Opetingdislay of
mer Woens o
c c .1w ~ilcc ant ialors
31 3 ~ll TEEl
2 ca~ S >ocaoo h
TilE MICHIGOAN DAILY'the disfavor of the crowd. 1Iles de cisinshr ct tl 11'11hii m cii s l)teti it~lSeplica-
__________________________________ were sad, anti, stakinrg thsl ae oil r 1c ic c c it . t acil tuess tiat retuited io
Mansaging Edtor-LEE A WHITE. the fact that the Asiatic is una11cC n-111Ci tfile . I)', ik
Busness Manager-NoRMAN H. HILL!. to our ways tlhc withdrawal ofh- io o li hsae iIti
Keio team front tlchelsis ctic.
Buin nspite of this we wonuldt1is the I t i crc ae ipjaginin iisixtlh aitdifoists
EDs'rORS. so accuse the official o cii s - d otuacccc i ildli'tsllphi ictiaseiiheatvy lit-
News Editor ..........Harold Titus blitesteIisintentions to hkie 1,,-il 11 tri Tllle ocith iia singlieci tk
Assistant.............I-tarry Z. Folz tetth sctstcs ilte se i iii a
athletic Editor..Walter K. Towers sucs a series. Ills season's cordciiatcis eter fieldiio hiclpchis
Assistanst............J. Fred Lawton Ferec fielid reveasisthis lact. \',c th t.Mriicfurnise ealiiistiout
Music and Drama. Earl V. Moore farthter suds. hut I cllii cii a tpass andsinicakedsil to
Exchanges and Files .... Dion S. Birney 'T'hiriitghiouts t hae saitsi iscatoi cc ii Mnso idltivceredia holiIi
EDITORIALS. esi the obsnoexiouss ceabisici "thais t h iii ccl ci ciiithticiisentllicth i1111ascii ll
Arthur J. Abbott. Pant Leidy tauteiiithe athletic msississ c iii eii acos i 'l hecucnsiisthat isis tse
NIGTnEITORS. 'has-e avided itten ce cis citicc t ae.Jt1cii fllcwed iw it adul
A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. seemedttil ithotecs.I o t wiiti ruers ii itidan cond
Frattk Pennell Edward H. Robie sths ite or initiitust bicudgdcashilc1cifocd last acidSICcIiiliccicto
Msaurice Toulme fasirly its has tine sleicce ccsc c c in h at (pIlbiti icc dets.
ile offilchis wihh ihi liacc i iha, cii ii)f-ac c
ngo~s.fereil visitinig tecmtit is vear, uccii .cc irt llc sxi aii c ci t tas sic ci.
Erntest Burton. E. M. Wsakefield. tlecisiuuis they hv.n li hve c 'sn 17t)thliirdI;ccciistroncg tcitt
Johts 1..Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr.tonlstatlieitiictessiiit ciitic prss.iAc wed-. o I *ase ciccici o~ilda c
Johsts1I. Townley. 'Wallace XWeber. aeisqtaeiiccii ci uiiiciici
Gerald J. May. Emmett Taylor. come to Michuignsthsits itr haIvc- 1 c e ithrdci ccii platiand cit death.
C. H arold I-ippler. J. Selig Yellens.vry little plecascactfaorhidthiem;i"1'11e icii 1 - cci ci Sciitli tir a tiase. oci
L~oret Rohitnson Wm~t. T. Daugherty attdl shein se coni sider thei isailta c Ibs<t tcrtlii andtwi ii u<ts tit
Robert fli. Gillett. tiinthilt capusiattiiioticasc fci tenetinig ecfie t ar.
its liy Peini, lat yaa d ttotiiim i(' (a l san c k n d1,s uf
BUSINESS STAPP sittiatle badet i from Caseancccii iii icc actte esoiiciblisIl sti p-ci
C. A Bowman. A. IR Dilley. csectrigt5 rsii1i~ 1ci cc ci c i hthci
Myer Rubin. Kenneth Osborn. ne niiiiee wai et g id f .ii< a i eci c( ii ,aheadif1im cciii cuctctled
ERay Johnsotn. Elmer P. Grierson. cltlgestwhse:sas eavliii ci icily icc ii' thot. Ssa i cdscigiti ti
C.I. Klinatock. Joseph N. Fouchard.ourutieshraseerucliita ts uitt lii ;Io 0Yfir alhllth T o
The ucbmious excue ht lii '"-')c 1111-c {f Jaa"inii theicightl ~icliilihe -cicc
A4ddreaa:MIHIGsAN DAtLY, Press Bldg.,ilets ae art tutu t icc tot ert f onfisi, asor snlelgle cistr
Haytnard Street. Whentia utiiversitypeedl etrtipluilccic i isicopci{1piiliei theccci iiiiiiiiiith i hiti
Office Hours: Managing Editor, -2 P. ocinttleeclegiatle ructlci ciitsrciiiiic l,t s, cciiicci M1ji> ke ii ticz1
it, and It co-is' :30 p. m. Daily.tesiposiiillicitity f curishingcicquaciii dciii i ii c is speed ii cii ticuted ii liii
Biusittess Manager, t-5, 7-8 p.,in., Ex- tials. Failing ill this tiercis c sotei M rli 1 Iss ite trw tic pii ii iiiii i I
cepti Sunday. Both 'phones q6o. ly to excuse fohit eing oni thcfieladfa osldci Icci c cit backto th ieplt
toi iisgracethesi vr t rn th vas ittil-eltoshut i iiithirun
UNO LS telegrctamste ight beforai ccc ccci 1It)lii ...t.' H iR I1'll I.l1
siill clot get a gcccii scimpie ivc. 1- S, ii cc . It iT 4d i ii
I _____________________________ l arssviwil iiit gelt i cci tgiood i Ismp ire <n h< i 2,.,... .3I 0c cc ,3 0c
it\ .lJ N .11. dlilars still ciii alit-is. get t if'ccclit-i lit-Ikee ... ..... o 1 3 _
pi k.(i ,11. isle. Bitsif li'st theF s orthi heis cccii ii .....:t n cr o c
ightl Edtore-liAsot~s G. ficcGcc. Isticis. they- are iworthyiic I itcctic I ic ci TaIhal cccii . ... ci0 0 is
shaltsse save funishesd lthis ea, l cc , ... . .3 ci aI 6
UNIVERSITY CALENDAR__________ hiii ccc ii .; .I iiz2 oclii
_____________________ ikEl1l TAKIP'S BIG frs, b ..;,-50s 0 , cc 0
I n 5 ciii i11d conciert,, 7:30 i. l l. .________ I..PR. I 21 c_
ln 2, acclaeaeAddiress. Bill opeietIeigauzelb) c itc51i
k ctiss st u tda for ia pass tn-i steitica ccc,,d . 1 C'111(11\ h.,3it B I i'li I?
1 e 6-g. C I li s ,. aityhicl-lsi ii li iititcithe
iiwc° tiii onr receptin, Buelioti silo testier it tide tilt thilatmilt -Main cio1i
li t asa lstebltlisict Itisit; ciiuthics eci i i i isf.. .. .. .3 1 i0 0
ccc I hsititisx:3lp. m
umpttie, as lbefiore isi-n ic-s. Ficcicic I i lii ci ci ... 3 0 2 3. 1 1
Jtn 2t- o m tctet.a > ickedl Marls st icicIi s ofciio d ih -i c 1 a .... 0- ii _2 c
theciw an tu ctk ioitiHl-l a dci licc -i llt31c... 0 1 2
55 iii N c: iil lti.5 Tsa iaaa risbbiedi it-Mun sn oc i tcc l c 1 1 i ci ....... .3-1 0i 1 4 -1 io
M so ttt, tt sy tele acst, ibefel rtireds thlis isle, i lscitwa sp re tati cl hlii i 11i i c 1) i0 it i0 i
\ f ch l-:i le s slit a ternioniliiesi, eta- Japl wereVt ltingtt batlt.
c ccttinaiiini i isam is ecame n fiTe isitorts itrehelplesi befoiec , .2, .1}c 'tis i,7 3
ISmtsih uitillie thirdilishensa baseon
is- it itdr w the itpitre sithai al, a ht a d M t l' l ci putccc i iini 1 4 5 G 7 ,8 >-
1ni shd ecue f leideil badnil itil- lbrowttn iiilv ciisitor intid. Smithic situ hid iKe") .. i. co isois osoio isoI-is
sitt.the nexi twoii batters cisci ritires-cl e i ck:i i ii ..t 0 0 0 0 51 -- 5
Ofte okeftl1nir in iithis liar- _Al ietigsnstascrtedsl tong iii lthe cciii ii
c c i-iamlltte ee ib csi. iAs a Bell a tislhlllsisl siglig ii cccsi-. - ciiic s i: tw s it-Mitncl ii
cc iialls upon Isse-iil iday, so the ands thesti-toealinig. lell srtedcci tr h :I iclit iciscil 555cc.Smithi s tolen
ii ii huh 1tt-tn w n the t sissindreplite aftr Iassildi it co iiitois avcciii ~ atitested tin loge 3.)
You will need them very
soon. It would be wise to
see to it early. Had better
Plate with 100 cards
$1.25 to $3.50
All Work Guaranteed
University Bookstore
Carriage and Baggage
-+:; ta eouapie is atid rmeatiles
cil r' is irneink $1.50. aftel2 oaeck
F+' -) fi eisie 3c ' k to o siomdoite i
pricesvile to 25 Cents. Icarriedtoi
tie fromliltp-stis. teptieewilt ke
50 Cents.
Deinves ae reqnuienclilct csth
foe careriage and baagageservce.
ROIiitt-iiiN & COt
W. B.C'I'A itt
French Dry
A Suit or Overcoat, 75c
Sutls Pressed, 25c
Trousers, 10c
Fuller & 'Conllor
Tailors. 619 B. Wiliam St.
.n e .:k ro.Y:2
,. ,
, .-.,..
Ofthe right kind at the right price--and all other
___Allen' Good Clothes Store Mh t
hi s FobandSpoonls
We make charms and
pins. Cet your order
in now for engraving
Exrs Heavy Cbarmi $5.00
Jeweler 220 South Maim St.
Sale on Pipes and
all Smoking Articles
Lunches, lce Cream l o as
and all Summer Beverages
t o atu nt fet s Press your CtlthStes asnt diialt yousCleanitng
ans iringtt. LET'S CET TOGETHER. We wity
donyoursworkshseaerit. settee, and turetpotythanyitta Swas
eCdnie ubeftotrt.
University Suit Pressing Co.
709 N. University Ane. Both Phones 266
16So- h aoSt
w! 1 1
X11! s'
RANDAIJI d& PA CK, Photographers
Phone 598