THIS MICHIGAN DAILY . _ t ., t554 II s 's t IDEAL OXFORD" Made to our specifications over this popular last and equal in style and detail to our $6.00 and $7.00 shoes. WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe. fi o e (;9(i2r _ALY~iLMNDS Ladies' lir Dressing, Shampooing flaalcsring, Fsaetassage. Rain- ti> a Wate Shamps a Specialty. All toosanastowts tstseilzed beore using MRS. J. R.TRoj AN1owaEi n ' sgi110 South Titrsity Ave. a ksfr a Thousand Trips itostsatis the strain of constant traveling-the kind that are built right from tit inside outward-the kind = to fitnd here at Mack's. .are saks------ 45011to $41.00 ca e Iruns ---s $.50 lta$'t.95 555)SE It Ni DEPARTMENT MACK ( Co. I THEATRE >~ ~egeesCool R Matinee Wed. nFndConnors N sti ense Some Girl DARSH ii Ind aninsgiSoubrette I,- y ~ a atrday Matin Saturday I t - Sii rsi iI l ituties Ioi 5S1SSTE R SFritz x =t Dg -1ances = Wardrobe I '~lt'heatre Feature ~Ss-e '-is Tw~ ormils Val envens ~ ruco Trunks I UNIVERSITY NOTICES Frei l errifietd ;.illspeak at noon o day at thte Baptist Guilt)-o11 "Ite New Appreciatiott of UCtrist" POPULAR MEDICAL, LECTURl"S TO BE GIVEN TllHS SU MMEIR. For the benefit of mtedics, w ho wil at tend the sutmnter sessioni, aund for all others intereestdittnmesttcitne, a series of popular lectures will be gitveu tosa- riotts members ofl tenietieatlfacilt. Following is the coite: Jutlys 1 'Mental IHygiette,"' by DeantV . C Vaughan ; July t8,"Thse C.are 5of t Eyes in Chtildrens," (sereoticton)}lb Prof. W. R. Parker; July ,,5,"Iamis Quacks its Mesdicisne,"lyIPritesso r 1. W. lfewlitt; August I, The Repris'nu tatiott of iDisease itt Art,"byof. eA. S. Wiarthin. .A sisnila r series is at 'it last stutmer. lSEI,INQI'''1; S MNi7 ST'HSIt U'- (Cntinued from Page'1t thtis sear thsantiherehavitseein tss stiss eatrs, sasti Secret([-tri ildtt wsho has-e io)t pithit esta 1'e ito circumstanices wrillte eev ?: ditplomtas or certificates slits tutueiiifth ito iot tpsysthe itecissryfes l Pt it it. ItiNti-,RAGAItN I AS iii ii i,. Cetntral littl, whoire-entlyt "saie oic at raidt intwhichieatislitP aie itiias fiscedit. stittests w-ere nit)responsu-ibtle forte i setissitarrest, a listal tmut bt'iuo t ciimjlaiiiait. hBstlers demsantd et) .athel ill' whtieh waste)t for Jutne 7th. 1AsS GAD IVtiRE iNteeset WitlamssC. Adasmss, '8ot), did. lt if- lost Sprinigs, Saniitariumsi N. K', latO Tusesdayo. Mr. Adamisipratiedt «- Ii Chiieago suniilts-isatr s tugo weIwi (wsa tissipelt-lt gist-it utilrlgh health. Columbslia lawschoelot lisstni atings ts raise $too~ooo for lie putrpotse oi bsi- inig tadditionial litoks fosr liebtlailt ties. I Lyndon's Annual 1-w2 Price School End Picture Sale - Jun~e 1st to 15th Over 2000 samsple prints. Representhing onse or msore of nearly every pictture taketn this yer-'Thits is ass op~portuty to lilt yousr scrap books. Picttures tell te story btler tbhan asny- tlhing else. I alsio give aspsecial sate of $-y. oo worlt of pic~tres for 54.e00 lregular orders. Special Iprice ott 'M"' BootktssstilItse. last ;;o are cloised ottt. Reduced from $1.25 to 95c. Itustsers assetPenntantstreducedti1",.t tomltealreadly lowser tisans elsewlietre prices. Have tossz seen thte nties0 frtt 25c Potaln Curtis ? All stowIbassd coloredt views-yoau mu lst lie tired (SI the olst cheap cardtihat have beetn oiltthle market for thse last 4 ot' 5 yeas-these ate stew tius. 20 for 25c. sMiohtsfarm'a Leading~ Photogtrapher Anne Arbor ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP AT' TL &CO St sit [le~ itsss iiti istoom LUN CH ROOM G ISO. V. STOLL, Proprietor You ran fnd sta tine ftae it tonfectionery 4D o sits"m -5 s ettiti's'' -.._..: a i CHINESE RESTAURANT Fancy "Chap Suryrt and American Dishes, Chaps and Steaks at atl Haurs TAttErS FORt LADIES AsDosETEEN WAI KING LOO 314 SSates oP STAIRS DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Detroitl L~saled-S:1:3 a. n), isit. 1:1 Kalamnazon Limied - ,:4(;a.i :1.i. t atisitti:46).tt .t Local Cars Eastaund--'t)i)tettit;55a. tu., :45 . r).. uawlteveryitw-ii lius stos t0:It 'Fi '1 sitiuci5t . )as.tsi.t. af tu ir u V to 51. ini., atso 1:::15 a.sit,,1:0a.n. 1;"a.t. TSline, thssge tat 5 tisilt. LoalmtCars West Bolund--5t4tt.s11., 5ts sit, and'eveey twoi housstist r). I1I0 uus ml ie't al l that you can txpect of the -(mtstruc test Ttrusk onthie market. 5~ t sliipnsettt of these trtitks to dispose Is ai quianity hiase beeti able to secture for neer hootsqtuoted before, on tis lite of err 300, Wanted Three HundredTeachers We need three hundred teachers to fill the vacancies now on our books. (Grade and high school teachers, principals, superintendants and college instructors wanted. Positions pay $700 to $2,500 per year. If you have been wvell trained the great southwest needs you and will pay you twenty-five per cent more for your service than you can get if yonu remain in the older states. And it offers twice the opport unities for advancement. It wants the best We have positions for 100 iniexperienced teachers to take assistant principalships and high school positions at salaries of $801 to $95 per month. We need seventy-five executives to take charge of ward and high schools at salaries of $900 to $2,500. Average position pays from $1,10)0 to $1,400 fier year. We could plsce a dozen well qualified men in touch with college positionis paying $1,200 to $1,600 the first year. In small but rapidly growing colleges. If you can't find the right position register with us. We may have twice as many calls as we have candidates D ON'T BE SATISFIED WITH A SMALLER -SALARY THAN YOU DESERVE Come down into the southwest where you are needed and employers are willing to pay for good service. Till TEACHER'S PERSON'AL SERVICE BUREAU gives each candidate individual attention. We have NO l'IAILINGi LIST. We recomnmiend hut one canditate for each position, but WE RECOMMEND THE CANI)ITATE FOR MORE THAN ONE POSITION We find the right man for the place, then place the man in that position. Let us tell you about our methods, and let us know your wants. Write today for the best positions are open now Address Teacher's Personal Service BEureau Tuslsas, Oklg,.homne%. ii 300 ssl G'oIt petmadle it izers frosts3E to 40 iniches It t t5 eti~tisit s or us to tell yost of their mnany good silt'I- ;ii sisuct', luttif 3-o iii inttdto travel anid wish a t - t a tt ttruntk titat is goaraisteed for five years, it i-ttCte-rlstetiti. UCall ansd let its tell you more of the J1 1 1, 00-202 5. Mii St. MLWARD, T LH1 iL - THlE BEiST OF EVERY TIlN4 IN TAIlLQ.R INO-