.w....:. . . . N~zs . r.+a~r *:cW ^+t AS .'^+^,T' :.'b"3 . 'a~ _. .. In,666iiing youe Stra'%.W Hat Pick a Winner The Mallory cravenetted straw* will stand showers and dampness, fog, etc. and can be sponged clean without harm F. W. GROSS 123 E. Liberty St. i xclusive Ageney A.(. SPA I DING & BROS. T[, IG 1 ne-aetne largestmans- nnlsnn ctures in the world Tsahe-SMarkti ofaOCIAL EQUIP- Tz~.d.M~.-k MENT,forallathletic P OINO sportesad pastimes. C( ijJA I/ ounce inteested JNn Athletic Sport yonu °9a N UyP the Spahding (nata F %r tenF on, e. tsa coomplete known throughott'yelop is o t the world a htsNwI pr Gumr.n~t. of nod in sent/frenn nren- Q-sam5ty nquest. A. 0. SPALDING f81. SR UO 254Woodward Ave. Detr ( ANt I The Ann Arbor Savings Bank CapitaltStock $00,000n Surplus$55/d0ll Resournes $2,800,000 A General Banking Busness Transacted OFFICES: Chas. E. Hisconk, Pres.; W. Ui. 11arriman, Vine Pres.: M. J. Fritz. Cashier THEt FARMEFRS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Czpital $50000 Surplus and t'rofis$1OO,000 General Banking Business. 3percnst paid oni Time and iSwvings Deposits. Safety lie- posit Bones to zest at $2.00 and upwards It. KsEr. inrs. 11. 1G. PREnYNydw Vine-Pes. Hi. A. ttiL IAS, Caskler F. T. STOWE. As; German- meican wings dank Comm'ssmrcia.1 send Ss.vissgsa Covw. Ma.5as ansd Liba-tv Str-.ato FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARsOR, MICB. E. it.icINNE, HAiRISON SOiILF Pees. Vice-Pins. S. W. CIAltiStiN, Cushier. Capital, $Sit/0tt Surplunsand Profits .,Sil5/kit STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital $50t//n nonplus 75,0n0 Rtesources :$i,250tnt ine . I othl, Prens. Wmn. Arnold. VinnPrens. C. J. Waitz, Cashinr Dlioj, . U.Reed1 nienciement adess( school gratdiuatitig cl i'etitl etl W di~cit "Y toiPLAY t I F [I i 1o1)"Y \_ dcl h e cid the ('0 tt1- Continued fr em Page 51 ' enhelic lu l eig ect e u'n ic t c a. /l c idt rc n tt.; d. ,; " ''4 me Iliscet.- ave , ha)i d I "( 111t ;1 ttcc re art .is. The enineettring ticepartet llct B ruicti nivers~ity is coctsidterinig tiele itIrodi I iolt ofi a cousin taviatioti.Alttresent it is unicet-taitt whetther this wcilhe giv- eit aitan tnsionticautsi, or a/iridite coitrse,ior enwhether it itilllie oectoli uni- dertraduoatecligintecrs. ITe Jeffersoniani wilt 1old1anott.Ait Seioir iirogram"ti at tir ic tindg cat sevien o'clock tooracy enight .\iir thec progrcamniin compitletcdlnexcdxca' ofhiets xi Itbe neleted CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All imaiter iiinisc colittnl msth be paid for in advantce. Office houirs: i-2:3t; 7-8:30 P. it. their last gaiit m i 'nd a e i li tefo lite cciont ic-it te W le ines, liii life- shiiow l ed by iiielittle Ilion vniitoils in cn ion t nimae . trol" csh mn . mens ra e arin tatihyll i llt p1la fatb-bl n e rr ed hsater- amnice herinc-I ctipantl st t heil l p liens'ilieir nunfailing fight andicln - tindgoiot spirilntsiiinderll ecninm 0. ce enii'iii l-n em plai~otsf c it 'ii Ameri-iconid ieces cln-befre u-homIII-Y Ihavn alri-ail- appeacrtid. Siasaki, lKci's-craksottpmd(r WATED'11413ig( ae nniethe-- it C ltlaefI_.a ___________________________________________ n iin shapeto playii andi Iwill lheadl cc It cnted -ctcltctce egineer to take in-Ivi silts' luil norder'. lKcym tic irc tirestinillwell cstahlicshed eginecering lieavcitterii li.bo re tis liii hat, tl 1 ivorksearitng on0tccr ceiii. nt. With inst ilJapan wiih inil an is rady i iettheil i ~ ity oftie \\'liein ith inict-easedcuiiitcal tcl ouleceairnidgs. eliiThe sitrs' isnoye icill tuiniover ofice andiireasuitry tobci dliit ii elctd ni iti nicc- rigit maicni. Sales and11shlicntwlonde114r lulledit1at11Site ictemit ackitwiirler. ihignit manaotgeeti. Write INagle witt ihesnit toliteml nnuI thin illrnoon l.c'tin-n- mid hIMcchiee neCompamny, Pt. TheI lxiii cinuiptfillcws:nSasin it ,ccult, IKansast. c68-T77 KIn. ci ?hi i I itt itli i xiii tin i ml I ll'citnti lie mci nciioi)iworkln d linicnI If tl ititticfit \lc i iii l, utin cutomnkitkichnen-cc offrtoer u nit ion'se ),Sing ic Ito cnd o choo'iilIyearn. Atitln cit ie 11C11I1 SN SIaNIi.1ON Ricc cIi clicc'. i73-4 utile 1-iicley drov ie tinstpuiln tirnnitgi aioi( andulstrite'n t rill in ste-n itinaf- lI'anitedl i or'tine sut er a nc r l 'inii'nte' cl 1crneinciitIc 1111 ihieen in the eslienof snit h ecrivte oitsrci'nty.iln ni't'i'l cin fer thne tinalitgctee' ieglarwa if dlesireid. Addiressco '' I icji'teN in tis leaece111tuiIce Iful lteingthiof il i fIty 73-ilT() \iverincensinill Ii valbli d In.\ LOST. Campl is Iin pori pyslace iliW _______________________________eichen Verhieyiein'rnith il~mltlee let- clnen-Sticilcinnight. iinderi ple'e an d cnle' 'tecemiig endl.ITle'siclil e ti n oI 14ti I.\een". lRetari. 172-3 (ne licntepfolloiws:Idilt i1t, itrin iii ii llIf,'liunsn enfni litce'tl c Ait.lci21),i [~nit-hI t.res >/iil ale'icii e in. elitd- I trent c c, Xif~ilittciii bt l e ncit'l eii p. cr ptleacse' retutrolii1/1 i l tells. ie' ,lien aft enooinscnitiet cwiltt artcnat all 41/4 Tn 17344;03tocloc. iiss in ill tee ;in MISCELLANEOUS cns W~e metiereceinnistickosennuiwen ~irs iNhtlti is'i nxclleu eII ill colors ndati flcvsr, ticorider. W -II itilci ' ncl ii. TO lNit iRB. 'i igriicticnne di E. IWilliam iSt. rtre toAn\bryseda I' i64 Itf cI>npnneitdst ie\nnirl' 5n to'ti5ne _____________________ cnthe muimIle n.Ipeac ince oilt Receptliontwafers, stittale for nnarmti lcie mlliecI t Ieo ri-ill ini ilto iT cvi ei ws-ather, 25 cents a pounld. Krtishnes,atiin 617 E.. WitlamtsSt. 164 if a ly,-- -- -iWiueiiiotiieng tin h t: maelial nnis We make altltoir candiies. Krttspe',ec in meltingtun catir es. TKrusple's, 615t 6i; E. William tiSi 1I':.telliamSt. i64i 4If t tii Ii S'pritec tyk ho(io s san re now ready for your i pctot Tnmd Block, Button and [.aceitor Me'-7e el i-r i 7330to $5.00 (je ti ' Ii ne rus-ystemsoand snotice the 'miii tin ' c 1 z icn te ard N-idth. SP - od CAP45 HAT~~t ~< HATS _^k^KCCAPS H AINM"HATS Get: >oS ingsuit WA ~ - ; OMPAINY I 5 auI/o S Lain Street FARMONNARIF 97RAAWAW HAU tl SHIRTS FOR li EATHER U ULI\=/UUUL/UUUuUV1,-11" J U Liu 1 LFUU Uu uu uUc With soft o nsoft cuffs Ex. iVC P Ita rife - -_________ The University Music House Has the Latest in Operatic and. Popular Music Exclusive Agency for Gibson Mandolins and Guitars Lyndon's : Price SchoolEn aal Jxztme 1tY Over 2000 saimple prints. Represntiig oue orc This is 055 opportuinity to fill your scrap ItokIs.P I also give a special rote of$.oti woerthlif iFct "M" Books nitil the last 5o are closed ut. edue - Bannes and Pennants reduced Ifictmtuthle the news-2a for 25c- Postal Cards ? All new ill I cardst that have been on teemarket for the to -i'I tI p ips-t itre takent this year- story I tler than anyihting elue. 1refllir ortders. Special price on h(ereti prices. Have yon seen ci hdl e tiredef'cclelilaedlcheap ,itdl111 . 20 for 25e. Mibciaidlsans Leading 'Photogr-apher AsnesArbor NCR la, I, .Portrai"t .&Udo-trnSre