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June 07, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-06-07

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TheMic iga9__

Vol. XXL.

N.o 177.

Batting Totals Show Not a
Regular Above .300 Mark
Though learn Hit at,246
Theplayiixxii ing vergsof the Mi'ci-
ga-ai i-ebl~lItxiai, just compild, lhoiw
ax ixiitibir of surprises. Not ax regular'
placeilihitaoete xiv.00mark, while
despixeis fliiact the team a. a wil
achieved thex.'faily goxd ecorl of .246.
Five menxxvxwecre wel uin xi ithe ._o0xclas,
lix axi-r, axdiraideui tow'xxav eragexx io
a respecaluishoinxivxg. lIn a fixlixg wa
theliv XX i ii c xi d xid tetblish muxci of
a record , as xlieclxxixaxeage is figried
ati .[2.
\ixiii.xxi. tltyig thei'utility rlv (xor
ai par txhixi seasonxxiiandii brak-ig itox
the liaiti feet axntes.xas areguxiar .xtlielxl'
t,1 tiE xi-hXiMichigaxxxteax in ba ittixg.
(- i3 xxii rips toithexpxate he secrel x5
sfhis fr a pcientaxge of .goxi.adx
wxih Johnntiy Camitbell ti-Io apiearxi
ttice andxigot our liisIthelionly xxaii
hiin xg above .i~30. Mn itt-itch laxili
menix xiii laxix tltyid le sexsox ihvroug
withx axrecrdiiof .2q8--l-28 h iitsi 4timesc
Bellxxi closeo itsiihcexiis iwitiai.24d xxxri
eixixixi- ('xxtixixIllitasix extxxihigh-
etithe li-columnxixxwit atltx ig rcord
tm.Inil l(,i14 fgxamevi iwi cxh e xp
teardxatixrixn i melxis lhe-hanxdled-x3
chanxcs ieviclixxniiii c reitexith xii
ax cleanxx slatex. J. Ca'xmpxilll axxiiookut
waxi-ritilityx xxen, in-exalsoceiteidxiiwnhi
r~o e et fterglrtecthr, ivs xcer andxxiiili.lesk, lxxv the lxvi
Ixcci it-v atinHl x nl iteidefilded xini ifffa stle II rleski a
ax97lip, ixhile Iiliii eiireil first atz
pace wht iich plalceis ie xildigxaverg
Mitichelllexul thelv-bae stealers xii
8 sakx to alexn axdiiilliicoites nxtx awi
T6 viisesxviiixed.iHil l adBolskasoaqurd od a stelixg revodwih13adx7pifrevilosr
speth xiivey ntecifice' itingdprmnxYalilas edn illy
nexxsxxhedt his wnxi cxxxix. uxixiIxIxaxx
madexive i.sxciici-, xxii XWaltxxrxan
hxk-h.iliaacxvimxiixe trve xlfxlthe "no
tixie xi-hxi" iplxixs.
elisithexvlatier f the extrxxbtax
hitevs wittitso swit-.wicxhxweixt lxo
mxovi-thanonexxivsaixk.lie imaxdex-foui
doubxlls fouvr tilisaxnd to-ialian
duinvxg tlive-seasonxx. ('itaixxHi llii madx
lxx' nlxxx xl ne xxip ilxe axxithree hxxx
xvr.,xxxiii litelx mixaxe fattydoulxes, Ia-
Ca'tiIil 1111 xx l l eare tiex lxxvtd
honxoxr xxf lextinxg rnutgtr, ecxxvinixi
broivigixiaxtallies across tlivplate.
Thliii allxixbaltting axdifielinxg a
erxage' of tihiiciigaxiplayers ifollowtci
gethervwithxixhlivteaxmxhitixg axdti eli

Michigxan alxmixin x full forve, till b
at the grandl outixgiofxheliiihixgxaxxCaulxi
of Dietroiax Belliv Islexon Juxne xi. 'The
fexatre of tlii'variieprg rxm xt lxhis
-beexi arranged xiii be a a lixixlxli gxiiv
beaweei eix laixaluxi and xxvlall xother'
gvadatae. Mvaxv of Mihigiia'";most
fxixmousplayers xiiile i cionixamong
thexmxbeixg Ex-Regexnt ('xxiii.Jvvvi i-
ev. "Chick"Laxtes andiiNil Siowi.
A boia rxce blxviii e lxmnixxxlcrewi
xaxdlthx'eietit Ba lxxii('xxxcrewi-till le
axollei f xlirii'. lvlxiigxxme. lIn csei
f rainxxaxboatxarirle itoLaxi xki'St. (lix
tiill le gixvn.
Immeia'ltlvafterthr acex' 'ai' xdinnerx
xiiile srvd. Pr'ientliiitchInad
Or, A'inglitill satthexx li'gneraixl jol-
iliextix xx xwhuch xxifoxllow.ihx lai-'s
pro gramitxxi lxeicoxclxxviiibyxthiixxrgan-
izationxioxf a iPermanxent Unxierity ttof
1Michigan Men (liven Inducement to
Attend Aviators Meet
offeredl xxx tlivAevonauticaxl Scie'lvi by
te mxaagers of the Dtrit xA viationx
fleiet for admisslioxi to thliventscxxi"Cal-
lxxe Dav'' Juxtex'30. (fin tisxa' li11
itill lxe xixixe by manyii'of thxgeaes
xi ixitixof if i(,cunitryiinSici ofi'xthl
l x moist notble ixixcinexxa-. thex xiii'XXvt
_ iotx, axxxi i xviitutu.s, Tisirate isi
lxxr xxxixMichiganxxx xxai, .tiiit orxx'
xiiis, axixithi txi-xtier-.ofxislimmediatexlx'
f-xily. Orintiltherici- ofi'the livxxnti
exncudd nthe ticevtx xxwou ldix. a-.
i ive gn"xxeral adisi-siont te -rn
3 l i-v xea 5cet.It' iid xxxviii li
itioffe iof oneticlxiv toxixny person xthat
- hir vifxtihliiocieityxhlexiii t n ae
rates to Detroiit xxxv thxxxixet
t Rsel A. livr Jr,of Detritxxhas
a guiciiiitiiive x nutopai allviexpenses
lxxvr theibuiding of texlidilrxxixd1fliht,
ail hixma~d lbythe fist of uxtxreekxi.
at itis notxiiyet deciedxlwxxther'theliis.'txrial
h itill be opeto lxthexpuii cxxvi not.. 'The
elte-.,,xof le brit enxginex-hlxxi'showxxx the
Ixdatabxilityiofxtisxliiypeii xof motor.Ixt
isi thouxxghtxthat wit-liltfei ha ngesiii t.o
makeithexegixe ligeita. hiexxxii 1-
-il lxtoliii'glici-valldinstailledxbylthe lustii'.
's xlfex 3ear.
dl A.XX. I olxlar, '2 r, wxs elecxcxdplie-.
iiof thescti frlxi yeiar , hut
evy Coxx, 'xxtiE, wxxxixosenii-. peii i-i
se xlviit, anii Iscr ly umbertlig. 'i kxand
'r Robiert Noy, '13.iwere ecclvii lrexxu-v
cver xxiiisecrexary, vrespec' tili. Xit the
rs meieing Iheldilasti iigtitwas xxxi-. ed'xlxi'o
le gielxxii-.o therlivrinixg ofilcer-. oii the
to Andtrew s ideetedil i lxxvi xxii e-r-
tg daxy inthrerholxxiiarguedilsasxof tnisii
and xlisixoaxinthexinax lxsxiof tlix'Michigxan
v- ixivixi teiixxtournxamenvtt. 'lihe -scrxs
o- aee 63. 5-7.anti1ii . Todaxyx iexr x
d- tutudXardl txill plxy.adthe liii nexix f
this mtchitl iliplily Andrlestomorrowxvvxx
lxiv tlivcxxx. The Litixixicurtsci-. iyn
'T splendidlishape- xxxiiimex xxxix'tlxx ixxi
8 'STixix-tv cxxi" 1101Ixixi xxi. xxviii -x.
95 Al the lxxxi senior li clxxss ixieixg of
4 xliv year.iwhichx akes le' todayixxAifxxxi
8 xxiv e xixoxomis lecxie romi, thev xxmlx

50 xi excommxitte, onsisinxg of Ixx icevexiv
24 trexisuxer xxiiita-itassitianixts, xwi lb
ao elecedvi, andthe livxxmount lxx-lxxleft lvi
5is use xivtxill blxveiedviutpont. 'The xxai
oo icr of a cdasxemotrixalxxililsovbxxxix
84 ieved, andvia repotilviibe' mxixxicbl
the ixvitation coxmmittee.

Government Offers to Pay
Expenses on Tour T1hrough
" Flowery Kingdom"
i ixiix l iii r the headifi tei lx ,
dlxis a-. xx lix illx t eri r'mltxeix xiii
xxii rx vxiti lxl x iii x x'lo er in. 1xxix ix 1
i i ' l xfxit ' I xir~~teii ii i ell x ill
va l l ities Iliii- I 'xlx i'tie xtiix vi-.
-1 he' xii. itirxwas 'xl' xx tx1iii :1's
glee Clilat. it her £111(1ihi tix xi i -

lFNO . Iii if h-RIN X, 1iR S f fIl i
1101,1) "-. 1Ilx I 'ii' lxxI
' xiii x eliix x'l i ' l ci1i' -. i r lasti

tim o almn 5cr x . harr
cit cLiiixli c ll picur i ea
khcl a d w ll lolthliiie iplacei
l'lxxx n h cr iors ofxthe xns

Four Varsity Men Will be
Eligible While Freshman
Class has Good Material



xxh ix c
1 xI) Ii

't lxxx la l xx. -
In i x 5 i x -
all I)(.cul i t]

crowd. 1011x ''ii

xx il

xvCl ii X
t ' i I.MXx

III] s vcar. \,11

.111. i iic-.. chief. tt;n
t Of rc iuxciSixl 't-c
xlj dt xi " tbIxuxux1 1 fo
liir 1 wli iicim-1

Special Scene ry Will V eIPtintexd for
Senxuv Play
xi-.' I I) ' # , ' : ix c I j ; 1 1"i >
'I-. a c° i lri 1l ic c 'clrv for id
ti lt\i ,ill c I' w I t ol l- i i
1i c cxi r I' - 11x ,i1 x - > i ii xxl
.sil :1s) ] n cl:r cl . s 'xxiii hllc-i-

thi sii II r tiilx xii012 i i7 x< iiiate xx W xiII
"The han.'s arefair.I ,xioi ea
su xxssi xii Ixlii''- wasiithei vxsion
of XX -x xliii i 'iMetialf,, lxxxiii-ofl th
ftlit (l' i1 -1) xst i t

ixmr al t'])()

Til 'ii Jut i lxxxiv 'xxndiRalhtCraig.
cif thegreavtesit1 txxvi stxars thaxt exv
-~r an1 'X .' xi wil otI lex-iix tile uxiver-
LYxt Yearx xx, the.i XX'i cs shulxibe
presented. byxaietlt-i' hbalancedx'xteams
haix - thlxhavlxxxiforndtears.vif(31he
even lilt i xxwonuxuxulir ""axtao
lily - I Cam- fai ilhbe eligibxx'lexto xsupoxrt
lx Ie xc Maiieaid tueu-anotherxunyearv fxanx-
l is l'lost, by the xopration Iof livethree
k ' ruile xi guas, I lxxii, lixuxux'xa and
! [altbt- wxxxvx xil tprobaxbhly bex'ableicto
:,-k al of ne -xtxxxivruwithutxxtihlivdaxnger
3r ' i I - hl i me x xxx -liutxllixpare xtal
xx xx .Il,11 c xxliocl-v'hisnlassuxu
xx Iin te esth dt he eastexx hr t-gu
lxx xc p edic i<- a i l i n urelkx xbr iin
r as~n fo himin 10 xisninsttheifg
3!' ~ rnll wll c frcedto ookto ihu
Mif in he- -xte 11 ~ li e xcom-
-.1 c~lcttol, R o illI-vh cxinti
txi as tilxx tillxxsthe
'w,1 sc1in xxii- tlc. R ck in utghe
: 1 1' 'x uc l i11-in ;h ihisux .lxxiii
>W. is al arii rerwh wl lu-hu n
1 1 c - ca and xxeco iii. seauuxul
:wo lcthxiii orhit (,)i-throxxxii
si ,I'" i th i i -.-ii xi th ir t'x i me ,h
:.tlturc tiltxxiii hut-nnsigni g
'h( cro of liii I tsee s t b
I "xx lit seen tx lii b lxxiii. imare t p rmisitn
C1arclsi the lhiileslitKo leixn ihie
liii lxandiii I xx lake ithehal ilex',
\ lrn ,look from1.1 li ithis xiiiacelike xx
f xl ,, ihest Xchampionship xmati'al'wxxix


ix lii
taix 1

Winner of Novice Race is (liven
C.. .XWagner,'r3flo, xxasxawadedx i
timei- xx ,Indxii x-.ithe xxonly mlxx to 1 rex-
xxlivx.thlIx- x -. vuxui beca'use o~f thei' li
co et lltstati lllihivliptd i tisx ixll
decidlulloi'ivt'x x'- nesevth f letxer
chosen-uxt-xxx - I is-;
PresiXXnii. ('vxx-.-.xxx'xuxt;,

The til-. ili W
Xliii x-c ill 1w
lif te-livt' ho ii
ilt liii7
'xlrix l i,

ii -t i Fte lx
xl1 x - xxi _i lt
tli xi ll }iuIu
co lli t'I )1 i1<
the x)fii r 111 1Ic

lihi J tll. (Ii xi1,1:
into; xli xxi xx _

,i t'iix lit-ill

L xIii

xv IE

hog recordsl.
Nivlxigxxxx'baxtinuxg reconrd
hhuuuuxolx...... T4 30 5 15
J. Cxx1ut}bell.. 2 a a 1
hI ivhuvell ..27 t94 xl6 aS
,:Marlin ... a.26 88 14 a6
icll -a......2 a 2 ax >
Ii .....25 197 21 27
Suulnar.....8 16 3
hMeMillalx....27 77 12 17
Waxxltnr.....a4 8a ta uS
Borleske . ax. fl 65 S9 T4
Smith ,........II uS uT i3
Fischerv ....15 38 1 7
(Continued on Page 2.)


itriti'ii ili x Iplu xuie's f the year 111= - iion xl i 11x i 1l ac I Ji - i. x xxJxxi x()Il)lx(he1uil
(~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ta~ titailsX ia11lrecordi it xxii lof-xxif.I16x Ii I tiinxx.the halfx xxuk xit
Captiniilkns xresn ie'thi.' i aiii ii dur inth im iir e;l m f x'-. c.x--. I x' itfh s hxxvii llxiii markxux f 'lx
ofi thei i hai blxxixI t xxix xasxxiii lollx-sl f h ofitix S xn l r. II 11W xix l it iliithe xoo'vard d3 sh.x Brii nXas'
hilt department' xwih htheir m lrls. T e liCi lverb ptii wrt s u ti xut t xx le i- Svx'lexi iii :3 xuill xxivg'
fthite ixlxi hlxi tlwr e~e~cvdcp ix 1 1111d t1hI -x iilxi xux i i lxx' xxu j m i teSyacs rc tvnwouldixghxave
wlt1l.____ -shoi andx hei alx-xi lxxhetcounuitd xxon as a sure
xliii-----xx«it xxtt ' Cxxxxxux pont ii i n botxx hh ofx tlix uxeightsx
Itiui;s xxxi. xxi IVE iiii, Y0(- im", i'. - xcl lss i cxxr~v ,"ix i-i 111'' x~ill i l iixxvx'xCa -.eisiix aim ixu xxnllx'inxxa
'nil. 'ix'xuiulo 'hxclass xill Shakes- p" iii xa x uill - x ix x txfxo' xxx x' thatislxreminxiscen'xt ofthexx'faux-.
ei tx t oclockin ixSxaxrah xxt ih xxi xx -- x iif in-ti-.l I xlo~an il cn istOf XX \' xvix-x in thei eaxsternx classhic
B l xxii. 'lihe- casitiill lhe-changedl-. leted Darlxxxi-. hI xix ix xxx e li v '1 neixt xseiason.
iill ithe tplay. Theii pubt icu are' nvi- ited tox lDR. xxxix xx.Axxx v iliuM lLAM, xTtx rxx.
attend d axx s xxvristi n t he Iml'lxxiv i I xxSF' I ia X .T M 1I.W O xwitx I Sr.ISD. (-M. iuC lxwie has retur etd front
take tthexixiv xx perormn cexu Ofi' "xi laTIc.. 'tetSsvn Seio lwslet ise- it he u. Mx ?liii k, N. Y. xxxixthug iifthy
I hxuucllxxxx-k'' ii(ira xvii aix o tligsII usrt-g ( lxv(- u.olnmuflhx 0xflux.. hxrei l. xx wil PedixtrxixcSoci-ety iwherie lhe tdxlivered an
edl that alxii , hu ee -ianly-. tle thiiiOiox barI xxx it ina ioxxxi addressi.

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