THE MICHIGAN DAILY F'eery millionaire has built his fortone upon the 'if-" of the other nan-the man wsho hesitated and then let his op~portunity paiis b' opportunity of hav- ing your fall snit made to your mneasure 10 th e (15r latest and must fashionable styli' by Malcolm, 118 E. Liberty "sWho Tailor's Best in Ann Arbor" Ofther usena in this towin are ge tting abeadl of o andoiils ing from our delight- fl mosdels and appealing fabrics. Our proces are low, svery low. 1)ut quality is high. UNIVERSiTY NOTICES Seniior lit Ipractice Mndayi lX'at ,3:10 lDe. W. S. Raiiisford w ill speak15in Uneiversity ball this ieeiug atlSoa o'clock oii"Safari Life in last Afeica.''i Aihmissioni io ihis lecture is feee, and all studlents arc cori alls'- usnviei speakesr. Impilortant- all junior llt footbaill mens reposrt for practicsewithousit fail this morning at 8:30,,sir as sooni ii lreaiii' as tpossibile. Good,utaunager. Seiiio r lia'footbaill meni meit at Frer fielidSatrday, o30 a i. Il., ito se- cti capitailn.Pinkertn Soli lithIfootbaill tmensreport forI' cx- ailiatiiiiiitiitIeigyminasiumio idayia Aiillsophreerle lit tal e i New. W1,itneyTeatre CurcaOs n8.15 P. M. LaO.eacors n~ot sosiond prorxiptly. Wednesday, Oct. 26th Frazee & Lederer's Greatest Musical Laugh Production PRiESENTING RICHARD CARLE (HIMSELF) Jumping. Jupiter EDNA WALLACE HOPPER Cheridan Simpson, Dorothy Maynard Ina Claire, Will Philhrick, IIlrrell liarbitretto, and Some Girls Prices, 35c to $1.50 Sali ii wiets willcpin MondahyOt. t24 Thursday, Oct. 27th Charles Frohman Presents the Musical Comedy Success THE DOLLAR PRINCESS Book by Wiliner and Greenbaum Music by Leo Fall As Presented at the Knickerbocker Theatre, Neow York City for One Year 21-B3IG SONG HITS-21 AiiiuestsdOrichestra of Foiiiteen lie ces P"rices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50-$2. Sieat Sale 'l'i'icdiy Morning; r _ I I Uranger's School of Dancing ;Toiiiii, lnasri aiistime. Theii I ' c i - ii wiyou dii. Msseorafor Ladies and GentemeneTursdayanod Thursday Evenings, 7:00 noo:0o'o ick for Particulars cali t Acaidemy or Phone 246 I 1. 7 Hertya2nd Com pacny Henrnishers to Men "M" SCRP l KS! sed1. LvecreMiscluganistuiiitishoul kee iascrap b1k. tariiilno aid taks'iciiIi ies wiiI lias cosioitii.i l ill cuss' it ito syouiif myi ineis'-M' Becsiiiier's IGrill. Caca rle y7-iiil-tif. TI ILI KLM CC MUSIC S'l'CI11S. Pianos, 1Pipc Orgati, Vic CUtilties C.' iiliiuiitit.332 Siiiiilivisision Si pihinic1i76-J IBell. Liiviyurorer Goiiiil ilaci' toicat. Ciiiii is'er aii iry oiir esiffe. Xer icr's Lsiicli. 338 Mlaytiarid Stre.i-if. IRU'SI IA I lL! IMP lORTANT' NOl I'Ll 'i'iir piclte's, biefiiec aiihafte the 'itshswer'i.ctaikenu biLyniicphtoi raillier, 7ig N. tivsersitysee. 12-t 1 r '5J sf x I Students It's. always a satisfac- tion to look right and be sure about it. You can look to this store for right clothes.r q. AI V 711 N. University Ave. Anran Arbor, Mich. Carriage and Baggage Focr eachi'Coplii-toliidifromiarties iiefiirei2 o'lock $i.5,teri12o'clock $2.00. "55:eacii'i'ruinkstoor from door, itie p:eii'ewcili; e 25 Cents. If carried to oi ril'. up-stains, the pride will he 50 Lents. Dlrivers are reqire~d to eollect caiii furcrrenand baggage service. WAy '1 Ei'LIiVERY Llji:IN,,iN & CO. W. iH. sTtlI 1101,M]ES LiVFIlY ¢THE LINDA VISTA. One-half block north of the Campus 216 S. Ingalls} 1Uoffi'i'and ILlls sci'i'id ill 10:30 a. Ill. Board, _ $4.00 per week C. J. SESSIONS HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED SHIRTS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time" Ladies' Hatr Dressing, Shamepeeing, M S A I Manicring, Face Massage 55'uie'iandiichile retedfornervosi- I Rain-Water ShamepoosA Specialty nes, pairaliy-siiis:ad eroscidefetsiby specici Aii''oos and i'Toeis Stiriizcediiefoire issnle .t rgt Sh oad avrc- I Mrs. J. IL. Tr-ejatnosrki MISS HARTMAN~ 1115.UnoWeiR ones 535 Packard Phone 778-L (Bol EASE UP ON THE PROF'SCHLESBAERHO 5rite iryour tiles anduiii tese-.nddoiiiii is B RBR H iiieiig oniyoiiuiiiniypewriiir. Weiiiii mcies a ti s pices, $25.00 aniitip. Under Htustotn Billiard Parlors Lws- iceusson'TypewriierSs5'pplii.' The Stundents' Typewriter Supply Co. Charlie Weigand, Prop. Roome 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic The Den'ital Cliniucisunou oenfo th rateto ptet. ,Ptensa rr-W DHAMS & COM IPANY sirinig pltes. lrowIs,15bie sag'c egu laiiin if tisheiitiswill hisere WAeer clay frioiiiteni toitwelve o'clocsk;.thiisi I21-023 South Main StreetI desiriiig filinhigs, iseitment s ocu t' iras'- iioiis sill fiiid this'Clinic ilpseniever'y atf- ieriiioii f riiiihalf pcsvi nou ii'lud., cs lhcat'oriiiffl Pl t,.re THE 'OLD , PLACE BAILEY & EDMUNDS K~INGEKEALECO.Iiii Ni i ,F1 ]FR ' CO Ius.oishiingciala~uinition We has-c a firesh stock of Prince iKeyfitItiga-specialty Albeit soil Tuxcdii in i piiund and I E Liberty Si. Ann Arbor, Michign CLIFTON, 2#in. high BEDFORD, 2*in. high bsuind cans and lain. 1J Th 'e~ DETROIT UNITED LINES -M aj esti C - Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Nbc OL A S V LsOT5 tery Limcited Cars EastBouend-820o a. 02 Sitosnugly to the neck, the topsomeet seeithesstrtiug 5tosaiioii, a n, 10p.Il.2:( p.Il., 42 in front and there is ample space VEITA. LMit.Cr etBcd-u4-n. iS for the'cravat. c NTLmtdCrWetBin-:4am.1:5 he5cfr5 iutebd&C.Makcers iecsuidieiidliappearincioliiniii 1:i54p. ii.,3p.'iuii. :54p.m ap.i n. 15eto.-0e~irii~abod&Cnia on 4 alighteild stain. Local Cars East Bound-I-iotietroit, 5:45a KOLLAUC .,N - il4:5 a. 11,1.. ad i-very itwuiiorsto 10:45 l~~~,T MATINEE TODAY- noYpsilanti, 5:4a. . c.aiid half hoar- Tailor mcd Cititer.a .at.M. is no 1ii1ip. u... also i2:i5 a. in., 12:30 a. mi., Iio E. 1Huroti. llto'ic1So4. roaieuin-s srealdaring it 50 a. in. 'To Saiine, eciange at Ypsiianti. Irformnanee iouat Cars West SBound-5;45i a.rn.,i7ia5a. I tf. in., and evesry tweiiournto 11:15ip. m. A. (i. SPALDING & BR~OS. The Spalding ferr i h ol Taraod-Ma~k MENT,oraltathleitic 10oli sportsaand pastimnen.' tf SP/ou arl e iiuiuintrsteid MARiiise. luis c 'icly io Q5 r 5 ii t iiii Whncnirg C'lnort ,0.5^P ae cf llu i cor" on ic Qsno..tly illli. o A. G. SPALDING e&b BROS. 254 Woodwnard Ave. Detroit, Mich. R. E. .dJoily'S OGrand (Opening Lunches, Cigars Cigarettes, Tobacco jand-oPipes. Agents 3.B Pipes WAFFLES SEE THIS SPACE TOMORROW a ALWAYS Al-EAD IN STYLES MILWARD; "THETAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOR ING