TheNMichia_ Vol. XXL. No. 176. FERRY FIELD WILL HAVE CLUB HOUSEI $30,000 Structure To Be Put Up in Time for Opening of School in Fall NEARLY 900 LOCKERS PLANNED After years of waiing, Ferry field is to 1)e' prvded with a clts hosse that wiltl beso00 aipar ivilih those of other i- versis of equal rank tiroglout the eomityrv. Groundhtis ownbing hroen and( the contract alis for the esonlfletinl of the isuilding byth ie fist f Ocoer. rihe estimateui ost is $30,000. The sdesigin will 1bel%%hat i. k iin s~~i ''EnglishaCubh'house" oast the buldiing wil ie fill ssgossfeet ssills a heigtsf tiwo stoie'. Ths'e entirelfsoint of tie structeiil bi e sevnotedits a lonsging roomii 1wit51ibig 1111en1fite'tlaee arotnd whicih swii e arranged ineyiss seats. Inth raro f tisi'roossail sil eth sierbts ols rsandse ubbing.rooss. These silli be so eises t rthfees sil ise ino5setssnsisting ofline lockes, a rubisiislg romsi snds130 ill lesghssteel lockers oliieaceh sise. iFliers truigiout this'.ari of tseeibuildfig will hesassde of cesmesent sscfmpositions. III fat tissentie costrutio'ne ofstheis1 uselinsg swil beesetis te isfeas f rendsering if firs'rosf, abotissite isst woodssI rthat iwill ibe ue liig ill teswindossis d fihe doosr f te flounsgig rom. if stirs thlere wilt i. 51large lecture roomis foe ts' se of liiie iff erssst1 sansi squads ansd I li0lemore lsosr saigin alt near sin. Thes' tsls'sl'sIwill slls tintistneamsi heatngsissant 11111itlit wsater bisers forfie nihowler Th1 e cubhosiewill b itithnthue rear sissltinsg fie lsce ofi part f lhs preertbrikswalssandftfillsesssiwiill l so Alicinto hiehs'wastslls' sill on ss'achsie. toi gileensitranclse itolthe'siest s' aro f till bulig frikllbalit s is'throu'sigouti in theicosilion ith ifi 'stnesoinslg 51nd a akgenslit'soi.TheiStsrutIl's wstiit s'ocat'dftosthis'lft of t'tieBres' is liteIs. It ills sno ts'sts'n eids'dljust sihat i'ils' wiiill' iisesin eg'asrdstoithelet stisg 1111 oflockrsisl idei'friomiithle suplinssg sit thIii ' 1111 liis iof 'Vsrsis' sndt_#\l-freshs teas'~sl. i is posi'sibetata115555 ber1 is1ths'ashlesitics'iocsisionwi l i'li iie frs- vided'th iloIke's'hat'"asnomsinaii fes . 'ro )"OiR'KI YTTINGf, T'IRSHl NO V V 'l '. KITItNfI Iti s'ratersls unuissisasight is see a mois osisis ssligi l gu h ter kitiitig in a lansisio, ut siehssi oght Ia'. i- nesses iniiosie sf fhe retoric cls'ss i the tiiirrsile yenersf i. Whiile tie istsriietor st resdiig ths fiaifers iblissul' igosranti of le Islt silat sot sll o iunsuils wsi's )ing si sl'at tessisi, this fair' yo11ng iisliltl 'of ills freshmanslassess.snin utest lei'ioccupasstio seingilrig'irast'o11fs1til'es'errims'istiisat ser satios wlerescasinig iamonstg' ter class nisles. (Oimlisne didishss'losok ifroms her ii'ors:said hessoly lnge rnogh is an5ser 5 itesionss whiic'hthe 111a11i charge asedl her. FIRST LECTURE OF td\JL l si. Presisdeisntititehins inasdiress te studstssof the'. er1liis's'sion ii Unsi- versity IHall sass Fridasy eseinge, fists7' oin "Respet or teLii'wssn'" Thinsiff tie the frstoi ft'series sit lessrs'to tie deleiveredt i'ysmemiibers f ths'aclt ass the Frisdsa' e'venig sf eiss eiieki. Folloi'ig Prsidnisst Husthsin' adsres ani isfsrmiisl r'eeptions sitl5ciItutu il Biarbnsurl n siiniissfr allii niiiiii ELEMENTS TEAR THINGS UP Sunday Night's Storm Catches a Large Number Unprepared Jupitier tIiisiis, aidedlbsli'tgtinig ands visd, tre aenedvtointserfsre serioslsis swits the whieels f tseunivssersiy wiihets le loos'seedIsi isorenssI'.unsistsnight. Nusisiers of sstents s we'esaugt o sill AsiniAr'rised111ffo'rs toii ir ehte lii psn imtle for eight se'clso sislsis molais fus eiss i n mailty ca s s i i ni 1 uti oroestn, wile n'oiisftalitites 1or1injur- ies' rsu'lted55, ssseelithads1trillig''' \ui eileenseeeking fr sheller Carslenrviebeen es itsio sit CAuss Crbr1 ii'sopped itis ill eiibining ofi i le so m n n tisude55s 1111 n s iii'. i severa'll womsen, sill'' Iorcssdllto spend5 he iightisn iths'ear', saleust outsids f W'ayine. CA s'stsirdadthisiskful1crowdu aried is illsArisis'at au carup-ishisl yesti edas'moningan'ue reported that if iti had noliidls''ire ito '.end'another5vsills as' guest'. f tus'ar'Ill' nc I _ Whilets'eiswandssere.s whiledi awasis Ile ight ini esss, ills 'sanoeists'.1'.sfisistok ad tl a trp ills'theili'.,sil lfs iiii Againthindaf1 liinff see'ing s l- ter st te farshiuse'san tsuuu ti. fle dis'overy' f tueirafs,. misus'.hiri socclun, caused 'ltsm ile whrri' uti l i ill's'stigatlions isshowe I i n e msils' ig . Onesuesillsnfi iusucimpasin wse sl drtnedsansi eassr'ing;s"parlies sta'.ed t rt iiitsslkfuse ties. Te rie '.:shrty- after midiniieht aigwle in froumiabovti hes' atii'ris works11 damage ut telephone sndlstin ai is Annu -Aslior. Ssbbthvenigus'sn el''. ' fouud, tesenssve ls ifsitda '.fshort Is suv fterthils'Mosri sartsdifthe irs Nas. u lg bees u lledli do1w1111b 1'sifa ''li sr's'. ThesnstieestIlighitingsley"siem lwasill of c'ommusission ifosr lioi muss'.aina5ss'.al uf the wiinid.'fues i ious1111'.fils'.of ts' ciy ues'e nistsutrote Iad lers' illsh nes'ar vniuty see fitouwnidifwn. This nhowl indo f n'eiil' of sls'sthelitatsills t !ssores waslsowlsnuin ile'asign on one5555 li theis'dowsnit owuilusingus''. l '.fls is hisstofie strt. Locsal 1and lng- dsta'.ncu telephlones stiferedsevreyans o atll'hfoiii'lass n ight i it 's ip ible tof eomuicauiteawills IDetssit illseiteuii 11a11 csr servise is sut uningsnugcisis ulesd timss' 11111iiis tss a li that it will t lie anothserl' beforei's' line tis 1. i 111r ciisl ordei' againu.. Ysilniiigill tieiwostnd os f list tsit'or, lmanyll'uildiuigs sig ldamage t1ansfthis' wires nf thu towsseinIuug tssslf a wrecedi. fOie f~atiks seeuri us fuhel tJacsb Brodie rut~ anin1511a51liirelis. 2R- Iorsle'.frssmsther fillts sff le sstletl Iof e'xte'nsiv'e ldamasg' io cosisand'. builds TOWERS IS CHOSEN M N G N ED TRPresent Athletic Editor Will lake Place Made Vacant by Resignation of Titus S 5 I liii I st litl il cl 1(,1 lt ii Ai sil II r 5 t il i S , WFSTERN SINGERS llo"t ;1 -11 WILL TOUR EUROPE S l I s11 '' '11 5sfatd 11 , s slt lstCailfornia Glee Club Gets All Ii t~ Expenses Paid As far (} I i itics ini As Chicago nll1 s~tt . TRIP FOR LOCALS SUGGESTED SHAW WILL HANDLE YEAR BOOK 1 ff Il", IS NOW A REAL AMERICAN Waltfhser K.'s. tisn, '12 1 ,, ieas eiets i managusing seditori' nftills'MCHIGN Ii51)sss I ifth Suiule i uif f tIluile IIIs Siltr S teno n, t illt hes lpl's'e nuf Ii'lao l 'ts', slilsisI'rIsignatl ison 11wa s's'c'fepted at1 thei sami' lull Thtts, iin fis ng,''s' isis I sigussi nul, sus I actuini nun lhiudotor'sfdi. 'uuinhieus'si 1511 '. insult udsfs dnuf hiss I I gives' 111fl l Workissutil lueshafll5hav's'ecuI'll el(l'. f. I leavs'sfill' TraerseCity ' o d ay. I h i l nous return1 l to ss Shetnills'ills lent fit11 the sec's' s ees ter .l I C. if. Ihitfi's, '12 1,, 1 as t1ssnl ii 'sell bttii.'s an g 'rof lii tt~II 111 1 );>tII l.5, 'shill Jolhss.'su N. 5 ssus'iu,s't 10 iI At thesils etuing,,1it t huofies,1' 11111 vcIl'sill 1susfibl uik-:16 is s's'e flls ii exceptI e111 hsiu u1"u. isfius' Js .,usi 1su L i n as C l n - Frni , isrdan,1t wsieece C~rai , 11 1siiusfS's'.ger Nnihfluewisi'.ei~ ead otl lulol s I i sn stie '. 1111 ii ssu ll s~ p p r Alummfer hooleenrStuvdnthMayboard btathere w fs4(1 S e s iret< ~lc celvesufar hrlllcon 'siraiotn. "ilhsllts'l us''. sils'me etlulstet is su, .h n the iLs is hi11s i allulis d ouf ths Iolveie iifhis Ie fusse s uss'. us 'lsudens ca tiiftY nef f '.rtiee sin adva nthecaf sunsu gr thus' fsiiu'sri eis ll eu, ususo itIw islte c.s ub'l~ io nsc I rvithu ic*-i1111 1'n '.'..u 'uius. In spsuefil's' uuu'uu fs r , sil s togusiul ilf i us' 1en,'th b asu ofssusct o stu s suislup h lsf l's' at ts l a 'silles hius' heit unis seud tohi' lfhull I'. ho lls' flint ikn rif t ill wo '.if'ulbeh'.t open. I1ipast iias'utheir'enitshull.been auirsat deal f iiom-f '.u evie ai'.tiessm utirussine the'l'])ug t ishiswillllhelgs'nuls in as Professor w)oosge 'hioigit Bfore But h len- die Was ''I r.I Int l 'Vr~t ii'''' It . s' n I'( I 'ni ' ' c a iforunia Glee I Il ucvs A cusus us Ithus fouirti'eisti if ':l 1 Iihfr om~ Fuope,iduirinug , i h tic II '1511/ifs ill w "il lsp ear auts" ustin ii Iaris.asit Berlin.h.'is Is 51 1111 5 ion '. s hill Chili funths'D'tmll ldI n is instesill ilil i'.i ed' itior ,f l1,w uaily litfohnianut, iandh Cilonron s1 I. ,51jalf sushi Icshils llagazinue, bisth o ln] t Ippe-d i s u Clusus l rhbsr. iallfs~rS ii (fuee. uu 515,1wasbroutght .51 C u n 1usu '.uteeo i\pts) bysiteSanta '1c.1 aic s',a15 %illrecivein ivlidll~ tl