainly- receivedi talbotdy )l i l te is icllili lvion o f Bia whten Mir. lBren iiinetei'ihits holdtill 5t i itsdle. ii b irty vishuhotticcre on theory." ;1Y it .Thl litiitliii ii imadtItii'ni MEETTS CLASS FORI uriscossr tt."ltifouhtc'tilassit ni tCoelinued from PaRe'I1 1 i i ledinii giv ie its Iteitlo mhen w'hiose ecejtuai itce will txil iia Ii the yerlat eciittc-. :\11 tele ict, tier that the' molst v lilale s fti- i c I I blise i ll, t l 'ti itexliessedil em attorney is-hontestyin Nsaswel lased ict the r cit< "[sitncerely bile i tha tt eak ii i - --- no1 tie rigardedilas a leiture, )l is Itx 't:1.,1Nt xi ittt is;t1«ie lINsi\t.. aidvice of onti' who o is liiinrtdin-_i rei de1tE uiii wasi11tito ii future. tIf, sears hne o ilr- etra hr e l .i. befreftce l msetitber what 'Tommy'illhasid. i I sillSat io rsity. the amply retpaid." ______________________ FORE)ST.RYCLU B Etiti' t , BAr1HING N~F-"T YE SR'S CIU il IS. Aiiout sixty iieiibiers endei tie finial meetincgif ithe Forestry ll : niighat, aitetelectei thle foloingole- for niext yeair:ipresidienIit. (roIi C P vice-president, lay J. ('lirk ; SCCI't't1 if. T. Lewis; corresponidingis oeiyi, Fi. A. Wagner; tretasurer .1iT. It SH E A special executive comitt e one poseid if B. V. ('rankanl L.1? Dainiel s was electeid to peic Iete- AA I 1 fi taitnmientsanid loeikeafter tep1 pr o~f the clubi. ° CALLI NG CARDS You will need them very soon, It would be wise to see to it early. Had bsetter LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $3.50 100 CARDSFROM YOUR PLATE 75c All Work Guaranteed WYAHR 'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage @4t eachtoeinulle toaiiindoilipnrtes odfr. l[es'llock 1.50. allt aeiii'ii( $2.t0. Iii 'al 'ti unleioioifomoriecla, till prie at in 25 ets. i arridl to an frose e -stais, te pice will be SO Cets. Drivers aereqiedl is clet cash for Psiaeanc~llbacg~ese cese. Ilteosia- & CO. W. . 11, t FtIR WE French Dry Clean A Sui or Overcoat, 7c Sums Pressed, 25' Trouer, I0c REPAIRING Fuller & OConnior Tailors 619 E. Wiiam St Prof. Moeritz eve, ofthe len111e- piartmeint,n-ho wis.compelledlto "ite iii his claisses inI the mtilei ofithe semest.r trouigh ill heialthit, muchlet1111 ent on okn opl tIi al tiimore, 311., for an oper1a1till and hl I bee cutreid of his ihes l iln return to theuniiver sitiy intil neixt I l. howeser, as Mrs.. Leii i also sifferil~ froitsa trouible cliihicitneess iat e e remaaiinig at liii'Johnits inhop- it for treattoeci. A new assortment just received at TC e' ,i LOCAL. 05ISO Rii.01,O15 Iii 111 .ii!.i-I The seismoograiph at the iiiii iii telO) servatory registereid earlys terllit Drug Mtore 117 S. Mains St In Your Quest For Commencent Gifts We cordially invite YOU to inspect OUR assortment LEATHER kHaBas Bill Folds GOODS Card Casses Guuii Desk Portfolios Etc., Etc., Etc. LOOSE LEAF Ax iE i^'At'.:j Scrap Barks Photo Albu~ms Post Card Albums - Sheets may be added fronm time to time as occasion deco- snds. Loose Leaf Pocketfi Memorandums for Profession- al Men ' ' I 1r , - , _ i+, f _ u I - -- Watermans ., fyy. Feuntain Ideal Pens Regslar selflfilers and non-leakable BRASS GOODS Ll1brary Uaak Sates, Ink Star ds, Ppr-KniveOs, $okRacks S'TATIO NERY "CRANES" Pure Linnen Lawn and "OLD HAMPSHIRE" Bond Latest Tints, Shapes and Borders MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. 112 South Main St. Bell Phone 1404 I Ktnd Gentlemen- Ready for you wsithi ahiri-.wticuhtare exclusive mithstyles thot aretathtor- itatise. eadly to hook youi' ordee or make it up~ tod~ay for hater dolts-cry. 1 eadty to take your mecasure, get te salt tn the works and deliser it Just when you want it. You gain by taking advantage of our retadiness today. Wmn.B. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 11 7 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order Ready For Your Orders On Sprino wits if Custoii Maid I i! l I II .......... 121 Was ,l:to, st, ANDALL & PACLK, Photographers P'hone 598