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June 03, 1911 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1911-06-03

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Have You Ever Heard of j UNIVERSITY NOTICES
sRight Style Street A
Xlembers of the cas n acn
T e Welt its a street a reat many wise men duig10-amy bt
lbs~m find thir way into it from Ambition toyEbonons b cnt
Ti .tva i It leadsistraight to success place 11 ici tciiat ss ci.aeeitr
Tit sttyle street is an out-doors asitnsme atofc ttra L-
t isc icli fare. nith this exception. lineens 1:00 and i1:00 clcl:t eev
Iis intetrseteid by the hose of Right .Looks
cli gh which men should p s if latotaitIiistii ii
ti sy couicld got staight to Success Placa socey tnight at regulartm Iecl
tic iiid lfinito icesof the ima'ny side of itfficers. _ _h le
'icisli 1 iii,1 hicoulievstid or tt'adedfatric alley BId tat i icMia i lla
e ,,itaetsldtson the great house of mis-
I itsle bnhs i o.ir toic d liicule thetrein tii tlay ct hlcllgm, W a nfrs
ccci ,liii ii viisketch, A MAN IS KNOWN sure.
'tayc!liieniihavie ileaned iii avoid these side___________
I cniii i t i lity os f traversing them. AOEL tI II TO ClJ c.I RA'l'tc ti I
nay bh,,a Men are Takeing the Right Course XINNIWTIVIIl
and buy of NAIN( VT IF (:~ b a r
9IA 7LI /1 c111-focrty membilers cit the Adlpi.so-
* - ' ci eety will celercte tl ice miiug of thei
riS EaSt Liberty St. Dtot tniiascton(1f a
beel steak fry iipthtcsriv i .Ca-ccciI
tnoes sill lae the hoiciciouseiaits ccc
oclocek shacrfp. All mutisically i cliol
CAI.1. A D EE HEasailable isrtmtts t t hem.cci l Thc
AlL AN)SUfil utwill start tias so schiane r
rise "t the swatr rsr andi wic illisil Ic.
A~tcltl'1I'CTS cl 011hal Its
\VIII l~~t I t silO We have added several designs especially adapt-
The Arcecrl cicltir d 5t able to student trade to our
nigit. Josphcl luitt'21 a tos-
macser cllei for rispoccices fie ciioi - AtHoeiP otgrph
r l..id Cornrpany liciitg:Prof. JiotfR Iiitlcn, I i 1cr-
71ccUnvestyAv.17 sW.XV . ic iccitli 1 stL Sendor Rates to All Sttrderits for the
The affai r wcas intcs caureiof o oleaYe.i
fr-well to the depiartintg membersl of ch
orgaiisttiitiTelephone Bell 473 J and we'll do the rest
G(i a e' S chool of Dancing nistt'iisttiiicc' ici.
-'iaeLsons G iven by Appointment Toitday tI)i 'g nrt li'c Xi iiJ. C. M aedel
I rralat A ailsmy at Phoe 246-Ofie iHsurs 1l t 12 a. i., 2 to 4p m canCh 'tirenas Ilon ciii civic d th
tags sill be soIfli ytlmittac c cci The "At Hone Photographer." Pell Phone 473 J
__.........._____......._______..___._........_____....___.__ TheIc liatdfttarters of fli's cw ilei arec in
& iDS Lodies' Hair Dresing, Shampooing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
c ..itit l Wte Shanimosapeialty. All I GLERy OYF
I ls teiii bfRuain i Ne nd yon's A n a
ARS .J. j2 ROJN yAve Tj Nw 1Summerj
- s. iiSiihtiiest ss R ~ rice School
th Pay,,COLLAR P ndPicture
1 11xMho's nlever caught "off
kls the, 11lw whose keen brain a
usces act together in- J~rrne 1st to 15th
tthe wii, and a quick , JOvet 2000 aiipleIprnts Repretittg ottesr rmor of
resut o( riht ittngt ear ' eerypictut I akett thts etr-TIhis t is n vo~pitunity 1o
sd ut lasfnplecravat sipspacenotchei ill votrscrap ooks ltictursstll thit s~tory hetr fltan an-
-Clueti Peabody sCoTroyNY. titg els
I ca'sic gtcivea secilreole cl . ott nirtltof icltueits for
d .occnrgttlcct scriers. Spcial ptrtce cott 'M"''Bisoksuttil the t0
W eat is ist s-aisclosd ut Rduced from $1.25 to 95c.r
It ioi uls brain tissue i I'e
inaner yrsCflAll isisIt italdc scrsvl s st } o scit it tiPtiti c i csr
risuitcisht nt.o(f who'er wheatin 4cilsiceapc fdithl cisthae enonIse. Imaitt-t fo t elaitIst ot 5
it lthtble anid digestible form, un- i oi ss2 o 5
~.n ttmost forms of wheat which lose ca-teeaeia oe,20or5c
f t nou~rishing elements of the grain.
MadeontybeEX CU RS 1Io
r The Shredded Wheat Company O
PNiagaa Falls, N. Y. VIA
Michigan Central
in - tetrtiesme as tis ichigam's Leading Photographer ArneArbor

-~~~~ ~Detroit 60cTH OL PAC
Tick~ets aeptud icas only.~ For Sale REINGEX GALCOa
Tikt cepe ncace ny We have' a fresh stock of Prince
BBaggage wilt not be checked ott The U. of M. and Huron Albert tid Tuedoin ii pound ads
4!Tthese tickets. ound cans and jars. ,
y In addition to above fare, tickets Rier Boat livery
=jar ~~~~~wilt also be old between alt sttionsHeneAledigr
1(where the one-way fan- is $3.00 or 1ll healih cause for selling Hln lmnene
y ยง'; s less) at which this train i scheduled tit Teacher f Singing
a,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~stop, at one and one-half fars fr the AdesI.G ese oc ls ogIleello
round trip with minimum of tieey ot II ii ' NiutiSit iAtticAar ush id-eman ad tisl l hitii ti oi
O "ttdiac WagntBlock c0t S. Stae S
;d inn f~nii i ve cnts Itflors: to 5G - . Y i

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