THE IMICHIGAN- 0A1 V This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfield Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 . Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN,, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79e Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch aRsp&aIlles a Spsanlalty The Ann Arbor Savings Blank CapitalStock 0300,000 Surplus$00000 Resources $2,800,000 A tienersi Banking Business Transacted tirrICES:~ Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. 1incriesan. Vice Pres.:0M. J. Fritz. Cashier ME FARM ERS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus ind Profits $100,O0 General Banking Business. 3 per cent paid on Time and Savings tDeposits. Safety De- posit Bones to rent at 12.00 and upwards it. Kouer, Pres. It. G. PRETTwYMAN, Vice-Fret. H. A. WILIJ~AMS. Cattier F. T. STows, Assi Corxmmerelseaal od se~vin ja Cos-. Mm.Im an~sd 1Lbes-tvSt5-..ts FIRST NATIONAL BASK OFi ANN ARBOR, MICHs. E. D. KINNE2, HARtRISON SOCTLE Prens. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. Capital, $100000 _iSurplus. undirofits . $65.000 STATE SAVINGS BANK Capitol 050,000 Surplus 75,000 itResocs01,250,Ot0 Wm. J.Ilooth, Prert Wm.Arnoldh. Vice Pres. C. J. Waitz, Cashler CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All nmattcr in this colunsassibe paid for i advanice. Office hours: 1-2:30; 7-8:30 p0. M.i WANTED Wm/iiled-Gradiiate cngineertio lake inl terest itn well established engineering worhs earnling 20 percet. let. A ith inceasedi capsitai cans double earnings. will turn over office andtrelrasury to right man1. Salts anti shop now under Michigan mnanagemet. Write Eagle Fotindry 01n( Machinle Comspany, Ft. oot, Kansas. 168-177 [t'aolcd--Sevtral hustlers to ver it, cor- reel, solicit for, and odeliterthletnew Mlap antI Farm lDirectory of N-Vaoh; toot eiicoty, 1n1w10 I tg sompiiled. First class refereitees ratlier ltaniex- piericence requliredl. -Atsummertt'Sswork (a1111goiiil 11101fCr turedy- workers. oT (dke aplpitmtetlbIy photte lie 00111 00with C. W~. Chadick'il, Fnutlisher, 3157 Nat'l Batik uilding, bullAbrho r. Mlich., Bell .Ptotte. 174-6 & 8 [I'itted 111(1 1tii o 0two illin itttig rottom attt kitcheon of featerty hoitse 1t1 cnd of schoiil veat. Aplat I) l1ss office. 173-4 iT Irtted-For Ite sotiiitet a furish hootse, trivat~e oitsooity. Refereiices if ilesirei.aidre ss "' A ien ((SAN l)AIt Y. 173-179 FOR SATEI PI'or ale-New o i. to Retmingtoii 1y111 wtriter. NWill sell eheapl. Call 64 1. 174-17. LOST. f ool-Watch fobiith l solid gl hed 1heaintg totltese cross, mi road.(1 tolWhitI mtore. Lake oritn bon \eliiio.. Re- ioard if rettti rid to s ofie. 072 1,r.ct-fiX 10.1fob wsohlilt-id )dshl, hieltrittgtoalitse c tiis,oii road11 toi\\i m0(1re 'Lake itor tti be Arir.IReiward if relteiwdoii11.s iffice. 17- Lii 0-- 31one's Xon-I eaklcie TPen.i. cld it please retuornol ho 130E \as.ori gall 404IP. 073-4 MISCELLANEOUS R171IR'TS OF NI;GLTIGELI'hiA- S\\jll IMIN1(P0(3. R(I) III I NNc Reportis if a serliouso oatooro Ichar.,n1 the'tto a igeitel it if the le :rb r iW li~tlgI ii0 ogusSpring curtteni it onog aquar1 ian thItlsi"is Sit siete eoceltot ipetiiig if ti( batin It 1wa15allegedl tuiat .diseaose of the euYis cad 1 beentCintractei l lu' (tw o um ciii- Gaps studniLts itroughothe cleiiii rttm ceantowlIs. Wisilrout slgatIi I Ii l Tunks ' cn(rti he r 0(101, ved or te beiti i .It ilho veifcaio, ~rhereul o "il rtlarBags thei itiithi illthe storiy,'" sulls1oilonm'iii P~. C,.W\einb-erg yesterdaiy. "I CI-V 1)ti Gases lls bel a eto alloai' the C I fli cii l an r illl. ii'wish fteei'sial t;hi tilSprang licr hr revan1 ce oti thespoo.iPant I i celanot seiieib. suh n'11 idll iailedadserili ie.Tllu jkeit lc 'ils', will icil tosay iti :0 o'lck t eleetloiclers hitorextlyear.Nop) grn chsbell (IC llgeil. You iall b ltty slighlyol o-wr trtuks,ba(gs (10111sitlcasestwhlae prices. 1I1haCc juls tucedeixy-(r Kao sceuthemt. lF.XW,\Wilkinoni S Muln ti 1o., l hoon Corons, buionlts,logreiwloogntills, trelI jXXItr eel andel couteid. I'.nerttltlg 111s110000c17' 0111 1 antliseptlic. (fficc hoours: 1 2 0. i. 1-5 110 1. 001l. 7_8 W mot. Miss F .J. Foley, 920 l E. I-Huron St., Loll!Northo 12tH 110. ttl $255 1 s09-T" o53-enil. Thester Suit SocetyBrnd Clothes Ftyu -,a oed sn who stay y~sg 1 1:. i iii , il or in~u ii ii 'iii''ii dhuh i i (00ill Ii p 51 -l(,i 10, (i [Ii ~uyo ilty '0- Spring Shirts Hats Caps Trunks Bags Suit Cases and Spring Pants S';n, " off; C e SpecalPoke 0 0,12.0$20 and $100 LET US SHOW YOU 324 So.lilo - Detroit United Lines 01111nformationlto Division Supern. nndcole Allen, NYpoilanttof theDetroi [nith .Linen by oficlers of Varsity or- i liiatiolus, thte movement, beyond ise capaciiltyof the regularoseviceof 17' ul ofiil s10tudenits to or from Ann A roso extra cars and extra service w ill be promptly supplied. .,excan : Indian: Blankets E1110;.NI, AT'lt far our-0Collegce Itoorn, len s,ate it lsic lRoom;l foneCanoes, Rugs ! cl to .i 'is'urtIlt 01111 ovall I ecolrations .EGEiooeouSCOLOR EFFCnS BEAUTIFUIL DESIGiNS! II Lid-mauiii by nativeal s 10wol,fasttcolors The Most Acceptlable Hlliday Gift! i ti ou010r 10101101 a a tsclrlound COLORs, 0 co, hue 11011ie,0Green, W1ite, lacuk 11nis. x 315. 101n.........$ 0.00 $o'il lSn. x 31t. 41n.... ........4.00 liii,41n x 21t. Siss ...........3.00 ;ei ot orer lane ofieach size)l10.00 a: rdruos treC(trreen Plrlail, onoreceipt l rii' 0 .0100. honety tuck if yoo want it MEXICAN BLANKET CO. Aguascalaientes, Mexico A T TUTTLE & CO. LUNCH ROOM Yoa can find a tine line at Confetionery tNIIIpltedetI)uttsictyml ern, tolihItdisposedlofitt ivateo al e atis resideonce if tlielate IDI. Fe akr E.E We make recepltionl sticks andotwaferts ito alt coloro atod flavors, to ordon. XWecIlse tnotig buot the test mtaeials Krutspe's, 605 E. William St. ini itakitig notr candiies. Krttsll's, 6z5 064 of E. WilliamolSI. 064 If Receptioon wafers, sooitabole for ovaroot weattoer, 25 cent a peond. Kruispe's, We maoke all one catoies. rislii N, 615 E. William tos . 6T5 E. Williatt St. 164 tif 064 1t tooii or I 11s =limd 1a~l. Charlie Weig nd., j opa CRASH ZTTTTSUITNGS Z Allthe rels no.510 1 WAGNER & CO., Stale Street $25.0 Photo Shop: Corner of State and Liberty LOOK FOR THE IB IGHTEST LIGHT Special Price on Post-Card Photos 3 for 25c or 75c per dozen Satisfactions guaranteed on all sittings made in evenings COME UP AND SEE THE WORK Open 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5:30;P. M. Evenings: Mon., Wed., Fri., Set., 7 to 10 41t0ye' l- t'0".oXRIES 41st yeas- ;ntQI ]BEOOKS 12%s Asses.As-bors- L.E 41AMOSC LLANy AsnasAs-bos- Asses.As-bess Es-ec 0 5 e e 0Opposite Lawces' Bl. Engraved- .3Gards CHIN ESE RESTAURANT I -EDGEWOOD lr~nd I1 2 for 25c Best Made-Merit in every Thread WAGNER & CO. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Opposite Electric Waiting 11o10 GIGO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 0 Spoors from,. Iraydie's" I Plate and 100 camd'$100$30 LANE&FULE 310 S. S1to S., enc. IIFancy "Chop Suey" and American Dishes, Chops and Steaks 4at all Hours nTABLEStO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN II WAI KING LoO 314 S. Slate UP STAIRSj , Portrait Studio- 31 at uo Sr