T.,he Michigan all ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1910.. Vol. XXI. o. 5. fl Iflm i ALL-FRESH VANQUISH AL-MA FAIR MAID DISCOVERS A 1 SECOND BUCKEYE ITEAMYINEW IND O QCI ON.lIEANOCD Douglass' Pupils Win Fast Game) "I ell, is this Mr. ltstotts?" R UNI( O E 3 TO ~~Twenty-two to Two It was a weak femitie voice n ooj-lODS V IT tilth l-FehreoOPERAa Sll°wa nweig t JyyjjjSattrday, tiesmt the such toted "Would you tell me ow the Michi- HOLDS VAR ITY 3 TO coleg eleen and by playng as ga-O. S Ugame cate out?" "Th'rmo het sCoe - ----atceo e ooblteeulof "hys i,3atd 3." TeCisnChsf 5Coe wihhsntbesenolFerryfil "Imsgad Did Mr. Ilcbrook by the Authors of the 1910 Oho SaeRpat faesProrac f1"otis seasotn, raced around atttl oter te play ?"J O i Stt Reet Cae Pefr ac ofT ocollegiats tte tte of 22 to 2. 'Sure. He was it." Production ~1ees Ag, i Slo Gam atColu bus Alisa ad mtade atetviabe record "Maybe yost thitk I amtttituisitiv, Wees A oin lo Ga e a C lum us up till Saturday; adt for the fist quar- hbt did he make te tutctdotw? .S.U iOteSWidtee it ltttke as "thotgh tey would gle "Yep he made the tocdtown." REHEARSALS BEGIN THIS WEEK VV'ild Dotglass' tttpils all tier watted. How- "There girls, tdidt't I tell votI eerteltre tcerc sigts of a crtage it win." te scctnttquarte atttlaftertDoglass The receiver at IHustos's ias qiel 'T'efims tsottt t" thnaeo ad givets the fist yer mett a little of hntg up. th r'tti ttt ul S~i Itt. t ni ot M\ICH-IG~'AiN SCORES BY CONKLIN'S BOOT his brand f "btcweents hales talk" they -__________-soptra.t It itill b prsetedtilttltNew wetsI at the Almsa aggregattost as tough MISSIONARIES IN REUNIN Sb Iitthiet rest I tot u 1,t,, ' 3 t. ___________________ty raly wntetd to sit. The reslt and;17. I i t nt itthtthis te car is sotwns sy te sorteeatro h prtso elatt ts 1 that thirilquarter tey exected Graduates from Distant Lands 1'l il r(itcooa 'ttI iuii 1 thycstdislf n as~trll .tttd wistouttetfotrt SdIc ctoant's elevenlftte fiel trophty- lattd.-It reqiretdite coacies ts ear IExperitenscewtsltsta tTotdstttt tss atI Clumt soo tertlsy. bhtvitg teettte AttttArbor ctintogttn t (tlsubus. adileen r e ostrt' 'sless illustratiotns of Today sees telast o f te mst' ot c rsisaitcttittito c ttttstttctteeit s hltit t t 3 t 1scoree Iy thec'OhittState Although greatly ruttttumtbteired't nd howtito tttt tussi. 'T'ey tackled att gtd taklie sistsur ct Irtc or tilttIfii tttt tt t'ctttI aggrrgastistt. It tas thtcsectittiltinte'lwithott a hantd, they were vryrs'tmsch it icrssi, Tisy rt he K htlIce- iedin itt Asttonarb o fr eigtnc li liv itr itwithheld he lu tittailthe itt ksstI lin ocissitte' tits ecdthtstthe Vs it- csvi eice antdlgac to teeviectsoyl tta siedin strferecetcc that effecually alutmtni frotis the fsreigtsmissictonary ts titio i'driusco etetplyedtota 5stlnstltitbIy ansuspport. kepsttte Alsia tesiam sewsy frossitthe fi iii have Ihelc teir ftst reutisosillat Geerlt is n oe , Eatr1 'V tttr lhiostetmiis nsdii w t e.t h c iirdi titm c THOMSON tS, tASIT'S"iM AIN'T'A', r dtilr.teir aamater. ansi t hur bh nril i 'it t littaitt tlit tey faiied nittlrly tos show the "Blottles''Thtomsoni, Varsity ffutlcl 'itbitstasckie silcsbste lit' Th osertes lsgsstrhesmsci- cctti tltaitli s~v' itux itirs was "the works" froitsthe Micigasti for tec tuscdsslasftr disc sat had itg wills a ibaquet at Nlewlso alvt~ aisatrvcn e sseitsht Te V u-stvs o rkistowas raggedsinitsandtpoint. Ils lpunitig 55as 5it rigtsbeencc a rri citwithi2aidoeniyarsdss itfsatwhics eighty ets a isdlwintititt tilte "t Johtiltsauagran irc te ctresid e Itcsiectace of acks feture asd a alussesd aid. IFIc ast het idicgolliv 'ITrtc, Craig, asdlBoyile. faculty adilstdettibodiy sittotn silswith t siosr. I St. St Johlitradstils tarot'trus rousndil tildsseeking sutccess at carrying the sll, plumigSoon a sfter tise oitning ot f the seessi h msisay uss isisVI dt, it, i t 1lcrlrslor Icr[ i ht tfsosefr.Iard, andsifightinig for everysd inc f lis,al , W ite Ikicedsit goatl froit the 3- Cse ws taiiatr iu lr uitcitso ds a is whlst esslyers i cargduedi ster 2 aewsgrimser n.Dri1. ho. setrsdo h h le h te playst andsi ogna'ls oas sit toss lie- stimlirSesDOst ci. th l nist evr i sul ithrterakrtig hatir rs~e, elIot li ise.Csiiit lss ce t sc r.'ssc sl. NI sets of the ps l waoyh s lt'tss'sssr 5 V. ls c'ii ic Iiis hssirtcs ntt and sslosspiss, 'togeher with Jissl~no therii (stil t I l i siltyo th sm lletImmbesdocihico pleely he ilbu'rib 'lmta, scoeds]'itg, XW'.II.Tiker, SWi fredS hswsic alI roosiotthit it I coru of te masitse an"itsbuse rpesetaives Xb'olseriie aggregationsigatt'ed titlisthdisc ond'ss llb-F5res h uchdsboniu ut bst wi'etlsb siai t wa hrce ized b t a istressinig list- tessecswhast gly there wstoibi h ['ie lat o sre ws sthe mosh siecttcu- 'estercda ws setinis"studset i cii is ther n so sirhe' is s r tilts it c. itisftheii'hsnsgit together cosleetees. Mbc~ilini ands s til 'tesgihl iv sithelt sdly. (Sita tss fruitsByeunter" seetisgsthi h s r ear sal i ts i and15 pla'td hint footblull slrsof te were the little msessn sswho d iwell. 'Thec ts 'liriscithe ltte rnit43arstsfor Todsay at noonit, 1Dr. Telsswisll atrs suis' siu les'is s~e ts it sesrkchBckeyesfiding it impssibssle th i rc h ues' h down's stsusumsise treei. a ib1lite clss st thi',N Cittige''ii siltu'tsheiii' 'tilts' s ts of t1he1 i o uits their hards ct ll 'f ills'titme, lists all he Wuolverine defeise, pass tesho trt Stlit'sstilsdtoJheir stlts' scre Oil 55 safe- chr ,lr. B t, ti'15 tif cltsiol n oiosit ts s dnistillloth thimut. ts ghil fell the ts uf receivisig' te rcshto hs)u utbom eind thieirsowns lire the IBastist Esuildi. SsA t 6 fiothitts i C'nnsssttc rights lutit gave Micligans hatt its fronts sf te ouncumsig Buscete I(C tind onsPae 3. sesuisg. uthers sol adress disc1I rco selecti ots he I cai s tol 1550bl. her siltyis otir. Oithsir stsly topportuity s r aasnghai tl tle ititii' ___________________ tcrat iu bupis ysssg tts o Ihs ils i ii tl te tihuskyiguard wsigiven,Ishetiooted Is was osly the excelencee wittsswhichs dh l siltwchieens te psts fr the count te i hirwshUtls i tth(NIN I\N\VI ThES N;iBM 11(11 sneetings thei Eoitths Legendthe l frit r sit us ils sit i ol setstinss Thatso l esiie thur W'olerines to gi hoisshssws.Teltl site C'I'll NI(SI CAbL."T IH(ME.''uul" seii tbe tsu ss ' is'ssiOI' u tlss aiiay~ iii this e lls. 'ihe ir rudte was ack reeled off msany'slendsis russ utIItansidttttt is tl resortedstousostlts'lfter msay fruitless showed Iis pssck by sticking in tie cii bus "t ho utu"' t memrliss withlli ie tit"citsb'tle iiiioi effsi te russsthiss'Buckeye goal line; ts fe i iutiltutyiuirthes teest sof tday atitthur Mclsuis''CI aA ,bn lN i isiest tttsse tristest aftr e ad ee 'i' 55'nje. '".. 5 ,...t,.oo.,,.. ., t, SEVERAL NOV:.l ,AT~I CRh 0S stiigdsaccsitsseverail occasiotin ~ ~ siCIA eIC ~? UT' lstw r itdiohialutcitu. Blesidles te Th iheiisstartedsitohsaIsrusth tu tishnsi sc~hutcu sliosg lfter thait, dhecs'eptioh illsuiggintg for ti te heesiseisnesac'asess uetls ssul itnf'r"'alutuecuepgistes 5oi stiltatides'ecittolpresaiiiaget.sy victokeyeifuliulsie out sheitestekiebsuf suttisi~s' 0 0 ioo AvBee fo mbleeoitheir first usiuusrsss usita us %S 1;'LYSRFNr. onthe ised..huh. 5..... .riedmanui 'aetefomrteilis'ppruiy.lisue ukeies dslatsyedi a magnificenst Shift formnatiostsaitch fsake Iiclhssgalosssu l ss irus.. .......... lb. helitlelt fighting sstirs'itilay'edl steady fosot- suosme grocundh; tut the Ohbionasssusrsaltclsle akse odslie 'isses ts Totwns(Vusu- hil aredbycosncerted Isctions. (Sn ansilfought bassk s use ad tusts te scos e ri Ince) onlyi suie toccsionsidsltthey ihavse uschasnce couldist lie secured. F1requentt penalties'N iatus uswiths 'suit.......Cotnser to scorebusithere'sas tut ltdsitationt in Isu sn p'iaigrksslhiu sok'usl s (cnhoIcrnct dut)I. theirssmethos an theuy' qucklytursneoisemed to rake the sntapisuhif the SV Neciwmanuu, 11. Wuard. sit fuurssu isurlsst tittociu easm's play. Micuhigan tfumubledisuhIanid oc u thatusenabslued thesisto tie thetoNlverns.Os(hiou took the, offenusise, te iquarter I'lusts rrosuitdI.FerutsI(sioulins solo). ASlthouugh noth a susatchs fetethoeropptons-inning with the teamuss itsecen tetrus.to.S. Stonse. edts man usfosr smuaue, anduabletato itmisake Steadly attacks osite Stuate forewarsru oI oussthordsit I tue' sconssistent offensive' showisng, they ansh a :forward pass. gave Cointklint thusbse but t(sneHous. stictcsgsti?er anud- sene alwvays ottthesuonituis. ittite 24-yard lhue, swhicihectuut shirt, lie nade suchy good use of. Ohuiotcame I lusuen C louis.....P. Id. Losey his conseqenece if the ti,,, thuere was right buick asnd made goodsu, usinug thur us wsihu celeburatsionu itsCoumbuithus last chaince whsichs T'iomtsisi's short puntus FIRIST UNITARIAN CH-URCH-. esuhnig. SWhtenthste stuireswhistsle gaicetherm.Capstains Vells s antubglert Cornesr Stto ande IHuross Streets. smudeut it certauin thati Miochigant hatdin- canniesd thie, bail twensty yardbs itoscardb HENRY 'uIruI ooTIt, Minister. died Ibeienstied, the (ioisrosoter. who the Michigant goal''TelButckeyes ttos tail packedu the standus, rushsedl onto the nou chances butl tryed for thin goaltsiu on1:3o u. s.-Sereice swith preachinig by uilstubdsdaicedh utaduly whiteeitseir bsaid the first down, Wells gettinug it across tler. his"tei. Sublject:5 "Wh~at the Doe- tuhuseul andul ble stuget clowuss capered from the 35-yard line. Michigani mn u trnue oit Evotliutinhutssdonte fur Re- abouucts "Itenk" thinc tutle, itsat was ad- gus t he halt close to the OhIo guoalh he- iiis." vertisedb s "Itaruug ?ihcigans's goat." fore the half-closed;I but they tarrieud 6:30 Ip. ms.-Yunisg People's Religious F1actors' swhistes scresutuiclanth cats- too Iontg ansd time was called jusst as Uionusits chsusrchsparors with, addriess souts Ib'uoutsduitsuson of what the they were' preparitng to try for aufiteld bbu Miss Venus 'Tosdd. Oiosbauckes felttso he a triumph, goal. MIuChhuhs.N hlAehgts t;OT INCI ORMt. tRW5Axsi PASS FEATURESCO hNDt osus. lFree seats sire provided is the church Thse 'Wolverinecs were nt iallowed to In the seconsd half, -Michigans satdce for uiersity tudents, who are cordial- feel thaut they scere alosse its a strange (Continued as Page 2.S hy incitedl to attentd its services. 'T'he Niichtigans Alumnutt i s le its 5910-191 1 debuit Friuday, rheplet sowith sew's anduinmetisntsofufivrs' tyffi r s.i The nmbser contauins four cuts; sit Dr. Asigell, Pees. Hustchitis, DenaItes, and te Law bsiilinsg, respectively, soils sketches if the careners of the ucwlres- dent ansd Dean Bates. tSsue of te feaiturecssre a siumsutsary of the stew football nunes, anth a reprno- ductiois of tbe "rules for freslsinti," contaitsed ints he Ihansd-book. Of prinse importasne, hiowecer, is the atinoutncemeist of a scholarship of $1o,- 000, 1tolie dosiateid by dtsc liweclaiss of 1893, otherwise known as the "boom- erlacker" class; the largest law claiss that hadl beets graduated up 1o tuattimte, anid by far thse nmost aictive its athletics. The mtettbhers of the class svho attenduedi the "official" reusnioss last Jitun, husk the step, antd $3,000 of thinatmoutiwas pledged thsetnatnd there. All outsiderns who contribute sine therebsy madie tem- bees of the "Booieracker' class. All the mntey is 10ohue collectedl befose the next regular reuion of the class, its Junte, 1913. An increase in the price has beeni de- cided uposs for sext year, 10 avouid the aniual deficits and to improve thineuppr generally.- It has beets changesd frso $1.oo to $1.50. 1111W S. '1 N S NIIOi I 551., 5111' N TI'151 AhISS.I tI U l iS. In. N5.S. Itititoutt silt dliver the fis fth iso Baltswintsret's in St. Stidrew's clit sirli is iii5g ati 7.13'. 'TherfI thus tutu th is tof St.dhl elts forthecuse h.R' aoabe ne05sitofthus' linof'ts s Is I. Theoso ledas itens ,ditc itu.e~sit 3: Jcou' Iii rrs I ii uositNr'tusu'. 4. 'hssRi to sut 11100 si Ifthis'h.'su to Is. 'hiss los usts sit sofitJusuc' Vie'h si th d Fc uture sit lift hIo s'Mchgn enfrmiii iii, ltsn, IS. C.,sit'slust msit uscthis'1sMichi- gust Uioluts utuituuululgtinli tosits nnush sokeitr'. Solisut, speechet'5sis5nd 'hi.u gustspii were tscts'eus'sehi's'fsths evuen- tu". 'Iot ss.J . usasirs''ided'u. I tuu'Greer, asinfsuit i, sitdtusrusetls u member unoft te' NI ii ION DIst auff, s'sccptdiia poidihtiltntutu this'nsa C'iy Star. -- MoMI-LLA NHALL 0 Tonight 6:30