~'t1~k~s H~hAN AILY 3US.STATETSTREET Openig dislay of Sprng ndSum- ExlsieStyles l Pc r®SI TS, OVECOTS, and IROUERHS G WILD CO. e Mechant Tailors c :tit Shoes ':IS oS.State.Sly. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing E~ditor-Lgg A WHITE. Business Manager-NORMAN H. HILL. EDITORS. News Editor........... Harold Titus Assistant ............ Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawton Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... .Dion S. Birney ZDITORIAI. Arthur J. Abhott. Paul Leidy NIGHT EDITORS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. Frank Pennell Edward H. Robie Maurice Toulme REPORTERS. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. John L. Cox. F. H. Shaw, Jr. John H. Townley. Wallace Weber. Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. C. Harold Hippler. J. Selig Yellen. Loren Robinson Win. T. Daugherty Robert M. Gillett. BUSINESS STAPP C. A Bowman. A. R Dilley. Myer Robin. Kenneth Osborn E. Ray Johnson. Elmer P. Grierson. C. IH. Kleinstuck. Joseph N. Fouchard. Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office IHours: Managing Editor, I-a p. in. and It:00-It1:3o p. m. Daily. Bnsiness Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. in., Ez- cept Sunday. Both 'phones goo. will be tort of the program of the field( day of the Michigan clubI of IDetroit, which will he held next Satorday~ . l lowing is the personnel of 11011 cre: MsICVIGAN. Maurice, 'oo I,, slo c Spurting, 'to E', No. 7: Wkrthioos, 'o9 o. 6; Ctley, 'o2, No. 5; .frmstrong, '02. No 4; Hotlmtes, 'o6 F, No. 3 ; Warner 73 L,. No. 2; iHenkel, 'to F,, how; Str:'lintell, 'o(} Ii, coxsw'atn. ACI,.COLLCEGIl : L,oth 0111. Prinon, stroke; Gillespie, Corttell, N:. 7; Itof field, H~arvatd, No. 6;1LundI-, ':t. A. IC., No. 5; Dottaldsono, Corttell, No. 4 ; 11 Cr' riclo. \Viscottsin, No. 3; Kella~r, ('ooll NO. 2; Hiargeesc, Cornll, bo: 'an, worth, Syracuse, coxswtatin. LOOKS LIKE FRE' NZIED FIN.ANCE ',AT NINNESI 'I' M-inepolis, lMitts., Jue' 5.-Josetih 1). Brett realsurer otf thtefUnivers-ityof Minntesota, is itt thiy l~j~t:I as a'teil of the allegetd holdttp Fridaye.wttln1he was robbedtlof $13,000 of lt'ettivty in importnt sttemtetst'1hat lt'e {it believed Itis story to lteutre. Trevttr Artttltd tf tt the ovr oil: of Chicago lots beett invetigaltin~g t1111 1a ciMl system itSfItelootversityad m fottttut 11Itat tere 5istatdeficit : of,$, 000. Oveedtruftotointe ttrretexpenle futntdwere foundttantttheIaccountsof thI utiversity are ill a gtneacr'ond:: ititnof cottfttsion. A.ERONAUTIICAL SO ET FY 1II SO LOTS OF tBUSI NESS (IN 1I\ 1).i The electiontif:f:ficersof lte :cr;) tauttical Society trillttke place int eoli 31t, tt'tgitteerittg butilding, tt 7 :15t{ nightt. Besitdes te electioun.,::an::::nntnc ineiff$ of the gifts to the socie Ity by1(i-- sell A.lger trill Ibe ematie. I'tesfo the trial flights :of teIliedet rsw'll c set, us i is expected l hatse Ite hanger reu-de fortrhetmtachtitte yte end:I (if t weeko. The results o:f the' 1,1 ::ra:11it' tests onthle KRI T cenginle, teictelie ciety hasttrotcuredl for towrn hie il egv n ot.Te mtt by' wehichtseveral mtent 111y' earntc:l teN Sot' thte aviationttmeetl : to eiheldti it: - bte takett up. BUT FEWV SENIORS NEEGIECT TO FAY GRADUIATIO NFE . Tartly settiors thronged lte offictsof the secretare antttr eeasurer ttttilalat htour yestertday tftertttott. ITe omajority htowever, htatlpaidtlheir erattltti::tfeeo s iseti the books twere cloised a:t foutt o'clockc, antdlthe fS ettltittet toteo tave Sforieitedth ieir clatss panvil ege'sowill hte lonesomte. eveningftithe:Wonin honor of:5 the ne Ill ers i iIc C larSien tcc J. Nh ct ot. '1)3 aceda tatmasterand ter ilt o tr N witt;: te ed} eece N It N w rered. htt. Y de, 1 3 . I11 C im C i e : 1. .: o da 'it:Kt Peioic itw K W Tc y, it: PtbS Fod dner tions :1ht:h: Pr fsor . I t : it : nd I ). t' CaIt c eitllwet ake iii it tthe' sol i et yas The follit Cite fi es wee lecedf nex N plNO :NiR.'S10. NI li eprie nt Alr Hari wil eprsto t'he Dit lta l itl ''in InTani: t iti: JuneitlAtt'Ji tttit lit'on'ectionit: I 'tetmeetttoftihte .A i ca Ch mialSoiey .. .... t >> i :. CALLING CARDS You will need them very soon. It would be wise to see to it early. Had better LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW Plate with 100 cards $1.25 to $3.50 100 CARDS [FROM YOUR PLATE 75c All Work Guaranteed W AHtR'S University Bookstore Carriage and Baggage eprtar. Itt'ctloett $1.50. afteetl' o'clock $2.00. Iitt earl'Ittitk toorefromtttdootr, tn petee willtoie25Cents. 1lf:'arriet'o or fo le ti: p-stairs, Ite pirce will tie 50 Cents. Dreiveres ateequied to collectecashl toe carrtage aend baacage servitee lt'(tlttrtttt & lCt. Eas-tman Kodaks Premo Film Pack Cameras Hawkeye Cameras :3 ife t t mode11: .)lsiistock. able trice ,ttGod oteSitr ten) 10 tu esoeadte ar al teein-ad]inigdn propsto oforsnne wli( ororyouvatin LYNDON ictre If vrhon r? NC RVEe slat and100CARD S a ~ ~~ 1' agleo ii Deta acg 1: k 4Mihiga Secnd I.i LwBok C.E.BATHLL 325SAESRE SeodForTl 6 'llIFS~t i' , Jf'NE6, ipit NiqPht Jidilor--EnwAus It. RostE. UNIVERSITY CACENDAR hlue 5.-tttltc Iiecital ot "As Yotu tike It"bliP tro:f. 'i.rtelocid's Sttakeopeare theaduinug c'lass, SatrahIiCaswell Antg'ell .1:1111 .-S:'tnior tLttgiieer sing. Cugi- eerie:thort, 7 p. In. ttntc p.---andtlcothcert, 7:30 p. t. Jn U11012-22-Ifxamhitntions. ttne,25--tBtctlatureate Atddress. Jtttt 26-28.-Class daty exercises it the Jtunt: 27.-Sentior receptiotn, Barhour Jun::28.--ANlunitDay. It itt itht the tro:foutttest regret that thec I tu,o e tatff uieets the resigttatiotn of IHtroldT'ittus fromthetofliecteeof tiattag- t lidtir fir lt'e:'ouing pear. l'Fet net, witi our ranige of years at 'Michtigant tate p:ossessedt at otice so itchofthe character tittdlso mtucht of the abiitytlit gtot: tote takintg tf a cpbettdittir. Antd whettier it is gen- eriallytappecited't, or not, we Ittok tupotn tic entforced l teitrattal of Mr. Titus as a misfrtutte noi tmerely to the paiter bt ti thuuneersitp. Air personatl ss'ociation swittte de- tpartin:g itembter of the stuff has always be uuuoe of great p't,_sure, atid of profit. NN- ha th:tele singht ' ope that rest from isll t:o ardtiot' ;lahors wilt ettable im io returht to tI ' untieersity, antd to lie scork thalthas had so much of his, ticvotioan. NII'IItf.N ALUMNI OUTDO t_'NI)It7f;RAI)UATE BROTHERS. ANlicitattLItas a crew. White we've Viten s tatttding arotitd aund waititng for Hie: IIr t turrd I i h n tto a 'fississippi, numbittler of Michigan mteti have heetn tic:sticintg on ite Detroit river uttil fint- ally they haste heett forced to adlmif that lisp tre a crew. OS courseotte of them gr't:nt'tetl ine '73, bitt what of it? Belter ltetan never. .Aielligati's first opponenit will be the All-C'ollege eightt, eomnposed of Detroit a:lttmi' front various colleges, several of wtioam rowed on varsity crews durittg their ttndrgradutate days. The contest Nt c ::-ti iil I' tS, 'toCorre 'tialsta tent5 II 1 to ': e l ieo p rs C'f. ::tctl: 11 rc ~I s<;kt ics asPresdentof t It- if a CHOCOLATES Just received a fresh shipment of I AI1IPIT3ESFIA IH.The last meetiuig of the ANdelpitc-G i b r ' eta' still lie ht'ltdtext :Fridaynitt e. The electiotis aS officers Stir nit se mster weill take place. Nl mitert s ot I rg to lie presenttJ h LATrsVO x AL NSaUZA.The lust issue of the.-Attest so t)s a),M c ~ a m i ' illt appear ott text Satnrda:: ni:':::. M a D ar i s Atip 'atance ntices or mat~tters far pub-1 licationitmust terefore b addIIt h lIYofc eoeFide t vtet'lin ii: iisTLvns iWILT IftitT Ott ICP't The last tmetting of the y'iftIIh T e Fitrestry' clubi will lie held inirtom c40 N. W., lotnor rowseeeuigit 7 :30 :1le. Electioti of officers for the ensintg yea will take place. Drug, Store 117 S. Malt s$t r t I 1A Engraved and Embossed Stationry Calling Cards Reception Cards Wedding Invitations Announcements7 Etc, MAYER, SCHOETTLE w& SCHAIRER Co. STATIONERS PRINTERS BINDERS5 GENERAL OFFICE OUTFITTERS 112 South Main St. Bell Phone 1404 Ready For Your Orders Ott Spritn'y;tttwittfCttomttMsad Ktntd Gtetnten- Costly Sot'ytou:with t0attrtec whichtase exclusivre with style's thatae urnthottir itatice. Cetady to looik pouti-oader itr tmtateittitp todary Sot' ltetttivrp. Rteady to take yourt meaure,'fget the osutt in the works and detiver itJust when yott want it. You guts by taking advantage itS our readinessnodtay. Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors If17 E. Liberty Street Shirts and Neckwear Made to Order '1'..__________________________ --_ W,-s tt5 S. RANDALL &PALK Photograplwers Phone 598